Necromancer's Dos Navigator [NDN] è un clone del famoso "Norton Commander". Utilizza una interfaccia modo-testo semplice da apprendere e da usare, è altamente personalizzabile ed ha moltissime funzioni.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
Necromancer's DOS Navigator (NDN) v. 3.00.0012 (14/11/2024, CandyMan, Gavrilenko Sergey, Stefan Weber) | Readme/What's new |
2024-??-?? (v3.00.0011)
fix: hotkeys are visible after pressing Ctrl-Minus in panel
fix: NDN can load "PAQ" font files (in DOS version)
new: windows 11 ver 23H2 detection
fix: check "Size<0" in unpack diskette images
fix: help navigator loader stack modified
fix: sometimes crash mode switch (F4 hot key) in file viewer
fix: Shift-F10 in panel & Alt-C/N editor not worked as he should in russian language
fix: 1st page is remapped in 64-bit D3X dos extender (DOS64 version)
fix: show valid XMS handle number used by D3X in XMS statistics
fix: in Windows version PATH environment variable is searched to run program from command line in new window
new: DOS64 version now support files greather than 2GB (seek via Int21h.7142)
new: added cpuid instructions feature flags
new: added two "fake" drives ("." - go to up path, "\" - go to root path) on panel's drive line
new: hotkeys: F7 - Do copy, F8 - Do paste, all times from FileAttribute change dialog (Ctrl-[Shift]-A)
fix: some hotkeys in build editor fixed
new: additional option, find/replace string in editor inside/outside of quote
new: %Z in FormatStr() means ASCIIZ/PChar
new: cmd line param /CODEPAGE:N sets starting CodePage to N in unicode Windows version
fix: in unpack diskette images files with starting character #5 in name are now supported
fix: in unicode Windows version chars with Alt pressed are correctly received
fix: selected text search in editor improved/fixed
new: append string to all lines in block (added to editor menu)
new: remove string from end of lines in block (added to editor menu)
fix: auto Highlight of View support Unicode chars (char>#255)
fix: not quoted text detection in resources and RCP compiler
fix: MultiDialog has now visible title (bug in RCP compiler)
new: string "." in help files (TVHC - *.htx) will be justified to right by multi characters "."
fix: the best player's name and Top 10 players in games are now visible as unicode string
new: load font from current file in panel (8x16) also in KolibriOS/MenuetOS/SigmaOS
new: Alt-Ins hotkey - insert current directory to InputLine
new: Alt-"["/"]" hotkeys - insert left/right panel full path + selected file name to InputLine
fix: Insert + Shift/Ctrl/Alt hotkey now works fine in Dos versions
new: Ctrl-Alt-Ins hotkey unlike other views (Ctrl-Ins) make copy to clipboard of focused TLabel view
new: Alt-Home/End switch to first/last view in dialogs
new: Import/Paste file from... (hex) to internal editor
fix: MemoryMap also in MenuetOS/SigmaOS versions
fix: Jump to correct entry point in MZ header when CS<0
new: windows 11 ver 24H2 detection
new: Added "!Contains" option to Editor Find/Replace dialog. When checked, it searches for lines that
do not contain a string in the "Contains" dialog field
fix: change language menu uses commands value greater than 65535
fix: current ega/vga font in ascii-map is now visible in all dos versions | |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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