Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1

Release date: 
Friday, 20 October, 1995



Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack. Run SETUP.EXE. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1 v. 1.51 (20/10/1995, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS EMPLOYEE WRITTEN SOFTWARE (ESW) AND AS SUCH IS NOT AN OFFICIAL IBM PRODUCT. THEREFORE NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS GIVEN TO THIS SOFTWARE BY IBM. THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" WITH NO FORMAL SUPPORT WHATSOEVER. WHILE IT IS USEABLE, ITS SOLE PURPOSE IS TO DEMONSTRATE SOME OF THE FEATURES AVAILABLE IN THE OS/2 WARP WORKPLACE SHELL. PLEASE READ LICENSE.TXT FILE FOR IBM EWS SOFTWARE LICENSE DETAILS. ======================================================================== == == == W O R K P L A C E S H E L L F O R W I N D O W S 3 . 1 == == == == V e r s i o n 1 . 51 == == == == == == Release Date : 10/10/95 == == == == == == Copyright IBM Corporation, 1994-1995. All rights reserved. == == == ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS (in order of appearance): =========================================== 1) Minimum Program Requirements 2) Subscribing To Package 3) When You Encounter A Problem 4) Release File List 5) Installation (and Uninstallation) Instructions. 6) Editing Your SYSTEM.INI File 7) Editing Your WIN.INI File 8) Known Problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) M I N I M U M P R O G R A M R E Q U I R E M E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hardware: Processor : Intel 80386SX (or compatible). Memory : About 350K (when loaded and running). Disk : Maximum of 750K after installation with all support files. Minimium of 1MB free in boot drive for installation files. Video : Minimum of VGA (640x480 16 color) resolution. Software: DOS 5.x with Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or higher. -or- OS/2 2.1x or higher (WPSFWIN is installed on Win-OS/2 full-screen session). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) S U B S C R I B I N G T O P A C K A G E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The latest release is available as WPSFWxxx.ZIP (where xxx is the version number, i.e. 150 = 1.50) in the following places: CompuServe: ----------- The following "libraries" contain the latest release: OS2DF1 Forum Library 3 WINUTIL Forum Library 12 Internet: --------- The following "ftp" sites contain the latest release:, in directory /pub/os2/ibmews Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's): ------------------------------- Look into file IBMBBS.TXT for a BBS near your country & city that might carry the latest release of this package. For IBM Employees: ------------------ Send requests for WPSHELL package to WPSFWIN at BCRVMPC2: TOOLS SENDTO BCRVMPC2 WPSFWIN WPSFWIN GET WPSHELL PACKAGE To subscribe to future updates of the package issue the command: TOOLS SENDTO BCRVMPC2 WPSFWIN WPSFWIN SUBSCRIBE WPSHELL PACKAGE Get the latest information through WPSFWIN FORUM on IBMPC conference disk. OS2EWS Catalog also contains the latest release. Type the following command from VM: TOOLCAT OS2EWS Search for WPSFWIN package and press PF4 to request package, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) W H E N Y O U E N C O U N T E R A P R O B L E M ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ask any questions, report any problems, or send any comments, please address them to: IBM FORUM : WPSFWIN FORUM (in IBMPC conference disk) and See WPSFWIN 941FORUM on IBMPCARC for appends from 3/94 to 6/94 See WPSFWIN 951FORUM on IBMPCARC for appends from 6/94 to 9/94 See WPSFWIN 952FORUM on IBMPCARC for appends from 9/94 to 1/95 MAIL : WPS for Windows IBM Internal Zip 1211 1000 N.W. 51st Street Boca Raton, FL 33431 NOTE: When sending a problem report please include the following information in your note: - Version of Workplace Shell for Windows being used. - Windows (i.e. 3.1, 3.11) and DOS (i.e. 5.x, 6.x) versions. - Computer manufacturer and model number. - Video adapter manufacturer and resolution mode tested in. - Amount of RAM memory. - Processor type and clock speed. - Any software that is automatically loaded by Windows. (such as Adobe Type Manager (ATM), screen savers, ect...). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) R E L E A S E F I L E L I S T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Files that make up this release of Workplace Shell for Windows are: Run-time: WPSHELL.EXE : Workplace Shell for Windows executable. WNDLIST.EXE : Workplace Shell for Windows task manager replacement. FCLNBW.DLL : IBM CUA Notebook control library. FCLSPBW.DLL : IBM CUA Spin Button control library. CTL3D.DLL : Microsoft 3-D controls library. WARPICON.DLL : OS/2 WARP 3.0 icon library supplement. OS21ICON.DLL : OS/2 2.1 icon library (old WPSHELL.EXE icon set). Language-dependent: WPS_XXXX.DLL : WPSHELL.EXE NLS resource library. PTW_XXXX.DLL : PMTOWP.EXE NLS resource library. CNV_XXXX.DLL : CONVINI.EXE NLS resource library. Where "XXXX" is one of the following languages: DUTC : Dutch. ENUS : English (US). FINN : Finnish. FREN : French (Canadian). GRMN : German. PORT : Portuguese (Brazilian). SPAN : Spanish. SWED : Swedish. Documentation: INSTALL.TXT : Intallation instructions for package. README.1ST : (This file) "Read Me First" file containing basic directions on what to do with this program. LICENSE.TXT : IBM EWS License Agreement details. WPSHELL.HLP : Workplace Shell for Windows help file. IBMBBS.TXT : BBS listings for package availability. Support Utilities: CONVINI.EXE : Conversion utility for WPSHELL.INI files 0.5.x -> 1.0. PMTOWP.EXE : Program Manager to Workplace Shell desktop migration utility (always run from PROGMAN). WINSHUT.EXE : Windows shutdown utility program. Optional: IBMWALL.BMP : "IBM" Wallpaper for Windows (copy to \WINDOWS directory). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (A) Automatic: ------------- Read text file INSTALL.TXT for complete installation instructions. (B) Manual: ---------- 1) Uncompress files listed in the "Release File List" above by using EXPAND.EXE (in \DOS directory) and copy expanded files into a destination directory (i.e. C:\WPSHELL). Copy the following files in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: FCLNBW.DLL : IBM CUA Notebook control library. FCLSPBW.DLL : IBM CUA Spin Button control library. CTL3D.DLL : Microsoft 3-D controls library. Copy file WPSHELL.HLP into the \WINDOWS directory. Copy NLS resource libraries that match the language you have installed in Windows. Look in WIN.INI file "[Intl]" section, "sLanguage" key and find out which language it is. Following are some of the language codes used by Windows: "sLanguage" Name Resource Library dan Danish DANI deu German GRMN eng International English ENUS enu U.S. English ENUS esn Modern Spanish SPAN esp Castilian Spanish SPAN fin Finnish FINN fra French FREN frc French Canadian FREN isl Icelandic ita Italian nld Dutch DUTC nor Norwegian ptb Brazilian Portuguese PORT ptg Portuguese PORT sve Swedish SWED 2) Run PMTOWP.EXE from Program Manager's "File" -> "Run..." menu. 3) Manually change the following SYSTEM.INI entries in the [boot] section: taskman.exe=taskman.exe (if any, most will not have this line) shell=progman.exe to taskman.exe=<path>\wndlist.exe (add if it does not exists) shell=<path>\wpshell.exe (where <path> is the directory where WPSHELL.EXE is stored). 4) Exit Windows and restart so that the new shell will take effect. If you experience any problems at this point, please refer to the "When You Encounter A Problem" section above. Optional Step In Manual Installation: ------------------------------------ 5) Copy IBMWALL.BMP to the \WINDOWS directory and using the the "Background" page in the Desktop's settings notebook or "Control Panel" -> "Desktop" application change the background bitmap to IBMWALL.BMP and select the "Tile" attribute. (C) Uninstall Instructions: -------------------------- 1) If in Windows, exit Windows. 2) Edit SYSTEM.INI file in \WINDOWS directory and replace the following lines: taskman.exe=<path>\wndlist.exe shell=<path>\wpshell.exe with taskman.exe=taskman.exe shell=progman.exe 3) Restart Windows 3.1. 4) Remove the following files from your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: FCLNBW.DLL : IBM CUA Notebook control library. FCLSPBW.DLL : IBM CUA Spin Button control library. 5) Delete all contents of the Workplace Shell for Windows destination diretory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) E D I T I N G Y O U R S Y S T E M . I N I F I L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A "Workplace_Shell_for_Windows" section is created (and maintained) automatically by WPSFWIN in your SYSTEM.INI file in the \WINDOWS directory. The SYSTEM.INI file is where Windows 3.1 and other system-related applications and drivers keep vital information that reflects or changes the behavior of the system. This is a pure text file (ASCII-file) that can be edited by any of your favorite ASCII editors (i.e. e, epm, edit). WPSFWIN will create (if you edit the "System" settings notebook) a Workplace Shell for Windows section in this file when you change any of the "System" default settings. This section will look something like this (and it will probably be at the end of the SYSTEM.INI file): [Workplace_Shell_for_Windows] DESKTOP_HorzIconIndent=23 (other values:0-32,000) DESKTOP_VertIconIndent=5 (other values:0-32,000) SYSTEM_ConfirmOnFolderDelete=Yes (other values: No) SYSTEM_ConfirmOnDelete=Yes (other values: No) SYSTEM_ConfirmOnFileSystemDelete=Yes (other values: No) SYSTEM_ButtonAppearance=Minimize (other values: Hide) SYSTEM_Animation=Enabled (other values: Disabled) SYSTEM_MinBehavior=MinToViewer (other values: Hide and MinToDesktop) SYSTEM_OpenBehavior=CreateNew (other values: DisplayExisting) SYSTEM_SystemSetupFolderName=System Setup (depends on the language installed) SYSTEM_NoSave=Disabled (other values: Enabled) COLOR_ShadowText=00FF00 (other values: <Blue><Green><Red>) As you can see must of the entries in the section are self-explanatory. The "ConfirmOnDelete" entry lets WPSFWIN know that you want to confirm all delete operations done in the shell. "ConfirmOnFolderDelete" is a sub-classed "ConfirmOnDelete", this means that if "ConfirmOnDelete" is "No", the "ConfirmOnFolderDelete" will take precedence for delete operations done on folder objects (recommened default settings is "Yes"). Also, The whole "Window" page in the "System" settings notebook is listed. You can edit these entries manually if you want, but they won't take effect until you restart Windows or open the "System" settings notebook again and press "Default" on the "Windows" page. Notice the "other values" possible in each entry in the WPSFWIN section. These values can be case-insensitive. The "COLOR_ShadowText" is a BGR triplet mapped to 2-digit hexadecimal values. Each primary color can be a hexadecimal value from 00 to FF. Therefore, if you want bright cyan, for example, you would want the Blue and Green primary colors full brightness (hex. FF). So, the final SYSTEM.INI entry for COLOR_ShadowText would be FFFF00. If you are not familiar with the meaning of these values, refer to any OS/2 2.x user's manual. Also, I would like to explain the other entries made and used by WPSFWIN in SYSTEM.INI: [boot] taskman.exe=<path>\wndlist.exe shell=<path>\wpshell.exe These two entries are the core of how WPSFWIN is able to substitute PROGMAN "seamlessly". Windows 3.1 uses these two key entries to figure out who will be handling the task management for the user, and who will become the default Windows GUI shell to the user. The entry "taskman.exe=<path>\wndlist.exe" makes the WPSFWIN "Window List" the default task manager. If you ever want to switch to the original "Task Manager" that comes with Windows 3.1, just manually edit this line and make it: "taskman.exe=taskman.exe". Just that simple! The entry "wpshell.exe=<path>\wpshell.exe" makes WPSHELL.EXE become the default GUI for Windows 3.1. If you ever decide that WPSFWIN is not the "cola" for you... just edit that statement to "shell=progman.exe". Easy huh!?, and you don't even need a bottle opener!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7) E D I T I N G Y O U R W I N . I N I F I L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The "WPSFWIN System Event Sounds", just like its OS/2 counterpart (but to a lesser degree), registers 5 system events when installed. These event registrations are just 5 more lines in your WIN.INI file. Just look for the "[sounds]" section of the file, and you'll find many system events and the sounds (WAV files) associated with them listed. At the bottom of the list, there should be 5 entries of this form (if no associations have been done): WPBeginDrag=,Workplace Shell Begin Drag WPEndDrag=,Workplace Shell End Drag WPFolderClose=,Workplace Shell Folder Close WPFolderOpen=,Workplace Shell Folder Open WPShred=,Workplace Shell Shred Notice that there are no *.WAV files associated with them. The easiest way to do it is by selecting the "Control Panel"'s "Sounds" program. It will read the events for you and let you associate sounds to them. If you ever want to edit the name of the events, edit the text at the END of the line. For example if I wanted to change the description of the "Workplace Shell Folder Close" event to "Close'em up!", here is what you'll need to edit: <from>: WPFolderClose=,Workplace Shell Folder Close <to>: WPFolderClose=,Close'em up! If you ever want to delete all events from you Windows 3.1 system, delete all 5 lines and voila! They're gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8) K N O W N P R O B L E M S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.1) The "Disappearing-Desktop" problem (or ATM-bug) is caused by the automatic loading of the Adobe Type Manager (ATM) drivers in SYSTEM.INI. We have been able to isolate the problem to the loading of the drivers while WPSFWIN is the default Windows shell. For ATM 2.0 or 2.5 drivers installed: To quickly fix this problem, manually edit your SYSTEM.INI file and comment out the following lines by placing a ';' (semi-colon) at the beginning of the line: system.drv=atmsys.drv atm.system.drv=system.drv <to> ;system.drv=atmsys.drv ;atm.system.drv=system.drv Contact Adobe Systems to get the latest ATM drivers (version 3.01). If you have ATM 3.0 drivers or higher, just add the following line to the "Settings" section of ATM.INI file: ATMIcon=Off With this change the ATM drivers can be loaded but no "ATM" icon will be displayed on the bottom-left corner of the screen at startup time. 8.2) When running Program Manager AND Workplace Shell together, Program Manager will respond to any "PROGMAN" and "SHELL" DDE services. The "PROGMAN" DDE service is used by installation programs to create and query program groups and items. The "SHELL" DDE service is used in Windows by DOS applications and DOS "boxes" to associate title text and icons to them. Therefore, if installing a new software application, be aware that you must run Workplace Shell alone for it to communicate correctly with the installing application. 8.3) OS/2 Full-Pack Warp users installing under Win-OS/2 sessions will not be able to terminate (or shutdown) their Windows session correctly. This is a problem that only happens in the Full-Pack version of OS/2 Warp. The shutdown function works with no problems under native Windows 3.1x and OS/2 Warp (for Windows). 8.4) Applications which have been documented not to install properly under WPSHELL.EXE: * Quicken 4.0 * Arts & Letters 8.5) If you have any problems using DOS applications (or DOS windows) while running WPSFWIN, you can disable the DOS DDE "SHELL" service in WPSFWIN by adding the following key value to SYSTEM.INI in the "Workplace_Shell_for_Windows" section: DEBUG_DOSDDEFlags=0x0001 8.6) If you encounter a problem with repainting the Windows desktop, add the following key value to the SYSTEM.INI in the "Workplace_Shell_for_Windows" section: COMPATIBLE_Flags=0x0001 The following applications have been found to cause this problem: * PC-Xware for Windows v2.0 8.7) Because settings notebooks contain multiple dialogs and each dialog owns many controls, it is recommended you do not open more than 5 settings notebooks at any one time. There is a maximum of about 10 settings notebooks open before the Windows system runs out of "USER" resources. Of course, this might vary depending on which object's settings notebooks you open; template and shredder objects use less memory than folder and program objects. But, as a general rule, try to keep the number of settings notebooks open at any one time to a minimum. 8.8) If you have any problems using the utility program WINSHUT.EXE, try adding the following command line switch ot it: -skipwps This will skip some special processing that WINSHUT.EXE does for WPSFWIN and call ExitWindows() directly. Therefore, the message box confirming shutdown won't appear and Windows will shutdown immediatedly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END OF 'README.1ST' FILE  local copy
Record updated last time on: 22/10/2021 - 19:21

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