Applications: time

APM_UHR 19980313
Friday, 13 March, 1998

APM-UHR corrects slowed PC-clocks on PC with power managment. Source code available.

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Astronomical Julian Day conversion programs 28032017
Tuesday, 28 March, 2017

The following programs provide routines to convert Gregorian and Julian Calendar dates into Julian Days, and back again.

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Monday, 17 September, 2001

At is a simple fixed-time scheduler. When the specified time occurs, AT will execute one REXX command - if there's any error a standard REXX error message will be shown.

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BarClock/2 28071995
Friday, 28 July, 1995

A stopwatch and a clock for the title bar of the current window under OS/2.

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Beat Calculator for DSTswitch 1.00
Monday, 29 November, 1999

Beat Calculator is an AddOn for DSTswitch. That means it requires DSTswitch to be installed and running; Beat Calculator won't start if DSTswitch is not active. It is a Swatch Beat calculator for your time zone,...

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Beat/2 2.03r4
Saturday, 28 August, 1999

Beat/2 is Swatch Beat, Internet Time Indicator.

What is this new Universal Time?

Timed by Swatch:

Internet Time represents a completely new global concept of time. So what is the deal?...

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Client Network Time Protocol (NTP) 1.4
Saturday, 21 February, 2015

Network Time Protocol Client for OS/2 and eCS. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time source, such as a radio or satellite receiver or modem....

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Clock60 2007/12/23
Monday, 14 December, 2015

Clock60 is a modified desktop clock, that contains additional features, like access to DCF77-stations. Source code included.

Released as open source under the BSD 3 Clauses license on 14/12/2015 by Noller & Breining Software...

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Daytime 1.21
Sunday, 13 June, 1999

Time and daytime server and client programs for OS/2 and Windows NT. The server implements the RFC 867 (daytime), RFC 868 (time) and RFC 1361 (SNTP) services, both for TCP and UDP protocols. The client can use any of these services. (...

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DELAY (OS/2 startup delay device driver) 1.2
Friday, 21 October, 2016

DELAY is a simple OS/2 device driver for providing a timed delay from CONFIG.SYS during system startup. It is useful in situations where several machines are being brought up at the same time, but some must not proceed past a certain...

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DSTswitch 1.80
Tuesday, 4 April, 2000

DSTswitch is a system utility that advances the time of your computer when daylight saving time becomes active or sets it back when standard time is active again. DSTswitch is a stand alone program, that means an Internet connection (i....

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Tuesday, 28 July, 1992

A Tiny Dancing Elephant with a digital clock.

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Gopher 1.9915
Tuesday, 11 October, 1994

Gopher is an OS/2 Presentation Manager client for the Internet Gopher protocol, originally developed at the University of Minnesota.

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Thursday, 28 October, 1993

GPSCLOCK is a simple digitial clock program for OS/2.  Double-click mouse button 1 (usually the left button) on its  window to set options, or start it like this:

start gpsclock ?

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Graphical moon phase
Monday, 31 January, 2005

Graphical moon phase.

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JR-Misc-Tools 1.0
Saturday, 23 March, 2013

This package contains several miscellaneous tools for PM and command line. Source code and binaries included. Public Domain.

  • BEEPER - Command line tool.
  • CHECKER - Error scanning...
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K Alarm 1.0.0
Saturday, 25 April, 2015

Alarm one time, at regular intervals or weekly. Application developed using Qt4.

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KTIMER/2 1.0
Monday, 22 May, 2006

A short-term timer (max 15 min) for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. If you put any sound file with wav extension inside the program directory,...

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Leminuteur 2010.5.1
Wednesday, 25 May, 2011

A simple timer application developed for an article in the magazine Magnum (Mandriva French community) that uses Qt4.

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MailProgs (OS/2 mail clients and servers)
Friday, 21 October, 2016

This is a suite of small OS/2 mail client and server programs. These are not particularly sophisticated, but they have the merit of being small and simple. They are all command line based.

SMTP Server:


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Mars24 5.5.1
Tuesday, 13 December, 2005

Mars24 is a Java program and browser applet which displays a Mars "sunclock", a graphical representation of the planet Mars showing its current sun- and nightsides, along with a numerical readout of the time...

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MIKUNO Hyakuninisshu/2 1.0
Tuesday, 23 August, 2016


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Network Time Protocol Client for OS/2 Warp 1.7
Monday, 12 July, 1993

OS2_NTPD is a 32-bit, multi-threaded, text mode, NTP client application that  runs in a Presentation Manager VIO text window or can be run detached.

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NPClock (Netscape Plug-in) 1.01
Monday, 5 August, 2002

A clock. This is not a traditional program, instead, this is a "plug-in" for your Netscape browser. A plug-in is an add-on component for a specific application doing something. In...

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PM Clock Application 2.0
Saturday, 4 December, 1993

The Clock Sample application is a sample Presentation Manager program that demonstates how to use the system and window timers in a OS/2 Application.

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PMOmikuji 1.3c
Monday, 1 September, 2008

PMOmikuji: Omikuji are random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto shrines in Japan.

  • Great blessing (dai-kichi)
  • Middle blessing (chuu-kichi)
  • ...
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Protimer (Project Timer) 1.4
Sunday, 28 October, 2012

Protimer is a small time tracking application, from the simple drafting of a text, programming, or even just the time spent surfing the internet. Application developed using the Qt4 compiler...

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Relish & RelishWeb Working Model 2.23 & 1.0
Thursday, 23 October, 1997

Relish provides a convenient and easy way to manage your time. Your calendar, to do list, and phone book are fully integrated to give you total reliability. At the same time they are also independent which...

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SunCalculator 1.10
Thursday, 10 April, 2014

Calculate Sunrise, Sunset and dawn times. The calculation based on sunriset by Paul Schlyter in Qt4.

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Tabata Timer/2 1.0
Wednesday, 11 March, 2015

Presentation Manager Tabata Timer/2 for Tabata Training (4 Minutes). You can change the font and color of this software.

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TimeKeeper/2 1.3.3
Saturday, 2 February, 2002

RFC 868 Time Protocol Client that keeps your system time and date accurate.

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Tiny Alarm 2.4
Friday, 30 June, 2006

Tiny Alarm is a simple alarm countdown with a slider from 1 to 60 minutes, an alarm by entering alarm time and a chime with user defined interval. When time is over, a window opens and you hear a sound; System Shutdown instead of alarm...

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TZ calculator 0.3
Monday, 26 January, 1998

This program calculates the TZ environment variable from user settings on the screen.

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TZSet 1.1
Wednesday, 2 January, 2019

TZSet sets the time zone from the TZ environment variable.

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UPTIME (The Uptime WPS Class) 1.3
Friday, 21 October, 2016

UPTIME implements a Workplace Shell class that shows the current system uptime (time since boot). Although there are several utilities that do this, it seemed nice to make it a WPS class; it is easy to move the information around the...

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utime2mdy 20230216
Wednesday, 16 February, 2000

Output datetime values in various formats.

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Yes it's a clock 1.00
Friday, 23 May, 1997

Here is a clock program complete with source. The program is fairly uncomplicated, but a useful and useable applet showing some basic (and some not so basic) OS/2 PM programming tricks. The ordinary user...

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