The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter - 32 2023

Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site.

If you find something wrong and you want to report it, or if you want to contribute updating or translating to your language the records, or if just you want to write us, visit our Contact page or drop us an email at ecsoft2 [dot] orgatgmail [dot] com


  • Collection of system boot logos by the OS/2 community (available graphic formats: BMP, PNG, LGO).

  • ooRexx for OS/2. ooRexx is the open source version of IBM's Object REXX Interpreter. It is upwardly compatible with classic REXX and will execute classic REXX programs unchanged.

  • Qt is a multiplatform C++ GUI application framework developed by Trolltech AS (now "The Qt Company"). Qt for OS/2 is a native version of the Qt Toolkit for the OS/2 Operating System.

  • Agena is an easy-to-learn procedural programming language suited for everyday usage.

  • GUI front-end in Rexx language for FFmpeg, which will allow for converting audio and video between formats.

  • Nomacs is a free image viewer for windows, linux, mac systems and OS/2, based on Qt framework.

  • Dooble is a platform-independent open source web browser. Application developed using Qt framework.

  • ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files.

  • GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (bidi).

  • PMMail/2, email client. OS/2 and Windows versions available. From 3.0 version, the program is free to all VOICE members for 90 days.

  • QSINIT is a replacement of OS2LDR created from scratch.

  • Create a log file that you can submit with your test results when reporting a problem with a driver.

  • WFT (Web Family Tree) is a program that permits you to display your family tree on a web browser. It is distributed as freeware.

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