This is a Rexx launcher for Borland JBuilder 9 Personal! It parses the JBuilder config files and sets up the environment accordingly.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
JBOS2 (JBuilder OS/2) v. 1.0 (24/11/2003, Mikkel Troest) | Readme/What's new |
JBOS2 V.1.0
(C) 2003 - Mikkel Troest
This is a Rexx launcher for Borland JBuilder 9 Personal!
It parses the JBuilder config files and sets up the environment
It requires Golden Codes J2SE SDK 1.4.1_03 for proper operation.
Also, JBuilder 9 Personal should be installed in the root of a drive
- e.g. d:\jbuilder - otherwise the command line and environment strings
will be too long for OS/2 to handle... :(
First step, of course, is to install JBuilder. While this may be possible
to do with Odin (I haven't tried this approach), the safe choice is to
install JBuilder on a Win32 system, and then copy the whole installation
hierarchy to an OS/2 system. To save space, one can delete the folder
containing the Win32 JDK that ships with JBuilder.
JBOS2.cmd must reside in the %JBUILDER_HOME%\bin directory, where
%JBUILDER_HOME% is the installation root - e.g. d:\jbuilder
Likewise, if you create a program object that points to this script, make
sure that "Working directory" is set to %JBUILDER_HOME%\bin
A few environment variables should be set up prior tu running this script.
While not strictly necessary to have them in the global environment
(i.e. stated in CONFIG.SYS), I find this approach, well, neater... :)
The environment variables are:
%JAVA_HOME% - should be set to the root of your JDK - e.g. d:\java141
%JBUILDER_HOME% - should be set to the JBuilder root - e.g. d:\jbuilder
%TMP% - should be set to a suitable temp dir - e.g. c:\tmp
%TEMP% - optional if you prefer this to %TMP% - same story...
%USER% - should be set to the current users name - e.g. mikkle
%HOME% - should be set to a sort of home dir - e.g. d:\mikkle
If you prefer not to have these environment variables set, you can chose
to override these settings below. Do this by editing the lines containing
comments like "Change this to..."
Note that the overridden settings will only be used if the corresponding
environment variables are empty!
If you're not happy with this, please feel free to change this script to
suit your needs! :O)
You may need to change a couple of settings in the JBuilder config files
I had to change: "vmparam -Xmx256m" to "vmparam -Xmx128m to get Java
running at all. I also changed the javapath property to:
"javapath %java_home%/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll" I don't know if it makes any
difference - I don't use that property in this script... :)
Known problems:
I can only get JBuilder9 to run using Golden Code's JDK1.4.1_03
- Borland states that JBuilder is built to run on a certain JDK, though
it is possible to use other JDKS for building and running applications
JBuilder 9 is built to run un JDK 1.4.1, and I guess that is why GC's
JDK works, and Innoteks JDK1.4.2 does not. The same problem exists in
Windows - JBuilder won't work if forced to use JDK1.4.2...
When you build/run an application in JBuilder, a "Completed: JAVA.EXE"
OS/2 prompt remains in the background.
- This is a known problem in Golden Codes JDK. Please refer to the
readme file of their JDK distribution for further information.
When building/running an application in JBuilder, output to "System.out"
and "System.err" is not captured and shown in the JBuilder IDE.
- I don't have an explanation for that. Tough luck! Live with it! ;-)
I tried to set my test project to use Innotek's JDK 1.4.2 - it built the
project, but JBuilder was unable to run it. I could run it from a command
line, though, using the JBuilder generated command string...(?)
- I haven't really looked into this. There may be a solution somewhere...
There may be a whole lot of other weird stuff going on. Please read the
readme file from Golden Code before anything else - it explains a lot of
weird stuff! :)
Apart from the above, everything seems to be in working order.
I'm currently doing all my Java development in JBuilder on eCS 1.1, and if
I can live with a bit of weirdness, so can you! :O)
Pleas excuse the messy REXX code - Hey, it works! ;-)
If you wonder what some of by hard-coded -D options are, take a look at
JBuilder's environment when running under Windows. They were there - I put
them here! ;-)
Feedback would be nice! This script is absolutely free, you can change it,
re-use it, or whatever. Any products, names and stuff mentioned are the
property of their respective owners!
Files included in this archive:
jbos2.cmd - The program itself.
jbos2.ico - the JBuilder icon converted to OS/2 format.
readme.txt - This file.
:O) Mikkle |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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