System: WPS

tools that interact with WPS or PM, fonts and fonts managers

Adobe Source fonts 2.0.20
Tuesday, 3 May, 2016

This package is a collection of high-quality open source fonts from Adobe: Adobe Source Code Pro, Adobe Source Sans Pro, and Adobe Source Serif Pro.

This Font Software is licensed under the SIL...

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Almost Swiss Fonts 1.1
Monday, 15 July, 2019

Almost Swiss is an OS/2 bitmap font inspired by the 8- and 10-point sizes of the system font "Helv".

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Almost VIO Fonts 1.1
Monday, 15 July, 2019

Almost Swiss is an OS/2 bitmap font inspired by the 6-point sizes of the system font "System VIO".

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Alwaltfx 4.4
Sunday, 11 October, 2009

ALWALTFX is a WorkplaceShell extender to remap keys/mouse as well as a process switcher replacement and other features.

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ArtByMath Wall Paper Designs
Monday, 17 February, 1997

This Archive containing ArtByMath Wall Paper Designs may be publically distributed! The Contents are (C)Copyright 1997 property of René Ertzinger at

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ATSHELL (Alex Taylor SHELL) 0.5
Saturday, 9 December, 2006

The AT Desktop Shell (ATSHELL) is a simple RUNWORKPLACE replacement.  It allows an arbitrary executable to be run as the desktop program (in place of the Workplace Shell).

When this program exits, the ATSHELL dialog (re)appears...

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Battery Power 20200616
Thursday, 28 June, 2001

A XCenter widget to display the battery level.

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BM2WPS 1.03
Wednesday, 21 January, 1998

BM2WPS creates URL folders and URL objects from your Netscape bookmark file BOOKMARK.HTM. BM2WPS is for OS/2 Warp 4 only (because URL objects and folders are new features of Warp 4).

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Bubblepad 1.08
Sunday, 18 December, 2011

Bubblepad is a replacement class for the Launchpad of OS/2 Warp 3 and above. As the name says it gives you a fly over help for all of the buttons. Now it is possible to distinguish all the different folders you have put on the pad....

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Caladea Fonts 1.002
Wednesday, 30 December, 2015

Caladea is a modern, friendly serif font metric-compatible with Microsoft Fonts Cambria font.

Caladea comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold italic.

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CandyBarZ 1.40 beta 1
Friday, 20 October, 2000

CandyBarZ' primary feature is the ability to 'skin' the OS/2 public window classes. Thus far Titlebars, frames, and buttons are skinable. Note that this IS a BETA release!

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Caratteri Liberation 1.07
Tuesday, 19 July, 2011

The "Liberation" family of fonts is designed as a Free alternative to several common MS Windows fonts.

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Cardo Fonts 1.04
Wednesday, 8 June, 2011

Cardo is a large Unicode font specifically designed for the needs of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists. Since it may be used to prepare materials for publication, it also contains features that are required for...

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Carlito Fonts 1.103
Wednesday, 30 December, 2015

Carlito (Google's Carlito font, google-crosextrafonts-carlito) is a modern, friendly sans-serif font, metric-compatible with Microsoft Fonts Calibri font.

Carlito is licensed under OFL (SIL Open Font License) and comes in regular...

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Change Browser for WPUrl WPS objects
Monday, 22 April, 2019

Skeleton Rexx sample app to change the default browser and working directory of new WPUrl WPS objects (by using SysIni, instead of creating some WPUrl object in WP_NOWHERE or updating an existing WPUtrl object).

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Change Controls 2.1
Sunday, 28 January, 1996

Change Controls is a PM utility that allows you to change the default controls (Minimize, Maximize, etc..) in OS/2 to whatever you want.

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Classe CWHelp 0.1.0
Tuesday, 1 January, 2002

WPS class to display help from any program or REXX script without fighting with the OS/2 help system. Use setup strings to display a help panel.

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ClipServ (TCP/IP server for system clipboard) 1.00
Tuesday, 24 August, 1993

ClipServ.exe is a PM program that acts as an OS/2 tcp/ip server for the  system clipboard. A remote client can request the text (CF_TEXT)  contents of the clipboard from the system ClipServ.exe runs on.

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Tuesday, 28 August, 2001

This program contains OS/2 WPS replacement WPFolder/WPDisk classes which give the ability to start command line sessions from any folder/disk with the current directory set to that folder/disk. It also gives...

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ColourManager/2 1.1b
Monday, 16 September, 2019

ColourManager/2 allows you to change every system color. Compiled with SpeedSoft Sibyl. Many thanks to Richard Castle, the author, who on 16/09/2019, released the source code of ColourManager/2 under the...

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CUBE (Config Update/Batch Editing) 3.30
Sunday, 28 August, 2011

Batch update of CONFIG.SYS-like, .INI files and WorkPlaceShell class. CUBE modifies a Target ASCII file, given a set of commands in a Procedure file.

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Classi CW-Multimedia 0.2.7

The package is a complete replacement for the multimedia classes coming with MMOS2. The included classes are more robust and have an extended feature set like displaying image information in the settings notebook and the details view. A...

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DDIcon 1.0
Tuesday, 14 December, 1999

A replacement class for WPIcon, which makes it possible to change the icon of one or more objects, by dropping them on an icon object. source code included.

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DejaVu Fonts 2.37
Saturday, 30 July, 2016

The DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts. Its purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative...

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DeRegistered 0.4
Tuesday, 1 October, 2013

DeRegistered is a program to deregister WPS Classes, after software removing or simply for system maintenance. Use it carefully!

On 30/09/2013, the author, Jens Glathe, has released DeRegistered 0.4 as Open...

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DeskMan/2 2.0
Wednesday, 28 October, 1998

DeskMan/2 is unmatched in its ability to fully maximize the multitasking power and versatility of OS/2!

Incorporating the "DeskMan/2 Workplace Shell Manager", the powerful "VUEMan/2" virtual...

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Dialog Enhancer 3.00b
Tuesday, 23 October, 2001

Dialog Enhancer improves the look of the OS/2 desktop by modifying the dialog files held within the system. The aesthetic look and operation of the dialogs can be changed. Components that Dialog Enhancer can update are:

  • ...
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DInfo Swap file monitor 2.00
Wednesday, 24 December, 1997

DINFO is a small utility the purpose of which is to show you the size of SWAPPER.DAT and, optionally, how much space you have left on your swap partition.

You have a...

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DragText 3.9
Wednesday, 2 January, 2008

DragText is the latest release of a distinctly different Desktop enhancement for OS/2 Warp. Presents almost everywhere yet invisible until needed, DragText lets you do what others can't:

  • Handle Text as an Object - Text in...
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Droid fonts
Thursday, 17 January, 2019

"Droid" is a family of high-quality fonts originally designed for Google Android, and released under the Apache open source license.

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Ecofont Vera Sans regular 2.05r2
Saturday, 25 November, 2017's free Ecofont Vera Sans regular TrueType font, for printing purposes. Such a type of font saves ink or toner by using perforated characters. Available language groups are Latin1, Latin2 (CE),...

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EDITINI (Simple Profile Editor for OS/2 2.0) 1.00
Monday, 17 August, 1992

The EDITINI program is a simple editor which can be used to view and change text entries in the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI keyed files. The OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files provide a convenient place for programs to...

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eSchemes 2.01.00
Sunday, 13 January, 2019

The eSchemes replaces the original eComStation Scheme editor and gathers the functionality of Window Themes, eStylerLite,...

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Extended Desktop 1.4
Wednesday, 23 June, 1993

EXTDESK is a WPS Class DLL for the "ExtendedDesktop" object class, which is a subclass of the "WPDesktop" object class. Its purpose is to extend the functions of the OS/2 2.x Desktop object.

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extended System Tray (xSysTray) for XCenter/eCenter 0.1.1
Monday, 28 March, 2011

The extended system tray (xSysTray) is a plugin for XCenter/eCenter that provides support for the system tray area in the XCenter/eCenter bar. This area, also called as the notification or indicator area, is commonly used by long...

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Eyecon 1.0
Tuesday, 12 June, 1990

A very silly pointer tracking program for OS/2 Presentation Manager. Like Eyes that follows your pointer. Source code and binaries included. Public Domain.

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Fat Icons for OS/2 Warp Preview
Thursday, 8 March, 2001

Almost every icon of standard warp exchanged with an Hi-Color icon. Exchanging by script.

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FOC (File Open Container) 20140305
Wednesday, 5 March, 2014

This is the replacement of system File Open Dialog (File Open Container). This feature is now included into eCo Software runtime.

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Font Gentium Plus Compact 6.200
Wednesday, 4 January, 2017

Gentium is a Unicode serif typeface. It has wide support for languages using the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets, and the International Phonetic Alphabet.

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Fontname 1.0
Tuesday, 25 August, 2015

Command line tool to examine TrueType/OpenType fonts.

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Fonts JetBrains Mono 2.304
Monday, 20 January, 2020

JetBrains Mono is a typeface specifically designed for developers, featuring taller lowercase letters, special features for making code more readable (including 138 code-specific ligatures), 4 weights with matching italics, and other...

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FPos 0.80
Friday, 6 July, 2007

FPos sheds light on one of the largest and least understood os2.ini entries: PM_Workplace:FolderPos. FPos lets you review its contents - and delete most of it.

Cleaning it up will produce a smaller os2.ini that's less likely to...

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HWman (OS/2 Hardware Manager) replacement class Release 16
Friday, 17 May, 2019

A WPS class replacement for XWorkplace HWManager (the OS/2 Hardware Manager). Basically this class changes the behavior of the "WPHwManager class" managing better and in real-time the devices tree, i.e., if a previous device is no...

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Icon Themes 2.2
Thursday, 6 July, 2006

Icon Themes is a program which allows the desktop icons used throughout the Workplace Shell to be changed, based on installable icon sets or 'themes'.  A number of themes are included, and various others are...

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Initor (INIfile ediTOR) 2.5
Wednesday, 1 October, 1997

Initor enables you to edit OS2 "INI" files. You are able to add, deleted  and edit applications, keys and key data. Further more you are able to  save and read data from the current INI file to and from ...

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InstFont 1.0
Tuesday, 4 September, 2018

InstFont is a simple command-line tool for installing a font under OS/2 Presentation Manager.

This program was written in order to facilitate automated font install...

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Keyboard Layer/2 3.0.2
Sunday, 18 June, 2006

The alternative keyboard layouts switcher for OS/2 and eCS. It can be used also as a current layout indicator. Full integrated in Warpcenter and XCenter-eCenter (with System tray widget package).

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LaunchHook Plus 1.9
Thursday, 8 August, 1996

Activate LaunchPad or TaskList by tapping pointer against top/bottom/left/right or corner of desktop. Disable double click on LaunchPad option. User can select one or multiple activation points. Run LAUNCHHK...

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LEDPanel style fonts 0.82
Thursday, 24 December, 2015

Set of LEDPanel style OS/2 bitmap fonts (c) copyrighted FREEWARE.

This is a OS/2 bitmap font that has 3 styles of fonts that resemble the LED digits on digital panels. It is most suitable for clocks, calender and other types of...

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Tuesday, 27 January, 1998

LOCKDOWN.CMD is a simple REXX script to change folders and icons  with known objectid's to prevent deleting, copying, moving, renaming,
shadowing or changing of their settings. This would be particularly  useful for the LAN...

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Login 0.45
Tuesday, 1 October, 2013

Login is a program wich provides multiple desktops to your WPS. Every user defined desktop can be protected by a password. It doesn't protect any files, so be VERY careful when you use it.

On 30/09/2013, the author, Jens Glathe,...

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LSwitcher 2.9.4
Wednesday, 14 April, 2004

Feature-rich replacement for the OS/2 PM Alt-Tab switcher, that includes a task switcher that works in full screen sessions.

With new XWorkplace XCenter widget.

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ManyClip 3.3
Friday, 14 October, 1994

ManyClip provides OS/2 with multiple text clipboards. Non-text (ie, bitmap) clipboards are not affected; you will still have a single clipboard for each format.

From an applications point of view, the use of ManyClip is...

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Megadesk (Desktop expander) 2.24
Thursday, 8 April, 1993

Megadesk is a virtual desktop overview which allows you to expand the area for your PM windows, creating many "rooms" in which to group running PM applications. A simple single-click interface takes you to...

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Font Microsoft ClearType 2.0 fix
Wednesday, 11 November, 2015

Core fonts for the Web was a project started by Microsoft in 1996 to create a standard pack of fonts for the Internet. It was terminated in 2002. It included the proprietary fonts in TrueType font format....

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Midori Sans Fonts 0.4
Saturday, 13 August, 2016

Midori Sans is a semi-condensed sans-serif font which combines both transitional and humanist elements. It is mainly intended for on-screen user interface text, but may also be suitable for printed text at small sizes.

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Friday, 29 September, 1995

MKWINOS/2 is a program for OS/2 that creates the equivalent of your Windows Program Manager as an OS/2 Desktop folder named "Program Manager Desktop Equivalent". Your Windows groups and the program entities...

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MMAudio Pak & Audio codecs (APE I/O Procs) 2.0 & 0.13.29
Saturday, 30 August, 2003

Installation of these classes allow MP3s, APE, Ogg Vorbis, and FLACs can be played in any OS/2 player:

  • Files can play by double-clicking on the files icon.
  • Files can play in any Rexx program by using Multimedia...
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MovingDesktopObjects 1.0.0
Sunday, 2 March, 2014

This package helps to get rid of moving desktop objects. The bug occurs from time to time if you have eCenter, XCenter or WarpCenter configured to reduce the desktop's workarea.

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MSHELL: Mini PM Shell
Thursday, 1 March, 2007

An alternative, simple, mini shell for OS/2 2.x to replace the Workplace Shell. Works as a program launcher, providing an editable list of programs to start. In addition to starting programs, MShell can save...

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Names 1.8
Thursday, 26 September, 2013

File names and attributes checker. This application checks files on HPFS and JFS drives. It changes case of names, revises differences between file and WPS object names and changes file attributes.

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New Athena Unicode Fonts
Saturday, 13 June, 2015

New Athena Unicode is a freeware multilingual font distributed by the American Philological Association under OpenFontLicense. It follows the latest version of the Unicode standard and includes characters...

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Nice-OS/2 Enhancer 5.7.2
Thursday, 9 February, 2017

The Nice-OS/2 Enhancer adds new features to the OS/2 operating system. Using this application you will be able:

  • scroll the window content using mouse or keys,
  • change frames and controls for all windows,
  • ...
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Object Desktop 2.0
Thursday, 17 June, 2004

Object Desktop for OS/2 is an advanced desktop environment. It uses IBM's System Object Model (SOM) and the Workplace Shell (WPS) to add features, power, ease of use,...

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ObjectReCreator 1.50
Sunday, 26 September, 1999

PM utility that allow to recreate lost Desktop objects. You can recover all the standard WPS object existing in the INI.RC file, without losing the current settings.

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Oldschool PC Font 2.2
Saturday, 16 January, 2016

These scalable TrueType fonts reproduce the fonts used in BIOS and IBM PC DOS operating systems and clones. The main fonts available are...

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oo, utilità WPS da linea di comando 1.10
Tuesday, 3 July, 2007

oo is a text-mode utility for working with the WPS.  You can use it at the commandline or in scripts to: open, locate, and list objects, get info about them, assign setup strings to them, and more.

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OWPZip PKZIP Archive Class 1.02
Sunday, 28 February, 2010

OWPZip PKZIP Archive Class extends WPS with PKZIP archive folders supporting compressing, decompressing, opening and viewing their entries through drag-and-drop.

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PackMan 1.41e
Sunday, 21 July, 1996

PackMan is a GUI to manage lzh,  zip and other archive types. GUI is in Japanese language but commands are intuitive and easy to...

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PMShell class list utility 0.1b
Tuesday, 25 September, 2012

Utility to read and modify the PM shell class tree. Can remove dead classes where WinDeregisterObjectClass fails.


  • View a list of all object classes registered to the...
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Tuesday, 18 August, 1992

PMTREE is an application for examination of and interaction with the windows of an OS/2 system.

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PMVDesk 0.25
Friday, 6 March, 2020

PMVDesk is a Virtual Desktop utility for the OS/2 2.x Workplace Shell. When you start the program you will see a 9 button grid. Each button represents a screen (of your current videoadapter resolution). The current screen is marked with...

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Program Commander 2.20
Friday, 1 December, 2000

A WPS enhancement or replacement. Features configurable program launcher, Virtual Desktops, etc.

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Tuesday, 10 November, 1992

Progref is a PM utility to quickly and easily generate Program reference objects from executables (ie typically exe, com, cmd and bat type files). Progref uses one dialog panel for most of the commonly used...

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Wednesday, 5 April, 2000

Save Program Objects, shadows, and other non-disk objects into real disk objects. Why back up an entire OS2.INI file when you can back up the few objects you want to keep as short .CMD files? Also useful for transferring abstract...

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Recoll for OS/2 1.8.2
Tuesday, 27 November, 2007

Recoll is a personal full text search tool. It is based on the very strong Xapian back-end, for which it provides a feature-rich yet easy to use front-end with a WPS graphical interface. Recoll is free, open...

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Replacement for RxMessageBox 1.0
Friday, 29 December, 2017

Replacement for RxMessageBox.

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Resource DLL fix kit for eCS 1.1
Thursday, 13 November, 2003

This is a fix kit for the resource DLLs in eCS 1.1 and should *ONLY* be  applied to eCS 1.1. You will need to reboot before the changes become active.

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Wednesday, 15 May, 2002

LongnameEA.CMD uses RootDir.EXE to list the names, and then adds a .LONGNAME extended attribute to each file with a deadname. Simply run this program (which requires that RootDir.EXE be in the...

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Rover Pack 2.70
Wednesday, 7 April, 1999

The Rover Pack includes a comprehensive collection of software tools and accessories. They are designed to work with each other and with OS/2's Workplace Shell to give you new ways to navigate and manage...

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Secure Workplace 4.72
Friday, 6 August, 1993

The Secure Workplace is a collection of objects designed to  protect against changes to the Desktop Setup. Date and time  encrypted passwords allow Help Desks to manage the user's  Desktop Setup.

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Security/2 0.4.5
Sunday, 27 May, 2007

Security/2 is a package that provides a user-based security for remote and for local users.

It means that you can restrict users to create, read, write, delete certain...

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Tuesday, 11 September, 2001

Drag a folder onto the icon and have all shadows in the folder replaced with copies. Great for remote access.

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ShiftRun 1.6
Friday, 18 November, 1994

ShiftRun is a utility that enables you to optionally run any OS/2 Full Screen program while OS/2 is booting.  When ShiftRun is started, it waits for the number of seconds that you specify and then checks to...

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Tuesday, 12 September, 2000

Ever had files that OS/2, for no apparent reason, refused to delete? Try this Super Shredder! This program deletes files/folders dropped onto it (like the OS/2 shredder), but with no confirmation and first ensuring that ReadOnly,...

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Styler/2 and eStyler for eComStation (ex Smart Windows) 1.2.0
Wednesday, 10 September, 2014

Styler/2 is an user interface enhancer for OS/2 Warp. Both the aesthetics and the behavior of various OS/2 Presentation Manager windows and controls can be easily modified to meet your needs. You will be...

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SysBar/2 0.23
Thursday, 23 September, 2004

SysBar/2 is a a set of small utilities consisting of four modules:

  • clock;
  • a floating task switcher;
  • a pipe monitor;
  • a tiny CD player....
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Friday, 30 June, 2000

This program contains an OS/2 WPS class which give the ability to set up  systems components such as Keyboard, Mouse and System from a REXX command  file.

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System tray widget for XCenter 0.3
Thursday, 1 January, 2004

System tray widget for XCenter and eCenter - it's port of the System tray plugin included in SysTray/WPS to XCenter (XCenter is a part of XWorkplace).

See also the extended...

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T1 Utils 1.33
Saturday, 15 January, 2011

This package contains some utilities to cope with Postscript Type 1 fonts.

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TabTray 0.1
Sunday, 24 August, 2003

TabTray is a small applet which allows you to get access to an XCenter/eCenter tray by a single mouse click.

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TiMidity++ Player (ex TiMidity MCD) 2.13.3
Tuesday, 11 August, 2009

TiMidity plays MIDI and Module (.MOD) files. It does it in software without depending on any hardware MIDI support your soundcard might have. Sound quality can be much higher because it limited by your CPU's power and memory rather then...

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TrayMonitor 1.5
Tuesday, 15 March, 2005

TrayMonitor is a client utility for SysTray/WPS or XCenter/eCenter Systray widget; it is able to periodically execute monitor rexx script(s) with icon indicators in Ssystray object itself.

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UPTIME (The Uptime WPS Class) 1.3
Friday, 21 October, 2016

UPTIME implements a Workplace Shell class that shows the current system uptime (time since boot). Although there are several utilities that do this, it seemed nice to make it a WPS class; it is easy to move the information around the...

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Caratteri URW++ core PostScript urwcyr1.07-pre44
Thursday, 3 March, 2011

The URW++ core fonts are high-quality open source clones of the basic PostScript core font set (taken from the Ghostscript project).

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Monday, 1 March, 2004

VFAT2EA converts VFAT Long Filenames to OS/2's .LONGNAME Extended Attributes, which is the standard way in OS/2 to store the long filenames for every file or directory on a partition which does not support long filenames.

It can...

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WarpSans font Extended size 1.3.0
Thursday, 21 February, 2013

This is an unofficial extension to the OS/2 WarpSans bitmap font which provides several larger sizes (10 and 11 point) in both the regular and Bold weights. This is particularly useful when using very high-resolution screens (above...

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Window Controller
Thursday, 11 February, 1999

Window Controller is an enhanced version of a VX-REXX sample program of the same name. It shows all the screen objects in the system, in a tree structure showing parent/child relationships.

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Window Themes toolkit
Wednesday, 2 January, 2008

Window Themes allow you to change the appearance of your window-frame controls, checkboxes, and radio-buttons, using installable 'themes'. A number of themes are included, and various others are available...

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Workplace Font Family
Saturday, 13 August, 2016

Workplace Gothic, Workplace Sans and Workplace Console are TrueType fonts designed to resemble WarpSans and System VIO original fonts.

The fundamental difference...

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Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp 2.1.5
Wednesday, 6 November, 1996

Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp is one of the new generation of object oriented software products based on System Object Model (SOM) technology. Unlike...

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Workplace Shell Class Editor (ex VClassEd/2) 1.6.1 (ex 1.6)
Friday, 13 November, 2015

Workplace Shell Class Editor (ex VClassEd/2), a PM WPS Class Editor, fast and easy to use. Allow you to simply and quickly register/deregister class and to create new objects from registered classes.

On 10/09/2014, the author,...

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Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1 1.51
Friday, 20 October, 1995

Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1.

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WorkplaceShell Monitor 1.0
Wednesday, 9 December, 2009

WorkplaceShell Monitor is a simple but useful tool for starting and terminating WorkplaceShell (WPS) on OS/2 Warp systems and for registering, deregistering and replacing WPS classes.

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Friday, 30 July, 2004

This program contains an OS/2 WPS replacement WPDrives class to override  the function of the "Manage Volumes..." menu option, so it can run  something other than "java lvmgui".

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WPS class replacement for WPFileSystem/WPSystem
Thursday, 21 May, 2015

An enhancement to WPFileSystem and WPSystem classes, that helps in copying files to USB mass storage devices FAT16 formatted, where the long filenames may occasionally suffer truncation into 8.3 type.

It also forces the system to...

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WPS Wizard 0.6.1a3
Monday, 24 March, 2008

WPS-Wizard adds an icon engine to the WPS so colorful PNG images can be used as icons. A preview for image files and thumbnails created by the Lucide application is added to the info area. Some of the features are:

  • ...
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WPS2Rexx/2 1.0
Tuesday, 17 August, 1993

WPS2Rexx is a program designed to ease the backup of the WorkPlace Shell component of OS/2 2.x.

It allows you to save the contents of your WorkPlace to a Rexx script. The Rexx script can be used to regenerate your WorkPlace...

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WPSac (Workplace Shell Access Control) 4.0
Thursday, 7 October, 1999

WPSac (Workplace Shell Access Control) is a tool that restricts access to the workplace shell to users with a configured user id (comparable with the WinNT logon). It also enables the administrator to...

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WPSam (WorkPlaceShell Access Manager) 3.0ß (1999/09/17)
Monday, 14 December, 2015

WPSam is a tool similar to WPSac. It allows to switch the desktop by switching to another OS2.INI file (and OS2SYS.INI). A fullscreen version is also...

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XShadow 1.1.1
Monday, 8 November, 2004

This Workplace Shell (WPS) class replaces the existing WPS class WPShadow to change the operation of shadows, allowing changing their names.

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XWorkplace 1.0.16
Sunday, 11 August, 2002

XWorkplace is the most feature-rich freeware Workplace Shell enhancer available. Some features:

  • Freely configurable context menus.
  • Extended sort functions: finally there are system-wide default sort options, plus...
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XWP FiltersAndTypes 1.0.2
Sunday, 15 February, 2004

This XML file contains hundreds of file types the filters for XWorkPlace. There are over 800 file types and over 1000 filename filters. The names of the file types are in Spanish and in English. You can change...

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µDesk (MultiDesk) 0.2.0
Saturday, 27 July, 2013

µDesk (stands for MultiDesk) is a program that will let you have multiple desktops on OS/2. Actually, it does something more: it presents you with a login screen at boot time, and when a user is recognized...

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