
Release date: 
Monday, 3 December, 2018



Authors/Port authors:

Display Unix-style manual pages: Man−db is a package that is designed to provide users with online information in a fast and friendly manner while at the same time offering flexibility to the system administrator.

This software is distributed in two modes:
  • as compressed package that you have to download and manually install; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too;
  • as RPM package; you can install it using your favorite rpm package manager, that will take care to download and install both the software and its prerequisites.
Choose the installation mode that you prefer. Please note that not all the versions are available in both the installation modes.

Installation with rpm

This program is installable using the rpm package manager. See below for the install string. Required prerequisites are automatically processed by the package manager and, if needed, downloaded and installed.


Manual installation

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Man-db v. 1.1 (30/1/1995, Darrel Hankerson) Readme/What's new
This archive contains a port to OS/2 1.x--2.x of John Eaton's <> man v1.1. Roughly speaking, man is a front-end to a *roff-style program and a pager, and displays Unix-style manual pages. Kai Uwe Rommel <> did a port of man 1.0. The major visible change in 1.1 is support for compressed formatted man pages (e.g., if man finds /man/man1/ls.1, then man will attempt to create the compressed formatted man page /man/cat1/ls.1.gz). Installation: 1. Copy man.exe and manpath.exe to some directory in your PATH. Copy manpath.cfg to some directory in INIT, DPATH, or PATH. Edit this file to match your directory structure (or use the MANPATH environment variable). Enter "manpath -d" to see where man will be hunting for man pages. 2. If you have the necessary support programs (see below), edit the .cmd and .sh files and install in some directory in your path (the default is c:/bin). Try the makewhatis program. For example, if you have man pages in /man/man1/, then try makewhatis /man If successful, ask "whatis" for info on some program in /man/man1, as in whatis ls Changes from the original sources: 1. Support for OS/2 1.x--2.x and DOS with Microsoft C, and for OS/2 2.x and DOS 32-bit with Eberhard Mattes' emx/gcc, added in new Makefile.os2. 2. New "-N" option and NROFF environment variable to permit selecting the nroff-style program. 3. New code selects the default nroff-style program: groff under OS/2 2.x, and cawf under OS/2 1.x or DOS. 4. Added gzip support. 5.,, and have been adapted from the corresonding files. Cheng-Yang Tan <> reports: It seems that bash requires a .sh extension in shell scripts under OS/2. It is documented in the README file that comes with bash. Also you will have to change the #! part, backslashes and NOT forward slashes MUST be used. These comments apply to the older port of bash 11-16-92 23:21 290820 0 bash.exe To use this version of bash, change the *.cmd files to use bash, and change the first line of the *.sh files from #!/bin/sh to #!\bin\bash Unfortunately, others have reported problems with this port of bash. I have not been able to get the newer port of bash to work properly with these scripts. Information on using bash or ksh with man would be appreciated. Bugs: 1. If, say, both /man/man1/ls.1 and /man/cat1/ls.1 exist, man still attempts to create /man/cat1/ls.1.gz. Workaround: do "gzip *" on all existing cat* directories. 2. No support for compressed files on FAT drives. It may be possible to add {"gz", "gzip -dc -Sgz"} to the list in config.h (and then re-compile) so that man could read compressed files of the form /man/cat1/ls.1gz (created manually). A number of utility programs are needed. These include gawk, sed, Stewartson's sh or bash, less, and cawf or groff, all available at The file "director.c" was originally from Michael Rendell <{uunet,utai}michael@garfield>, in 1897 [sic] according to the comments. The enclosed version has been enhanced by Ian Stewartson <>. This file and those in include/ are from Stewartson's very nice shell for OS/2 and DOS. cawf, from Vic Abell <>, is a C version of awf, Henry Spencer's Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter. "Cawf and awf provide a usable subset of raw nroff capabilities and the styles of the man(7), me(7) and ms(7) macro sets." Version 4.07 is available from Thanks to John Eaton, Michael Rendell, Ian Stewartson, Vic Abell, and Kai Uwe Rommel. Thanks to Cheng-Yang Tan for the help on bash. -- Darrel Hankerson 7 January 1994, scripts updated 23-Jan-94
Man-db v. 1.0 (14/2/1993)  local copy
Record updated last time on: 04/12/2018 - 05:28

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