ROBOSAVE allows you to easily back up your OS/2 2.x Desktop and later restore it to the same system. You can also specify a limited number of files to be saved/restored. A simple text profile controls the ROBOSAVE operation.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. Run ROBOSAVE.CMD /?
for help. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
ROBOSAVE (ROBOSV) v. 3.04 (9/9/1993, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) | Readme/What's new |
ROBOSAVE Version 3.04
A Utility for Saving the OS/2 2.X Desktop
User's Guide
R. R. Kurtz
J. G. Knauth
(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994.
All rights Reserved.
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
1.0 ROBOSAVE User's Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 What ROBOSAVE Does . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 What ROBOSAVE Does Not Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 ROBOSAVE Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.7 ROBOSAVE Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.8 Doing a Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.9 Doing a Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.10 Recovery of Individual Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.11 Choosing a Save Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.12 Contents of the Save Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.13 ROBOSVUT Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contents ii
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
This edition of the User's Guide is for the Employee Written Software
release of ROBOSAVE.
ROBOSAVE is a tool which allows you to quickly and easily back up the
OS/2 2.x Desktop. In addition you can save a limited number of user-
specified files. If problems occur later, you can easily restore the
saved information. Because it is so easy to do a ROBOSAVE, you will
find that doing frequent backups is quite painless.
The OS/2 2.x Desktop consists of control information for such things
as folders, program objects, printer objects, and shadows. It also
contains data about the tailoring you have done for colors, fonts,
titles, window positions, associations, and much more. You may have
invested a significant amount of time in adjusting the Desktop to your
preferences. ROBOSAVE provides a good way to protect that investment.
Using ROBOSAVE is very simple. Here is a summary. Details are in
following sections, together with suggestions for how you might plan
ROBOSAVE backups for your system.
- Installation
- Download and unzip ROBOSAVE's zip file into a directory of
your choice
- Set up a ROBOSAVE profile; you can use ROBOSAVE.SMP as a model
- Doing a save
- Stabilize the Desktop by doing a shutdown and IPL
- Invoke ROBOSAVE, using the profile you created above
- Doing a restore
- Bring up an OS/2 environment suitable for doing ROBOREST
- Switch to the save drive and directory
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 1
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ROBOSAVE does not do a full backup of all the data on your system.
Instead it saves only certain key information. Part of this informa-
tion is saved automatically. Part you must specify thru a profile. A
sample ROBOSAVE profile is provided; however, there may be other crit-
ical files for your applications that you should specify in your own
profile. Restoring this information is often sufficient to get your
system working again very quickly. Of course doing a full backup pro-
vides a better guarantee of a full recovery. However, doing a full
backup requires much more time and more space on your backup medium.
From ROBOSAVE's point of view the Desktop consists of the Desktop
directory and all the files and directories under it. This is the
information ROBOSAVE will save automatically. You must be careful
about what information you either remove from or add to that directory
If you move an object from the Desktop to some location that is not in
the Desktop, ROBOSAVE will NOT save that object. For example, suppose
your Desktop directory is C:\DESKTOP. The standard OS/2 install will
create a Productivity folder in the OS/2 System folder. Suppose you
use the Workplace Shell Drives facility to drag the Productivity
folder to some location not in the Desktop, let's say into a C:\MISC
directory. From a (FAT) file system point of view, you just moved the
longer under C:\DESKTOP and will not be automatically saved by
ROBOSAVE. Even if you create a shadow on the Desktop of the moved
Productivity folder, the moved folder will not be saved because it is
no longer in the Desktop. However, if all you do is move the object
to another place in the Desktop, e.g., suppose you move it from the
OS/2 System folder to the Information folder (assuming this folder
itself is still in the Desktop), then the object is still in the
Desktop structure and will be automatically saved by ROBOSAVE.
This works both ways. If you create directories or files in the
Desktop directory tree, ROBOSAVE will consider all that information as
part of the Desktop and will save it automatically. Thus you should
be careful not to put a bunch of "extraneous" things in the Desktop
unless you really do want all that information saved every time you do
ROBOSAVE is not intended to migrate a Desktop from one release (or CSD
level) of OS/2 to another. The control information that ROBOSAVE
saves from one release of OS/2 may very well not be compatible with
another OS/2 release. Similarly, if after you do a ROBOSAVE you then
change any fundamental system characteristics (e.g., file system type,
display type, or boot drive), restoring the old system's data to the
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 2
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new system will not work. ROBOSAVE is intended to backup a system and
then restore the data to exactly that same system.
ROBOSAVE does not save the information used to automatically restart
currently running programs. This is done to prevent restarting
ROBOSAVE itself when the restored system is first IPLed. The impli-
cation of this is that after your system has been restored, you must
restart your normally running programs yourself for the initial IPL.
For subsequent IPLs, those programs will be restarted (or not) as
usual, depending on the way you have chosen to tailor OS/2 for this
restart function.
Your operating system must be either OS/2 2.0 or 2.1. ROBOSAVE does
not support earlier releases, e.g., OS/2 1.3.
REXX is required in order to use ROBOSAVE. REXX is installed in OS/2
by default. You can use OS/2 Selective Install to add REXX if it is
not already present on your system.
Download ROBOSAVE's zip file in binary and unzip it into a directory
of your choice. Either this directory must be in your PATH, or it
should be the current directory when ROBOSAVE is invoked.
A profile is required to run ROBOSAVE. See ROBOSAVE.SMP for an
example. The profile is an ASCII text file which specifies parameters
for operating ROBOSAVE. Usually you will name your profile
ROBOSAVE.PRO, although you can give it a different name and then
specify that name in the ROBOSAVE command.
The profile controls what files will be saved. If you don't specify
the right files for saving, they won't be available for restoring --
not good. Please invest the time to set up your profile appropriately
to begin with, and keep it up to date as your application environment
If an "*" is found in column 1 of a line in the profile, that line is
treated as a comment and is ignored. You should not have any blank
lines in the profile; a blank line will terminate profile processing.
One of the following verbs must start each of the non-comment lines of
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 3
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the profile. The verbs can be in any order and can be in upper or
lower case.
where "directory" specifies the directory in which ROBOSAVE will
save the files to be backed up, together with certain control
information. This directory will be created for you if it does
not exist. This is a required verb; there is no default.
Examples: "save=A:\SAVEDATA" and "save=E:\SV930922". Later
sections of the User's Guide provide guidance about choosing a
save directory and give details about what is put into it.
where "number" specifies the number of generations of data that
can be saved in this directory. A new generation is created each
time you successfully complete ROBOSAVE. When "number" is
exceeded, the oldest generation is erased and is replaced by the
new generation, the data saved by the current execution of
ROBOSAVE. If you reduce "number", all the older generations are
erased up to the point where "number" will not be exceeded by the
new generation. Valid values are 1 thru 9. This is a required
verb; there is no default.
specifies when old generations should be erased if the "SAVENUM="
number is exceeded, as described above. "CLEANUP=B" means erase
the data at the beginning of the ROBOSAVE operation, i.e., before
the new generation is created. "CLEANUP=E" means erase the old
data at the end, i.e., after the new generation has been created.
The default is "CLEANUP=E". Erasing at the end is safer, in that
the old data will not be erased unless the new generation has
been successfully saved. However, erasing at the beginning might
be necessary if the save directory is on a drive with little
available space; you might need to erase the old generation first
to make room for the new generation.
specifies the location of the ROBOSAVE.LOG file. This log
records all ROBOSAVE activity for the save directory specified by
the "SAVE" verb. "LOG=P" means put the log in the same directory
as the ROBOSAVE profile. "LOG=T" means put the log in the save
directory. The default is "LOG=P".
ROBO=fileid [fileid ...]
where each "fileid" specifies one or more files to be saved in
the save directory. Normally the complete fileid (drive, path,
and file) should be specified, e.g., robo=e:\somedir\
Multiple fileids can be specified on each ROBO= line. Wildcards,
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 4
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
both "*" and "?", can be used in the same way they are used in
the OS/2 COPY command. If there are any blanks in the fileid,
enclose the entire fileid in double quotes. In addition, by
enclosing the fileid in brackets, you indicate that directories
below the one specified in the fileid should also be searched.
Bracketed fileids can be intermixed with normal fileids on the
same line. In the following examples, notice the use of double
quotes and brackets; the quotes must be outside the brackets when
both are used.
Profile line Files saved
-------------------------- ---------------------------------------
robo=d:\os2\*.ini D:\OS2\OS2.INI, D:\OS2\OS2SYS.INI, etc.
robo="d:\my dir\my data" D:\MY DIR\MY DATA
robo=[e:\*.ini] All .INI files on the E: drive
robo=[g:\my*.*] All files on the G: drive whose names
start with MY with any extension
robo="[g:\Down\U ar*.*]" All files in the G:\DOWN directory (and
all its subdirectories) whose names
start with "U AR" and any extension
robo=c:\x.y d:\dir\ccc.y C:\X.Y and D:\DIR\CCC.Y
Examine ROBOSAVE.SMP for a list of additional files you may want
to save if you installed OS/2 Windows support, Communications
Manager, or LAN Services.
You should not attempt to save ". SF" files, e.g., "EA DATA. SF".
WARNING: You should be careful with using wildcard characters
and/or brackets. It is very easy to unintentionally specify many
files you don't really want to backup. This is especially sig-
nificant if your save directory is on a diskette, which has less
space and operates more slowly than a hard disk. It is also easy
to unintentionally save a file multiple times; ROBOSAVE will make
a separate copy for each specification, whether it was an
explicit specification or by wildcards or brackets. Thus, speci-
fying both "robo=e:\abc.ini" and "robo=e:\*.ini" would copy
ABC.INI twice. It is a good idea after doing a ROBOSAVE to
examine ROBOSAVE.LOG and see exactly which files were copied;
then adjust your profile if necessary. Needless to say, having
something like "robo=c:\*.*" would attempt to save far more than
you really intended; in fact it would likely fail as the process
stumbled over certain files that cannot be copied normally.
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 5
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Here is the syntax of the ROBOSAVE command. If the "/P" parameter is
used, it must be the last parameter specified.
ROBOSAVE [[fileid]...] [/P=profile]
has the same syntax and meaning as when used in a "ROBO=" line in
a ROBOSAVE profile. Specifying a fileid as a ROBOSAVE command
parameter has the same effect as specifying it in the profile.
Fileids specified in the command are logically merged with those
from the "ROBO=" lines of the profile. If no fileid parameter is
specified in the ROBOSAVE command, only the fileids from the
"ROBO=" lines will be used.
specifies the profile used by ROBOSAVE. This can be either a
complete fileid (drive, path, file) or it can be just the drive
and path; in the latter case the file is considered to be named
ROBOSAVE.PRO and it must reside in the drive-path directory. If
this parameter is not specified, the first occurrence of
ROBOSAVE.PRO found in the current directory or PATH is used.
Here are some examples:
robosave /p=d:\os2tools
robosave e:\myapps\myapp.dat g:\temp\some.stf
robosave "e:\my dir\my file.dat" "g:\main dir\sub dir"
robosave e:\os!2_apps\*.ini /p=d:\my2tool\
robosave [e:\*.ini] "[g:\Down\This\Road\one way.*]"
After you have installed ROBOSAVE and have built your profile, you can
invoke it to save your data. In fact, this is the part of ROBOSAVE
you will be using most often; it is very easy to do. Before doing the
save, however, you should ensure your Desktop has stabilized. In par-
ticular, if you have made Desktop changes since you last IPLed,
including moving objects around on the Desktop, and you want to be
sure all this information is captured, you should shut down your
system cleanly and reIPL. Then you can do the save. This is neces-
sary because for some control information, OS/2 will not write the
data to disk (where it can be copied by ROBOSAVE) until shutdown is
done. Other control information is written to disk only occasionally,
in a lazy-write fashion. Doing a shutdown will force that information
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 6
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to disk, too. Of course after you reIPL, don't start making more
Desktop changes before doing the ROBOSAVE. It is preferable to have
as little as possible going on while ROBOSAVE is running to lessen the
chance that any data will be changing while it is being saved. If
that happens, the saved data might be inconsistent and any subsequent
restore from it might not produce what you want. ROBOSAVE runs
quickly. Be patient and let it operate without interference.
Now to do the save. Normally you just enter "ROBOSAVE" at an OS/2
command prompt, either full screen or windowed. If necessary, you can
specify ROBOSAVE command parameters, as described in the preceding
section. However most people will specify all fileids via "ROBO="
lines in their profile and will put their profile in a directory in
their PATH; if you do this, no command parameters are necessary -- you
can just say "ROBOSAVE".
If you want to be fancier about ROBOSAVE invocation, you can build an
OS/2 program object and then doubleclick on its icon to do a ROBOSAVE.
To build such an object, drag a program object from the Templates
folder. Then fill in the blanks as follows:
- On the Program page:
- Set "Path and file name" to "x:\path\ROBOSAVE.CMD". Replace
"x:\path" with the drive and directory where you put ROBOSAVE.
- Set "Parameters" with whatever parameters you need (usually
leave this blank).
- Set "Working directory" with ROBOSAVE's directory, i.e., with
your values for the "x:\path" mentioned in the first item.
- On the Session page:
- Uncheck "Close window on exit". This is necessary to allow
you to see any error messages before the window is closed.
When you are finished with ROBOSAVE, just close the window as
you normally would, e.g., by doubleclicking on the system icon
in the upper left corner of the window.
- On the General page:
- Change "Title" to whatever you want to show up under the pro-
gram's icon. If you have done all the preceding steps, the
icon shipped with ROBOSAVE should already be displayed.
WARNING: Needless to say, if you wait to do a backup until AFTER you
have had a problem, then any restore with that backup data will just
put you right back in the problem state again. Thus you need to do
backups BEFORE you have a problem. Generally, you should do a backup
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 7
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
after any major change if you are satisfied with the results of that
change. This will give you a checkpoint of a system that you are now
satisfied with, but before you or some outside force messes it up. Of
course this assumes you have been following this procedure all along
and thus already have a good backup of the system BEFORE making the
major change. If you don't have such a BEFORE-the-change backup
already, then make one first. Because ROBOSAVE is so easy to use and
takes only a few minutes at most, it is very easy to do all this.
Just be sure to label your backups so you'll know what you've got. We
recommend doing major backups to diskettes (freshly formatted and
still empty) -- one backup per diskette.
Suppose disaster has just struck. Maybe you accidentally powered off
your system without doing a shutdown first, or possibly a power outage
occurred. Both of these can result in a corrupted Desktop. Or maybe
you got overenthusiatic while you were tidying up your Desktop and
dropped the wrong thing on the shredder. Or maybe you encountered a
programming bug. Or maybe your hardware hiccupped. Or ... you get
the idea. If you have been faithfully doing ROBOSAVEs and have been
saving the right data, you can probably recover your system completely
and quickly. It is important to realize that the system will be
restored back to the point it was at when you did the ROBOSAVE for
that data. If you made any changes after that ROBOSAVE, those changes
may be lost. This points out the desirability of doing frequent
ROBOSAVEs and keeping your profile up to date.
Part of the data created by ROBOSAVE in your save directory is a
ROBOREST.CMD. Executing that command will restore the data saved by
the ROBOSAVE you issued most recently to that save directory. If you
have saved multiple generations in the same save directory, there will
be a ROBOREST.CM1, a ROBOREST.CM2, etc. These represent the next
older generation, and the next older beyond that, etc., with the
oldest having the highest .CMn number. If you want to recover a pre-
vious generation instead of the most recent, just rename ROBOREST.CMD
to some other name, e.g., ROBOREST.CUR, and then rename the desired
when each save was done and what files were associated with each. You
can doublecheck the chosen command file to ensure it is the desired
Before invoking ROBOREST, you must first set up the proper OS/2 envi-
ronment. You cannot simply issue ROBOREST from an OS/2 command prompt
in your normal system since some of the files ROBOREST will try to
replace are in use by the normal system. You must establish an envi-
ronment independent of your normal system and issue ROBOREST from
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 8
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
there. Fortunately that is easy to do. Below are three different
techniques you can use. They produce equivalent results. Use the one
that is most convenient for you.
ROBOREST will attempt to verify that you have established a proper
environment. If it detects something is wrong, it will display an
error message and stop the procedure without making any changes to
your system. Part of the recovery procedure involves erasing the old
(possibly corrupted) Desktop before restoring the saved Desktop. You
will be prompted for final authorization before this is done. If you
answer anything other than "YES", the ROBOREST procedure will stop and
no changes will be made to your system.
You should make sure you don't have a directory in the Desktop tree as
the current directory for its drive. For example, if C:\DESKTOP is
your OS/2 Desktop directory, make sure you haven't done a CHANGEDIR on
C: to \DESKTOP or to any of the directories under it. Having any of
those directories as the current directory would interfere with the
deletion of the Desktop tree. ROBOREST (ROBOSVUT) will fail if you
make this mistake and will issue an error message. If this happens,
just do a "CD \" and reissue ROBOREST.
Except for the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files, ROBOREST will restore the
same Readonly, System, and Hidden attributes for each file that
existed when you saved the file with ROBOSAVE.
Restoring the Desktop - Method 1
This method requires you to have the Install and DISK 1 diskettes for
the version of OS/2 you booted when you did the save. It is required
that the OS/2 level of the diskettes must match exactly the level of
the system being restored, including the CSD level. (In fact you may
be able to get away with a different level sometimes, but other times
you can't. Since failure can result in a corrupted system, we require
the levels to be the same.) Instead of using the actual installation
diskettes, you might use something equivalent, e.g., a diskette you
have created with the BOOTOS2 tool (also known as BOOT2X); the
diskette must be at the correct OS/2 level, of course. Or you might
boot from another partition (at the correct OS/2 level, of course).
- Boot from the OS/2 2.x Install and DISK 1 diskettes.
- ESC to the OS/2 prompt when allowed.
- Place your "save" diskette in A: if restoring from diskette.
- Change to the "save" drive you will restore from.
- Change to the "save" directory containing ROBOREST.CMD.
- Invoke ROBOREST; there are no parameters.
- Respond YES when prompted to delete the Desktop.
- Re-boot when the restore is complete.
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 9
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Restoring the Desktop - Method 2
This method requires that the SHFTRN package be installed on your
system. It must be on your hard drive and your CONFIG.SYS must have
been edited to place the call to SHIFTRUN in it. This method is
faster than Method 1 and does not require the two OS/2 installation
- Get the SHFTRN package from the same place you got ROBOSAVE.
- Download and install it as directed.
- Re-boot.
- Press Left-Shift when the SHIFTRUN timer appears, then release it.
- Place your "save" diskette in A: if restoring from diskette.
- Change to the "save" drive you will restore from.
- Change to the "save" directory containing ROBOREST.CMD.
- Invoke ROBOREST; there are no parameters.
- Respond YES when prompted to delete the Desktop.
- Re-boot when the restore is complete.
Restoring the Desktop - Method 3
This method is similar to using SHFTRN, but does not require the
SHFTRN tool. It is quick and straightforward. The tradeoff is that
you must edit CONFIG.SYS before using ROBOREST. You could make this
your standard CONFIG.SYS, but then you would need to do an EXIT at the
command prompt for every IPL. SHFTRN doesn't require that.
- Edit CONFIG.SYS to put this line at the end,
where "x:" is your boot drive:
- IPL; eventually you will get a command prompt.
- Place your "save" diskette in A: if restoring from diskette.
- Change to the "save" drive you will restore from.
- Change to the "save" directory containing ROBOREST.CMD.
- Invoke ROBOREST; there are no parameters.
- Respond YES when prompted to delete the Desktop.
- Re-boot when the restore is complete.
ROBOSAVE can also be useful if you have lost one or a few of your
saved files instead of losing the whole Desktop. For example, if you
have accidentally erased your CONFIG.SYS, you can look at ROBOSAVE.LOG
to see the name under which it was copied to your save directory.
Then just copy it back to your boot drive and rename it to CONFIG.SYS.
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 10
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There are some decisions you need to make when choosing a save direc-
tory. You can place the directory either on a diskette or on a hard
drive. Placing the data on a diskette isolates it from the system and
gives you some additional reliability. For example, if the system
hard drive itself fails, you can reinstall OS/2 and your applications
on a repaired drive and then use ROBOSAVE to reapply all your tai-
You can easily and inexpensively keep multiple generations of backups
on separate diskettes with one generation per diskette. Then just
rotate thru the set of diskettes; when you are ready to do the next
ROBOSAVE, format the diskette that holds the oldest generation and use
it for the new save. Then even if your most recent backup is lost
because for some reason the diskette holding it is no longer readable
(it happens more often than you would like to think), you can go back
to the next most recent backup on a separate diskette.
On the other hand, saving to a diskette is much slower than saving to
a hard drive. Also, if the amount of data to be saved is large, you
may exceed a single diskette's capacity; ROBOSAVE does not support
diskette spanning. For a typical system the diskette space constraint
will not be a problem, particularly if you dedicate each diskette to a
single generation of saved data. Normally the amount of data that
should be saved is well under a megabyte. However, you might have a
special case and have a large amount of data to save.
A good technique is to combine the two media approaches by making fre-
quent (quick) saves to a hard drive, but making occasional saves to
the next available diskette, e.g., after you have made some partic-
ularly important change to your system. Also, if your saved data is
too large for a diskette, you can save it to a hard drive and then
later use a data compression program, such as PKZIP, to produce a file
small enough to store offline on a diskette. Note there was a problem
in OS/2 2.0 in which the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files tended to grow
very large; that problem seems to have been much alleviated in OS/2
Another consideration with choosing a save directory is whether to use
the root directory as the save directory, even on a dedicated
diskette. Generally that is not a good idea since for the FAT file
system (which is the system used for diskettes) there is a limit to
how many files can be stored in the root directory. The limit depends
on the size of the hard disk or diskette involved, but is typically
not much greater than several hundred files. On the other hand, a
subdirectory does not have such a limit. Thus it is a good idea to
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 11
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
specify something like "SAVE=A:\SAVEDIR" rather than "SAVE=A:\" in
your profile.
In your ROBOSAVE profile you designate a save directory thru the
"SAVE=" verb. When you invoke ROBOSAVE, Desktop data and the files
you specified are saved there, together with some ROBOSAVE control
information. Here are the types of files you may see in the save
directory. Each "n" represents a decimal digit.
nnnnnnnn.FIL - A "robo=" file or a file from a Desktop directory
nnnnnnnn.EAS - Extended Attributes from a file or Desktop directory
ROBOREST.CMD - Restore command created by the most recent ROBOSAVE
ROBOREST.CMn - Restore command created by a previous ROBOSAVE
ROBOSVUT.EXE - Module to check the OS/2 state and erase the Desktop
ROBOSAVE.LOG - Records all ROBOSAVE activity for this save directory
ROBOSAVE.MRK - File containing last used nnnnnnnn value
All saved files and all files holding split extended attributes are
named with a numeric filename (nnnnnnnn) when put into the save direc-
tory. The numeric value is incremented as each file is created. A
check is made to ensure that the next value to be used is not already
in use in this save directory; if it is in use, the value is incre-
mented until a free value is found. Using a numeric name instead of
the real name solves several problems. It avoids ambiguity when two
files with the same name are saved from different directories, or when
the same file is saved multiple times in multiple generations. It
also allows files with long HPFS names to be easily saved in a FAT
save directory, e.g., on a diskette. The original name is restored by
the ROBOREST.CMD when it is executed. You can see the correspondence
between the nnnnnnnn names and the real names by looking at
ROBOSAVE.LOG or the appropriate ROBOREST command.
The "SAVENUM=" verb in the ROBOSAVE profile controls how many gener-
ations of data will be kept in the save directory. ROBOREST.CMD is
associated with the most recent ROBOSAVE. Each ROBOREST.CMn file is a
renamed ROBOREST.CMD that is associated with a preceding generation.
When the number of generations exceeds the "SAVENUM=" value, the
oldest ROBOREST.CMn file and all the files it points to will be
deleted from the save directory. For example, if you have SAVENUM=3,
the following ROBOREST.CMn files would be kept in the "SAVE=" direc-
ROBOREST.CMD --> most recent
ROBOREST.CM1 --> 2nd most recent
ROBOREST.CM2 --> 3rd most recent
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 12
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
If you run ROBOSAVE again, ROBOREST.CM2 and all the files it points to
will be deleted. ROBOREST.CM1 will be renamed to ROBOREST.CM2 and
ROBOREST.CMD will be renamed to ROBOREST.CM1. A new ROBOREST.CMD will
be written containing commands to restore the data saved by the
current run.
ROBOSVUT.EXE is a utility module which is used by both ROBOSAVE.CMD
and ROBOREST.CMD. It accesses some low-level OS/2 services that are
not directly available thru OS/2 commands or REXX functions.
ROBOSAVE.CMD uses ROBOSVUT to copy files which for some reason cannot
be copied by the OS/2 COPY command. For example, this can happen if a
file has already been opened by some other process at the time
ROBOSAVE tries to COPY it. In that case you will see a message from
ROBOSAVE.CMD that the COPY failed and that now ROBOSVUT will be tried.
ROBOSVUT will usually succeed in this situation. ROBOSAVE.CMD will
also use ROBOSVUT to copy files that have been marked with the Hidden
or System attribute; OS/2 COPY cannot find such files. A consider-
ation with using ROBOSVUT to copy a file is that it will not save the
file's extended attributes. For the files ROBOSVUT is typically used
to save, that is not important because they do not have extended
ROBOREST.CMD uses ROBOSVUT to verify the OS/2 environment before pro-
ceeding. ROBOSVUT will check that the right level of OS/2 has been
IPLed to do the ROBOREST; it must be the level that was used to do the
ROBOSAVE. This check will detect most errors, but it will not detect
if there is a CSD mismatch. ROBOSVUT will also verify that the OS/2
Workplace Shell is not active for the Desktop being restored; if it
were active, the restore would very likely be unsuccessful, or at
least the results would be unpredictable. (Note that the Workplace
Shell CAN be active for a different Desktop; thus it is valid to IPL
from a different partition with its own Desktop to do the ROBOREST of
the inactive partition you want to recover.) Finally, if all the
tests are passed, the user will be prompted for authorization to erase
the Desktop to prepare a clean slate for the restoration of the saved
Desktop. If the user answers "YES", ROBOSVUT will erase the Desktop
directory tree and then return to ROBOREST, which will then do the
actual restore.
Here are the return codes from ROBOSVUT.EXE. If an OS/2 function
returns an error code to ROBOSVUT, both the OS/2 function name and the
returned error code are displayed in addition to ROBOSVUT's own return
code from the following list.
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 13
9 Nov 1993 3:04 -- Employee Written Software Edition
1 - Error. Opening source file for reading.
2 - Error. Opening target file for writing.
6 - Error. Unable to clear attributes on target.
11 - Error. DosAllocMem failed.
12 - Error. DosQuery failed for source.
13 - Error. DosQuery failed for target.
14 - Error. Open (READONLY) failed for target.
15 - Error. Read failed for source.
16 - Error. Write failed for target. Target disk full?
17 - Error. Close failed for target.
20 - Error. Unable to update attributes/timestamp for target.
21 - Error. VERIFY_COPY failed.
100 - Copy was successful.
199 - Desktop deleted successfully for ERASE_DESKTOP.
200 - User answered "NO" to prompt for ERASE_DESKTOP.
201 - Error. DosFindFirst failed for directory.
202 - Error. DosFindFirst found other than "." entry.
203 - Error. DosDelete failed.
204 - Error. DosFindNext failed.
205 - Error. DosFindClose failed.
206 - Error. DosDeleteDir failed.
207 - Error. Maximum number of DosFindFirst/DosFindNexts exceeded.
251 - Error. DosQuerySysInfo failed.
252 - Error. DosOpen failed for test file.
253 - Error. DosClose failed for test file.
254 - Error. DosSetCurrentDir failed.
300 - Error. DosOpen of test file detected Workplace Shell open.
301 - Error. OS/2 version mismatch between ROBOSAVE and ROBOREST.
Note: If Ctrl-Break is pressed while ROBOSVUT is working or if the user
selects "End the program" for an OS/2 disk error prompt, a 99
can be returned by the system to the invoker of ROBOSVUT.
ROBOSAVE User's Guide 14 |
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