RPM&YUM for OS/2

4.13.0 & 3.4.3
Release date: 
Friday, 18 November, 2011



Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. YUM is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems.

The Arca Noae Package Manager makes easy dealing with RPM/YUM packages.

This software is distributed in two modes:
  • as compressed package that you have to download and manually install; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too;
  • as RPM package; you can install it using your favorite rpm package manager, that will take care to download and install both the software and its prerequisites.
Choose the installation mode that you prefer. Please note that not all the versions are available in both the installation modes.

Installation with rpm

This program is installable using the rpm package manager. See below for the install string. Required prerequisites are automatically processed by the package manager and, if needed, downloaded and installed.

Repository: Netlabs stable(link is external)
------------------------------------- Yum - an automatic updater and installer for rpm-based systems ------------------------------------- Included programs: /usr/bin/yum Main program Basic usage description follows: Yum is run with one of the following options: - update [package list] If run without any packages, Yum will automatically upgrade every currently installed package. If one or more packages are specified, Yum will only update the packages listed. - install <package list> Yum will install the latest version of the specified package (don't specify version information). - remove <package list> Yum will remove the specified packages from the system. - yum list [package list] List available packages See the man page for more information (man yum) Also see the webpage and wiki for more information: web page: http://yum.baseurl.org/ wiki: http://yum.baseurl.org/wiki 3.2.X Branch - yum-3_2_X Starting commit is roughly: a3c91d7f6a15f31a42d020127b2da2877dfc137d E.g. git diff a3c91d7f6a15f31a42d020127b2da2877dfc137d

Manual installation

Self-installing WarpIN package. See below for download link(s) and detailed installation instructions. RPM-YUM "i386" package is for generic i386 architecture, while "p4" package is for modern PCs based on Pentium 4 processor or better.

Once the installation is completed, you can remove the WarpIN package.


Selecting a target drive for installation, consider the following:

  • The target drive should be big enough to install all software you need from RPM repositories. A good estimate is 5G of free space (this counts future RPM releases of big applications like Java, OpenOffice and so on). If you are a developer, you should double this reserve (so that it can fit the compiler and various frameworks).
  • The installer will create a simplified Unix tree on the target drive. This single tree will be used by all software ported from Unix/Linux and distributed with RPM.
  • It is a good idea to select the boot volume as a target drive for the RPM installation (provided that it is big enough). This way, all system components, including those installed from RPM repositories, will live on a single drive and not interfere with your personal data (or with your custom installations of applications from ZIP archives) which we recommend to store on a separate partition. Installing the RPM and Unix tree to a sub-folder is not well tested and therefore not yet possible.

Start the WPI installer and carefully follow the on-screen instructions, briefly:

  • When the self-installing WarpIN package finish, you must restart the system to validate the new statements and changes made into configuration files.
  • On the next reboot, let's connect to the Internet, open the command window that was created by the bootstrap yum WarpIN package (now there is a folder on the desktop) and type inside the command 'yum install yum' (which guarantees the installation of the latest updated version available for RPM/YUM for OS/2 and eComStation and simultaneously generating the first Unix-style branch on the root disk selected to install).
  • After installation, the transitional yum bootstrap WarpIN package can be uninstalled, strongly recommended, since the bootstrap basically has a transitional function and uses different paths, libraries and tools that may not be at the same level of the last version available just installed via Internet, also will not be liable in the potential risk of using its console to install other software!
  • At this point you can manage RPM repositories from a command window (read the documentation about it) and start installing the software you desire.

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Record updated last time on: 03/09/2022 - 12:05

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Help! I want to automate installation of RPM & YUM for OS/2 by sending keyboard events, so that a virtual machine with OS/2 + Yum can be produced with fully machined Packer instructions. Out of the box, OS/2 comes with the browser "WebExplorer", which is able to download some FTP and HTTP URLs. This helps to get WarpIN installed. However, when I supply the http://rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/rpm-yum-bootstrap-1_5-i386.wpi URL, such as saving to "yum.wpi", then WebExplorer appears to silently fail. After several seconds a console check with `dir c:\yum.wpi` reveals the file size is merely 238 bytes, whereas the actual file size is 22 MB. How are OS/2 users supposed to be able to download this file? If wget were installed, we could wget the yum WPI. However, we need yum in order to install wget. It seems there's a chicken and egg situation: Which comes first? The only other built-in download client I have found so far in OS/2 Warp is an `ftp` client, which unfortunately doesn't support HTTP transfers or even much of modern FTP transfers. Is there another built-in download client able to retrieve the RPM & YUM WPI?

First of all, you are better off asking this on a forum like os2world, secondly, only very old versions of OS/2 come with only WebExplorer as the web browsing option, newer versions have Netscape and Firefox etc. Trying to install RPM etc on such an old system that has not been updated etc is bound to fail, you will have to install Fixpack 40 or higher and a few other dependencies before you can hope to install software like RPM that is 25 years younger than the OS version you are trying to install onto.

After "installing" I ran the yum bootstrap console and get this: Error: no such table: packages I try: c:\yum install firefox I get: Error: no such table: packages Is this a server thing? Meaning the server where the packages are located is down. I don't know I'm not a programmer just a user. Any help would be much apprectiated.

Hello ! I installed my OS/2 Japanese edition yum by "rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/rpm-yum-bootstrap-1_5-i386.wpi" . My yum say like this message . " Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\tmp\yumbt\usr\lib\python2.7/site.py", line 550, in <module> main() File "E:\tmp\yumbt\usr\lib\python2.7/site.py", line 540, in main setencoding() File "E:\tmp\yumbt\usr\lib\python2.7/site.py", line 494, in setencoding sys.setdefaultencoding(encoding) # Needs Python Unicode build ! LookupError: unknown encoding: CP932 " Please someone inform me where Python Unicode build is . Thanks .

I solved by myself. My solution is very simple , just add 2 lines into "yum-console.cmd". I added 'chcp 437' and 'set LANG=en_US' after '@echo off' . The yum and the rpm are work very fine. Thank you.

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