Window Themes toolkit

Release date: 
Wednesday, 2 January, 2008



Window Themes allow you to change the appearance of your window-frame controls, checkboxes, and radio-buttons, using installable 'themes'. A number of themes are included, and various others are available from third-party sources. Originally designed only for the eComStation Operating System.

This toolkit let you create and distribute your personal OS/2 Window Theme!

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Available both as ZIP and WarpIN package:

  • download the ZIP package to temporary directory and unpack it to destination folder;
  • the WarpIN package is self-installing.

See below for download link(s).

Following links are to additional programs, not mandatory but useful:

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Wood window themes for eCS (Fix, 26/3/2018, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several of wood titlebar buttons. Fixed WPI script.
Black window themes for eCS (2/1/2008) Readme/What's new
This package contains several black variations of titlebar buttons.
Drawingboard theme for eCS 2.x (2/1/2008) Readme/What's new
Drawingboard is a rather complete theme for eCS 2.x with support for the Window Theme Manager, Icon Theme Manager, eStyler, Scheme Palette, and Animated Mouse Pointers. It was inspired by the theme with the same name from the Apple MacOS 8.5 beta that never got released. The archive has an option to display a screenshot.
Mac like window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several Mac like variations of titlebar buttons.
Metal window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several different metal titlebar buttons.
Miscellaneous window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several unusual variations of titlebar buttons.
Modified eComStation window themes (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several eComStation modified window theme.
Plain (non-colored) window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several non-colored titlebar buttons.
Square window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several variations of square titlebar buttons.
Various button window themes for eCS (2/1/2008)
Wood window themes for eCS (2/1/2008, David Graser) Readme/What's new
This package contains several of wood titlebar buttons.
XP window themes for eCS (2/1/2008) Readme/What's new
This package contains several different XP titlebar buttons.
133 eComStation Windows Themes (3/2/2006) Readme/What's new
133 eComStation Windows Themes
Windows XP window theme for eCS (19/3/2004) Readme/What's new
Modifyed David Graser's Window theme for eCS incorporating Windows XP buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons. Includes titlebar bitmap for use with eStyler.
41 Window themes for eCS. Includes 12 new themes. (5/12/2003) Readme/What's new
Both old and new windows theme bitmaps now contain two images (or 'devices'): a 'small' image which will be displayed on lower resolutions, and a 'large' image which will be displayed on higher resolutions (1024x768 and above).
Window Themes toolkit (15/10/2003, Alex Taylor)
eCS facelifting howto & theme creator (21/7/2003) Readme/What's new
Document describing how to build window themes for eCS Thememgr and Theme creation utility.
Record updated last time on: 23/02/2021 - 06:09

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