OS/2 Euro support

Release date: 
Saturday, 28 February, 1998



Authors/Port authors:

Win-OS/2 Euro Support.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. Run install.cmd. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

OS/2 Euro support v. Alpha (28/2/1998, Ken Borgendale) Readme/What's new
WinOS2 Euro Support - Alpha test 2 28 Oct 1998 ---------------------------------------------- This version of the Euro support has new TrueType fonts. This is a test of the support for Euro support in WinOS2. The keyboards, system fonts, and TrueType fonts are updated to contain the Euro. GDI.EXE is patched to update the codepage 1252 table. To install these components unzip wineuro.zip into a temporary directory and run "install.cmd" from an OS/2 command prompt. You should not have an active WinOS2 session when you do this. Since the TrueType fonts are shared with OS/2, you may need to reboot after the install in order to see these fonts. Many applications will support the Euro based on fixing the system. Some applications have their own conversion tables or fonts, and will not process the Euro correctly. To check if the install is correct, use "Write" which should show the Euro. The Euro is added to altgr-e for most keyboards, but is on altgr-4 on the UK keyboard, and altgr-5 for the US International keyboard. It should be possible to print the Euro to inkjet printers. To print on LaserJet printers, turn off the font substitution logic in the print driver. The Euro is not supported in Codepage 437. It is supported in codepage 850 and in the Windows 1252 codepage. This code will also work on a real Windows 3.1 system, but the install code is for OS/2. You can install these components from the DOS prompt before starting Windows 3.1 by copying all files into the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and running weurofix.exe. Ken Borgendale
 www.borgendale.com/wineuro.zip  local copy
OS/2 Euro support v. Alpha (28/2/1998, Ken Borgendale)
Record updated last time on: 30/07/2023 - 06:12

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New Link: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/windows/system/patches/WinEuro_1998-02-28.zip

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