Release date: 
Tuesday, 11 September, 2018



Authors/Port authors:

OS/2 REXX library of miscellaneous functions. PR1UTIL uses TCP/IP libraries and thus requires TCP/IP to be installed.

This software is distributed in two modes:
  • as compressed package that you have to download and manually install; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too;
  • as RPM package; you can install it using your favorite rpm package manager, that will take care to download and install both the software and its prerequisites.
Choose the installation mode that you prefer. Please note that not all the versions are available in both the installation modes.

Installation with rpm

This program is installable using the rpm package manager. See below for the install string. Required prerequisites are automatically processed by the package manager and, if needed, downloaded and installed.

pr1util-1.6.5-2.oc00 (11/09/2018)
Repository: Netlabs stable(link is external)
HISTORY Version 1.65 20-8-10 Added PRQuitWindow().

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

PR1UTIL v. 1.65 (19/8/2010) Readme/What's new
PR1UTIL V1.65 by Paul Ratcliffe (c) Aug. 2010 PR1UTIL is a REXX library of miscellaneous functions. It uses TCP/IP libraries and thus requires TCP/IP to be installed. The program is freeware and as such: USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. USAGE The PR1UTIL.DLL file should be placed in a directory that is somewhere on your LIBPATH. Before you can use this library, the functions need to be registered with the REXX subsystem. You may register them individually using the RxFuncAdd() call, or as follows: call RxFuncAdd 'PRLoadFuncs', 'PR1UTIL', 'PRLoadFuncs' call PRLoadFuncs You may wish to deregister the functions afterwards, either individually using RxFuncDrop() or as follows: call PRDropFuncs but beware of deregistering in one script whilst another relies on having them available! FUNCTIONS PRLoadFuncs(display) Function: Registers all the PR1UTIL library functions with the REXX subsystem. Parameters: display - optional parameter used to display the library version string. Any value causes the string to be displayed. Returns: Null string. PRDropFuncs() Function: Drops all the PR1UTIL library functions from the REXX subsystem. Parameters: Must be null. Returns: Null string. PRCloseWindow(handle) Function: Posts a WM_CLOSE message to a window to close it. Parameters: handle - Window handle. Returns: Result code from WinPostMsg(). "1" = Success, "0" = Failure PRGetFileAttr(file, variable) Function: Queries a file or directory's attributes. Parameters: file - File or directory name. variable - Returned attribute string (any of A,D,H,R,S indicates that attribute is set). Returns: Result code from DosQFileMode(). "0" = Success "ERROR" if unable to set variable. PRGetGMTOffset() Function: Retrieves the offset in minutes from GMT (UTC) taking into account Daylight Savings Time. Parameters: Must be null. Notes: The value reported by DosGetDateTime() is returned if it is valid, otherwise the offset is calculated from the TZ environment variable - this must be set correctly. e.g. SET TZ=GMT0BST,3,-1,0,3600,10,-1,0,7200,3600 for the UK. Returns: Offset in minutes. Positive is ahead of GMT, Negative is behind. PRGetMXAddress(address, stem) Function: Returns the MX records for a given address. Parameters: address - IP address or hostname. stem - Stem variable for process list. Returns: "ERROR" if unable to set stem variable. Null string if success. stem.0 = Number of items in the stem variable. = Hostname. stem.i.priority = Priority level. where i is a number between 1 and stem.0 PRGetPid() Function: Retrieves the PID of the current process. Parameters: Must be null. Returns: PID number. PRKillProcess(action, pid) Function: Kills the specified process and optionally any descendants. Parameters: action - "0" = Process and all descendants, "1" = Specified process only. pid - PID number. Notes: This is a direct implementation of DosKillProcess(). Returns: Result code from DosKillProcess(). PRProcessList(stem) Function: Retrieves the entries from the process table. Parameters: stem - Stem variable for process list. Returns: "ERROR" if unable to set stem variable, unable to allocate memory or unable to query the process list. Null string if success. stem.0 = Number of items in the stem variable. = Fully qualified program module name or VDM\Program Title. = PID number stem.i.parent = Parent PID number stem.i.threads = No. of Threads stem.i.type = Process Type stem.i.status = Process Status stem.i.session = Session ID stem.i.module = Module handle stem.i.dlls = No. of DLLs referenced where i is a number between 1 and stem.0 PRQueryIFConfig(stem) Function: Retrieves the TCP/IP interface configuration data. Similar to "ifconfig xxx". Parameters: stem - Stem variable for interface data. Returns: "ERROR" if unable to set stem variable. An error number from socket(). Null string if success. stem.0 = Number of items in the stem variable. = Interface name. stem.i.flags = Interface flags (UP, BROADCAST, DEBUG, LOOPBACK, POINTOPOINT, NOTRAILERS, RUNNING, NOARP, PROMISC, ALLMULTI, DEFMTU, MULTICAST, BRIDGE, SNAP, ETHER, LOOPBRD). stem.i.addr = Interface address in dotted format. stem.i.dstaddr = Destination address in dotted format (Point to Point links only). stem.i.broadaddr = Interface broadcast address in dotted format (if capable). stem.i.netmask = Interface netmask in dotted format. stem.i.metric = Interface metric. where i is a number between 1 and stem.0 PRQuerySwitchList(stem) Function: Retrieves the entries from the switch list. Parameters: stem - Stem variable for switch list. Returns: "ERROR" if unable to set stem variable, unable to allocate memory or unable to query switch list. Null string if success. stem.0 = Number of items in the stem variable. stem.i.hswitch = Switch handle stem.i.hwnd = Window handle stem.i.hwndicon = Icon handle stem.i.hprog = Program handle = PID number stem.i.sgid = Screen Group ID number stem.i.visible = Visibility state - "1" = Invisible, "2" = Greyed, "4" = Visible stem.i.jumpable = Jumpability state - "1" = Not jumpable, "2" = Jumpable stem.i.title = Program title stem.i.progtype = Program type where i is a number between 1 and stem.0 PRQuitWindow(handle) Function: Posts a WM_QUIT message to a window to close/kill the application. Parameters: handle - Window handle. Returns: Result code from WinPostMsg(). "1" = Success, "0" = Failure PRReplaceModule(oldmodule, newmodule, backupmodule) Function: Replaces a file which is currently locked due to it being open for execution. Parameters: oldmodule - Module to be replaced. newmodule - Replacement module. backupmodule - Backup of replaced module. Notes: This is a direct implementation of DosReplaceModule(). Returns: Result code from DosReplaceModule(). PRReplaceObjectClass(oldclass, newclass, flag) Function: Replaces or restores a WPS class. Parameters: oldclass - Old class name. newclass - New class name. flag - "1" = Replace class, "0" = Restore class Notes: This is a direct implementation of WinReplaceObjectClass(). Returns: Result code from WinReplaceObjectClass(). "1" = Success, "0" = Failure PRSetFileAttr(file, attribute) Function: Sets a file or directory's attributes. Parameters: file - File or directory name. attribute - Attribute string (any of A,H,R,S to set the attribute; any of a,h,r,s to clear the attribute; D and d are ignored). Notes: This function can set attributes of open files, unlike the SysFileTree() function. Returns: Result code from DosSetFileMode(). "0" = Success "ERROR" if invalid characters in attribute. PRStatSockets(stem) Function: Retrieves the socket list for the PF_INET protocol family. Equivalent to "netstat -s". Parameters: stem - Stem variable for socket list. Returns: "ERROR" if unable to set stem variable or unable to allocate memory. An error number from socket() or ioctl(). Null string if success. stem.0 = Number of items in the stem variable. stem.i.socknum = Socket number. stem.i.type = Socket type - "STREAM", "DGRAM", "RAW", "RDM", "SEQPACKET" or type number. stem.i.rport = Remote port number. stem.i.lport = Local port number. stem.i.raddr = Remote address in dotted format. stem.i.laddr = Local address in dotted format. stem.i.state = Socket state - For STREAM sockets: "CLOSED", "LISTEN", "SYN_SENT", "SYN_RECEIVED", "ESTABLISHED", "CLOSE_WAIT", "FIN_WAIT_1", "CLOSING", "LAST_ACK", "FIN_WAIT_2", "TIME_WAIT", "TRANSIT" or state number. For RAW sockets: "RAW". For all other types: "UDP". where i is a number between 1 and stem.0 PRSwitchToProgram(hswitch) Function: Switches to another program identified by its switch handle. Parameters: hswitch - Switch handle. Notes: This is a direct implementation of WinSwitchToProgram(). Returns: Result code from WinSwitchToProgram(). "0" = Success PRVersion() Function: Queries the library version string. Parameters: Must be null. Returns: Library version string. HISTORY Version 1.65 20-8-10 Added PRQuitWindow(). Version 1.64 18-5-03 Fixed PRReplaceModule() to allow parameters 2 and 3 to be null strings. Version 1.63 3-11-02 Updated PRGetGMTOffset() to use value from DosGetDateTime() if it is valid. Version 1.62 7-10-02 Fixed nasty bug in PRGetGMTOffset() which mangled the TZ environment variable. Fixed broken PRProcessList(). Fixed PRStatSockets() to work on 32 bit versions of TCP/IP. Version 1.61 5-1-02 Fixed bug in PRSetFileAttr() which cleared all attributes. Version 1.6 12-12-01 Added PRGetFileAttr() and PRSetFileAttr(). Version 1.5 25-11-01 Added PRQueryIFConfig(). Version 1.4 25-8-01 Added PRVersion(). Added PRCloseWindow(). Passing any parameters to PRLoadFuncs() displays the library version string. Parameters to PRDropFuncs() must now be null. Changed PRGetMXAddress() not to return its own address if it is a valid hostname or IP address. Version 1.31 18-8-01 Fixed a null pointer bug in PRGetMXAddress(). Version 1.3 29-5-00 Renamed Sys* functions to PR* functions. Added kill process and descendants capability to PRKillProcess(). Added PRGetMXAddress(). Version 1.2 31-8-99 Added PRGetGMTOffset(). Version 1.1 16-6-99 Added PRProcessList(). Version 1.0 8-6-99 Initial release. OTHER This program was initially developed under Warp 3 (without Win-OS/2) and now is developed under Warp 4 using VisualAge C++ 3.0 for OS/2. If you use this program could you please let me know. Also if you have any comments, criticisms, bug reports or anything that could be improved. I will reply to all messages received. Paul Ratcliffe: paul@orac12.clara34.co56.uk78 (remove the obvious numbers from the RHS) is external)
Record updated last time on: 12/09/2018 - 07:08

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