A powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool. Application developed using Qt framework.
This program is installable using the rpm package manager. See below for the install string. Required prerequisites are automatically processed by the package manager and, if needed, downloaded and installed.
yum install luckybackup
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
luckyBackup v. 0.5.0 (27/8/2023, Elbert Pol (TeLLie)) | Readme/What's new |
Luckybackup v0.5.0 README 27-08-2023
Notice the little icon in the tray widget.
But it also works without the trayicon.
Put Rsync in path or same dir as Luckybackup.exe
Welcome to Luckybackup v0.4.7 port for OS/2 and eComStation.
... a powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool
The dll's needed for luckybackup:
chkdll32 luckybackup.exe
Loading DLL 'libcx0' --> C:\USR\LIB\LIBCX0.DLL.
Loading DLL 'libcn0' --> C:\USR\LIB\LIBCN0.DLL.
Loading DLL 'Qt5Core' --> C:\USR\LIB\QT5CORE.DLL.
Loading DLL 'gcc1' --> C:\USR\LIB\GCC1.DLL.
Loading DLL 'Qt5Wdgt' --> C:\USR\LIB\QT5WDGT.DLL.
Loading DLL 'Qt5Gui' --> C:\USR\LIB\QT5GUI.DLL.
All DLL's used by 'luckybackup.exe' could be loaded.
Also look @ the "RPM installation" for other dll's to install
The following requirements can be installed either by rpm or by zip files.
RPM Installation:
yum install libgcc4* libssp libstdc++ libstdc++6 libsupc++ libsupc++6 you always get everything needed!
ZIP Installation:
Look @ http://rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/zip/ for dll's
F.e http://rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/zip/libxml2-2_7_7-4_oc00.zip
There you find the Libxml2.dll
Use Qt5 from BWW tp install the rpm
1. Download the latest cups version which is 1.4.8 or better
2. Install it and be sure to put the cups.dll somewhere to your path
3. This is needed for printing, if it's not then it's not needed to install.
1. Get latest one @ http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub//os2/util/file/rsync-3.0.9-20120425-shl.zip
1. Create a directory for Luckybackup.
2. Extract the Luckybackup package to the new directory.
3. Create a WPS object for Luckybackup.exe.
4. Start Luckybackup
5. Enjoy the app
(C) 2007-2023 Loukas Avgeriou <luckyb69@otenet.gr> http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net/
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
if you find a bug, then add a ticket to the trac at http://svn.netlabs.org/qtapps
Only bug reports with a reproducable bug are accepted. :-)
The port was done by: Elbert Pol aka TeLLie
Thanks go to:
* Loukas Avgeriou
* Dmitry A. Kuminov
* Silvan Scherrer
They either helped me when I had some nasty questions or did some testing for me.
Luckybackup is based on volunteer work. If you would like to support further
development, you can do so in one of the following ways:
* Donate to the Qt5 project: see qt.netlabs.org for more information
* Contribute to the project: Besides actual development, this also includes
maintaining the documentation and the project web site as well as help
for users.
Compiled now with Qt v5,15,2
Version 0.5.0 :
* Added PolicyKit authorization framework integration
Version 0.4.9 :
* Various changes due to Qt5 compatibility
* Minor modify dialog fixes
* Fixed issue: libpng 1.6+ iCCP warnings
* Fixed issue: compiler warning - overflow in implicit constant conversion
* Fixed issue: segfault when exiting app at certain circumstances
* Fixed issue: qfiledialog, QDataStream inclusion
Version 0.4.8 :
* Added support for vss implementation (windows)
* Added support for nt-streams (windows)
* Added support for e-mail notifications (windows)
* Added various libs used for the windows port
* Added option to disable TLS for email reports
* Added some (useful) statistics at the end of a profile run
* Added destination disk free space at information window
* Minor modifications to "modify task" dialog
* View of remote places is now available through the "manage backup" dialog
* Default email options are now loaded when a new profile is created
* Split of full email command to command & arguments
* Changed the default exclude "system folders" from "/dev /proc /sys /var" to "/dev /proc /sys /run /var/run"
* Safety checks of mount-points now include deeper levels in paths than /media/<1st-level>/ and /mnt/<1st-level>/
* Fixed issue: When one or more items were manually removed from an existing schedule list, LB would delete entries from the bottom of the list instead, when the cronIT button is pressed.
* Fixed issue: Progress bar did not update normally
* Fixed issue: Segmentation fault under certain circumstances, when --skip-critical is used as an argument and there exists one or more actual CRITICAL tasks.
* Fixed issue: Confusion at task list when an item's box state changed.
* Fixed issue (windows): Warning message regarding the changes.log files during a run
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luckyBackup v. 0.4.9 (23/5/2018, Netlabs) | Readme/What's new |
Version 0.4.9 :
* Various changes due to Qt5 compatibility
* Minor modify dialog fixes
* Fixed issue: libpng 1.6+ iCCP warnings
* Fixed issue: compiler warning - overflow in implicit constant conversion
* Fixed issue: segfault when exiting app at certain circumstances
* Fixed issue: qfiledialog, QDataStream inclusion
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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luckyBackup v. 0.4.8 (27/10/2014, Netlabs) | Readme/What's new |
Version 0.4.8 :
* Added support for vss implementation (windows)
* Added support for nt-streams (windows)
* Added support for e-mail notifications (windows)
* Added various libs used for the windows port
* Added option to disable TLS for email reports
* Added some (useful) statistics at the end of a profile run
* Added destination disk free space at information window
* Minor modifications to "modify task" dialog
* View of remote places is now available through the "manage backup" dialog
* Default email options are now loaded when a new profile is created
* Split of full email command to command & arguments
* Changed the default exclude "system folders" from "/dev /proc /sys /var" to "/dev /proc /sys /run /var/run"
* Safety checks of mount-points now include deeper levels in paths than /media/<1st-level>/ and /mnt/<1st-level>/
* Fixed issue: When one or more items were manually removed from an existing schedule list, LB would delete entries from the bottom of the list instead, when the cronIT button is pressed.
* Fixed issue: Progress bar did not update normally
* Fixed issue: Segmentation fault under certain circumstances, when --skip-critical is used as an argument and there exists one or more actual CRITICAL tasks.
* Fixed issue: Confusion at task list when an item's box state changed.
* Fixed issue (windows): Warning message regarding the changes.log files during a run |
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luckyBackup v. 0.4.7 (13/3/2012, Netlabs) | Readme/What's new |
Version 0.4.7 :
* Introduced compatibility for the windows port
* Improved OS2 compatibility for snapshots
* Added option to compress the logfile before sending it via e-mail
* Added next/previous error buttons at commands output window
* Added feature to backup profile, log and snapshot data to the destination after a task run
* Added protection rule: Exclude list is disabled when user selects "only include", to avoid confusion
* Added a "repeat-on-fail" feature for running tasks
* Added "quite mode" during run, to only display errors and important messages
* Added the ".gvfs" folder as an exclude template
* Added "--super" and "--numeric-ids" as command options templates
* Added option to schedule profile runs on an hourly basis
* Changed the global settings file from Qvariant to simple text
* Changed the schedule file from Qvariant to simple text
* Changed the profile import/export feature so that logs and snapshot data are included too
* Fixed issue: email feature sent the oldest logfile instead of the newest one
* Fixed issue: email feature reported "process timeout"
* Fixed various issues when spaces are used at a remote path
* Fixed issue: Creation of the snapshot directory at a remote destination when the max No. of snapshots was not reached
* Fixed issue: wrong snapshot directory name when remote source was used
* Updated manual |
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luckyBackup v. 0.4.5 (14/3/2011, Netlabs) | Readme/What's new |
Version 0.4.5 :
* Added feature to email a report after backup
* Added a "shutdown system when finished" feature (looks much cooler within kde)
* Added move & edit options for the "exclude", "include", "command options" and "also execute" lists of items
* Added option to delay @reboot scheduled jobs so as to allow the graphical environment to launch
* Added conditional statements (stop task execution on error) for the "also execute" commands, in the form of a check-box
* Added a command line argument to display current application version
* Added extra directory check for mounted filesystems under /media or /mnt
* Added actions after a profile/task rename, removal or deletion that will pass the changes to the snapshot & log files
* Changed tray baloon notification to something that does not remind of windowz (only for kde-normal user)
* Reduced the 2 backup task types to 1 and added a checkbox instead. Seemed like the 2 backup types were confusing to many
* Save profile button is now greyed when not needed
* Various (well, lots actually) changes to make LB more "OS/2 compatible"
* Fixed issue: Useless lines accumulating within .profile files
* Fixed issue: When the gpl license is not available no feedback to user was available
* Fixed issue: Profile actions toolbar was not visible when gui run from command-line with a profile argument
* Fixed issue: Profile execution pause, when an "also execute" command reported error (eg fail to start, timeout etc)
* Updated manpage
* Updated manual |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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