USB Configuration Notebook

Release date: 
Sunday, 4 May, 2014




Authors/Port authors:

This is a settings notebook designed to reconfigure most USB settings. This application is not designed to work with the CW USB drivers. It can also be used to add more Controller lines to the config.sys file should a user add a USB Host Controller card to the system.

It is not designed to perform the initial installation of drivers but can be used to configure USB drivers not currently active that are available in X:\OS2\BOOT.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Available both as ZIP and WarpIN package:

  • download the ZIP package to temporary directory, unpack it to destination folder and run install.cmd;
  • the WarpIN package is self-installing.

See below for download links.

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

USB Configuration Notebook v. 0.82 (zip, 9/9/2014, Peter Brown) Readme/What's new
Beta 0.8.2 Changed USBECD popup menu item Delete Line to Remove Line "Synchronised" keyboard shortcuts for the USBECD popup menu items with the state of those items ie Enabled = Keys work or Disabled = nothing happens Changed code to allow USBECD lines without leading 0's to be valid eg DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:3:0000:1 /N:AA$ is the same as DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:0003:0000:0001 /N:AA$ Added the parameter /bin to the call to USBDock.exe Increased size of Revision text area to avoid truncation of Revision data Corrected System, Page1 EHCI showing as USB v1; now shows as USB v2 Allow Printer Device Name to be LPT Updated Help file with changes and corrected some "typos" Available in ZIP and Warpin packages.
USB Configuration Notebook v. 0.82 (WarpIN, 9/9/2014, Peter Brown) Readme/What's new
Beta 0.8.2 Changed USBECD popup menu item Delete Line to Remove Line "Synchronised" keyboard shortcuts for the USBECD popup menu items with the state of those items ie Enabled = Keys work or Disabled = nothing happens Changed code to allow USBECD lines without leading 0's to be valid eg DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:3:0000:1 /N:AA$ is the same as DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:0003:0000:0001 /N:AA$ Added the parameter /bin to the call to USBDock.exe Increased size of Revision text area to avoid truncation of Revision data Corrected System, Page1 EHCI showing as USB v1; now shows as USB v2 Allow Printer Device Name to be LPT Updated Help file with changes and corrected some "typos" Available in ZIP and Warpin packages.
USB Configuration Notebook v. 0.82 (zip, 9/9/2014, Peter Brown) Readme/What's new
Beta 0.8.2 Changed USBECD popup menu item Delete Line to Remove Line "Synchronised" keyboard shortcuts for the USBECD popup menu items with the state of those items ie Enabled = Keys work or Disabled = nothing happens Changed code to allow USBECD lines without leading 0's to be valid eg DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:3:0000:1 /N:AA$ is the same as DEVICE=H:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:0003:0000:0001 /N:AA$ Added the parameter /bin to the call to USBDock.exe Increased size of Revision text area to avoid truncation of Revision data Corrected System, Page1 EHCI showing as USB v1; now shows as USB v2 Allow Printer Device Name to be LPT Updated Help file with changes and corrected some "typos" Available in ZIP and Warpin packages.
Record updated last time on: 24/06/2023 - 21:23

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