System: enhancements

including drivers without a specific section

1MBFort 1.0
Wednesday, 29 March, 1995

This utility solves the "not enough memory" message of Windows programs due to the lack of low memory below 1MB. Source code included.

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3D Launch Pad 20240602
Thursday, 10 September, 2020

Launch Pad is a WPS objects launcher for PMShell with support for PNG icons.

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4OS2 Command processor 3.11.0
Thursday, 15 April, 2010

A free release of the 4OS2 command processor. This software is not supported by JP Software in any manner, neither is it officially supported by SciTech Software. For informal support see readme.1st file.

...Read more
Wednesday, 25 February, 1998

This program will allow you to shorten all the filenames in a directory to the pattern that your DOS programs will need in order to see them, the 8.3 notation. To use the program simply open an OS/2 window go to the directory containing...

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32bit Linux ext2 file system driver (EXT2 IFS) 2.40
Thursday, 1 January, 1998

This is an old driver for the Linux ext2 file system taken from kernels 2.0.x.

For read recent ext2 file system (distribuited with kernels >=2.2) you need to format the partition with the spare_block option turned off (-O none...

Read more
Thursday, 2 April, 1998

Save/Extract files with invalid names. With use of 83 you can extract files like "". Source code available.

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ABOVE512 0.01d
Tuesday, 20 January, 2004

ABOVE512.exe marks pure 32bit code and/or data objects of existing LX format DLL modules as 'loading above 512MB'. This new feature only works well on kernel revision 14.097d or later. Source code included...

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ACPIThrottle 01022009
Sunday, 1 February, 2009

ACPIThrottle make user of throttling to reduce power usage and heat creation on systems running ACPI.

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Activate 1.6
Wednesday, 31 August, 2011

ACTIVATE is a command line utility for batch files to change windows to and from an active state. Very useful for easily managing a control script process.

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AdmiN for WarpServer 1.1.0
Sunday, 26 January, 1997

AdmiN 32Bits for WarpServer is a high-level network manager for all-days utilization. Easy to use, user friendly, everybody can be a network administrator! English and French texts.

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Al's Rexx Utilities
Sunday, 15 April, 2007
  • DriveDir: List contents of a drive/subdirectory chain matching dates, etc. Recognizes the .LONGNAME extended attribute for display purposes. Package also includes "Treed.cmd" to...
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AMD K6, K6-2, K6-III OS/2 driver 1.11
Monday, 26 July, 1999

AMD K6, K6-2, K6-III OS/2 driver enable the AMD K6-xx cpu's "write-allocate" feature according to the amount of main memory installed.

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ANPM (Arca Noae Package Manager)
Saturday, 12 December, 2015

The Arca Noae Package Manager is a graphical interface to easily install, remove, and update software on any OS/2-based system. It is released under GPLv3 and is freely available for everyone.

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Apache CTL 2.0
Friday, 5 May, 2006

Apachectl is a Rexx script to control Apache web server.

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Apache Portable Runtime 1.4.5
Friday, 2 March, 2012

The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to create and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. The...

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APM/2 (Advanced Power Management for OS/2) 1.40
Friday, 3 August, 2001

APM/2 allows you to put your workstation into APM standby, suspend or power off mode under OS/2 Warp 4. APM/2 also allows you to schedule a automatic power on, if APM level 1.2+ is detected. APM requests can...

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APM/ACPI presence check 20050919
Thursday, 19 May, 2005

Two simple programs to check the presence of ACPI or APM. Source code included.

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APMBIOS 20050901
Thursday, 1 September, 2005

Supply modified APM BIOS code to bypass BIOS code using F000 selector in protected mode. example: GigaByte K8NSC939, Tyan Trinity S1598. Source code available.

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APM_UHR 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

APM-UHR corrects slowed PC-clocks on PC with power managment. Source code available.

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ArcaOS Bootable USB Stick Image 20180821
Tuesday, 21 August, 2018

This package follows onto the included USB stick creation utility shipped with ArcaOS 5.0.2, allowing you to create a bootable USB ArcaOS  installation stick without a...

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Ash (Almquist Shell) 0.0.1
Wednesday, 21 April, 1999

Ash is a small shell which resembles the System V 'sh'. Its power resides in its size and its compatibility. It's about 77k.

Almquist shell (also known as...

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Association Editor 2.1.2
Monday, 25 March, 2013

Association Editor allows you to inspect or modify associations set for file- and typefilters. You can add new associations, remove old ones and change defaultsassociations. Also, you can  add new filetypes...

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ATSHELL (Alex Taylor SHELL) 0.5
Saturday, 9 December, 2006

The AT Desktop Shell (ATSHELL) is a simple RUNWORKPLACE replacement.  It allows an arbitrary executable to be run as the desktop program (in place of the Workplace Shell).

When this program exits, the ATSHELL dialog (re)appears...

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Audio Recorder and Replayer for OS/2 22072019
Monday, 22 July, 2019
  • Audio Recorder for OS/2: Test application records pcm audio into the test.wav file. It may be interrupted by hitting the Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C keys.
  • Audio Replayer for OS/2...
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AUTODET 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

Detects witch program will started in this OS/2 DOS session, useful to load only needed drivers in AUTOEXEC.BAT. Source code available.

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Autonic 20011213
Thursday, 13 December, 2001

Autinic detects at boot time the PCI card and autoload it's driver. Includes source code.

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B.EXE dir command 1.32
Saturday, 26 November, 1994

B.EXE dir command is a 32 bit OS/2 DIR replacement 32 bit command line program. Replaces OS/2's DIR command. Supports file highlighting by extensions, recursive directory searches, changing of file order. Can change what information is...

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Baker's Dozen DOS and OS/2 Programs 1.0
Sunday, 6 April, 2008

A set of command line utilities for OS/2 and DOS. AdjText.exe, delay.exe, fcreate.exe, lf.exe, makestr.exe, nf.exe, sort.exe, tally.exe...

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Basqet 0.2.0
Sunday, 29 January, 2012

The idea is to use baskets to put, not eggs, but notes and ideas (text, pictures, HTML-links etc), as well as tagged data in list-form with filters etc. It shall be possible to use arrows to connect notes,...

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Battery Power 20200616
Thursday, 28 June, 2001

A XCenter widget to display the battery level.

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Beat Calculator for DSTswitch 1.00
Monday, 29 November, 1999

Beat Calculator is an AddOn for DSTswitch. That means it requires DSTswitch to be installed and running; Beat Calculator won't start if DSTswitch is not active. It is a Swatch Beat calculator for your time zone,...

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Black Hole Ver. 3.0
Monday, 4 December, 2000

Tool that will create a delete icon called blackhole on your desktop. You can send any object you don't like to the other side of the desktop's universe. Just drop it on the Black Hole and it will disappear...

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BLINKX 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

Remove blink and gain bright background colours. Source code available.

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BS_Info (Info-Tool) 2.3
Tuesday, 13 August, 2019

BS_Info shows information about your system and can start various configuration programs.

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BuildSOM 1.0
Tuesday, 27 October, 1992

BuildSOM is a REXX program that will create OS/2 WPS objects. Currently, the program supports only program and folder objects. To build your WPS objects, create a file that contains the definitions for the objects and run BuildSOM...

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ca-certificates 2021.2.50
Monday, 9 January, 2012

This package contains the set of CA certificates chosen by the Mozilla Foundation for use with the Internet PKI.

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Cable 1.1
Tuesday, 5 October, 2010

Cable is a small wrapper written taking portions of code from GenMac utilities samples and from XWP. It has been written to allow automatic start of...

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CAD Commander for OS/2 Warp 1.5
Thursday, 18 July, 1996

CAD Commander takes control of the boot services of an OS/2 Warp** system. It prevents accidental rebooting of OS/2 from within any type of OS/2, DOS, or Windows*** session. In addition, it also allows "rebooting" of the Workplace Shell...

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Cadh - CAD Popup menu 1.31.1
Thursday, 19 June, 2003

Cadh is a program to capture the Control - Alt - Delete key combination and display a full screen text window with a menu of several options instead of the normal OS/2 action of forcing the file systems to close and reboot the system....

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Cairo 1.12.18
Monday, 20 June, 2016

Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices, designed to produce consistent output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available.

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Saturday, 20 July, 2019

OS/2 CMD.EXE utility to call DOS.

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Calmira 5.0
Tuesday, 10 August, 1999

Windows 95 style shell for Windows 3.1.

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Cawf 4.10
Wednesday, 8 March, 2006

Cawf provides "a usable subset of raw nroff capabilities". Unlike groff, it is small and easy to install/use. It is also highly portable. Archive includes OS/2 executables and full source code.

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CBEnable 20050713
Wednesday, 13 July, 2005

This driver let your enable any CardBus cards, since some BIOS does not recognize all of them, i.e. the NEC USB 2.0. Source code available.

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CD Boot/2 2.00
Tuesday, 28 May, 2002

CD Boot/2 is a utility to enhance bootable OS/2 CD-ROMs so that when  the CD-ROM is inserted into the drive, a menu is displayed immediately  after BIOS has started booting from it. From that menu, the user...

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Central Remote Control (CRC) 20081216
Thursday, 8 June, 2006

Central Remote Control gathers events from TV remote controls, notebook buttons, USB-keyboard multimedia buttons and translates them to commands for multimedia applications.

So, if you have a Notebook, you can, for...

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Saturday, 29 June, 2002

Multiple resource serialization for REXX programs. Source code included.

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Change Browser for WPUrl WPS objects
Monday, 22 April, 2019

Skeleton Rexx sample app to change the default browser and working directory of new WPUrl WPS objects (by using SysIni, instead of creating some WPUrl object in WP_NOWHERE or updating an existing WPUtrl object).

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Character Map/2 2.0.5
Friday, 18 October, 2013

You can use Character Map/2 to insert in documents extended characters not found on most keyboards. These include special characters provided in symbol fonts. Source code available.

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Check SFV (Simple File Verification) 1.3.15
Wednesday, 1 May, 2019

Some files that you download will come with a .sfv file. This is used to verify that the files that you received are the same as the originals. CKSFV is a program that can use the .sfv file to verify the downloaded files....

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CheckiniPM 1.0
Tuesday, 28 May, 2002

Presentation Manager interface to Henk Kelder's checkini.exe, a WPTools component.

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Checkout 1.0
Saturday, 23 March, 2013

Some schedule backup related command line utilities for OS/2. Binaries and source code included. Public Domain.

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Sunday, 2 June, 1996

CHK4DLLS.EXE is a tool to verify the DLL dependencies used by a .EXE or a .DLL file.

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CleanINI 0.55
Thursday, 15 February, 2001

This Tool does delete all Handles in the os2sys.ini by any objects to not be used.

WARNING: The features...

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CleaniniPM 1.0
Tuesday, 28 May, 2002

Presentation Manager interface to Carsten Arnold's Cleanini.exe.

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Clear TMP directory 1.1
Monday, 1 February, 1999

ClearTMP is a tool for cleaning temporary directories with sub-dirs on a system startup. Source code included.

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Clip 0.1
Friday, 10 October, 2014

Clip, a command line clipboard handler. Source code included.

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Clipboard History 2 1.0.1
Thursday, 9 February, 2012

Cliphist2 is an application to show the history of the text content of the clipboard and to select old entries again.

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Clipboard Utilities
Friday, 1 November, 2002

Four programs for manipulating the OS/2 PM Clipboard.

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ClipServ (TCP/IP server for system clipboard) 1.00
Tuesday, 24 August, 1993

ClipServ.exe is a PM program that acts as an OS/2 tcp/ip server for the  system clipboard. A remote client can request the text (CF_TEXT)  contents of the clipboard from the system ClipServ.exe runs on.

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ClipView 3.6
Wednesday, 12 July, 2017

ClipView is a suite of utility programs for clipboard viewing, setting and printing under OS/2 Warp.

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ClipWiz 0.1 Preview
Saturday, 24 December, 2011

This clipboard tool allows you to browse previous clipboard contents (history with time stamp), manipulate the clipboard using REXX, and more.

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Clone Killer 19980523
Saturday, 23 May, 1998

Clone Killer is a freeware duplicate file finder with DB. Source code included.


  • Freeware under the GPL
  • comes with source,...
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Tuesday, 28 August, 2001

This program contains OS/2 WPS replacement WPFolder/WPDisk classes which give the ability to start command line sessions from any folder/disk with the current directory set to that folder/disk. It also gives...

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Config Tool 1.3.0
Thursday, 1 January, 2004

ConfigTool is CONFIG.SYS editor with searchable database which explains the entries, sort and checking routines, boot/recovery options and suggestions for optimization. A tool to compare different CONFIG.SYS...

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ConfigEdit/2 1.8
Wednesday, 28 March, 2001

This tool will help you manage multiple config.sys files, and also help you manage different commands and multiple options. It will then auto-generate the final config for you. It can manage OS/2's Recovery Choices and also use the...

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ConfigSysCheck 2.02
Wednesday, 1 May, 2019

Checks a CONFIG.SYS file for errors. This is a work in progress. New checks will be added as they are needed. Some checks may not be exactly correct but should give you an idea when things are not as they should be.

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Configure Internet Applications 1.2.0
Thursday, 13 June, 2019

This utility sets default internet application paths in the OS/2 INI file. You can, for example, define default browser for Thunderbird mail client, or default mail client for Firefox browser...

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Console 0.1.0
Monday, 29 September, 1997

Console allows you to define the default size, position, font size, borders and much more for a VIO window (OS/2 and DOS) running a program.

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CopyQ 1.6.1
Sunday, 3 February, 2013

CopyQ is clipboard manager with searchable and editable history. Application developed using Qt4 compiler.

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Createrepo 0.17.3
Sunday, 11 November, 2018

This program generates a repodata dir and xml files for a repository of rpm packages. This repository is compatible with apt/yum/smart/yast and many other package-repository-related tools.

run createrepo -h for...

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Cron/2 1.41
Thursday, 14 July, 2016

UNIX cron clone. Cron/2 is able to communicate with Syslogd/2.

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CronRGF and CronEdit 2.0.8
Monday, 23 June, 1997

CronRGF.cmd is a REXX tool modelled after the cron utility of Unix and it allows you to specify in a control file (crontab) at which times and dates a command should be executed repeatedly.

CronEdit.exe is a PM tool that allows...

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Crypt/2 1.0
Sunday, 23 January, 2000

This is a Solitaire-type encryption, but not THE solitaire,  since it doesn't only encode characters, but the whole ascii  range. With other words it can encrypt binary files. Source code included.

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CUBE (Config Update/Batch Editing) 3.30
Sunday, 28 August, 2011

Batch update of CONFIG.SYS-like, .INI files and WorkPlaceShell class. CUBE modifies a Target ASCII file, given a set of commands in a Procedure file.

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CustEPM (Customized version of EPM) 30032005
Wednesday, 30 March, 2005

CustEPM adds an Actions menu to EPM, in a way that makes it easy for  users to incorporate into their own EPM setup.  It is a customized  version of EPM that users who don't want to recompile the macros can...

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Daniela's Texas Instruments Cardbus Driver
Friday, 16 April, 2004

Socket Services Driver for TI cardbus chips. Based on the IBM2SS14 v3.0/1.01.00 driver. Supports several PCI1xxx, PCI44** and PCI45** chipsets

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Dash (Debian Almquist Shell )
Monday, 3 September, 2018

Dash is a POSIX-compliant implementation of the Bourne shell (sh) that aims to be as small as possible. It does this without sacrificing speed where possible. In fact, it is...

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Data Transport Agent (DTA)
Thursday, 22 May, 2003

This is a beta release of the new Data Transport Agent (DTA) for eComStation. It is meant to improve the ability to handle datastreams in eCS, DOS and Win-OS/2 sessions. In addition it will enable virtual...

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DB2/2 Utilities
Wednesday, 28 February, 2001

This package contains a collection of utilities for use with DB2/2.

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DDIcon 1.0
Tuesday, 14 December, 1999

A replacement class for WPIcon, which makes it possible to change the icon of one or more objects, by dropping them on an icon object. source code included.

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Deadman 0.7
Tuesday, 5 December, 2017

DEADMAN attemps to detect when a system is not operating properly and to reboot the system when this occurs.

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Debug Breakpoint (Driver) 0.01
Sunday, 15 July, 2012

Executes an int 3 to get kernel debugger control.

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Debug Helper (Driver) 1.01
Monday, 10 October, 2016

Can be used with a DEVICE= or a BASEDEV= statement in your CONFIG.SYS to perform useful functions to help debug a system.

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DELAY (OS/2 startup delay device driver) 1.2
Friday, 21 October, 2016

DELAY is a simple OS/2 device driver for providing a timed delay from CONFIG.SYS during system startup. It is useful in situations where several machines are being brought up at the same time, but some must not proceed past a certain...

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DeRegistered 0.4
Tuesday, 1 October, 2013

DeRegistered is a program to deregister WPS Classes, after software removing or simply for system maintenance. Use it carefully!

On 30/09/2013, the author, Jens Glathe, has released DeRegistered 0.4 as Open...

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DeskMan/2 2.0
Wednesday, 28 October, 1998

DeskMan/2 is unmatched in its ability to fully maximize the multitasking power and versatility of OS/2!

Incorporating the "DeskMan/2 Workplace Shell Manager", the powerful "VUEMan/2" virtual...

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Desktop Object Tool 0.4
Friday, 14 March, 2014

A simple tool to save the desktop settings (or other folders), usefull for backups.

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Device Driver Pack 3 (XR_D003) 14070
Thursday, 1 August, 2002

Drivers update for:

  • OS/2 Warp 4;
  • WSOD Rel 2;
  • WSeB UNI and SMP;
  • CP1 and CP2.
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Device Manager 1.02.01
Tuesday, 23 October, 2018

A detailed and advanced new device manager!

eCo Essentials subsrcription required.

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Sunday, 2 May, 2004

OS/2 server and client library to provide  device IOCtl capability for co-operating  applications across a TCP/IP network.

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DF (OS/2 disk usage display utility) 1.2
Friday, 21 October, 2016

DF displays statistics on disk volume usage. It is similar to one of the UNIX programs of the same name.

The package include the following:

  • The DF.EXE executable program
  • The associated README.TXT file
  • ...
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Dialog Enhancer 3.00b
Tuesday, 23 October, 2001

Dialog Enhancer improves the look of the OS/2 desktop by modifying the dialog files held within the system. The aesthetic look and operation of the dialogs can be changed. Components that Dialog Enhancer can update are:

  • ...
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Digitizer Support for OS/2
Wednesday, 12 September, 2018

Provides tools to ease the development and integration of digitizer and touch  screen solutions into the system.

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DIVE (Direct Interface to Video Extensions)
Wednesday, 20 December, 1995

DIVE is a DLL that provides optimized blitting performance for motion video subsystems and applications that perform rapid screen updates in the OS/2 PM and full-screen environments. Using DIVE functions, applications can either write...

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Dmidecode for OS/2 3.4
Monday, 1 June, 2015

Dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard.

This information typically includes system manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS version,...

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DMT - eComStation Desktop Maintenance Tool 0.90
Thursday, 31 May, 2012

DMT checks and corrects errors in the INI files that might prevent the WPS from operating properly, and can restore these files from backups if needed.

It also cleans the INIs, removing entries that refer to deleted files. It is...

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DO 2.09
Thursday, 13 November, 2003

DO.EXE is a set of very useful batch enhancements and command line utilities. This version replaces a handful of old freeware exe programs which stopped running properly due to integer overflow. DO.EXE also works if the...

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DosBeep Replacement Sample 2.0
Monday, 27 January, 1997

This is a source code sample for replacing the DosBeep and Dos16Beep functions to make it sound on the multimedia audio device instead of the PC speaker.

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DosBox Gui 4.9.5
Tuesday, 4 March, 2008

The main purpose of this program is to generate a rexx (cmd) file that starts dosbox with certain settings and runs a game / program, then create a desktop icon for it.

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Driver ACPI 3.23.17
Thursday, 23 June, 2005

Purpose of this driver is to provide ACPI interface:

  • It takes care about power saving (APM functionality)
  • it controls IRQ sharing
  • it enables...
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DSTswitch 1.80
Tuesday, 4 April, 2000

DSTswitch is a system utility that advances the time of your computer when daylight saving time becomes active or sets it back when standard time is active again. DSTswitch is a stand alone program, that means an Internet connection (i....

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dsync 0.31
Friday, 4 July, 2014

A tool to synchronize folder contents.
Special features: ftp & ftps, incremental remote synchronization without a direct connection, using a removable media.

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DTBACKUP (Simple desktop backup)
Monday, 31 December, 2001

This simple REXX script will create a recovery directory on the boot drive. Into this it will place ZIPped copies of the above files constituting the desktop. It will also include utilities which are useful...

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DumpFS 6.4
Wednesday, 28 August, 2002

Dump file system. Contains support for dumps greater than 2Gb.

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Friday, 14 February, 1997

DVORAKKB is a program that remaps the standard 101/102 keyboard (US layout only) to the ANSI standard Dvorak layout.  Remaps for all sessions including the Workplace Shell. The left and right hand Dvorak...

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Dynamic Icons
Wednesday, 20 February, 2008

Dynamic Icons, the new spin on Sunny Icons from eCo Software, specifically enhanced and built for ArcaOS, is now available as part of the Support & Maintenance...

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E0X 20020630
Sunday, 30 June, 2002

This program emulates floppy disks in floppy drives. It can load and save several formats from/to files (DOS). Source code available.

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EAclean (EA Cleaner Utility) 1.3
Saturday, 23 February, 2019

Displays and cleans EA litter from files.

Usage: eaclean [options] <filemask>


  • -c[n] : Clean EA litter
  • -d :...
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EAs,I do! 1.02
Wednesday, 1 April, 2009

EAs,I do! is a program to manage EA's file in VIO mode. Source code included.

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eCo Market 20160101
Friday, 1 January, 2016

eCo Market is a catalogue with popular software for eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp.

The idea is to provide a selected popular software repository like Linux distros.

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eCo Software runtime 20240708
Friday, 24 September, 2010

Runtime for the new generation of applications developed by eCo software.

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Ecofont Vera Sans regular 2.05r2
Saturday, 25 November, 2017's free Ecofont Vera Sans regular TrueType font, for printing purposes. Such a type of font saves ink or toner by using perforated characters. Available language groups are Latin1, Latin2 (CE),...

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eCSMT - eComStation Maintenance Tool
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011

The fixtool eCSMT package is intended to update an eCS installation with IBM Convenience Package updates (known as fixpacks), apply customized updates furnished by Serenity Systems, Inc, installed selected features, or backout updates...

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eCUPS 2.2.13
Thursday, 21 December, 2017

The eCUPS project is intended to create a seamless integration of CUPS into OS/2 base Operating Systems, to substitute the old and obsolete IBM...

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eMozPrint 1.85T
Tuesday, 3 July, 2012

This utility scans the desktop for PDF files created by Firefox, Thunderbird or Seamonkey, and prints the files automatically or offers a dialog to print them, using Ghostscript.

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Emulate Mouse Driver for OS/2 1.0
Friday, 22 May, 2015

Provides a device driver to send absolute mouse events into the OS/2 system. It has been specifically designed to ease the development and integration of   touch screen solutions into the OS...

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EMX Runtime 0.9d fix 4
Tuesday, 20 March, 2001

The runtimes for EMX 0.9d. Needed for many programs on Hobbes. Not required if you download the complete EMX development kit. Included in eComStation.

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Enchanced Joystick Driver 0.2
Sunday, 30 December, 2001

Enhanced joystick driver supported by SNES9x, Retrocade and SDLMAME.

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Enhanced SpeedStep (FREE) 10156
Tuesday, 1 June, 2004

Enhancement to support Pentium M/Centrino (Banias core). Warp 4 FixPak 15 (XR_M015) and Device Driver Pack 2 (XR_D002) or better (eCS, A/MCP, Aurora) required. Version 10.156 exists, but it requires an active IBM Software Choice...

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ENTPACK 15061998
Monday, 15 June, 1998

Generic EXE/COM decompressor package tools for DOS programs.

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EnvED (Edit environment strings) 1.10
Thursday, 9 December, 1993

ENVED - An Environment Editor

enved.cmd Invoke the OS/2 environment editor.

This is an OS/2 full screen or windowed...

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EPM TEX Front End for VTEX/2 5.4
Sunday, 25 July, 2004

The EPM TeX Front End is an additional module for the OS/2 `Enhanced Editor' (EPM). It turns the EPM into an integrated TeX environment, providing (La)TeXing, previewing, executing BibTeX, makeindex etc. from the EPM menu.

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EPM Tools and WPS Objects for emTeX 1.0a
Sunday, 31 December, 1995

This package contains files which support running emTeX from the Enhanced Editor 6.03 and from Workplace Shell.

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EPRINT - Enhanced PRINT for OS/2 0.5
Monday, 16 January, 2012

EPRINT is a command-line program designed as an improved or enhanced replacement for OS/2's built-in PRINT command.

The main enhancement (at present) is the ability to print a file directly to any defined printer port —...

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Thursday, 1 March, 2001

REXXTRY.CMD is a really useful program, allowing you to try out all sorts of REXX and providing the protection necessary. ERexxTry gives the basic version a better interface (thanks to Albert Crosby, author of CMDLine) and some useful...

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ES 19980424
Friday, 24 April, 1998

Link multiple EXE-files. Source code available.

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Tuesday, 1 August, 2000

Exceptq adds a comprehensive trap reporting facility to your app with just 5 lines of code. Reports include: the call stack, disassembly of the faulting instructions, a stack dump, a listing of dlls loaded,...

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Extended Desktop 1.4
Wednesday, 23 June, 1993

EXTDESK is a WPS Class DLL for the "ExtendedDesktop" object class, which is a subclass of the "WPDesktop" object class. Its purpose is to extend the functions of the OS/2 2.x Desktop object.

...Read more
F4_35_CA 01121999
Wednesday, 1 December, 1999

F4_35_CA release CPU-time under OS/2 DOS session. Source code available.

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FB_MENU 19980805
Wednesday, 5 August, 1998

Fast reboot, for use with URAM. Source code available.

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Feature Install 1.2.5
Monday, 16 August, 1999

IBM OS/2 Feature Install Version 1.2.5 is a browser-based installation utility that is used to install some IBM Software Choice features.

Feature Install Version 1.2.5...

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ffmpegHigh & ffmpegH 0.9.2 & 0.8.2
Monday, 27 April, 2009

This rexx is only usefull to load dll already set to be above 512MB line loaded using above512.exe or highmem.exe (to prevent lost of shared high storage as it is for firefox...). Loading below 512MB line has...

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File (libmagic) 5.30
Wednesday, 5 April, 2017

File is an implementation of the UNIX File command. It knows the "magic number" of several thousands of file types.

"Magic numbers" are used basically in UNIX environments...

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Find Duplicate Files 1.01
Wednesday, 15 May, 1996

Find duplicate files on your disks, allow mask/date/size compare.

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Find Files Utility 1.2
Tuesday, 16 April, 2019

Wildcard filename search withing a directory or a set of directories. Optionally you may specify a string to search for inside the files.

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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Brazil 14.062
Monday, 29 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Canada - French 14.062
Wednesday, 17 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - France 14.062
Friday, 16 February, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Germany 14.062
Tuesday, 23 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Italy 14.062
Wednesday, 17 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Japan 14.062
Thursday, 4 October, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - Spain 14.062
Wednesday, 17 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Fixpak 15 (XR_M015) - United States
Wednesday, 31 January, 2001

Fixpak 15 for OS/2 Warp 4.

Bring the system to OS/2 Warp server for eBusiness service level!


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Uno Fixpak for eComStation 20151225 (Fixpak #4)
Friday, 25 December, 2015

Fixpak for eComStation Operating System includes a set of dedicated cumulative updates (Base OS, Must-Have and Data) into one single package.

Supported systems:

  • Blue Lion 1.0 beta
  • ...
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FixPak Installation Utility 2.11
Wednesday, 29 December, 1999

FixPak Installation Utility has been developed to easily install OS/2 System FixPaks. This program allows you to install FixPaks directly from hard disk or CD-ROM, removable or not and also to distribute...

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FM/2 Utilities
Tuesday, 9 June, 1998

Bunch of free utils (including HPFS defrag) text mode only. This is a collection of utilities that may prove useful in conjunction  with FM/2 (File Manager/2), or even without it...

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Tuesday, 16 December, 1997

FMOS2 (FILEMAN) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing files/directories on one or more drives simultaneously.


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Font rendering configuration applet (FT2GUI) 2.0-beta.3
Thursday, 18 February, 2010

A small utility to configure TrueType, FreeType/2, the InnoTek Font Engine and other font related options most of them not available otherwise.

Includes freetype.dll.

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FONT19 20040506
Thursday, 6 May, 2004

Changes OS/2 VGA textmode 80*25 from 9x16 to 9x20 or 9x19 font. Source code available.

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FONT20 19990809
Monday, 9 August, 1999

Changes VGA textmode 80*25 from 9x16 to 9x20 font useable for DOS and OS/2. Source code available.

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Fontconfig & Freetype 2.13.1 & 2.10.0
Monday, 5 August, 2019

A runtime and a developer package that combines Fontconfig and FreeType into one package in such a way that it should be easy to build a cairo-based Mozilla build. These libraries are used to better...

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FPos 0.80
Friday, 6 July, 2007

FPos sheds light on one of the largest and least understood os2.ini entries: PM_Workplace:FolderPos. FPos lets you review its contents - and delete most of it.

Cleaning it up will produce a smaller os2.ini that's less likely to...

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FreeType/2-IFI 2.0.0 beta 1
Thursday, 28 November, 2013

FreeType/2 is an OS/2 TrueType Font Driver DLL based on the FreeType engine to enhance OS/2 standard TT font rendering (port by different authors).

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FSLib 5
Thursday, 16 April, 2009

The FSLib is a library to be able to use fullscreen-switchable windows on OS/2. Source code included.

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Ftpdctl 0.1
Thursday, 12 November, 2009

Ftpdctl control for Moylan ftp server.

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Tuesday, 12 September, 1995

GAMESRVR is a full-screen support library for DIVE game applications.

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GammaTech REXX SuperSet/2 2.00.01
Tuesday, 25 February, 1997

GammaTech REXX SuperSet/2 are a set of external REXX functions and SOM classes for OS/2.

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GenINI (salvataggio e ripristino dei file INI) 2.0
Tuesday, 1 October, 2019

GenINI, a pair of programs to backup OS/2 INI files in human-readable form, and to restore an INI file from the human-readable form.

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Glib & Glib2 2.33.12
Tuesday, 27 April, 1999

GLib is a general-purpose utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a mainloop abstraction, and so on. It works on many UNIX-like...

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GNU Bash 5.0.11
Friday, 19 February, 2016

Port of the popular Unix shell, useful for programmers and development.

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GNU COREUtils 8.31
Wednesday, 22 February, 2017

The GNU coreutils port from UNIX. This package is the union of the GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages. Most of these programs have significant advantages over their UNIX counterparts,...

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GNU Cpio 2.13
Friday, 3 February, 2017

GNU cpio copies files between archives and directories.  It supports the following archive formats: old binary cpio, old portable cpio, SVR4 cpio with and without checksum, HP cpio, and various tar formats...

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Gnu Dip 0.4
Sunday, 1 May, 2005

A simple REXX script for register your address to GnuDIP DNS dynamic server.

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GNU Groff 1.21
Monday, 18 June, 2012

GNU Groff port, unix man page formatter.

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GNU Unifont glyphs 15.1.05
Sunday, 7 September, 2008

GNU Unifont glyphs version for OS/2. The Unicode version TrueType font files are GPLv2 licensed, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself constitute a violation of the GNU GPL. The WPI install script...

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GO! 1.5
Sunday, 1 January, 1995

This utility is able to show a list of running processes, show a list of threads, show a list of used semaphores, show a list of shared memory handles, show a list of loaded modules, show the module dependency tree, killing processes...

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GPUtils 1.2.0
Friday, 2 August, 2013

This is a distribution of GPutils for eComStation (OS/2), built from the original sources. GPUtils is a collection of development tools for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers. It's intended to be...

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Graham Utilities 2.1
Monday, 30 November, 1998

The Graham Utilities for OS/2 are the largest, most comprehensive suite of disk, file and general utilities specifically written for the OS/2 Operating System. The suite consists of 76 separate programs and...

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Group Folder 2.3f
Tuesday, 15 November, 1994

WPS Class to provide divided folder.

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Hardware Explorer 0.0.9
Thursday, 23 January, 2020

Hardware Explorer is an alternative to the native OS/2 Hardware Manager located in the "System Setup" folder. The main goal of this project is a more complete and accurate representation of the installed equipment. Different types of...

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HelpDesk for OS/2 1.01
Friday, 14 September, 2018

HelpDesk for OS/2 is a project of OS/2 VOICE. It provides a simple and secure remote control package that lets you view and modify a client's OS/2 system on demand using VNC...

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High performance FIFO buffer 0.13
Tuesday, 17 January, 2006

This utility is designed to buffer data during real time processing like on the fly audio encoding or tape backups. It is optimized for high throughput, fast and reliable response and low CPU load. The data is not copied around in...

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HighMem 1.0.3
Sunday, 6 April, 2014

A small utility that allows you to mark libraries so that they are loaded in "high memory".

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Friday, 16 June, 1995

Do X to all files fitting specification Y.

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HobLink X11 3.5
Monday, 26 April, 1999

HOBLink X11 is an integrated PC X Server package that turns your OS/2 PC into an X Window terminal. Included in eComstation.

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Hostinfo 2.2
Monday, 18 June, 2012

Hostinfo gets host informations for the system.

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Hunspell 1.7.0
Wednesday, 29 May, 2019

Hunspell is the spell checker of LibreOffice,, Mozilla Firefox 3 & Thunderbird, Google Chrome, and it is also used...

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IBM Hard Disk Drive Monitor 2.0
Friday, 1 November, 1996

The Hard Disk Drive Monitor uses Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) to monitor the status of physical drives in the computer.
A hard disk drive must be SMART-compatible for the Hard Disk Drive Monitor to be...

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IBM OS/2 Device Driver Development Kit 2004 Edition
Thursday, 7 October, 2004

IBM OS/2 Device Driver Development ToolKit. Passport Advantage with Software Maintenance subscription required.

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ICE 10022004
Tuesday, 10 February, 2004

Disable/enable internal cache for 486+.

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Icon Themes 2.2
Thursday, 6 July, 2006

Icon Themes is a program which allows the desktop icons used throughout the Workplace Shell to be changed, based on installable icon sets or 'themes'.  A number of themes are included, and various others are...

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Iconomize 0.81
Thursday, 12 July, 2007

This unique tool lets you eliminate the single largest source of bloat in os2.ini: duplicate icon data. If you haven't used it before, running Iconomize just once can reduce the size of your os2.ini anywhere...

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IconTool 1.92
Thursday, 11 February, 1999

ICONTOOL allows you to do the following things:

  • Change an objects icon by dropping an icon on it.
  • Change the name shown on the workplace shell without...
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ICU - International Components for Unicode 68.1
Monday, 14 March, 2016

Today's software market is a global one in which it is desirable to develop and maintain one application (single source/single binary) that supports a wide variety of languages. The...

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Sunday, 21 September, 2014

Driver to keep systems cooler by calling HLT (16-Bit).

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iHPFS 20000729
Saturday, 29 July, 2000

iHPFS makes it possible for OS/2 users to use their HPFS partitions when they boot plain DOS.  The HPFS partition is assigned a drive letter, and can be accessed like any DOS drive.  iHPFS is restricted to read-only access. It is also...

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INIData 1.1
Friday, 25 October, 2019

Dynamic linked libraries needed as prerequisites to some Peter Moylan's software.

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Monday, 16 September, 2002

A pair of VIO utilities which clean up the OS/2 system INI files. These remove annoying extra items from objects' Create Another menus, and cleanup the Startup folders.


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Sunday, 18 December, 1994

INISED is a command line utility that can read and write values to/from Windows-style profile  files (INI files). It is intended to automate the reconfiguring  of programs without the need to maintain multiple versions on INI  files....

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INIServe 3.1
Saturday, 31 August, 2019

A client-server approach to editing INI files, for situations where you have to manage a machine remotely.

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Innotek Font Engine 2.60 Beta 1
Tuesday, 1 February, 2005

The InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 is a port of the Freetype 2 font engine to the OS/2 Warp platform which provides a tight integration with the OS/2 graphics subsystem. It is designed to be able to replace the...

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InnoTek Runtime for OS/2 1.12 (Build 20)
Friday, 9 July, 2004

The InnoTek Runtime for OS/2 is a software runtime environment used by several InnoTek Products which are based on Win32 applications. The use of a common runtime as opposed to shipping...

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InProTrack 1.20
Monday, 10 December, 2001

PM frontend shows installed components (retrieved from syslevel program and other system config files) with Drag&Drop support, improved GUI, GTlevel support etc. Very fast. Freeware.

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INT6 20000822
Tuesday, 22 August, 2000

URAM monitor to terminate programs that execute invalid opcodes (DOS). Source code available.

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Intel CPU Temperature Xworkplace widget.
Wednesday, 20 May, 2015

XCenter/eCenter widget and command line utility to monitor Intel CPU temperature. This widget is an optional component of System Load.

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Intel P6/AMD K7 MTRR management IOCtl PDD 0.08a
Tuesday, 18 June, 2002

P6K7MTRR.sys is a simple interface physical device driver(PDD) that can manage Memory Type Range Registers(MTRRs) of Intel P6/AMD K7 series processors. Programmer can query/modify any MTRR settings via DosDevIOCtl() API, from non-Ring0...

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Internet Application Integration
Friday, 5 June, 2009

The Internet Application Integration package is designed to let you set up your web browser, email client, and other internet applications to work smoothly together. Integrated in eComStation.

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IO Server
Monday, 17 September, 2001

This program monitors two I/O pipes: \PIPE\IOSTDIN and \PIPE\IOSTDOUT. Data sent to \PIPE\IOSTDOUT is displayed in its output window, and strings entered in its window are sent to \PIPE\IOSTDIN. This can be used to access (for example)...

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Iomega ZIP Drive Driver 1.0.3
Friday, 18 January, 2002

IOMEGA Parallel Port-Attached ZIP Drive Support for OS/2.

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IP Spool 1.04
Friday, 9 January, 2009

IP Spool is a queue processor that manages the pipe between a printer and a network address. It is designed to drive modern networked printers using raw print data on port 9100. Most modern printers use this...

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IpQalc 1.1
Tuesday, 16 February, 2010

IpQalc is a small utility for IP address calculations including broadcast and network addresses as well as Cisco wildcard mask. Application developed using Qt4...

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Iris 0.3
Monday, 17 April, 2017

Rexx-script to backup your ArcaOS, eCS or OS/2 bootdrive. Use it from the desktop or with a scheduler.

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IRQ monitor 1.1
Friday, 1 June, 2001

A program to display use of hardware interrupts. It uses the SHOWIDT.SYS driver from Willibald Meyer, who kindly permitted to add it to the package.

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ISOren 1.1
Wednesday, 14 April, 2004

ISOren is an utility to rename files and directories to ISO level 2 or to DOS convention.

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Java Gui 1.8.1
Monday, 30 April, 2007

Frontend for Java, creates program object from different java versions.

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Java J2SE by Golden Code 1.4.1_07
Tuesday, 1 June, 2004

Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition release 1.4.1 for OS/2. A native port of Sun's HotSpot(TM) JVM technology to OS/2, the Golden Code JVM is a licensed and certified, Java Compatible(TM) environment for J2SE release 1.4.1. Now with...

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Java OpenJDK 1.6.0 b27
Thursday, 21 March, 2013

OpenJDK, open-source Java Developers Kit for OS/2 Warp.

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Java SDK and JRE by Innotek 1.4.2_09
Friday, 9 July, 2004

The InnoTek OS/2 for Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, now obsolete. For current versions please see Java OpenJDK. Note: version was never officially released.

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Interprete linea di comando JdeBP 32-bit 1.1.2 (API 1.0.3)
Tuesday, 29 December, 2009

A Pure 32-bit command interpreter that is a replacement for the 16-bit CMD that is supplied with IBM OS/2, allowing one to finally replace one of the 16-bit vestiges that remains in OS/2 Warp.

...Read more
JR-Misc-Tools 1.0
Saturday, 23 March, 2013

This package contains several miscellaneous tools for PM and command line. Source code and binaries included. Public Domain.

  • BEEPER - Command line tool.
  • CHECKER - Error scanning...
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Sunday, 6 May, 2012

A JavaScript shell based on the JavaScript engine from FF 10.04.

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JumpKey/2 2.3.0
Saturday, 15 June, 1996

JumpKey/2 lets you use a keyboard to jump to and  between OS/2 2.x and 3.x sessions. It also provides keyboard hotkeys to size windows, lockup and shutdown. Jumpini is a VIO tool to edit the...

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K Copy/2 0.3.0
Friday, 26 November, 1999

KCopy/2 supports file copying between VFAT and other partition, conserving long filename.

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K Movie Player File Selector 1.0
Wednesday, 14 May, 2008

Rexx front-end for K Movie Player.

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Kee16 12
Sunday, 12 April, 2015

A static thunking library to be able to use the 32-bit KEE API from a 16-bit device driver

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kLIBC / GCC Runtime Library 0.6.6
Monday, 15 July, 2019

Runtime libraries required for projects built with the new GCC compilers by Netlabs (a "runtime" is a set of low-level routines used by a compiler to invoke some of...

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klUsrMgr (kLIBC User management utility) 1.4.2
Friday, 19 July, 2019

The purpose of this utility is to manage kLIBC users and groups.

These files are found in %UNIXROOT%\etc and have the following names:

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KShell 0.8.1
Sunday, 5 February, 2012

KShell is a UNIX port replacement of VIO window. Enable DBCS Input/Output on VIO window on non-DBCS OS/2. Support scroll-back and clipboard.

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KVEC 3.19
Thursday, 30 December, 2004

KVEC is a tool which can vectorize images using several graphic formats: WMF Windows Metafile, Enhanced Metafile, AutoCad DXF, HPGL, ART, Postscript, Adobe Illustrator AI, SVG/SVGZ (Scalable Vector Graphics), SWF, DST, HTML.


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LAN Server Installation
Tuesday, 27 February, 2018

This program allow you to install LAN Server components, available on IBM OS/2 Warp Server for eBusiness (Aurora Convenience Package 4.51 and 4.52), on top of any version of ...

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Language Interface pack 2.4.6
Tuesday, 27 September, 2011

Language Interface pack changes the language of ArcaOS and eComStation user interface.

Current version contains resources for...

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Lateautocheck 0.1
Tuesday, 20 January, 2004

Speed up chkdsk runs after unexpected reboots. If you have more than one partition and especially more than one physical disk, this tool can significantly speed up the file system checks by executing them later and in parallel.

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LaunchHook Plus 1.9
Thursday, 8 August, 1996

Activate LaunchPad or TaskList by tapping pointer against top/bottom/left/right or corner of desktop. Disable double click on LaunchPad option. User can select one or multiple activation points. Run LAUNCHHK...

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LCSS (Logical Config.Sys Sort) 0.8.1
Wednesday, 7 November, 2018

Logical Config.Sys Sort analize your CONFIG.SYS file and sort it into logical sections.

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LDCOPY (OS/2 device driver for copying files) 1.1
Friday, 21 October, 2016

LDCOPY is a simple OS/2 driver for copying files while CONFIG.SYS is being processed. There are various reasons why you might want to do this; for example, copying different versions of a file into a known...

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LIB-gi (Generic Interface Runtime) 1.00
Sunday, 18 April, 1993

GI is a generic Interface between Games and Input Devices.

GI was designed to detach the task of getting and normalizing data from input devices from the task of programming a game.

...Read more
Libpipeline 1.4.1
Friday, 7 April, 2017

Libpipeline is a C library for setting up and running pipelines of processes, without needing to involve shell command-line parsing which is
often error-prone and insecure.  This alleviates programmers of the need to laboriously...

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Libreria runtime LIBC Next 0.1.12
Friday, 15 February, 2019

LIBC Next (or LIBCn, for short) is an attempt to provide an implementation of the C runtime library which is suitable for porting Unix and Linux applications to the OS/2 Operating System using the GCC compiler...

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LinearMemoryMap 0.1
Monday, 24 September, 2012

LinearMemoryMap write Theseus Linear Memory Map to timestamped file or stdout.

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LMicro 20050702
Tuesday, 5 July, 2005

Apply Intel P6+ and AMD K8 cpu microcode updates. Source code available.

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Monitor LMxx/Winbond W83782d 0.05
Sunday, 18 April, 2004

A simple temp/fan/voltage monitor for several mainboards.

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Tuesday, 27 January, 1998

LOCKDOWN.CMD is a simple REXX script to change folders and icons  with known objectid's to prevent deleting, copying, moving, renaming,
shadowing or changing of their settings. This would be particularly  useful for the LAN...

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LogView 1.12
Thursday, 1 May, 2003

A logfile and text file viewer program for OS/2 and eCS; it can trace files in realtime and is very quick.

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LogViewer/2 1.04
Thursday, 31 July, 2003

LogViewer/2 is powerfull program to view,analyze and manage logfiles locked or unlocked  as well normal text files in a PM 32bit interface.
Features full drag&drop and many more.

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LPR32 Port Driver 1.1
Monday, 20 April, 2009

LPR32 is a printer port driver for LPR (IP network) printing. It provides up to 64 LPR ports for printing to network printers that run the LPD protocol.

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Lsof (List Open Files)
Thursday, 4 February, 2010

Unix port of "List Open Files", which is used in many Unix-like systems to report a list of all open files and the processes that opened them.

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MaKe Boot Manager PARTition (MKBMPART) 1.10
Wednesday, 24 August, 1994

MKBMPART.EXE is a program for modifying the partition table and logical drive definitions on a target system and installing the OS/2 Boot Manager program without deleting an existing partition. In addition an option exists...

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Make Message File Utility (MKMSGF) 1.10
Tuesday, 29 July, 2008

Make Message File Utility clone and decompiler. Source code included.

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Monday, 3 December, 2018

Display Unix-style manual pages: Man−db is a package that is designed to provide users with online information in a fast and friendly manner while at the same time offering flexibility to the system administrator.

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ManyClip 3.3
Friday, 14 October, 1994

ManyClip provides OS/2 with multiple text clipboards. Non-text (ie, bitmap) clipboards are not affected; you will still have a single clipboard for each format.

From an applications point of view, the use of ManyClip is...

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MCHNCHK Base Device Driver Release 2
Sunday, 12 March, 2017

Base Device Driver to enable and handle machine check exceptions.

Machines check exceptions where introduced with the Pentium CPU. They are used to signal severe HW...

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MD5 (MD5 message digest utility) 2.0
Friday, 21 October, 2016

The MD5 utility takes as input a message of arbitrary length (e.g. the contents of a file) and produces as output a 128-bit 'fingerprint' or 'message digest' of the input. It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to...

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Megadesk (Desktop expander) 2.24
Thursday, 8 April, 1993

Megadesk is a virtual desktop overview which allows you to expand the area for your PM windows, creating many "rooms" in which to group running PM applications. A simple single-click interface takes you to...

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MEM (OS/2 memory size display utility) 1.0
Friday, 21 October, 2016

MEM is a small OS/2 utility that shows the amount of physical system memory that OS/2 thinks is installed. It is useful for checking possible BIOS mis-reporting of memory size due to different reporting conventions.

The package...

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MemDisk 20090107
Wednesday, 7 January, 2009

Memory emulated bootable hard disk. Source code available.

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MeShell (Martin's Editor Shell) 0.90
Sunday, 5 April, 2020

MeShell (Martin's Editor Shell) is a PM frontend editor  for the command interpreters cmd.exe and 4os2.exe. It is  a graphical PM program and does not substitute a full-...

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MGL Dualmode Library R6
Thursday, 1 August, 2002

The purpose of the Dualmode library is to allow developers to write applications which can switch between full screen graphics modes and windowed DIVE graphics. The Dualmode API is designed to make these transitions completely...

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Mkey 1.0
Friday, 29 December, 2017

Rexx DLL keyboard scan with time-out.

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Mksh (MirBSD™ Korn Shell) R59c
Saturday, 2 March, 2019

A DFSG-free and OSD-compliant (and OSI approved) successor to pdksh shell.

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MMPMMMIO utility 0.1
Sunday, 3 March, 2002

This utility allows you to view and modify the MMPMMMIO.INI entries. Let you Install and deinstall utility for MMPM/2 codecs and I/O procedures.

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Module Replacer 0.1
Wednesday, 13 January, 1999

Module Replacer for OS/2 is a text mode executable which unlocks running DLL and EXE files, optionally replacing them with a new file and saving a backup copy of the old file. ENGLISH.EXE and ITALIANO.EXE are the English and the Italian...

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Monitor for APC UPS (USB) 0.17
Friday, 29 April, 2005

The program is designed to track the state of the uninterruptible power supply series APC Back-UPS CS, Back-UPS ES, and Back-UPS RS, connected through the UPS attached to the USB-cable.

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Monitor Threads Utility 0.4
Wednesday, 7 May, 2014

The purpose of monitorthreads is to help identify which threads are consuming excessive CPU resources so that the issue can be remediated.
There are a number of tools that monitor CPU activity at the process level and there are...

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Monkey Log Viewer 1.1.0
Saturday, 28 May, 2011

Monkey Log Viewer is a viewer for log files that uses Qt4.

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MountTool 0.3
Friday, 20 November, 2020

A mount tool for OS/2 to manage volumes and hard disks.

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MouseSmart 1.2
Monday, 16 September, 2019

MouseSmart is a small but useful program that helps improve the way the mouse cursor moves within OS/2 and eComStation. The default mouse propertiesnotebook allows...

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Mozilla required dlls 1.0.3
Thursday, 30 July, 2015

Various DLLs required for newer Mozilla based builds. Updated for the release of Firefox 31.8ESR, SeaMonkey 2.21ESR, and Thunderbird 31.6ESR.

Not needed if you install dependencies using RPM.

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Mozturbo 1.0
Tuesday, 28 May, 2019

This package contains files to preload Mozilla DLLs programs (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey), based on mozturbo.exe that...

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Friday, 26 August, 1994

This is an implementation of the Unix Shell for MSDOS.  As far as possible it is compatible with the System V.4 program sh with ksh extension. Source code included.

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Tuesday, 27 November, 2007

NeoWPS is a set of useful extenders for eComStation!

NeoWPS includes:

  • Piano Launchpad, an evolution of the well know historical OS/2 Launchpad
  • Sunny Icons, new modern set of icons in png...
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Netlabs XMLTools 0.1
Sunday, 26 March, 2006

Netlabs XMLTools binary distribution. All libraries except REXXUNI.DLL require Libc 0.6.1 (not shipped). this package is intended for those users who do not plan to develop with the...

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Netscape Portable Runtime 4.23.0
Saturday, 28 November, 1998

NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization, normal  file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic...

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NetUtil 1.24
Monday, 2 February, 1998

NetUtil.DLL is a REXX function package which includes REXX functions that  simulate and enhance NET commands of IBM OS/2 LAN Server products. It also includes functions that can perform what NET commands do...

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Network Security Services 3.47.0
Thursday, 23 February, 2017

Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3...

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Network Time Protocol Client for OS/2 Warp 1.7
Monday, 12 July, 1993

OS2_NTPD is a 32-bit, multi-threaded, text mode, NTP client application that  runs in a Presentation Manager VIO text window or can be run detached.

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Friday, 2 March, 2001

Some programs produce output with double carriage returns before the newlines. When sent to the screen the output appears normal, but some programs interpret the extra CR as another blank line and double-spaces lines. This simple REXX...

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NVME Storage Driver 1.02
Wednesday, 7 April, 2021
The driver supports NVME hardware version 1.2 and later.
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NYAOS, Nihongo Yet Another OSes Shell 3.3.8_0
Monday, 6 May, 2013

NYAOS (NYACUS,NYADOS,NYAOS-II) is the enhanced commandline shell for Windows, DOS, OS/2.

  • Line editor like tcsh. On NYACUS,NYAOS-II, able to read/write clipboard
  • History like VZ-editor or tcsh-like
  • ...
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Object Desktop 2.0
Thursday, 17 June, 2004

Object Desktop for OS/2 is an advanced desktop environment. It uses IBM's System Object Model (SOM) and the Workplace Shell (WPS) to add features, power, ease of use,...

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Odin 0.9.0
Tuesday, 16 November, 1999

Odin is the name of the project and software that allows users to run Win32 (Windows 95 and Windows NT) applications in OS/2 Warp operating system natively, almost as if they were intended to be...

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Odin Gui
Monday, 26 March, 2007

This program makes it easy to create Odin (win32) objects.

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OLE2X 20040829
Sunday, 29 August, 2004

OLE2 stream unpacker (OS/2, DOS). Source code available.

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Online Software/2 1.2
Saturday, 15 December, 2018

The main purpose of the application is to:

  • Show you updated applications on the desktop without the need of a web browser
  • List updated and available applications with preview image and informative text
  • Let...
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ooRexx (open object Rexx) 5.0.0
Friday, 15 September, 2006

ooRexx for OS/2. ooRexx is the open source version of IBM's Object REXX Interpreter. It is upwardly compatible with classic REXX and will execute classic REXX programs unchanged. The project is managed by the Rexx Language Association...

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Open USB Stick 06082012
Monday, 6 August, 2012

Opens the drives folder automatically after insertion of the usb stick. The program USBWARN.EXE executes the accompanying USBWARN.CMD file automatically upon insertion of a usb stick into your system.

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OS/2 Essentials 2.0
Tuesday, 15 July, 1997

OS/2 Essentials was created to give OS/2 professionals the tools they most often need. It comes with several utilities that IS managers and end users alike will find useful.

OS/2 Essentials was designed to supply what Stardock...

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OS/2 Euro support Alpha
Saturday, 28 February, 1998

Win-OS/2 Euro Support.

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OS/2 Joystick Device Driver 2.0
Wednesday, 24 July, 2002

IBM OS/2 Joystick device driver.

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OS/2 Maintenance Tool 0.78
Saturday, 20 June, 2009

OS2MT can be used to easily find and install software on OS/2 or eCS. Imagine, with just 2 mouse clicks you can download the files needed and install FireFox, Thunderbird, OpenSSH, Samba, XFree86 and many

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OS/2 Trace Tools 20220828
Thursday, 29 March, 2018

This package includes two scripts (trcinit.cmd and trcctl.cmd) that  implement an interface to the OS/2 Trace Facility. These scripts are  designed to make it easier to capture the specific trace data needed...

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OS2CSM 20090107
Wednesday, 7 January, 2009

OS/2 Config.sys menu: paches OS/2 config.sys in memory to adjust settings like cache size,shell program,network support and other settings. Attached to OS2LDR, it installs a filter to the BIOS disk interface and modifies the loaded data...

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Tuesday, 21 May, 2002

OS2ENDIVE is a software package, which can be used to utilize motion video acceleration features of some videochips. It is a OS/2 GRADD driver and designed to work on the top of Scitech's Display Doctor universal videodriver. So,...

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os2trace helper
Tuesday, 12 March, 2019

This script is an helper for the OS/2 API Trace program. Enable batch mode and debug output.

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Thursday, 5 January, 2006

Set up Dave Blaschke's OS/2 trace environment.

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OtherDLLs 29062019
Saturday, 29 June, 2019

Unsupported utility to allow third-party FF/SM/TB-related DLLs to use high memory.

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PANEL (IBM PS/2 Model 95 information panel driver)
Friday, 21 October, 2016

PANEL is an OS/2 device driver that provides access to the eight character information panel provided on the IBM PS/2 Model 95 (8595 and 9595) systems.

The package includes:

  • The PANEL.SYS device driver
  • The...
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PartitionMagic 5.0
Wednesday, 10 November, 1999

A complete solution to manages hard disk partitions!

Due to the limited support and to manage also JFS partitions it is suggested to use DFSee instead.

This product, although not...

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The Pastry Box 1.05
Sunday, 18 December, 1994

This utility allows the user to load a file or the contents of the clipboard into a listbox and then select multiple noncontiguous lines to be pasted to the clipboard in one operation. It could also be used to make a subset of a list of...

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Pause Driver 13021993
Saturday, 13 February, 1993

This is a simple OS/2 "PAUSE" driver: Add in your config.sys the statement DEVICE=C:\OS2\PAUSE.SYS and the scrolling display during system boot-up will stop, allowing you to read driver loading messages. Multiple instances allowed....

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PC/DACS for OS/2 (Data Access Control System) 2.1
Sunday, 8 January, 1995

PC/DACS is a system utility that adds password protected access control to a computer. It support session timeout, usage time restrictions, boot protection, system drive encryption, and GUI tools for all administrative tasks.


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PCCOFF 20000723
Sunday, 23 July, 2000

PCCOFF removes power from all PCMCIA/Cardbus Cards. The BIOS of some notebooks does not initialize the cards and thus the drivers fail to recognize the cards after a warmstart. Source code available.

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PCI Dock 0.07.01b
Tuesday, 22 December, 2015

PCI Dock is aimed to configure eComStation PC. After installation of eComStation you always should check IRQ configuration and make some changes.

  • It shows the list of PCI devices
  • PCI Dock checks IRQ conflicts and...
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PCI Support for Parallel Port Device Driver 1.24
Tuesday, 4 March, 2014

Supports up to three PCI PPs in the Standard Parallel Port (SPP) mode. Includes support for recognizing high IRQs (above 15) in accordance with the ACPI standards.

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PCI Support for Serial Port Device Driver 1.21
Wednesday, 1 January, 2003

Supports a maximum of sixteen COM ports (1 to 16). FixPak 15 (XR_M015) or higher or eComstation is required.

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PCI+AGP bus sniffer & Ids2Devs 1.0.4 & 1.0.3
Friday, 16 June, 2000

This utility shows PCI, AGP and CardBus device informations, has huge database of known vendors and devices, can tell what IRQ are supported by which slot. Now, using the Ids2Devs utility, is possible to get...

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Friday, 7 September, 2012

PCICFGWR write to PCI configuration space. This tool allows you to place a BASEDEV statement into your CONFIG.SYS  that will write any value to any PCI configuration register for any  PCI adapter.

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Pdksh (Public domain Korn shell) 5.2.14 bin7
Monday, 23 January, 2017

A public domain clone of the Korn shell (ksh).

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Pdlzip 1.2
Sunday, 9 January, 2011

Pdlzip is a lossless file compressor based on the LZMA (Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm) algorithm designed by Igor Pavlov.

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PDumpCtl 0.18
Monday, 29 April, 2019

PDumpCtl is a wrapper for the OS/2 Process Dump Facility. It makes it easy to configure the Dump Facility for the typical situations.

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Pen and Touch for Asus EeeSlate
Friday, 19 October, 2012

Control eComStation with your finger or pen on an Asus EeeSlate.

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Pen and Touch for Samsung Slate7 20121010
Friday, 19 October, 2012

Control eComStation with your finger or pen on a Samsung Slate7.

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Pen and Touch for Thinkpad Yoga12 0.1
Saturday, 11 January, 2020

This program let you use pen or touch on Thinkpad Yoga12 laptops running ArcaOS.

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Petzi Tools 2.90
Sunday, 29 March, 1998

INI file Editor, SOM classes, CONFIG.SYS and more ....

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Friday, 11 October, 1991

PFM2AFM converts Windows ATM fonts that don't have an AFM (Font Metrics) file by producing the AFM, so that OS/2 can use the font. Source code included.

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Phoenix/2 (File Phoenix) 1.35
Wednesday, 31 May, 1995

File Phoenix will scan a selected drive and list all files which are (possibly) recoverable. You can then select one or more files and recover them to another drive.

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Platform specific driver for Warp4 kernel Release 7
Wednesday, 20 March, 2019

Platform specific driver (PSD) for Warp4 kernel (single core). OS/2 Warp 4.0 (single core) not for UNI or SMP kernels!

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PM Printer Manager 0.85
Saturday, 10 November, 2018

PM Printer Manager is a new graphical printer management tool designed to replace several older, separate programs by integrating their functions in one central tool. This includes creating standard OS/2 printers (local and LAN),...

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PMDir 1.3
Thursday, 29 July, 2010

Opens current CMD.EXE-directory in a WPS view, Dutch (PMDIR_NL.EXE) and English (PMDIR.EXE) version.

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PMDisk for OS/2 1.13
Thursday, 29 August, 2002

Pmdisk for OS/2 is a binary disk and file editor.

Program purpose:

  • This is a disk and file tool.
  • You...
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PMDLL 2.12
Wednesday, 23 August, 2017

PMDLL shows you DLL dependencies of OS/2 executables.

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PMFormat (by Alessandro Felice Cantatore) 26052002
Sunday, 26 May, 2002

PM interface for hard disk formatting. This is a replacement for the OS/2 PMFORMAT.EXE program which is part of eComStation.

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PMFormat (by Noller & Breining Software) 2.16
Thursday, 4 May, 2000

PMFormat is a diskette formatter, source code included.

Released as open source under the BSD 3 Clauses license on 14/12/2015 by Noller & Breining Software. Usersthank authors and Martin Iturbide for mediation!

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PMFormat (by WalkerWerks) 1.5
Tuesday, 25 February, 1992

Presentation Manager Interface for Format.

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PMKill 1.0
Monday, 30 January, 1995

PMkill is a simple utility program that allows Point and Shoot killing of processes from the OS/2 2.x desktop. When invoked it displays a 'kill' pointer which you can use to kill applications.

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PMShell class list utility 0.1b
Tuesday, 25 September, 2012

Utility to read and modify the PM shell class tree. Can remove dead classes where WinDeregisterObjectClass fails.


  • View a list of all object classes registered to the...
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PMVDesk 0.25
Friday, 6 March, 2020

PMVDesk is a Virtual Desktop utility for the OS/2 2.x Workplace Shell. When you start the program you will see a 9 button grid. Each button represents a screen (of your current videoadapter resolution). The current screen is marked with...

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PMVDMCC 20081102
Sunday, 2 November, 2008

This driver alters some procedures in OS2KRNL to map more memory areas than the original ones. This is useful to prevent hang or trap when booting using MemDisk on machines that are already memory contrained.

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Popt 1.18
Tuesday, 8 December, 2015

Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters.

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POSIX Pthreads 0.2.6
Tuesday, 19 January, 1999

This library provides basic POSIX Pthreads support for OS/2.

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PR1UTIL 1.6.5
Tuesday, 11 September, 2018

OS/2 REXX library of miscellaneous functions. PR1UTIL uses TCP/IP libraries and thus requires TCP/IP to be installed.

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Tuesday, 10 November, 1992

This is a simple program written in REXX which allows you to print a text file on a Postscript capable printer. The command format is:

PRINTPS <filename>


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Process Commander 1.0
Monday, 25 November, 1996

Process Commander is a set of programs that allow users to manage their tasks, reliably recover from "system hangs", administer systems remotely, and develop custom system management programs using Process Commander's command line...

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Process Viewer
Thursday, 26 February, 1998

A GUI process viewer and killer. Lots of info provided on each thread. Very nice!

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ProcMan - process manager beta 4
Thursday, 1 April, 2004

ProcMan is a process manager for eComStation.

This program should be started in PM and will not work if started as detached.  The easiest way is to place the application exefile somewhere (need not be in  the path) and create a...

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Tuesday, 10 November, 1992

Progref is a PM utility to quickly and easily generate Program reference objects from executables (ie typically exe, com, cmd and bat type files). Progref uses one dialog panel for most of the commonly used...

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Wednesday, 5 April, 2000

Save Program Objects, shadows, and other non-disk objects into real disk objects. Why back up an entire OS2.INI file when you can back up the few objects you want to keep as short .CMD files? Also useful for transferring abstract...

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Visualizzatore processi PSPM/2 1.19
Friday, 2 February, 2007

This program displays a graphical view on the OS/2 or eComStation process tree and is a clone of an already existing PSPM/2 utility of Seth Eilbott, included in the OS/2 Developers connection program package (DevCon).

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Monday, 29 May, 1995

Program that will report the configuration of your system. 3 programs are included:

  • QSYSTEM (OS/2)
  • QMC (bi-modal).
...Read more
Qlipshare 0.0.1
Thursday, 4 November, 2010

Qlipshare is a system tray application to synchronize clipboard contents between computers, for instance between host and guest(s) in the virtual machine. Application developed using...

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Qpdf 9.0.1
Friday, 26 February, 2016

QPDF is a program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files. It could have been called something like pdf-to-pdf. It also provides many useful capabilities to developers of PDF-producing software or for...

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QSINIT 13072024
Sunday, 22 January, 2012

QSINIT is a replacement of OS2LDR created from scratch.

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Qt4 Runtime Library
Saturday, 23 March, 2013

Runtime library required for projects built with the Qt framework. Starting from version 4.7.3, the default way to distribute and install this runtime is...

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Monday, 29 November, 1999

A REXX script to prepare OS/2 fixpacks for application from hard disk. Uses a disk image extraction tool which does a CRC validation on the diskette images before applying what could otherwise be junk from a bad download to your system...

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RamScope 2.1
Monday, 4 December, 1989

Absolute Physical Memory Viewer. Show any part of OS/2 memory. RamScope is a debugging tool written for the OS/2 Presentation Manager.

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Tuesday, 7 August, 2001

A simple text file viewer with bookmark facility. Stores bookmark data in an OS/2 .INI file, so most OS/2 INI editors should be able to view and edit it. To save a bookmark, press F2. To exit, press Esc.

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REB_MENU 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

Prevents reboot with loaded TaskMgr or overwritten system BIOS by URAM. Look also for the successor FB_MENU. Source code available.

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Recursive Folder Settings 1.0.0
Sunday, 14 January, 1996

Program to allow recursive setting of workplace shell settings for all sub-folders of a given folder.

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RENF.CMD 20000312
Sunday, 12 March, 2000

RENF.CMD renames a file using the date attributes to form a unique name using the 8.3 naming rule. The file extension is preserved.

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RepairSystemDumpFile 0.6
Thursday, 16 January, 2020

RepairSystemDumpFile is a tool that attempts to repair corrupted System Dump files.
Typical usage is RepairSystemDumpFile dumpfile where dumpfile is the name of the file to be repaired.

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Replace (locked) module 1.04
Monday, 27 July, 1998

Replace locked OS/2 modules (EXE, DLL). The program can also save a backup copy. Source code included.

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Reset MBR 2.0
Tuesday, 14 September, 2004

Provides a set of programs to backup/restore/wipeout the MBR of physical disks present in or attached to an OS/2 system. It has been specifically designed to enable the partitioning of USB memory sticks...

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Resources Translator 1.4.005
Friday, 13 December, 2002

Operating System/2 Resources Translator. Using for translate resource files, dialog files, XWorkPlace message files, ect. from english into different (e.g. russian) language. Powerful and very fast!

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Restart WPS
Friday, 12 November, 1999

Short REXX script to restart the WorkPlace Shell without rebooting the computer.

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REXX Reference Summary Handbook
Saturday, 4 January, 2014

REXX Reference Summary Handbook - 4th Edizione Ottobre 1997.

"Everything you wanted to know about managing WorkPlaceShell Object with Rexx, but didn't know where to look...

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Rexxmous - Rexx Mouse DLL
Wednesday, 18 November, 2009

Simple mouse DLL for REXX, with Virtual Pascal source: returns mouse position for clicks on text screens. Also provides a working example for any other REXX extension.

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RexxRE (Regular Expression Library) 1.0.1
Monday, 26 May, 2003

RexxRE provides a Rexx interface to POSIX regular expressions. There is an analog to each of the POSIX functions, and a `parse' function which provides functionality similar to the Rexx parse instruction.

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Thursday, 9 September, 1993

ROBOSAVE allows you to easily back up your OS/2 2.x Desktop and later  restore it to the same system.  You can also specify a limited number of  files to be saved/restored.  A simple text profile controls...

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RomImage 1.1
Monday, 4 September, 2017

Creates an image of the Video ROM.

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Rover Pack 2.70
Wednesday, 7 April, 1999

The Rover Pack includes a comprehensive collection of software tools and accessories. They are designed to work with each other and with OS/2's Workplace Shell to give you new ways to navigate and manage...

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RPM&YUM for OS/2 4.13.0 & 3.4.3
Friday, 18 November, 2011

Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. YUM is an automatic...

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Run! 0.80
Thursday, 4 June, 2009

RUN! can eliminate scripts and config.sys entries needed to start many programs - particularly those started as 'helper-apps' by other programs. It sets the current drive, directory, and BeginLibPath to the directory containing the .exe...

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RUN-OS/2 1.10
Wednesday, 24 November, 1993

This is a utility that allows OS/2 users to run OS/2 programs from a DOS session. This program has a "search" feature, in that;

  • the OS/2 program does NOT have to be in the path
  • the user does not have to type the ....
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RxCrypt (Rexx Crypt Library)
Wednesday, 5 September, 2018

Small dynamic library for REXX, containing function crypt (), which used on unix systems.

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RxExtras 1.G.0
Friday, 7 September, 2018

RxExtras is a set of functions to enhance OS/2's REXX programming language, and is accompanied by additional functions to be used by other PM Rexx-based software (VisPro/...

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Sunday, 4 August, 2002

This is a (growing) collection of miscellaneous REXX utility functions and code fragments. Some of them are coded in REXX others in C.

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Rxmous Release 2
Thursday, 23 May, 2019

Rxmous is a simple mouse DLL for REXX, with C source, to returns mouse position for clicks on text screens.

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RXU Library 1.a.0
Friday, 7 September, 2018

RXU v1.a, rich set of Rexx functions for OS/2 API!

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Rxunlock 20050707
Thursday, 7 July, 2005

Rexx libary functions: executable modules unlock, CRC32, MD5 with CDROM option, file compare, CPU detection, Pseudo-Random. Source code available.

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R_EADATA 19990621
Monday, 21 June, 1999

Utility to delete "EA DATA. SF" on FAT drives. Source code available.

usage: R_EADATA drive:

example: R_EADATA A:

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S3 Vision & Trio Series video drivers
Wednesday, 16 July, 1997

OS/2 graphics accelerator driver supporting the 86C864 chip set  from S3 Incorporated. This graphics accelerator drivers are compatible with OS/2 2.11, OS/2 Warp 3.0, OS/2 Warp 4.0 and OS/2 Warp Server for e...

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SAUBER 01011998
Thursday, 1 January, 1998

SAUBER is a program to clean free memory in OS/2 DOS session. Source code available.

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SCHNITT 20001209
Saturday, 9 December, 2000

With schnitt you can copy parts of a file. Source code available.

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Secure Workplace 4.72
Friday, 6 August, 1993

The Secure Workplace is a collection of objects designed to  protect against changes to the Desktop Setup. Date and time  encrypted passwords allow Help Desks to manage the user's  Desktop Setup.

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Security/2 0.4.5
Sunday, 27 May, 2007

Security/2 is a package that provides a user-based security for remote and for local users.

It means that you can restrict users to create, read, write, delete certain...

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Serverlog 1.1.6
Saturday, 7 April, 2012

ServerLog is a small application that sniffs the server/client communications between the other applications presented here when they are running in server mode. Program developed using...

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SETAMP 20000312
Sunday, 12 March, 2000

This program can switch the amplifier of the MiroSound PCM Pro  (Crystal CS4231,OPTI 82C929). It is compiled for both DOS and OS/2.  Source code available.

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SetPriority 1.05
Saturday, 1 April, 2017

This is a utility to start a program at a defined priority. It is also able to start a VDM (DOS-session) at a defined priority.
On 30/09/2013, the author, Jens Glathe, has released SetPriority as Open...

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Tuesday, 11 September, 2001

Drag a folder onto the icon and have all shadows in the folder replaced with copies. Great for remote access.

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ShiftRun 1.6
Friday, 18 November, 1994

ShiftRun is a utility that enables you to optionally run any OS/2 Full Screen program while OS/2 is booting.  When ShiftRun is started, it waits for the number of seconds that you specify and then checks to...

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ShowArgs 1.0
Monday, 6 September, 2010

ShowArgs displays all of the arguments passed to it and  optionally writes the same information to a log file. Options may also be specified in an environment variable processed first. The package also include the Rexx script version....

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Tuesday, 12 September, 2000

Ever had files that OS/2, for no apparent reason, refused to delete? Try this Super Shredder! This program deletes files/folders dropped onto it (like the OS/2 shredder), but with no confirmation and first ensuring that ReadOnly,...

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Sigma (ex SigmaMD5) 3.02
Saturday, 28 September, 2019

PM MD5 checksum gen & checker with large file support.

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Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0.18 & 1.2.15
Monday, 4 August, 2008

Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer. It is used by MPEG playback software, emulators...

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Simple Zipshell 2.1
Friday, 28 August, 1998

Simple Zipshell is the smallest program available to pack and unpack ZIP files (or ARJ) from the graphical desktop. Freeware. English, German language.

Simple Zipshell is...

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Simplified MAN 1.0
Friday, 10 March, 2006

Simplified MAN is a simplified 'man' utility (a command-line viewer for Unix-style manual pages). It emphasizes convenience and ease of use, rather than rigid adherence to working exactly like standard man.

Unlike most versions...

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SIO2K serial drivers 2.03
Monday, 17 March, 1997

SIO2K is a shareware communication drivers and utilities for OS/2 developed by Ray Gwinn. It is a Serial Input/Output (SIO) communications character device driver. Provides an interface between application programs and the serial...

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SmartBar 3.2
Thursday, 17 April, 2014

Utility for monitoring various system activities: ram, swapper file, open files, threads, running processes, TCP/Ip, fan rotation,CPU and motherboard temperatures (chipset W83781D or LM75/LM78), APM functionality, e-mail checker, hard-...

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So 0.10
Saturday, 11 September, 2010

Utility to get info about processes, kill them and to do other stuff (consider it as an enhanced GO! by Carsten Wimmer).

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SOCKD (OS/2 SOCKS server) 1.2
Friday, 21 October, 2016

This is a very simple SOCKS server for OS/2. It supports version 4 of the SOCKS protocol. This is the version supported directly by the OS/2 TCP/IP stack, so it is not necessary to use special 'socksified' clients.

You will also...

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Sound Scheme Editor 1.6
Tuesday, 1 April, 1997

Sound Scheme Editor allow the user to add/edit/delete OS/2 sound schemes and to also export easily a scheme between system installations.

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SPciIrq 20061022
Sunday, 22 October, 2006

SPCIIRQ can try to reassign a different IRQ to PCI devices on mainboard  and add-on cards in PCI slots. Source code available.

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Pacchetto spTim's Rexx Utility Preview Release 1
Monday, 13 April, 2015

Rexx extension library which provides functions to access the registry, PM API functions for manipulation window controls, and much more.

Documentation (pdf), example scripts and source code (C Language) are included. Many thanks...

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Stacker 4.0
Wednesday, 25 January, 1995

Stacker is a disks/partitions compression tool. Stacker supports FAT and HPFS filesystems and includes a special edition of Norton Speed Disk to defrag filesystems.

Double your storage with an eye to performance!


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StartDos 13101995
Friday, 13 October, 1995

StartDos is an OS/2 program to start virtual DOS mode (VDM) sessions under OS/2. The nature of DOS sessions under OS/2 is controlled by DOS settings strings. StartDos accepts these strings via a REXX command...

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StHWMon 0.18 build 729
Monday, 15 November, 2004

Health monitor for mainboards with W83781D/W83782D/VIA 82C686 chip. Now with a new feature to cool down an AMD Athlon or AMD Duron on a KT133 or KX133 board (experimental). Several widgets for eCenter-...

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STOP_LH 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

STOP_LH prevents loading parts of programs into upper memory (DOS). Source code available.

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STPOS2 (Subdirectory Tree manager Plus) 1.70a
Monday, 15 December, 1997

Subdirectory Tree manager Plus for OS/2 (STPOS2) is a subdirectory management program for an IBM PC compatible computer. It displays a picture of the subdirectory structure of a disk, and provides a variety...

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Strrpl (String replace) 0.84
Sunday, 8 October, 2017

Goes thru the specified files and replaces strings therein. This program was part of the XFolder source package. the first name of XWorkplace.

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Suntan Special 0.68
Monday, 10 September, 2018

Suntan Special, written in REXX, creates a well configured workstation or server by installing a sequence of fixes, drivers and applications to your OS/2, eComStation or ArcaOS computer. Suntan Special also...

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Super Virtual Disk (SVDisk) 1.20
Friday, 25 October, 2002

Super Virtual Disk (SVDisk) is a 32-bit OS/2 device driver that emulates either a removable Virtual Disk (VDisk) or a removable  Virtual Floppy (VFloppy) drive. By using OS/2's virtual memory  management...

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Switch Rexx
Tuesday, 11 March, 2008

This package contains ClassicRexx.cmd, ObjectRexx.cmd and ORexxG.cmd. ClassicRexx.cmd is a 4OS2 script that allows Classic REXX scripts to be run on a system that defaults to Object REXX, without the need to run SwitchRx and reboot....

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SyncDir 1.10
Thursday, 4 February, 2016

Syncronizes one directory to another based on the specified options.  The TargetDirectory must already exist. If the specified Target is only  a drive (ie. 'c:'), then the entire path on the Target drive is assumed  to be the same as on...

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Sysbench 0.95d
Monday, 30 October, 2017

Benchmarking Utility (video, CPU, disk, and memory).

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SysCall Base Device Driver
Sunday, 12 March, 2017

Base Device Driver and DLL to allow execution of arbitrary user code in Ring 0.

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SysInfo/2 0.9.0
Tuesday, 29 March, 2016

PM System Info tool - a self-made OS/2 clone of Symantec SystemInfo tool from NU for Win 9x/NT. See also System information package.

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SYSLEV (System level display utility) 1.1
Friday, 21 October, 2016

SYSLEV displays the system level information associated with a single SYSLEVEL file.

Files named SYSLEVEL.* are scattered all over an OS/2 system; each one records the 'system level' or version and revision (service level) of a...

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Syslogd/2 2.01
Friday, 26 January, 2007

A BSDish syslogd clone for OS/2. Receive both IPC and UDP messages, logging to a file(s) or forward to a central syslogd server. Has additional option to log priority, parse popuplog.os2, truncate and rotate options.

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Friday, 30 June, 2000

This program contains an OS/2 WPS class which give the ability to set up  systems components such as Keyboard, Mouse and System from a REXX command  file.

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System Load (SL)
Monday, 16 July, 2018

Utility to monitor the status of various system components. Modular platform to display different data sets. Source available on Hobbes.

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Risorse del sistema (Memsize) 4.00
Sunday, 1 July, 2001

This program provides a digital clock (with date), the elapsed time since your system's last restart, the amount of free virtual memory, the current swap-file size, the maximum amount the swap-file can still grow, the current CPU load...

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Sytos Plus File Backup Manager for OS/2 1.33
Tuesday, 7 January, 1992

A complete, professional rich of features backup program for OS/2!

This product, although not being developed/updated/sold since long time, it is luckily available as "...

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T1 Utils 1.33
Saturday, 15 January, 2011

This package contains some utilities to cope with Postscript Type 1 fonts.

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Take Command for OS/2 2.03B
Thursday, 16 October, 2003

Take Command brings the power and convenience of the popular 4DOS  and 4OS2 programs to the OS/2 desktops. Whether you are a computer novice or an experienced user, Take Command will help you get the most out of your computer system....

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Taskbar 2.6.1
Sunday, 7 October, 2012

Taskbar is a transparent taskbar to collect users favorite programs and run them in a simple click. It is inspired from Kde 3.4 taskbar. Program developed using Qt...

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TCP/IP Profiles Manager 1.1

TCP/IP Profile Manager lets you define multiple TCP/IP configurations (as selectable "profiles") and switch between them without rebooting.

This program works by storing copies of the three main TCP/IP configuration files (...

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TCPCFG - programma di configurazione per il TCPIP
Monday, 24 July, 2006

This program can replace the java program TCPCFG2, the default tcpip configuration program.

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Testlog 3.54
Friday, 27 September, 2019

Create a log file that you can submit with your test results when reporting a problem with a driver. This program collects all the data about your system and the driver under test, and puts it into a single...

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TeXIT 0.46
Monday, 3 July, 1995

TeXIT is a Worksshell for emTeX or other OS/2 TeX-packages.

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Theseus 4001
Tuesday, 29 January, 2002

A memory analysis program for the OS/2 system used to:

  • determine the amount of memory consumed by each process;
  • determine working set information on a system basis or per process;
  • detect memory leaks on...
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Thinkpad On Screen Display 1.09
Friday, 18 September, 2009

A Utility to display the current settings for several ThinkPad BIOS related settings like:

  • Speaker volume (with audible feedback)
  • Speaker muting
  • LCD brightness
  • Monitor selection VGA/LCD/DUAL...
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Tiny Applications 20070809
Wednesday, 8 March, 2017

Three STDIN/STDOUT utilities of the Tiny Applications Collection. Simple colorization of DIFF files by using ANSI color codes, a simple utility to remove C++ comments (not tested), and a simple ROT13 decoder...

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Tiny system tools for OS/2 0.3
Tuesday, 24 April, 2001

Tiny system tools for OS/2 - ps (process list, process kill), uptime (system uptime) & ttelnetd (very little and simple telnet daemon).

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TinyBootloader 0.4.4
Sunday, 22 December, 2013

This program allows to upload hex files to MicroChip PIC microcontrollers via a serial connection between PC and target board without the need for a programmer (the target PIC must be loaded with...

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TOP 2.14
Saturday, 6 January, 2018

VIO application to monitor CPU usage by process. It does NOT impose an artificial load on the system to generate usage statistics. The process list can be sorted according to various criteria (including CPU...

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TShell 1.0
Friday, 13 October, 1995

TShell is a reduced-function shell for OS/2. Reduced function means that more system resources are available to applications. TShell is small and does well in 4MB RAM. TShell is a text-only shell for OS/2....

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TuneUp 1.0
Monday, 30 August, 1993

TuneUp is a tool to assist administrators of IBM LAN Server version 2.0 and 3.0 in performance and tuning of their LAN Server environments. This offers an easy interface where users are prompted for...

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Typ 20040813
Friday, 13 August, 2004

Recognition of filetypes: compilers, execompressors, viruses, drivers, musik, graphic, archive lister, file descriptions, system files, DOS-extenders, ICO, enhanced attributes and more.

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TZSet 1.0
Wednesday, 2 January, 2019

TZSet sets the time zone from the TZ environment variable.

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Undot 08032012
Thursday, 8 March, 2012

Undot.cmd is a Rexx procedure to replace one or more dots, commas, spaces, brackets and braces in filenames by an underscore character, except the last dot: the extension is preserved!...

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UniMaint (Uni Maintenance) 5.10.32
Friday, 16 August, 1996

UniMaint is a Presentation Manager-based application which is an utility for the maintenance of the various OS/2 INI Files, a maintenance program for Extended Attributes, a Desktop Save and Restore utility, will allow for the display...

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Monitor UPS 1.1
Saturday, 15 March, 2008

UPS Monitor is a utility program to monitor and log power line and battery status for a large number of Uninterruptible Power Sources (UPS). It shuts down OS/2 or eComStation safely by time or low battery signal.

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UPS Power Manager 1.02-30.C.05
Saturday, 7 January, 2006

The UPS power manager currently only works with megatec compatible UPS devices. However, the application has been designed to support drivers for a large number of UPS devices. These drivers can be developed by anyone with a knowledge...

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UPTIME (The Uptime WPS Class) 1.3
Friday, 21 October, 2016

UPTIME implements a Workplace Shell class that shows the current system uptime (time since boot). Although there are several utilities that do this, it seemed nice to make it a WPS class; it is easy to move the information around the...

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URAM 20030816
Saturday, 16 August, 2003

Memory managment util/driver to use shadow-ram for upper memory without EMM386 (DOS). Source code available.

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USB Audio Support for OS/2 13.228
Sunday, 4 August, 2019

This (beta test) matched set of USBAUDIO.SYS and USBAUD2.SYS supports the recording and playback of hires PCM audio streams.

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USB Dock
Saturday, 19 March, 2011

USB Dock shows the list of USB devices plugin into your PC.


  • Shows the list of USB devices plugin into the PC
  • Shows pictures of connected USB devices
  • Automatical detect...
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USBUtils 013
Sunday, 26 May, 2013

OS/2 Port of the lsusb utility for inspecting the devices connected to the USB bus. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays information on...

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UTLOS2 2.9
Thursday, 2 July, 1998

This package contains a set of command-line utilities. Each is available for OS/2 2.1 or higher, Win32, and DOS. The DOS versions are 16-bit; the OS/2 and Win32 versions are 32-bit. The OS/2 versions are...

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V2GB (Fix DOS problem with disks greater than 2GB) 1.3
Friday, 21 October, 2016

This program, V2GB, is a solution to the problem caused by the inability of many DOS programs to handle a partition in excess of 2GB in size. This shortcoming causes spurious reports of insufficient disk...

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VDMSERVE (VDM Server Utility) 1.10
Tuesday, 11 January, 1994

VDM Server Utility run DOS command in VDM in a "detached" background state.

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VESAMAX 19980313
Thursday, 13 August, 1998

VESAMAX replaces higher screen resolution than can not properly displayed on older Monitors by lower resolutions. VESAMAX pathces the installed VESA-driver and thus requies no resident memory (DOS). Source code...

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VGFX Graphic Library
Monday, 19 May, 2003

VGFX is a very fast and easy to handle software graphic library (2D and 3D) for Free Pascal. Full compatible with Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP. VGFX allows you to enter all possible resolutions in high color (...

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Virtual ASPI driver for OS/2 1.6
Wednesday, 24 January, 2018

Virtual ASPI (VASPI) is a virtual device driver that will allow DOS applications to issue SCSI commands that will be handled by OS2ASPI.DMD. It is open source under the GNU GPL V3 license.

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Virtual Long Filename Support Driver (VLFN) 0.91
Tuesday, 26 June, 2001

By installing this package, you'll be able to use long filenamed files in your OS/2's DOS box!

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Visual REXX 1.1
Wednesday, 9 September, 1992

VREXX is Visual REXX -...

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Visualizzatore IPF IBM per Windows 2.1
Monday, 1 June, 1998

Tool to view OS/2 INF help files under Windows.

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Libreria VX-REXX Extras 1.3.2
Wednesday, 19 November, 2014

VX-REXX Extras is an API & class library designed to extend the functionality of Watcom VX-REXX. The package include runtime and  development tools.

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WakeUp 20031118
Tuesday, 18 November, 2003

Wake up sleeping PCI devices at boot time. Source code available.

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WarpIN 1.0.26
Friday, 27 April, 2001

WarpIN is intended to become the new general-purpose installer for OS/2 to overcome the current lack of a both flexible and user-friendly installer. It can maintain a global database of installed packages...

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WatchCat 2.1
Sunday, 1 January, 1995

Task killer. Postcardware for non commercial (personal) use. Registration suggested.

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Watcom IFS Driver Source Code Sample 28082005
Sunday, 28 August, 2005

Sample Source for building an IFS (Installable File System) driver using Open Watcom.

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WCD (Wherever Change Directory) 6.0.5
Saturday, 6 September, 2008

Wherever Change Directory, chdir for DOS and Unix and Os2.

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WDSaver Beta 02
Wednesday, 9 November, 2011

WDSaver is a program for managing passwords

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WeirdX 1.0.32
Thursday, 1 April, 2004

Java XServer distribuited under GPL.

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WhatIsTheDot (WTD) 1.2
Thursday, 24 August, 2017

WTD is an utility for PMDLL. Drop an EXE or a DLL to use the directory of the dropped file as a STARTUPDIR of PMDLL.EXE.

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WIN Setup 1.30
Monday, 2 January, 1995

WIN Setup is an alternate install program for Microsoft Windows 3.1.  This setup program, however, will run in a VDM, which allows end users  to install Windows on HPFS drives (for use with OS/2 for Windows versions  of OS/2).  Note...

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WinATMon 1.0
Monday, 23 October, 1995

Rexx sample using WPTools.dll and rexxlib.dll (1995-10-23). This program will identify all WIN-OS/2 objects defined to the system via the PM_Abstract:Objects application name in the OS2.INI file.

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Window Controller
Thursday, 11 February, 1999

Window Controller is an enhanced version of a VX-REXX sample program of the same name. It shows all the screen objects in the system, in a tree structure showing parent/child relationships.

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Window Themes toolkit
Wednesday, 2 January, 2008

Window Themes allow you to change the appearance of your window-frame controls, checkboxes, and radio-buttons, using installable 'themes'. A number of themes are included, and various others are available...

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Word-CMD (WordView) 03042017
Monday, 3 April, 2017

Rexx-file for viewing Microsoft Word 97 non-FAT documents with Microsoft Word 6 for Windows 3.x. This program requires the converter between Microsoft Word 6.0, 95 and 97.

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Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp 2.1.5
Wednesday, 6 November, 1996

Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp is one of the new generation of object oriented software products based on System Object Model (SOM) technology. Unlike...

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Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1 1.51
Friday, 20 October, 1995

Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1.

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Friday, 30 July, 2004

This program contains an OS/2 WPS replacement WPDrives class to override  the function of the "Manage Volumes..." menu option, so it can run  something other than "java lvmgui".

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WPTools 3.3
Friday, 20 January, 2012

This is the last available version of no longer maintained Henk Kelder's WPTools package. It includes checkini.exe program, a "must-have" for every OS/2 user, but pay attention in using...

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Tuesday, 31 May, 2005

wxTasks is a task list/process killer modelled after the WarpCenter. Click on the icon and you will get a list of running tasks, click on a task to show it. Or, click on the icon with Ctrl pressed and you will get a list of running...

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XDF/LibSF for OS/2 1.0
Monday, 5 November, 2018

A program to view and extract contents from IBM Extended Density Format files.


  • List the XDF file contents: ...
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XF86 support driver 1.516
Wednesday, 9 January, 2002

Helper driver for XFree86/2 and other application.

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XFree86 & Xorg 4.5.0 & 6.6
Tuesday, 1 March, 2005

X Server for OS/2! You can access to Linux servers or use local applications.

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XGAProc 20050627
Monday, 27 June, 2005

XGAProc is an file format procedure for MMOS2, for reading and Phoenix BIOS suspend graphic files. Source code available.

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XWorkplace 1.0.16
Sunday, 11 August, 2002

XWorkplace is the most feature-rich freeware Workplace Shell enhancer available. Some features:

  • Freely configurable context menus.
  • Extended sort functions: finally there are system-wide default sort options, plus...
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XWP FiltersAndTypes 1.0.2
Sunday, 15 February, 2004

This XML file contains hundreds of file types the filters for XWorkPlace. There are over 800 file types and over 1000 filename filters. The names of the file types are in Spanish and in English. You can change...

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Zampa 1.0b
Friday, 27 October, 2000

Zampa is a firewall configuration program for IBM OS/2 Warp TCP/IP Ver. 4.1 and up.

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Zombie Win-OS2 Program object 1.01
Wednesday, 25 May, 2011

Fix for WinOS2 programs running seamless that do not terminate.

This special WPS Program object class is designed to run, and correctly terminate, WinOS2 application in seamless mode. It also add an "Enhancements" tab to notebook...

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µDesk (MultiDesk) 0.2.0
Saturday, 27 July, 2013

µDesk (stands for MultiDesk) is a program that will let you have multiple desktops on OS/2. Actually, it does something more: it presents you with a login screen at boot time, and when a user is recognized...

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