Tiff for OS/2 (LibTIFF)

Release date: 
Tuesday, 3 October, 2000



LibTIFF UNIX port. A library to manage Tag Image File Format (TIFF).

Include a small collection of tools for doing simple manipulations of TIFF images, and documentation on the library and tools.

This software is distributed in two modes:
  • as compressed package that you have to download and manually install; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too;
  • as RPM package; you can install it using your favorite rpm package manager, that will take care to download and install both the software and its prerequisites.
Choose the installation mode that you prefer. Please note that not all the versions are available in both the installation modes.

Installation with rpm

This program is installable using the rpm package manager. See below for the install string. Required prerequisites are automatically processed by the package manager and, if needed, downloaded and installed.

libtiff-4.6.0-1.oc00 (28/11/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
changelog * Mon Nov 27 2023 4.6.0-1 - update to version 4.6.0 - resync spec with fedora
libtiff-debuginfo-4.6.0-1.oc00 (28/11/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
libtiff-devel-4.6.0-1.oc00 (28/11/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
libtiff-tools-4.6.0-1.oc00 (28/11/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
libtiff-static-4.6.0-1.oc00 (28/11/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

You can install the prerequisites with rpm running the following string in a command line:

yum install libc libgcc1 libgcc-fwd libstdc++6 libsupc++6

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Tiff for OS/2 (LibTIFF) v. 4.0.1 (19/2/2012, Elbert Pol (TeLLie)) Readme/What's new
2012-02-18 Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us> * libtiff 4.0.1 released. * Update automake used to 1.11.3. * libtiff/tiffio.h: Use double-underbar syntax in GCC printf attribute specification to lessen the risk of accidental macro substitution. Patch from Vincent Torri. 2012-01-31 Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> * libtiff/tif_dir.c, libtiff/tif_dirread.c: Extra caution around assumption tag fetching is always successful. * libtiff/tif_jpeg.c: Extra caution for case where sp is NULL. 2012-01-22 Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us> * configure.ac: Add support for using library symbol versioning on ELF systems with the GNU linker. Support is enabled via --enable-ld-version-script. Disabled by default for now until there is a decision for how to deploy a libtiff with versioned symbols after libtiff 4.0.0 was already released. 2011-12-22 Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us> * libtiff/tif_win32.c: Eliminate some minor 64-bit warnings in tif_win32.c. Patch by Edward Lam. * configure.ac: Add libtiff private dependency on -llzma for pkg-config. Patch by Mark Brand. Updated Automake to 1.11.2. 2011-12-21 Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us>
Tiff for OS/2 (LibTIFF) v. 3.9.5 (6/1/2011, Netlabs)
Tiff for OS/2 (LibTIFF) v. 3.5.5 (3/10/2000, TEAM OS/2 Russia) Readme/What's new
$Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/README,v 1.2 1999/08/16 17:09:27 warmerda Exp $ TIFF Software Distribution -------------------------- This file is just a placeholder; all the documentation is now in HTML in the html directory. To view the documentation point your favorite WWW viewer at html/index.html; e.g. netscape html/index.html If you don't have an HTML viewer then you can read the HTML source or fetch a PostScript version of this documentation from the directory ftp://ftp.sgi.com/graphics/tiff/doc If you can't hack either of these options then basically what you want to do is: % ./configure % make % su # make install If that doesn't do what you want, or something isn't clear then sorry, but you're SOL. Sam Leffler (sam@engr.sgi.com) Use and Copyright ----------------- Silicon Graphics has seen fit to allow me to give this work away. It is free. There is no support or guarantee of any sort as to its operations, correctness, or whatever. If you do anything useful with all or parts of it you need to honor the copyright notices. I would also be interested in knowing about it and, hopefully, be acknowledged. The legal way of saying that is: Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
 www.os2site.com/sw/graphics/misc/tiff-v3.5.5-emx.zip  local copy
Record updated last time on: 25/02/2025 - 21:36

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