XDF/LibSF for OS/2

Authors/Port authors:

A program to view and extract contents from IBM Extended Density Format files.


  • List the XDF file contents: xdflibsf -x file.xdf
  • Extract the XDF file contents to disk: xdflibsf -x file.xdf x:\path\to\extract\

Source code also available, under Liberty Software Foundation license.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

XDF/LibSF for OS/2 v. 1.0 (5/11/2018, Rick C. Hodgin) Readme/What's new
XDF/LibSF for OS/2 and Win32 -- An XDF File Extractor ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Use as-is. No warranties at all. Currently xdflibsf only supports 3.5" HD XDF file formats. Please report any bugs to: rick.c.hodgin@gmail.com. Files: os2\xdflibsf.exe win32\xdflibsf.exe Usage: List the XDF file contents: xdflibsf -x file.xdf Extract the XDF file contents to disk: xdflibsf -x file.xdf x:\path\to\extract\ Source code available: http://www.libsf.org:8990/projects/LIB/repos/libsf/browse/es2/UTILS/xdflibsf -- Nov.04.2018 Rick C. Hodgin John 3:16
Record updated last time on: 10/02/2019 - 07:48

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I am the author of this xdflibsf tool. I could not find any XDF files with sub-directories to test out its sub-dir processing functionality. Could I get a copy of the file you use in your thumbnail so I can add that functionality? Please email me at the address listed in the archive. Thank you. :-)

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