Necromancer's Dos Navigator [NDN] is a clone of the famous "Norton Commander". It uses an easy to use and learn text-mode interface, is highly customizable, and has a lot of features.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
Necromancer's DOS Navigator (NDN) v. 3.00.0010 (24/11/2023, CandyMan, Gavrilenko Sergey, Stefan Weber) | Readme/What's new |
2023-11-24 (v3.00.0010)
fix: some loading speed improvements in Dos version (thanks to Voland by report)
fix: now dos versions not will be compressed by UPX to faster loading on slow machines
(you can compress/decompress ndn.prg file if you need)
fix: trayicon was not visible in FPC versions
new: windows 11 ver 22H2 detection
new: added cpuid instructions feature flags
new: added to disassembler instructions: AVX VNNI, AVX512 Bfloat16, AMX, RAO-INT, CMPccXADD & others
new: decoder hotkeys: Alt-[ - toggles not Intel/AMD instructions, Alt-] toggles undocumented instructions
fix: was bug in procedure that reads disk sector in decoder (only windows versions)
new: additional 20 palettes from other projects
new: possible toggle FlatView (hide subdirectories) in FilePanel (Ctrl-Alt-V hotkey)
new: add in menu Options->Configuration->MiscellaneousSetups->OperatingSystem->Run when Windows starts
new: now export/import procedures in PE/PE+ header are sorted by name
fix: 2ndSky screen saver sometimes ran circularly
new: four internal screen savers (Radar, Snake, Text, etc.)
fix: NDN not crash when can't map linear frame buffer or when he not exist (Dos32 - graph mode)
new: Digital/Numeric Converter with (dis)-assembly functions
fix: Was small bug in CStr2Str() - last char in string result sometimes was cut
new: pressing Ctrl-F3 hotkey in decoder enables change type of display in Hex/Text mode
new: enabling CPUID levels ( >=3 via MSR IA32_MISC_ENABLE bit 22) after press "Detail" & "Enable CPUID" buttons
new: special Windows folders added (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-P hotkey)
new: go to environment variable folders (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E hotkey)
new: find open/locked files to close file or kill process on Windows versions
fix: Help button doesn't work after press
fix: detect destination path length > 255 in Copy/Move files
fix: minesweeper game sometimes crash
fix: CR/LF command (line breaks replace) skips when detect sames file names (source & target)
new: show inputline current and maximal possible length
new: Ctrl-Ins hotkey copy active button title
fix: crash with some commands when zero files are in both panels
new: Ctrl-Left/Right switches to prev/next item in Tabs & MultiDialog
fix: HTML viewer checks for pressing the Esc key to abort the file loading on when it takes a long time
fix: HTML viewer not jumps to negative positions when scan a file
fix: Dos64 version works with VCPI driver (if you have memory beyond 4GB)
fix: Zydis V4, Capstone V5 disassemblers
fix: Default disabled detection VESA modes (because not works with WinNT)
fix: LMSW instruction in CPU detection removed
fix: Default disabled AutoMaximize Window (problems with Win11)
fix: added ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS with SetConsoleMode() | |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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