
4.9.11 & 5.2.2
Data rilascio: 
Domenica, 25 Dicembre, 2016



Authors/Port authors:

phpMyAdmin è uno strumento scritto in PHP per l'amministrazione di un database MySQL remoto via web.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP/7 ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

phpMyAdmin v. 5.2.2 (21/1/2025, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.2.2 (2025-01-21) - issue [security] Fix for a path disclosure leak in the Monitoring tab - issue Prevent the user from deleting system databases - issue [security] Fix an XSS vulnerability when checking tables (PMASA-2025-1) - issue [security] Fix an XSS vulnerability on the Insert tab (PMASA-2025-2) - issue [security] Fix a possible glibc/iconv vulnerability (CVE-2024-2961, assigned PMASA-2025-3 but please note that phpMyAdmin is not vulnerable by default) - issue Fix for sql-parser relating to quadratic complexity in certain queries, which could have caused long execution times. - issue #17851 Fix total count of rows in not accurate - issue #17766 Allow to open in a new tab copy and edit row actions - issue #17599 Fix error when handling an user that is not in privileges table - issue #17364 Fix error when trying to import a status monitor chart arrangement - issue #18106 Fix renaming database with a view - issue #18120 Fix bug with numerical tables during renaming database - issue #16851 Fix ($cfg['Order']) default column order doesn't have have any effect since phpMyAdmin 4.2.0 - issue #18138 Fix some issues with numerical table names - issue #18112 Fix open base dir warning on git version class - issue #18211 Fix the themes route missing the server ID - issue Do not show "Original length undefined" on binary hex columns - issue Fix wrong time zone when handling Git information - issue #18195 Fix warning on non-existent table for XML export - issue #18196 Fix errors of import notification - issue #18093 Fix JS errors around "new user account" in some edge cases - issue #16451 Increase password characters limit to 2000 during login - issue #18177 Fix "IS NULL" is shown for non-nullable columns on search page - issue #16199 Fix dragging of tables in designer - issue #18268 Fix UI issue the theme manager is disabled - issue #18258 Speed improvements when exporting a database - issue #17702 Fix performance issue when handling large number of tables in a single database - issue #18324 Fix UI defect on tracking versions table first column - issue #18266 Fix disabling features (like `$cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking'] = false;`) did not work - issue #18296 Fixed query time measurement - measure time only for user queries - issue #18235 Fix columns are misaligned for the "sys" database - issue #18249 Speed improvements when browsing a database with multiple tables - issue #18060 Fix Console height "Not a non-negative number" error - issue #18188 Fix issue when editing GIS data - issue Fix width/height of create routines modal and width of routines/triggers/events modals - issue Stop pmadb database detection when all features are disabled - issue Upgrade slim/psr7 to 1.4.1 for CVE-2023-30536 - GHSA-q2qj-628g-vhfw - issue #17654 Fix unprivileged user cannot change password on MySQL >= 5.7.37 - issue #18385 Add CVE MITRE link to allowed domains and use - issue #18330 Fix TypeError when no-datetime field is modified - issue #18212 Fix Query Builder doesn't replace a table name with it's alias in the `WHERE` block - issue #18221 Keep the criteria box collapsed by the user when un-checking the criteria checkbox - issue #18363 Fix colspan for actions column on database table list - issue Fix double encoding on User Groups pages - issue Fix list of users of an user group not showing up - issue Fix duplicate query params in the SQL message card - issue #18314 Fix dragged row in index form - issue #17392 Fix the actions not being hidden in the Triggers, Routines, Events pages - issue #18441 Fix execute routine page not working when not in a modal - issue #18471 Fix SQL statement not being displayed correctly on RTL languages - issue Fix state times not getting summed in the profiling table - issue Fix a case where a fatal error message was not displayed - issue #17420 Fix profiling chart not loading when profiling is activated - issue #18159 Fix error when changing the number of chart columns in the monitor page - issue #18403 Fix Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse on makegrid conditions - issue #17528 Fix double escaping of database group names in the navigation tree - issue #18473 Fix the NULL not applied after clearing nullable field - issue #18454 Fix date field calendar display when changing NULL state - issue #18481 Fix missing pagination when using SELECT DISTINCT - issue #18325 Allow hex representations for integers in the search box validation - issue #14411 Fixed double tap to edit on mobile devices - issue Update documentation to reflect that Node >= 12 is required to compile the JS and CSS files - issue #18578 Fixed PDF export NULL values gives a type error - issue #18605 Fixed issue when executing a stored procedure - issue #18650 Fixed double escaping on foreign key relation link title - issue #18533 Fixed wrong count for simulated queries - issue #18611 Fixed an error when searching a table without conditions - issue #18663 Fixed case where triggers are dropped when moving a table - issue #17404 Fixed an error message after dropping a database - issue #18714 Fixed incorrect formatting of the amount of table rows - issue #18717 Fixed issue when deleting bookmarks - issue #18713 Fixed some issues with the GIS editor - issue #18722 Fixed generic error message in the home page - issue #18693 Fixed enum/set value escaping - issue #18769 Improved collations support for MariaDB 10.10 - issue #17381 Fixed JS errors when editing indexes on create table - issue #14402 Fix the PRIMARY label still shown when using two columns for a PK on create table - issue #17347 Fixed JS errors when changing index settings on create table - issue #18762 Fixed truncating tables when a VIEW is included - issue Fix BETWEEN search does not validate input because of spaces - issue Fix JS number validation does not validate when the input is empty or emptied - issue #18561 Fix issue when adding System Monitor charts - issue #17363 Fix duplicate route parameter after logging in - issue #15670 Fix case where the data is truncated after changing a longtext column's collation - issue #18797 Fixed support for ampersand as a arg separator - issue #18834 Fixed case where column hash is empty in table relation page - issue #17538 Fixed error when renaming an index - issue #18865 Fix missing text-nowrap for timestamps columns - issue #18613 Fixed routine editor showing wrong parameter type - issue #18890 Fixed wrong row count when query has UNION - issue #18949 Fixed natural sorting for items in the navigation section - issue #18930 Fixed import of empty tables from MediaWiki - issue #18940 Fixed issue when creating an unique key - issue #19022 Fix case where tables from wrong database is loaded in navigation tree - issue #18782 Fixed issue with role based auth for MySQL 8 - issue #18593 Fix drop db line included in server export if exporting only data - issue #18049 Also check that curl_exec is enabled for the new version check - issue #19023 Fixed table size for ROCKSDB engine showing as unknown - issue #18451 Fix when editing inline central column, Null is always preselected - issue #18495 Fixed database export missing routines - issue #19117 Allow changing the virtuality of a column without any other changes - issue #18566 Fixed error when importing exported view with USE INDEX hint - issue #17920 Fixed moving column with empty default value will replace it with '' - issue #18006 Fixed moving columns causes the default uuid() value to get quotes around it - issue #18962 Fixed move columns with ENUM() & DEFAULT causes invalid SQL - issue #18276 Fix on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP doesn't show as default in attributes - issue #18240 Fix inserting value with UNIX_TIMESTAMP() without a parameter - issue #19125 Fixed CodeMirror tooltip is below modals - issue #18674 Fix formatted sql in browse table result has a linebreak after each token - issue #18210 Fixed add replica replication user on MariaDB doesn't work (SQL syntax) - issue #19041 Fix footer.twig gets printed to Binary File Download - issue #19091 Fix to stop processing queries on error - issue #18241 Fix copy SQL query button on error messages - issue #17190 Fix an error with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE queries - issue #19145 Remove duplicate server and lang parameters from links - issue #19158 Fix an issue with backticks on the query generator - issue #19174 Fix an issue with column alias with asterisk on the query generator - issue #19146 Fix column sorting with limit subquery - issue #19152 Fix the number of lines being ignored in GIS visualization after a search - issue #19189 Fix issue with column sorting when using 'group by' - issue #19188 Fix issue with simulated queries reporting syntax errors - issue #19141 Add cookie prefix '-__Secure-' to cookies to help prevent cookie smuggling - issue #19218 Fix textarea horizontal resizing with Bootstap theme - issue #19199 Add support for fractional seconds to current_timestamp() - issue #19221 Fix query statistics for queries with count(*) - issue #19203 Fix single quotes and backslashes for the query generator - issue #19163 Fix queries with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL for the query generator - issue #19181 Fix query generator support for IN() and NOT IN() - issue #19167 Fix criteria on column '*' for the query generator - issue #19213 Fix possible issue when exporting a large data set - issue #19217 Fix issue when editing a cell of a JSON column - issue #19244 Add yarn 1.22 to the package.json's packageManager field - issue #19185 Fix visual issue when a row has only empty cells - issue #19257 Fix issue when adding an index with an invalid name - issue #19276 Fix compatibility with Twig 3.12 - issue #19283 Fix issue when the server starts with skip-innodb option - issue #19299 Fix charset in procedure's parameter type - issue #19316 Fix input size for hexadecimal values - issue #19321 Suppress deprecation message of E_STRICT constant - issue Fix PHP 8.4 `str_getcsv` `$escape` parameter deprecation - issue #19426 Fix PHP warnings when the column is a `COMPRESSED BLOB` - issue Allow opening server breadcrumb links in new tab with Ctrl/Meta key - issue #19500 Use `KILL` instead of `CALL mysql.rds_kill` for non super users - issue Fix "copy to clipboard" was adding a blank row for each repeating header row - issue Fix TCPDF translations - issue Remove underline for links on Bootstrap theme - issue Fix sql editor height on multi-table query - issue #18852 Fix notification color scheme on the Bootstrap dark theme - issue #14542 Show the query even if no results are found in the Table search - issue #16936 Fixed import (e.g. ods) doesn't respect database default collation - issue #19000 Disable autocomplete for the create table/db name inputs
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.11 (7/2/2023, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.11 (2023-02-07) - issue [security] Fix an XSS attack through the drag-and-drop upload feature 4.9.10 (2022-02-10) - issue #17308 Fix broken pagination links in the navigation sidebar
phpMyAdmin v. 5.2.1 (7/2/2023, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.2.1 (2023-02-07) - issue #17522 Fix case where the routes cache file is invalid - issue #17506 Fix error when configuring 2FA without XMLWriter or Imagick - issue Fix blank page when some error occurs - issue #17519 Fix Export pages not working in certain conditions - issue #17496 Fix error in table operation page when partitions are broken - issue #17386 Fix system memory and system swap values on Windows - issue #17517 Fix Database Server panel not getting hidden by ShowServerInfo configuration directive - issue #17271 Fix database names not showing on Processes tab - issue #17424 Fix export limit size calculation - issue #17366 Fix refresh rate popup on Monitor page - issue #17577 Fix monitor charts size on RTL languages - issue #17121 Fix password_hash function incorrectly adding single quotes to password before hashing - issue #17586 Fix statistics not showing for empty databases - issue #17592 Clicking on the New index link on the sidebar does not throw an error anymore - issue #17584 It's now possible to browse a database that includes two % in its name - issue Fix PHP 8.2 deprecated string interpolation syntax - issue Some languages are now correctly detected from the HTTP header - issue #17617 Sorting is correctly remembered when $cfg['RememberSorting'] is true - issue #17593 Table filtering now works when action buttons are on the right side of the row - issue #17388 Find and Replace using regex now makes a valid query if no matching result set found - issue #17551 Enum/Set editor will not fail to open when creating a new column - issue #17659 Fix error when a database group is named tables, views, functions, procedures or events - issue #17673 Allow empty values to be inserted into columns - issue #17620 Fix error handling at phpMyAdmin startup for the JS SQL console - issue Fixed debug queries console broken UI for query time and group count - issue Fixed escaping of SQL query and errors for the debug console - issue Fix console toolbar UI when the bookmark feature is disabled and sql debug is enabled - issue #17543 Fix JS error on saving a new designer page - issue #17546 Fix JS error after using save as and open page operation on the designer - issue Fix PHP warning on GIS visualization when there is only one GIS column - issue #17728 Some select HTML tags will now have the correct UI style - issue #17734 PHP deprecations will only be shown when in a development environment - issue #17369 Fix server error when blowfish_secret is not exactly 32 bytes long - issue #17736 Add utf8mb3 as an alias of utf8 on the charset description page - issue #16418 Fix FAQ 1.44 about manually removing vendor folders - issue #12359 Setup page now sends the Content-Security-Policy headers - issue #17747 The Column Visibility Toggle will not be hidden by other elements - issue #17756 Edit/Copy/Delete row now works when using GROUP BY - issue #17248 Support the UUID data type for MariaDB >= 10.7 - issue #17656 Fix replace/change/set table prefix is not working - issue Fix monitor page filter queries only filtering the first row - issue Fix "Link not found!" on foreign columns for tables having no char column to show - issue #17390 Fix "Create view" modal doesn't show on results and empty results - issue #17772 Fix wrong styles for add button from central columns - issue #17389 Fix HTML disappears when exporting settings to browser's storage - issue #17166 Fix "Warning: #1287 'X' is deprecated [...] Please use ST_X instead." on search page - issue Use jquery-migrate.min.js (14KB) instead of jquery-migrate.min.js (31KB) - issue #17842 Use jquery.validate.min.js (24 KB) instead of jquery.validate.js (50 KB) - issue #17281 Fix links to databases for information_schema.SCHEMATA - issue #17553 Fix Metro theme unreadable links above navigation tree - issue #17553 Metro theme UI fixes and improvements - issue #17553 Fix Metro theme login form with - issue #16042 Exported gzip file of database has first ~73 kB uncompressed and rest is gzip compressed in Firefox - issue #17705 Fix inline SQL query edit FK checkbox preventing submit buttons from working - issue #17777 Fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'inline') on datepickers when re-opened - issue Fix Original theme buttons style and login form width - issue #17892 Fix closing index edit modal and reopening causes it to fire twice - issue #17606 Fix preview SQL modal not working inside "Add Index" modal - issue Fix PHP error on adding new column on create table form - issue #17482 Default to "Full texts" when running explain statements - issue Fixed Chrome scrolling performance issue on a textarea of an "export as text" page - issue #17703 Fix datepicker appears on all fields, not just date - issue Fix space in the tree line when a DB is expanded - issue #17340 Fix "New Table" page -> "VIRTUAL" attribute is lost when adding a new column - issue #17446 Fix missing option for STORED virtual column on MySQL and PERSISTENT is not supported on MySQL - issue #17446 Lower the check for virtual columns to MySQL>=5.7.6 nothing is supported on 5.7.5 - issue Fix column names option for CSV Export - issue #17177 Fix preview SQL when reordering columns doesn't work on move columns - issue #15887 Fixed DROP TABLE errors ignored on multi table select for DROP - issue #17944 Fix unable to create a view from tree view button - issue #17927 Fix key navigation between select inputs (drop an old Firefox workaround) - issue #17967 Fix missing icon for collapse all button - issue #18006 Fixed UUID columns can't be moved - issue Add `spellcheck="false"` to all password fields and some text fields to avoid spell-jacking data leaks - issue Remove non working "Analyze Explain at" button (MariaDB stopped this service) - issue #17229 Add support for Web Authentication API because Chrome removed support for the U2F API - issue #18019 Fix "Call to a member function fetchAssoc() on bool" with SQL mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY on monitor search logs - issue Add back UUID and UUID_SHORT to functions on MySQL and all MariaDB versions - issue #17398 Fix clicking on JSON columns triggers update query - issue Fix silent JSON parse error on upload progress - issue #17833 Fix "Add Parameter" button not working for Add Routine Screen - issue #17365 Fixed "Uncaught Error: regexp too big" on server status variables page - issue [security] Fix an XSS attack through the drag-and-drop upload feature (PMASA-2023-01)
phpMyAdmin v. 5.1.3 (10/2/2022, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.1.3 (2022-02-10) - issue #17308 Fix broken pagination links in the navigation sidebar - issue #17331 Fix MariaDB has no support for system variable "disabled_storage_engines" - issue #17315 Fix unsupported operand types in Results.php when running "SHOW PROCESSLIST" SQL query - issue #17288 Fixed importing browser settings question box after login when having no pmadb - issue #17288 Fix "First day of calendar" user override has no effect - issue #17239 Fixed repeating headers are not working - issue #17298 Fixed import of email-adresses or links from ODS results in empty contents - issue #17344 Fixed a type error on ODS import with non string values - issue #17239 Fixed header row show/hide columns buttons on each line after hover are shown on each row - issue [security] Fix for path disclosure under certain server configurations (if display_errors is on, for instance)  local copy
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.9 (22/1/2022, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.9 (2022-01-22) - issue #17305 Fix syntax error for PHP 5 - issue #17307 Fix hide_connection_errors being undefined when a controluser is set  local copy
phpMyAdmin v. 5.1.2 (20/1/2022, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.1.2 (2022-01-20) - issue Replaced MySQL documentation redirected links - issue #16960 Fix JS error on Designer visual builder on some modal buttons - issue Re-build openlayers JS dependency from the source files and provide a smaller JS bundle - issue Fixed imports and theme detection depending on the current working dir - issue Update JavaScript dependencies - issue #16935 Remove hardcoded row length for "$cfg['CharTextareaRows']" to allow back values < 7 - issue #16977 Fix encoding of enum and set values on edit value - issue Fix set value as selected when it has special chars on edit value enum - issue #16896 Fix distinct URLs broken on nullable text fields - issue Fixed two possible PHP errors using INT data - issue Fixed possible warning "Undefined index: output_format" on export - issue Fixed warning "Undefined index: ods_recognize_percentages" on Import ODS - issue Fixed warning "Undefined array key "ods_recognize_currency" on Import ODS - issue #16982 Fixed "Notice: Undefined index: foreign_keys_data" on Designer remove relation - issue Backquote phpMyAdmin table name on internal relation delete query for Designer - issue #16982 Do not try to delete internal relations if they are not configured - issue #16982 Show success messages on Designer for add and remove relation operations - issue Fixed possible "Undefined index: clause_is_unique" on replace value in cell - issue #16991 Fixed case where $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] is undefined - issue Fixed configuration error handler registration - issue #16997 Fixed server variables get/set value not working on multi server server > 1 - issue #16998 Fixed Multi table query submit on server > 1 logged out user - issue #17000 Fixed Multi edit on central columns on server > 1 logged out user - issue #17001 Fix PHP error on query submit without a table name on multi table query box - issue #16999 Fixed multi table query results shows for 1 sec and then page refreshes - issue Fixed a non translated button text on central columns add - issue Fixed table width on Query by example page for large screens - issue #16975 Fixed NULL default had a value on insert with datatime fields - issue #16994 Fixed missing privilege escaping when assigning multiple databases with '_' to an user - issue #16864 Fixed the margin on the last database of the tree on all themes when scrollbars are displayed - issue #17011 Fixed the database tree line that was not continuous on database groups - issue Build more syntax correct URLs on JS internal redirects - issue #16976 Fix wrong link when a table is moved from a database to another - issue #16985 Fix case-sensitive issue of innodb_file_format=barracuda vs innodb_file_format=Barracuda - issue Fixed duplicate quote in navigation nodes - issue #17006 Disable the URL limit for the MariaDB analyser feature - issue Fix calls to fetchRow using two parameters but the function has only one parameter - issue #17020 Fixed "Notice Undefined index: sql_query" on Insert page - issue Fix reported "Undefined index: FirstDayOfCalendar" - issue Fix reported "Undefined index: environment" - issue Fix "TypeError: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given" on databases listing - issue #16973 Fix "Undefined array key "n0_pos2_name"" on databases listing - issue Use the correct min MySQL version for axis-order (8.0.1) instead of (8.0.11) - issue Use the queries we asked the user confirmation for on DELETE and TRUNCATE table actions - issue #16994 Fixed editing specific privileges for a database covered by a wildcard privilege - issue #16994 Fixed escaping of the database name for databases containing '_' on users edit - issue #16994 Only escape once on grant/revoke privileges for databases containing '_' or '%' - issue #16994 Only show databases without a privilege on multi select for user grant databases - issue Removed un-expected query success message from the Table export page - issue #17026 Handle possible invalid boolean values injected in SaveDir or UploadDir causing "TypeError: mb_substr()" - issue #16981 Enable cookie parameter "SameSite" on "phpMyAdmin" cookie for PHP >= 7.3 - issue #16966 Encode "#" to have the anchor part of the destination URL on SQL highlight terms URLs - issue #17004 Fix PHP errors due to removed variable "innodb_file_format" on MariaDB >= 10.6.0 and MySQL >= 8.0.0 - issue #16842 Fixed missing password modes on PerconaDB - issue #16947 Fix "Change login information" form not working - issue #17004 Fix Advisor for MariaDB >= 10.5 because of removed "innodb_log_files_in_group" variable - issue #17037 Fix change structure does not surface errors - issue #17016 Fixed online Transaction, errors not reported on structure edit - issue #17042 Fix SQL escaping bug on DB name with special chars on submit query with rollback option - issue #17027 Better handle the display of sorted binary columns in results summary - issue #16398 Quote non numeric values on parameterized queries - issue Fixed duplicate HTML escaping on foreign keys select value modal - issue #15370 Fixed edit routine UI incorrectly removes too many escape slashes - issue #14631 Fix enum with comma produces incorrect search dropdown on search pages - issue Fix gis visualization position and limit parameters have no effect - issue #16995 Fix edit binary foreign key adds a 1 to the value on the selected value - issue #13614 Fixed escaping the database names when granting privileges on tables - issue #11834 Fixed adding a new user on "privileges" tab of a table with a database name using a "_" character - issue #17033 Fixed scaling of line width and point size in GIS visualization - issue #17054 Removed "DEL" character from generated random strings for Blowfish secret auto-generated by setup - issue #17019 Fixed "Browse" button visible when creating a table from the database structure view - issue #16804 Fixed numbers were left-aligned rather than right-aligned - issue Fixed Metro theme text color for buttons in the browse table navigation bar - issue #14796 Fix export Database page, UI prevents from exporting procedures only - issue #15225 Fix Command+click on macOS opens links in same tab - issue #17014 Fix column names in first row when importing from CSV where the first line contains column names - issue Fix prevent scrolling the page when scrolling in GIS visualization - issue Fix GIS visualization save file with a different label or column - issue Fixed GIS saving image as png with a label - issue Fixed if label is just the number zero, it was treated as no label in the OpenLayers map - issue #17039 Fix unable to have 2FA working with a "pmadb" config value != phpmyadmin - issue #17079 Fixed missing spatial functions in Insert/Edit page - issue Fixed broken docs link after a FK data type mismatch error - issue Fix don't add multiple OpenLayers maps, remove listeners on dispose on GIS visualization - issue #14502 Uncheck the "ignore" checkbox when the user chooses a value in the foreign key list on Insert page - issue #14502 Uncheck the "ignore" checkbox when the user saves the GIS value on Insert page - issue #17018 Fixed cannot save data from GIS editor for spatial column on Insert page - issue #17084 Fixed ErrorHandler not showing errors when phpMyAdmin session does not work at all - issue #17062 Fixed pagination issues when working with identically named tables in separate databases - issue #17046 Fix "Uncaught TypeError: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given" - issue #16942 Fix table Import with CSV using LOAD DATA LOCAL causes error "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is forbidden" - issue #16942 Fix auto-detection for "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" LOCAL option - issue #16067 Make select elements with multiple items resizable - issue Fix the display of Indexes that use Expressions and not column names - issue Allow to create the phpMyAdmin storage database using a different name than "phpmyadmin" using the interface - issue #17092 Document that "$cfg['Servers'][$i]['designer_coords']" was removed in version 4.3.0 - issue #16906 Support special table names for pmadb storage table names - issue #16906 Fix a caching effect on the feature list after creating the tables - issue #16906 Better report errors when creating the pmadb or its tables - issue #16906 Create the pmadb tables using the names configured and not the default names - issue #16906 Create the phpMyAdmin storage database using the configured "['pmadb']" name and not always "phpmyadmin" - issue #16906 Prevent incorrect overriding of configured values after a pmadb fix - issue #16906 Use the control connection to create the storage database and tables and not the user connection - issue #16693 Fix can't see SQL after adding a new column - issue #12753 Show table structure after adding a new column - issue Fix a PHP notice when logging out - issue #17090 Fix bbcode not rendered for error messages on setup - issue #17198 Fix the database selection when the navigation tree is disabled - issue #17228 Fixed copy to clipboard with NULL values gives non usable text - issue #16746 Replace samyoul/u2f-php-server by code-lts/u2f-php-server - issue #16005 Performance improvement on the Import and Export pages - issue #17247 Fix triple HTML encoding - issue #17259 Fix broken link in the Simulate DML query modal - issue #16746 Update tcpdf dependency to ^6.4.4 for PHP 8.1 compatibility - issue #16746 Update twig dependency to "^2.14.9 || ^3.3.5" for PHP 8.1 compatibility - issue [security] Add configuration directive $cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_connection_errors'] to allow hiding host names and other error details when login fails - issue [security] Add configuration directive $cfg['URLQueryEncryption'] to allow encrypting senstive information in the URL - issue [security] Fix a scenario where an authenticated user can disable two factor authentication (PMASA-2022-1) - issue [security] Fix XSS and HTML injection attacks in the graphical setup page (PMASA-2022-2)  local copy
phpMyAdmin v. 5.1.1 (4/6/2021, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.1.1 (2021-06-04) - issue #13325 Fixed created procedure shows up in triggers and events and vice-versa - issue Fixed adding an event shows an empty row - issue #16706 Fixed a PHP error when visualizing a nullable geometry column - issue Fixed a PHP type error when exporting triggers to ODF - issue #16659 Fixed the Column Drop arrow to make it responsive - issue #16677 Improved the Font size of an executed SQL query - issue #16677 Fixed Metro theme DB tree background - issue #16713 Fixed "PhpMyAdmin\Url::getFromRoute" PHP error for old config values - issue #16713 Add a legacy fallback for the old config value of "$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase']" and others - issue #16698 Fix relative fallback URL to './' instead of '/' - issue Fixed Yaml export to quote strings even when they are numeric - issue #16704 Fixed PHP type errors on the substring transformation - issue #14026 Fixed error messages and conditions for MD5 and AES_* functions - issue #16708 Fixed PHP "Uncaught TypeError: hash_hmac()" on double quick edit - issue #16709 Fix TCPDF open_basedir issue due to internal guessing code from TCPDF - issue #16729 Fixed the silencing error management for PHP >= 8.0 - issue #16604 Set back tables width like in 5.0 versions - issue #16716 Fixed rename button disappears after a column drop on table structure page - issue #15628 Fixed "JSON encoding failed: Malformed UTF-8 characters" when browsing data that uses binary to IP transformation - issue #14395 Fixed display chart with timeline & series name column trigger JS error - issue #16738 Fixed quick search submit is not working on multi server server > 1 - issue #16717 Fixed main drawer js call slowing down the page and remove the reflow effect - issue Fixed a PHP notice "Undefined index: pred_username" - issue #16744 Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: XMLWriter::writeAttribute()" on Designer SVG export - issue Fixed an PHP undefined index notice on export - issue #14555 Fixed JavaScript error when auto completion is open (upgraded CodeMirror to 5.60.0) - issue #16647 Fixed preferences form not showing texts and not respecting TabsMode config - issue Fixed escape_mysql_wildcards Twig filter - issue Change text from "Null" to "NULL" on grid edit popup - issue Translate a non translated string on a change password page - issue Fix designer modal buttons sizes for pmahomme and bootstrap themes - issue #16694 Fixed "Triggers" page not visible for user table specific privileges - issue #14430 Fixed execute button is disabled for routines - issue #16703 Fixed SQL option to Export specific rows from a table - issue #16656 Fixed error messages are not always translated - issue #16728 Fixed wrong SQL query built on table structure index for new column - issue #16647 Fixed table search forms not showing texts and not respecting TabsMode config - issue #16758 Fixed copy to clipboard feature not working on ja or zh_TW languages because of the non ascii colon - issue #16601 Update tcpdf dependency to ^6.4.1 - issue #16770 Fixed a notice or warning, when clicking on Structure tab - issue #16756 Fixed refresh UI on server status - issue Fixed a PHP notice when searching for .git/commondir on the login page for users using ShowGitRevision - issue Fixed reported PHP notice on export save template - issue Fixed reported PHP warnings on server status page - issue #15629 Fixed datetime decimals displayed (.00000) after edit - issue #16780 Fixed new event shows an empty row - issue #16765 Fixed new lines in text fields are doubled - issue Fix "Connection" label always shown on table create, should be hidden like it's input - issue #16773 Fix do not use cast as binary for an empty text value on edit button condition - issue Fixed a JS error on a missing script on zoom search - issue Added button style on the reset charts of zoom search - issue Fixed number of rows not kept when changing sort by index value - issue #16784 Fixed spacing between icons when using NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2 configuration - issue #16786 Fixed browser error when clicking the logo with NavigationLogoLink configuration - issue Fixed a type error when getting the special schema links - issue #16789 Fix create PHP code removes ; from SQL query on Structure snapshot - issue #16791 Fixed "Undefined index table_schema" on special schema table - issue Fixed "DESCRIBE FILES;" broken links in query results - issue #16790 Fixed "Undefined index field_name" PHP error - issue #16605 Fixed vertical alignment issue on tables for pmahomme theme - issue #16798 Fix ServerConfigChecks: Link 'trusted proxies list' not terminated properly (translation) - issue #16805 Fixed shortcut keys not working - issue #16821 Fix "Show all rows" un-check checkbox creates a JS error if the page was reloaded - issue Remove redundant jQuery Event Drag plugin - issue Fix PHP type error on GIS nullable data - issue Fix not working export to PNG, SVG, PDF on GIS visualization - issue Fix float values type errors on GIS export to PNG, SVG, PDF - issue #16792 Fixed URL generation by removing un-needed &amp; escaping for & char - issue #16777 Fixed Non-UTF8 Primary Key text value edit row - issue #16836 Fixed extra whitespaces in binary edit values causes a JS validation error message - issue #15566 Support RTL mode on the Designer - issue #16810 Fixed SQL query shown twice on drop column success - issue #16404 Fixed JS password generation fails after a new user creation failure - issue #16837 Fixed PHP error on execute query "create table event(...)" - issue Fixed a PHP warning that was occuring on wrong chmod on config files - issue Fixed a JS error on dismiss notification modal - issue #16793 Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.61.0 to fix a JS error on scroll in SQL query box - issue Fix password management for Percona Server lacking PASSWORD function - issue Fixed "data is undefined" JS error - issue Fixed 2 un-translated buttons on central columns edit - issue #16810 Fixed SQL query shown twice on central columns actions - issue #16771 Fixed PHP array export to work on very large datasets - issue #16847 Fixed JSON export nullable binary PHP error - issue #16847 Fixed JSON export text fields and binary data - issue #14773 Fix exporting a raw query is not working - issue #16734 Fixed memory limit reached, use SQL COUNT(*) instead of fetch and count results - issue #16723 Fixed option to perform ALTER ONLINE is not available on edit of an existing column - issue Add missing CSS style on "Filter" button on monitor results table header - issue Fixed non working "Filter" button on monitor results table header - issue #16420 Fixed single clicking on row starts editing even if GridEditing is set to double-click - issue #16854 Fixed "Undefined index: SERVER_SOFTWARE" on very minimal PHP FPM setups - issue #16863 Fixed replication setting up a replica is not working - issue #16843 Fixed vertical alignment in Metro and pmahomme themes on user accounts overview - issue Fixed "phpMyAdmin configuration storage" link on settings page warning - issue #16871 Fixed PHP and JS errors on normalization steps - issue Fixed CSS missing classes on normalization buttons - issue #16437 Fixed sticky top position when using smaller screen sizes - issue #16895 Fixed wrong table count on space separated numbers - issue #16882 Fixed table delete resets count to 0 - issue #16892 Fixed current_timestamp() stringified on INSERT for date field - issue #16911 Fixed PHP 8.1 "Method mysqli::get_client_info() is deprecated" - issue Fix "array_fill(): Argument #2 ($count) must be of type int, string" for "$cfg['InsertRows']" - issue #14130 Created new messages for U2F errors - issue #16920 Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: PhpMyAdmin\Import::detectType()" on ODS import - issue #16926 Fixed ODS import warning: Undefined array key "ods_empty_rows" - issue #16888 Fixed JS error on renaming tables in saved Designer page - issue #16504 Fixed create view dialog is too big and won't scroll (on small screens) - issue #16931 Fixed php notice "Undefined index: utf8mb3" on MySQL 8.0.11+ servers with default utf8 server charset
phpMyAdmin v. 5.1.0 (24/2/2021, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.1.0 (2021-02-24) - issue #15350 Change Media (MIME) type references to Media type - issue #15377 Add a request router - issue Automatically focus input in the two-factor authentication window - issue #15509 Replace gender-specific pronouns with gender-neutral pronouns - issue #15491 Improve complexity of generated passwords - issue #14909 Add a configuration option to define the 1st day of week - issue #12726 Made user names clickable in user accounts overview - issue #15729 Improve virtuality dropdown for MariaDB > 10.1 - issue #15312 Added an option to perform ALTER ONLINE (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) when editing a table structure - issue Added missing 'IF EXISTS' to 'DROP EVENT' when exporting databases - issue #15232 Improve the padding in query result tool links - issue #15064 Support exporting raw SQL queries - issue #15555 Added ip2long transformation - issue #15194 Fixed horizontal scroll on structure edit page - issue #14820 Move table hide buttons in navigation to avoid hiding a table by mistake - issue #14947 Use correct MySQL version if the version is 8.0 or above for documentation links - issue #15790 Use "MariaDB Documentation" instead of "MySQL Documentation" on a MariaDB server - issue #15880 Change "Show Query" link to a button - issue #13371 Automatically toggle the radio button to "Create a page and save it" on Designer - issue #12969 Tap and hold will not dismiss the error box anymore, you can now copy the error - issue #15582 Don't disable "Empty" table button after clicking it - issue #15662 Stay on the structure page after editing/adding/dropping indexes - issue #15663 show structure after adding a column - issue #16005 Remove symfony/yaml dependency - issue #16005 Improve performance of dependency injection system by removing yaml parsing - issue #15447 Disable phpMyAdmin storage database checkbox on databases list - issue #16001 Add autocomplete attributes on login form - issue #13519 Add "Preview SQL" option on Index dialog box when creating a new table - issue #15954 Fixed export maximal length of created query input is too small - issue Redesign the server status advisor page - issue #13124 Use same height for SQL query textarea and Columns select in SQL page - issue #16005 Add a new vendor constant "CACHE_DIR" that defaults to "libraries/cache/" and store routing cache into this folder - issue #16005 Warm-up the routing cache before building the release - issue #16005 Use --optimize-autoloader when installing composer vendors before building the release - issue #15992 Add back the table name to the printable version on "Structure" page - issue #14815 Allow simplifying exported view syntax to only "CREATE VIEW" - issue #15496 Add $cfg['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'] for Google ReCaptcha siteVerifyUrl - issue #14772 Add the password_hash PHP function as an option when inserting data - issue #15136 Add a notice for Hex converter giving invalid results - issue #16139 Use a textarea for JSON columns - issue #16223 Make JSON input transformation editor less narrow - issue #14340 Add a button on Export Page to show the SQL Query - issue #16304 Add support for INET6 column type - issue #16337 Fix example insert/update query default values - issue #12961 Remove indexes from table relation - issue #13557 Use a full list of functions instead of a separated one on insert/edit page "Function" selector - issue #14795 Include routines in the export in a predictable order - issue #16227 Fixed autocomplete is not working in case the table name is quoted by "`" symbols - issue #15463 Force BINARY comparison when looking at privileges to avoid an SQL error on privileges tab - issue #16430 Fixed Windows error message uses trailing / instead of \ - issue #16316 Added support for "SameSite=Strict" on cookies using configuration "$cfg['CookieSameSite']" - issue #16451 Fixed AWS RDS IAM authentication doesn't work because pma_password is truncated - issue #16451 Show an error message when the security limit is reached instead of silently trimming the password to avoid confusion - issue #15001 Add back Login Cookie Validity setting to the features form - issue #16457 Add config parameters to support third-party ReCaptcha v2 compatible APIs like hCaptcha - issue #13077 Moved tools section to left on large devices (Bootstrap xl) - issue #15711 Moved some buttons to left on large devices (Bootstrap xl) - issue #15584 Add $cfg['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'] to set the red text black when ssl is not used on a private network - issue #15652 Replace deprecated FOUND_ROWS() function call on "distinct values" feature - issue Export blobs as hex on JSON export - issue #16095 Fix leading space not shown in a CHAR column when browsing a table - issue Make procedures/functions SQL editor both side scrollable - issue #16407 Bump pragmarx/google2fa conflict to >8.0 - issue #14953 Added a rename Button to use RENAME INDEX syntax of MySQL 5.7 (and MariaDB >= 10.5.2) - issue #16477 Fixed no Option to enter TABLE specific permissions when the database name contains an "_" (underscore) - issue #16498 Fixed empty text not appearing after deleting all Routines - issue #16467 Fixed a PHP notice "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on Designer PDF export - issue #15658 Fixed saving UI displayed columns on a non database request fails - issue #16495 Fix drop tables checkbox is above the checkbox for foreign keys - issue #16485 Fix visual query builder missing "Build Query" button - issue #16565 Added 'IF EXISTS' to 'DROP EVENT' when updating events to avoid replication issues - issue Removed metro fonts that where Apache-2.0 files that are incompatible with GPL-2.0 - issue #16464 Made the relation view default to the current database when creating relations - issue #16463 Fixed 'REFERENCES' privilege checkbox's title on new MySQL versions and on MariaDB - issue #16405 Added jest as a Unit Testing tool for our javascript code - issue #16252 Fixed the too small font size when editing rows (textareas) - issue #16585 Fixed BLOB to JPG transformation PHP errors - issue Made the console setup async to avoid blocking the page render - issue #16429 Use PHP 8.0 fixed version (commit) for TCPDF - issue #16005 Major performance improvements on browsing a lot of rows - issue #16595 Fixed editing columns having a `_` in their name in specific conditions - issue #16608 Fix "Sort by key" restore auto saved value - issue #16611 Fixed unable to add tables to rename aliases twice on Export - issue #16621 Fixed link HTML messed up in Advisor - issue #16622 Fixed Advisor formatting incorrect for long_query_time notice - issue #15389 Fixed reset current page indicator after deleting all rows to current page and not page 1 - issue #15997 Fixed auto save query - issue #15997 Made auto saved query database or database+table independent - issue #16641 Fixed query generation that was allowing JSON to have a length - issue #15994 Fixed the selected value detection for "on update current_timestamp" - issue #16614 Fixed PHP 8.0 dataseek offset call to the MySQLI extension - issue #16662 Fixed Uncaught TypeError on "delete" button click of a database search results page - issue Fixed Undefined index: selected_usr when the user tried to delete no selected user - issue #16657 Fixed the QBE interface when the configuration storage is not enabled - issue #16479 Fix our Selenium test-suite - issue #16669 Fixed table search modal for BETWEEN - issue #16667 Fixed LIKE and TINYINT in search not working properly - issue #16424 Fixed numerical search in table and zoom - issue Improve the version handling (new Version class) and add a VERSION_SUFFIX for vendors - issue #14494 Fix uncaught TypeError when editing partitioning - issue #16525 Fix PHP 8.0 failing tests when comparing 0 to '' - issue #16429 Fixed PHP 8.0 errors on preg_replace and operand types - issue #16490 Fixed PHP 8.0 function libxml_disable_entity_loader() is deprecated - issue #16429 Fixed failing unit tests on PHP 8.0 - issue #16609 Fixed Sql.rearrangeStickyColumns is not a function
phpMyAdmin v. 5.0.4 (15/10/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.0.4 (2020-10-15) - issue #16245 Fix failed Zoom search clears existing values - issue Fixed a PHP error when reporting a particular JS error - issue #16326 Fixed latitude and longitude swap for geometries in edit mode - issue #16032 Fix CREATE TABLE not being tracked when auto tracking is enabled - issue #16397 Fix compatibility problems with older PHP versions (also issue #16399) - issue #16396 Fix broken two-factor authentication
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.7 (15/10/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.7 (2020-10-15) - issue #16397 Fix compatibility problems with older PHP versions (also issue #16399) - issue #16396 Fix broken two-factor authentication
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.6 (9/10/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.6 (2020-10-09) - issue [security] Fix XSS vulnerability with the transformation feature (PMASA-2020-5) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection vulnerability with search feature (PMASA-2020-6) 4.9.5 (2020-03-20) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection with certain usernames (PMASA-2020-2) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection in particular search situations (PMASA-2020-3) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection and XSS flaw (PMASA-2020-4) - issue Deprecate "options" for the external transformation; options must now be hard-coded along with the program name directly in the file.
phpMyAdmin v. 5.0.3 (9/10/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.0.3 (2020-10-09) - issue #15983 Require twig ^2.9 - issue Fix option to import files locally appearing as not available - issue #16048 Fix to allow NULL as a default bit value - issue #16062 Fix "htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given" on Export xml - issue #16078 Fix no charts in monitor when using a decimal separator "," - issue #16041 Fix IN(...) clause doesn't permit multiple values on "Search" page - issue #14411 Support double tap to edit on mobile - issue #16043 Fix php error "Use of undefined constant MYSQLI_TYPE_JSON" when using the mysqlnd extension - issue #14611 Fix fatal JS error on index creation after using Enter key to submit the form - issue #16012 Set "axis-order" to swap lon and lat on MySQL >= 8.1 - issue #16104 Fixed overwriting a bookmarked query causes a PHP fatal error - issue Fix typo in a condition in the Sql class - issue #15996 Fix local setup doc links pointing to a wrong location - issue #16093 Fix error importing utf-8 with bom sql file - issue #16089 2FA UX enhancement: autofocus 2FA input - issue #16127 Fix table column description PHP error when ['DisableIS'] = true; - issue #16130 Fix local documentation links display when a PHP extension is missing - issue Fix some twig code deprecations for php 8 - issue Fix ENUM and SET display when editing procedures and functions - issue Keep full query state on "auto refresh" process list - issue Keep columns order on "auto refresh" process list - issue Fixed editing a failed query from the error message - issue #16166 Fix the alter user privileges query to make it MySQL 8.0.11+ compatible - issue Fix copy table to another database when the nbr of DBs is > $cfg['MaxDbList'] - issue #16157 Fix relations of tables having spaces or special chars not showing in the Designer - issue #16052 Fix a very rare JS error occuring on mousemove event - issue #16162 Make a foreign key link clickable in a new tab after the value was saved and replaced - issue #16163 Fixed a PHP notice "Undefined index: column_info" on views - issue #14478 Fix the data stream when exporting data in file mode - issue #16184 Fix templates/ directory not found error - issue #16184 Remove chdir logic to fix PHP fatal error "Uncaught TypeError: chdir()" - issue Support for Twig 3 - issue Allow phpmyadmin/twig-i18n-extension ^3.0 - issue #16201 Trim spaces for integer values in table search - issue #16076 Fixed cannot edit or export TIMESTAMP column with default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in MySQL >= 8.0.13 - issue #16226 Fix error 500 after copying a table - issue #16222 Fixed can't use the search page when the table name has special characters - issue #16248 Fix zoom search is not performing input validation on INT columns - issue #16248 Fix javascript error when typing in INT fields on zoom search page - issue Fix type errors when using saved searches - issue #16261 Fix missing headings on modals of "User Accounts -> Export" - issue #16146 Fixed sorting did not keep the selector of number of rows - issue #16194 Fixed SQL query does not appear in case of editing view where definer is not you on MySQL 8 - issue #16255 Fix tinyint(1) shown as INT on Search page - issue #16256 Fix "Warning: error_reporting() has been disabled for security reasons" on php 7.x - issue #15367 Fix "Change or reconfigure primary server" link - issue #15367 Fix first replica links, start, stop, ignore links - issue #16058 Add "PMA_single_signon_HMAC_secret" for signon auths to make special links work and udate examples - issue #16269 Support ReCaptcha v2 checkbox width "$cfg['CaptchaMethod'] = 'checkbox';" - issue #14644 Use Doctum instead of Sami - issue #16086 Fix "Browse" headings shift when scrolling - issue #15328 Fix no message after import of zipped shapefile without php-zip - issue #14326 Fix PHP error when exporting without php-zip - issue #16318 Fix Profiling doesn't sum the number of calls - issue #16319 Fixed a Russian translation mistake on search results total text - issue #15634 Only use session_set_cookie_params once on PHP >= 7.3.0 versions for single signon auth - issue #14698 Fixed database named as 'New' (language variable) causes PHP fatal error - issue #16355 Make textareas both sides resizable - issue #16366 Fix column definition form not showing default value - issue #16342 Fixed multi-table query (db_multi_table_query.php) alias show the same alias for all columns - issue #15109 Fixed using ST_GeomFromText + GUI on insert throws an error - issue #16325 Fixed editing Geometry data throws error on using the GUI - issue [security] Fix XSS vulnerability with the transformation feature (PMASA-2020-5) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection vulnerability with search feature (PMASA-2020-6)
phpMyAdmin v. 5.0.2 (20/3/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.0.2 (2020-03-20) - issue Fixed deprecation warning "implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated." function on export page - issue #15767 Fixed can not copy user account since 5.0 - "error #1133" - issue #15772 Fixed error code 500 during pagination of the tables in a database - issue #16009 Fix php error "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on column distinct values feature - issue #15741 Fix fatal javascript error on clicking "Pick from Central Columns" - issue #15773 Fixed a view named "views" adds an expand button - issue #15432 Fixed names of the pages in the designer should be unique - issue #14310 Fixed column selector "See more" removes "Preview SQL" and "Save" area - issue Fixed wrong jQuery function call in table search page - issue #15761 Fix uncaught TypeError when using "$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 0;" - issue #15780 Fixed unexpected UI of action links (text only mode) - issue #15674 Replace twig/extensions with phpmyadmin/twig-i18n-extension - issue #15799 Change location of profiling state documentation to fix column ordering - issue #15720 Fix designer adding all available tables to a designer page after adding a new relationship - issue #15791 Replace facebook/webdriver by php-webdriver/webdriver - issue #15802 Removed SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 from SQL export - issue #15818 Fix table borders missing on theme original since 5.0.0 - issue #13864 Fix ENUM's radiobuttons reset on "Continue insertion with" changes - issue #15811 Fixed browse foreign values doesn't show a modal with grid edit - issue #15817 Fix "new table" layout issue on original theme - issue #15798 Fixed not needed prompt before abandoning changes on SQL tab after only changing a checkbox - issue #15833 Fix php TypeError when submitting unchanged data - issue Fix php notice "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" on Designer - issue #13326 Added integer validations on search page - issue #15200 Fixed server-side HTTPS detection misses support for Forwarded HTTP Extension (RFC 7239) - issue #15831 Fixed DB names starting with "b" being cut off in <option>, User account page - issue #15850 Fixed display content from "information_schema.PROCESSLIST" - issue #15836 Fixed "has no type" error on export and import pages for "Chinese traditional" users - issue #15863 Fixed designer move menu icon not changing directions and tables menu list resize button - issue #15854 Fixed black borders for full screen mode on Designer - issue #15899 Fix "Uncaught TypeError: mb_strtoupper()" on the relational view of a view - issue Fixed some php uncaught errors and notices on user missing extension - issue #15926 Fixed PhpMyAdmin\Core::getRealSize('8000M') returns a float instead of an int - issue #15410 Fixed auto increment reset issue where the last value of AI was saved an could destroy the "good" value - issue #15187 Fixed editing a row and using 'insert as new row' uses primary key 0 instead of NULL - issue #15877 Fixed php error "preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, null given" on some specific tables - issue #15795 Fix broken link on "MySQL said" error message - issue #15781 Fix illegal string offset error on structure page of 'information_schema' database - issue #15745 Fix version 5.0.1 suggests 4.9.4 as latest stable version - issue #15958 Fix uncaught TypeError when sorting database tables by size or by rows - issue #15830 Fix strftime issue on windows for Japanese users on "Structure" tab - issue Windows testsuite fixes - issue #15879 Added missing CSS class on "simulate query" button - issue #15401 Fixed php notice "Undefined index HMAC_secret" for users upgrading phpMyAdmin without a log-out - issue #15810 Fixed unexpected heading on add a new procedure, trigger, function, routine modals - issue #15970 Removed wrong html a tag on "Replication status" header - issue Add missing css classes on some buttons - issue #15937 Make modals draggability/expand (down) work after a screen zoom change - issue Fix php notice "Undefined index: on_delete" while creating a foreign key - issue #15876 Fixed select "IN (...)" is a simple select instead of a multiple select - issue Fix maxlength for User and Host on replication add user form - issue #15282 Fixed MySQL 8.0 password syntax error when creating a replication user - issue #15986 Fixed php fatal error "Uncaught TypeError: array_flip() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given" - issue Fixed php fatal error "Uncaught TypeError: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, int given" - issue Support phpunit 9.0 - issue Fix error in NavigationTree where $key might be sent as an int instead of a str to urlencode - issue #16022 Fix uncaught TypeError on browse foreigners - issue Fix failure if relational display field value is NULL - "Display column for relationships" - issue #16033 Remove vendor bin files from non source version of phpMyAdmin - issue #15898 [security] Fix escape tbl_storage_engine argument used on tbl_create.php - issue #15224 Don't fire keyboard shortcuts while SQL query area is focused (on a mobile for example) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection with certain usernames (PMASA-2020-2) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection in particular search situations (PMASA-2020-3) - issue [security] Fix SQL injection and XSS flaw (PMASA-2020-4) - issue Deprecate "options" for the external transformation; options must now be hard-coded along with the program name directly in the file.
phpMyAdmin v. 5.0.1 (7/2/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 5.0.1 (2020-01-07) - issue #15719 Fixed error 500 when browsing a table when $cfg['LimitChars'] used a string and not an int value - issue #14936 Fixed display NULL on numeric fields has showing empty string since 5.0.0 - issue #15722 Fix get Database structure fails with PHP error on replicated server - issue #15723 Fix can't browse certain tables since 5.0.0 update - issue Prevent line wrap in DB structure size column - issue Remove extra line break from downloaded blob content - issue #15725 Fixed error 500 when exporting - set time limit when $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] used a string and not an int value - issue #15726 Fixed double delete icons on enum editor - issue #15717 Fixed warning popup not dissapearing on table stucture when using actions without any column selection - issue #15693 Fixed focus of active tab is lost by clicking refresh option on browse tab - issue #15734 Fix Uncaught TypeError: http_build_query() in setup - issue Fix double slash in path when $cfg['TempDir'] has a trailing slash - issue #14875 Fix shp file import tests where failing when php dbase extension was enabled - issue #14299 Fix JS error "PMA_makegrid is not defined" when clicking on a table from the "Insert" tab opened in a new tab - issue #15351 Fixed 2FA setting removed each time the user edits another configuration setting - issue [security] Fix SQL injection vulnerability on the user accounts page (PMASA-2020-1)
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.4 (7/1/2020, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.4 (2020-01-07) - issue #15724 Fix 2FA was disabled by a bug - issue [security] Fix SQL injection vulnerability on the user accounts page (PMASA-2020-1)
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.3 (26/12/2019, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.3, a routine bugfix release. This is planned as the final bugfix release of phpMyAdmin version 4. Version 4 works with PHP versions 5.5 through (at least) 7.4, and MySQL versions 5.5 and newer (and the corresponding MariaDB versions). Version 5 will require PHP 7.1 or newer, but we plan to maintain security fixes for version 4 as part of our LTS program. For end of life details and supported versions, please see the "Supported versions" grid at . This release includes fixes for many bugs, including: * Several PHP notices and warnings including "Undefined index table_create_time," a notice about error_reporting() being disabled for security reasons, and several Undefined Index errors. * Support CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto header for Amazon CloudFront proxy * Early compatibility with development versions of PHP 8 * Fix replication actions (start, stop, etc) There are many, many more bug fixes thanks to the efforts of our developers and other contributors. For full details, you can see the ChangeLog file included with this release. The phpMyAdmin team
phpMyAdmin v. 4.9.2 (22/11/2019, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.9.2 (2019-11-21) - issue #14184 Change the cookie name from phpMyAdmin to phpMyAdmin_https for HTTPS, fixes many "Failed to set session cookie" errors - issue #15304 Fix ssl_use php error - issue #14804 Fix undefined index: ssl_* variables - issue #14245 Fix mysql 8.0.3 and above fails on advisor - issue #15499 Fix unparenthesized php deprecation - issue #15482 Fix URL encoding plus sign (+) in the table or DB name when configuring foreign keys - issue #14898 Fixed bottom table in list in left panel blocked by horizontal scroll bar - issue #15161 Fix text area overflows its parent element on "Query" page - issue #15511 Fixed exporting users after a delete will delete all selected users on "Users" page - issue #14598 Fixed checking referencial integrity on "Operations" page - issue #14433 Fix "You do not have privileges to manipulate with the users!" on root superadmin - issue #15391 Fix GIS polygon of a geometry field is not drawn on "GIS visualization" - issue #15311 Fix adjust privileges on copy database fails with MariaDB - issue #15477 Fix display referential integrity check for InnoDB - issue #15236 Support phpunit 8 in our test suite to help packaging phpMyAdmin on Debian - issue #15522 Fix missing image error fills logs, removed ic_b_info icon from icon list - issue #15537 Fixed some issues with the sort by key selectors - issue #15546 Fix operators precedence in DatabaseInterface class - issue #14906 Test test suite on 32-bit systems - issue Fix Long2IP transformation issue with PHP 7.1 - issue #14951 Fix moving columns with DEFAULT NULL doesn't work on MariaDB 10.2+ - issue #14951 Fix moving columns with INT AND DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP doesn't work on MariaDB - issue #12241 Fixed table alias is removed when exporting a query - issue #15316 Fixed cross join clause is removed on export - issue #14809 Fix error "is_uploaded_file() expects parameter 1 to be string" when inserting blobs from files - issue #15127 Fix white square when refreshing designer or browsing other pages - issue #13912 Detect when phpMyAdmin storage tables are not accessible, help users browse corrupt DBs - issue #15465 Display profiling when query outputs no rows - issue Fix setting and removing display field on Designer - issue Added a warning when trying to set a display field on Designer and configuration storage is not setup - issue #15327 Fix shift-click in Export misses a checkbox - issue [security] Fix improperly sanitized data when showing the Git branch (thanks to Ali Hubail for this report) - issue [security] Fix security weaknesses in Designer feature,including a flaw where an attacker could trigger an SQL injection attack (PMASA-2019-5) 4.9.1 (2019-09-20) - issue #15313 Added support for Twig 2 - issue #15315 Fix cannot edit or export column with default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in MySQL >= 8.0.13 - issue Fix a TypeError in Import class with PHP 8 - issue #14270 Fix Middle-click on foreign key link broken - issue #14363 Fix broken relational links in tables - issue #14987 Fix weird error for empty collation - issue #15334 Fix export of GIS visualisation not working (PNG, PDF, SVG) - issue #14918 Use hex for the phpMyAdmin session token - issue Added GB18030 Chinese collations description - issue Added Russian, Swedish, Slovak and Chinese UCA 9.0.0 collations description - issue Added description for the _ks (kana-sensitive) collation suffix - issue Added description for the _nopad (NO PAD) collation suffix - issue #15404 Remove array/string curly braces access - issue #15427 Fixed "FilterLanguages" option does not work (configuration) - issue #15202 Fixed creating user with single quote in password results in no password user - issue #14950 Fixed left database overview "add column" triggers error - issue #15363 Fix remove unexpected quotes on text fields (structure and insert) - issue Fix NULL wrongly checked on field change - issue #15388 Fix allow to rollback an empty statement - issue #14291 Fixed incorrect linkage from one table's value to another table - issue #15446 Fix tables added from other databases are not collapsing in the designer section - issue #14945 Fix designer page save fails if dB name contains period - issue Display an error when trying to import in designer a table that's already imported - issue Fix many bugs when adding new tables to designer - issue Update CodeMirror to v5.48.4 - issue Update jQuery Migrate to v3.1.0 - issue Update jQuery Validation to v1.19.1 - issue Update jQuery to v3.4.1 - issue Update js-cookie to v2.2.1 - issue Remove fieldset closing tag when setting global privileges - issue #15425 Fix backslash in column name resulting an error in editing - issue #15380 Fix Status - Advisor error - issue #15439 Fix designer page status not updated when added a new table from another database - issue #15440 Fix page number is not being updated in the URL after saving a designer's page - issue Fix reloading a designer's page - issue Fix designer full screen mode button and text stuck when exiting full-screen mode - issue Reduced possibility of causing heavy server traffic between the database and web servers - issue Fix a situation where a server could be deleted while an administator is using the setup script
phpMyAdmin v. (4/6/2019, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new (2019-06-04) - issue #14478 phpMyAdmin no longer streams the export data - issue #14514 Tables with SYSTEM VERSIONING show up as views instead of tables - issue #14515 Values cannot be edited in SYSTEM VERSIONING tables with INVISIBLE timestamps - issue Fix header icon on server plugins page - issue #14298 Fixed error 500 on MultiTableQuery page when a empty query is passed - issue #14402 Fixed fatal javascript error while adding index to a new column - issue #14896 Fixed issue with plus/minus icon when refreshing an expanded database - issue #14922 Fixed json encode error in export - issue #13975 Fixed missing query time in German (fix decimal number format issue) - issue #14503 Fixed JavaScript events not activating on input (sql bookmark issue) - issue #14898 Fixed Bottom table is blocked in database list (left panel) - issue #14425 Fixed Null Checkbox automatically unmarked - issue #14870 Display correct date and time in Zip files - issue #14763 Fixed the loading symbol not appearing when refreshing the navigation - issue #14607 Count rows only if needed - issue #14832 Show Designer combo boxes when adding a constraint - issue #14948 Fix change password is not showing password strength difference at the second attempt - issue #14868 Fix edit view - issue #14943 Fixed loading Forever when creating new view without filling any field - issue #14843 Fix Bookmark::get() id matching SQL - issue #14734 Fixed invalid default value for bit field - issue #14311 Fixed undefined index in setup script - issue #14991 Fixed TypeError in GIS editor - issue Fixed GIS data editor for multi server setup - issue #14312 Fixed type error in setup script when adding new server - issue #14053 Fix missed padding on query results - issue #14826 Fixed javascript error PMA_messages is not defined - issue Show error message if config-set fails and not "loading..." forever - issue #14359 Prevent multiple error modals, and error-report request spamming from script - issue Fixed error reporting javascript errors on multi server setup - issue Fixed wrong property name on TableStructureController - issue #14811 Fix SHOW FULL TABLES FROM when a table is locked - issue #14916 Fix bug when creating or editing views - issue #14931 Fixed php error when using a query like SELECT 1 INTO @a; SELECT @a; in inline query edit - issue #15074 Make the server logo visible on theme "original" - issue #15077 Fixed incorrect page numbers - issue #14205 Fixed "No tables found in database" when you delete all tables from last page - issue #14957 Virtuality is not selected when editing generated column (added virtuality(stored) option for mariadb) - issue #14853 Insert page should not allow entering things into virtual columns - issue #15110 Fixed TypeError e.preventDefaulut is not a function - issue #15115 Improved label in Settings export, clarifying that it's a JSON file - issue #14816 Fixed [designer] Cannot read property 'style' of null - issue Fixed [designer] Add new tables with database/table list modal - issue Fixed query format on multi server setup - issue Fixed remove partitioning on multi server setup - issue Fixed normalization - issue Fixed 'RESET SLAVE' button on replication slave - issue Fixed sending a php error report on multi server setup - issue Fixed downloading of monitor parameters for IE 11, Edge, Chrome and others - issue #15141 Fixed php notice Undefined index: designer_settings - issue #12729 Fixed sticky table header over dropdown menu - issue #15140 Fixed edit link does not work on failed insert - issue #14334 Fixed export table structure shows rows fields - issue #15010 Fixed empty SQL preview modal on tbl_relation - issue #14673 Fixed innodb & MySQL 8: DYNAMIC & COMPRESSED ROW_FORMAT missing - issue Fixed empty success message when adding a new INDEX from left panel - issue #15150 Fixed generate password hidden on second open of change password modal - issue Fixed import XML data with leading zeros - issue #15036 Fixed missing input fields checks for MaxSizeForInputField - issue #15119 Fixed uninterpreted HTML on Settings->Export page - issue #15159 Fixed missing query time and database in console - issue #13713 Fixed column comments in the floating table header - issue #15177 Fixed label alignment on login page - issue #15210 Fixed a typo in the english name of the Albanian language - issue Fixed issue when resetting charset in import.php - issue #14460 Fixed forms where submitted multiple times on CTRL + ENTER - issue #15038 Fixed console height was allowing a negative values - issue #15219 Fixed 'No Password' option does not switch automatically to 'Use Text Field' in add user account - issue Fixed importing the exported config on Server status monitor page - issue #15228 Fixed php notice 'Undefined index: foreign_keys_data' on designer when the user has column access - issue #12900 Fixed designer page saving gives error when configuration storage is not set up - issue #15229 Fixed php notice, added support for 'DELETE HISTORY' table privilege (MariaDB >= 10.3.4) - issue #14527 Fixed import settings function not working - issue #14908 Fixed uninterpreted HTML on Settings->Import (missing data error descriptions) - issue #14800 Fixed status->Processes doesn't show full query process list page - issue #14833 Fixed sort by Time not working in process list page - issue #14982 Fixed setting "null" keep an "enum" value - issue #14401 Fixed insert rows keypress Enter behavior - issue #15146 Fixed error reports can not be sent because they are too large - issue #15205 Fixed useless backquotes on sql preview modal when deleting an index - issue #13178 Fixed issues with uppercase table and database names (lower_case_table_names=1) - issue #14383 Fixed warning when browsing certain tables (GIS data) - issue #12865 Fixed MySQL 8.0.0 issues with GIS display - issue #15059 Fixed "Server charset" in "Database server" tab showing wrong information - issue #14614 Fixed mysql error "#2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" on sql query - issue #15238 Fixed phpMyAdmin 4.8.5 doesn't show privileges of procedures (raw html displayed instead) - issue #13726 Fixed can not copy user on Percona Server 5.7 - issue #15239 Fixed javascript error while fetching latest version info and switching pages - issue #14301 Fixed javascript error when editing a JSON data type column - issue #15240 Fixed apply a Settings form with errors shows a JSON response after using return back - issue #15043 Fixed multiple errors printing on Settings page - issue #15037 Fixed unexpected behavior of reset button on Settings - issue #15157 Fixed 'Settings' tab not marked as active when browsing 2FA settings - issue #14934 Fixed all fields readonly on Edit/Insert screens - issue #14588 Fixed export of geometry objects, GIS objects are now exported as hex - issue #14412 Better handling of errors with Signon authentication type - issue Added support for AUTO_INCREMENT when using ROCKSDB, on Operations page - issue #15276 Fixed partitioning is missing in Structure page UI (MySQL 8.0) - issue #14252 Fixed DisableIS and database tree list (new database missing when refreshing the list) - issue #14621 Removed "Propose table structure" on MySQL 8.0 - issue Fixed editing of virtual columns on PerconaDB - issue #13854 Fixed column options are ignored for GENERATED/VIRTUAL/STORED columns - issue #15262 Fixed incorrect display of charset column (raw html) - issue Added explicit parentheses in nested ternary operators - issue #15287 Fix auto_increment field is too small - issue #15283 Fix tries to change collation on views when changing collation on all tables/fields - issue Fixed empty PMA_gotoWhitelist JavaScript array - issue #15079 Fixed responsive behaviour of instruction dialog box - issue #10846 Fixed javascript error when renaming a table - issue Updated sql-parser to version 4.3.2 - issue [security] SQL injection in Designer (PMASA-2019-3) - issue [security] CSRF attack on 'cookie' login form (PMASA-2019-4)
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.5 (26/1/2019, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.8.5 (2019-01-25) - issue Developer debug data was saved to the PHP error log - issue #14217 Fix issue when adding user on MySQL 8.0.11 - issue #13788 Exporting a view structure based on another view with a sub-query throws no database selected error - issue #14635 Fix PHP error in GitRevision, error in processing request, error code 200 - issue #14787 Cannot execute stored procedure - issue Add Burmese language - issue #14794 Not responding to click, frozen interface, plugin Text_Plain_Sql error - issue #14786 Table level Operations functions missing - issue #14791 PHP warning, db_export.php#L91 urldecode() - issue #14775 Export to SQL format not available for tables - issue #14782 Error message shown instead of two-factor QR code when adding 2fa to a user - issue [security] Arbitrary file read/delete relating to MySQL LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE and an evil server instance (PMASA-2019-1) - issue [security] SQL injection in Designer (PMASA-2019-2)
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.4 (11/12/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.8.4 (2018-12-11) - issue #14452 Remove hash param in edit query URL - issue #14295 Issue in Changing theme - issue #13267 Ensure that database names with '.' are handled properly when DisableIS is true - issue #14438 Invisible Icon "Show Full Queries" - issue #14133 CSS issue in Designer - issue #14447 Error while copying database (pma__column_info) - issue #14571 "No database selected" - DROP a view - issue #14636 Move operation causes SELECT * FROM `undefined` - issue #14630 Enum '0' produces incorrect search SQL - issue #14223 Fix TypeError in database designer - issue #13621 QBE selenium tests broken since merge of #13342 - issue #14672 When logging with $cfg['AuthLog'] to syslog, successful login messages were not logged even if $cfg['AuthLogSuccess'] was true. - issue #14339 Fix infinite loop when sorting table rows by key. - issue #14658 Regression on multi table query functionality (foreign keys) - issue #14617 Fix designer errors when database is empty - issue #13032 Fix designer errors when database contains special chars - issue #14352 Fix designer javascript errors - issue #14764 Fix left/right icons hidden - issue [security] Local file inclusion flaw in the Transformation feature (PMASA-2018-6) - issue [security] Multiple CSRF/XSRF vulnerabilities (PMASA-2018-7) - issue [security] XSS vulnerability in the navigation tree (PMASA-2018-8)
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.3 (22/8/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.8.3 (2018-08-22) - issue #14314 Error when naming a database '0' - issue #14333 Fix NULL as default not shown - issue #14229 Fixes issue with recent table list - issue #14045 Fix slow performance on DB structure filtering - issue #14327 Fix Editing server variable not showing save or cancel option - issue #14377 Populate options for view create and edit - issue #14171 2FA configuration fails if PHP doesn't have GD support - issue #14390 Can't unhide tables - issue #14382 "Visualize GIS data" icon missing - issue #14435 Event scheduler status toggle doesn't work - issue #14365 View not working on multiple servers - issue #14207 Partition actions in table structure do not work - issue #14375 Fixes ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR on export table - issue #14552 Blank message shown instead of MySQL error when adding trigger and other locations - issue #14525 Fix PHP 7.3 warning: "continue" in "switch" is equal to "break" - issue #14554 Icon missing when creating a new trigger, routine, and event - issue #14422 Table comment not showing since 4.8.1 - issue #14426 Drop table doesn't work when you copy tables to another database - issue #14581 Escaped HTML in 'Add a new server' setup - issue #14548 [security] HTML injection in import warning messages, see PMASA-2018-5
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.2 (21/6/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.8.2 (2018-06-21) - issue #14370 WHERE 0 causes Fatal error - issue #14225 Fix missing index icon - issue [security] XSS vulnerability in Designer, see PMASA-2018-3 - issue [security] File inclusion and remote code execution vulnerability, see PMASA-2018-4
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.1 (25/5/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.8.1 (2018-05-24) - issue #12772 Fix case where the central columns attributes don't get filled in - issue #14049 Fix case where the query builder doesn't work when selected column is * - issue #14029 Revert "Browse" table CSS overflow - issue #14241 Dropping indexes and foreign keys fail - issue #14227 Relational linking broken - issue #14246 Fixed error in configuration storage zero config - issue #14128 Show 2FA Secret next to QR code - issue #14212 XML Export from single table throws fatal error - issue #14239 Line and some other charts ignore result set order of values chosen for the x-axis - issue #14260 Fixed configuration for DefaultLang and Lang - issue #14264 Linking for 'Distinct values' broken - issue #13968 Fix MariaDB 10.2 current_timestamp() - issue #14249 Fix for missing go button in view edit - issue #14125 Fix for issues with spatial fields - issue #14189 Remember table's sorting broken - issue #14289 Fix multi-column sorting - issue #14278 Fix central columns in-line edit bug - issue #14066 Fix AUTO_INCREMENT error when only exporting table structure in database-level exports - issue #13893 Simulating queries produces unexpected results - issue #14309 Setup script icons missing
phpMyAdmin v. (19/4/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== (2018-04-19) - issue [security] Multiple CSRF vulnerabilities, See PMASA-2018-02
phpMyAdmin v. 4.8.0 (7/4/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
* - Allow the removal of individual segments from pie charts * - Improved database search to allow matching the exact phrase * - phpMyAdmin no longer requires using the PHP eval() function * - The mbstring dependency is now optional * - Authentication logging using $cfg['AuthLog'] * - Add support for Google's Invisible Captcha * - Improved handling of reCAPTCHA * - Fixes to the JavaScript editor for TIME values * - Improved the editor for the JSON data type * - Add "Format" button to the edit view form * - Implement mobile interface * - There are now configuration directives to set defaults for Transformation options * - Allow Designer to show tables from other databases * - Add support for authentication using U2F and 2FA * - Designer: fix broken "Add tables from other database" * - Fix double escaping of ENUM dropdown * - Restore SQL query after session expires * - Query builder: Fix for new column not being added * - Fix for blank login page * - Changes to the handling of arg_separator for AJAX requests; see issue #13940 * - Structure tab: fix silent failure to create new indexes * - Fix improperly escaped HTML code on the database structure page * - Fix JavaScript errors when using Internet Explorer (in particular when editing rows) * - Fix for broken error report * - Fix failed import * - Fix for "Cannot read property sql_query of undefined" errors
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.9 (5/3/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.9 (2018-03-05) - issue #13931 Fixed browsing tables with more results - issue #13927 "Not an integer" when browsing a table - issue #13887 "Input variables exceeded 1000" error relating to PHP's max_input_vars directive
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.8 (20/2/2018, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
Notable changes since 4.7.7: * - Fixed error handling with PHP 7.2 * - Fixed resetting default setting values * - Fixed fallback value for collation connection
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.7 (23/12/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.7 (2017-12-23) - issue #13865 Fixed displaying of formatted numeric values for some locales - issue #13856 Ensure datetimepicker is always loaded for datetime fields - issue #13848 Fixed PHP error when browsing certain results - issue [security] Fix XSRF/CSRF vulnerability, see PMASA-2017-09
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.6 (1/12/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.6 (2017-11-29) - issue #13517 Fixed check all interaction with filtering - issue #13803 Add SJIS-win to default list of allowed charsets - issue #13436 Improve detection that MySQL server needs SSL connection - issue #13038 Support JSON datatype on MariaDB 10.2.7 and newer - issue #13824 Fixed constructing ALTER query with AFTER - issue #13821 Lock page when changes are done in the SQL editor - issue #13842 Prefer iconv for encoding conversions - issue #13737 Fixed changing password on MariaDB cluster
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.5 (23/10/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.5 (2017-10-23) - issue #13615 Avoid problems with browsing unknown query types - issue #13612 Integrate tooltip into datetime pickers - issue #13628 Fixed javascript error in server monitor - issue #13444 Fixed server monitor on non Linux and Windows systems - issue #13633 Reload javscript messages when changing language - issue #13604 Fixed crash on invalid ordering data - issue #13639 Fixed error when browsing non SELECT results - issue #13533 Fixed saving column to display - issue #13647 Fixed export of tables with VIRTUAL columns - issue #13669 Fixed selecting multiple rows accidentally selects the next row too - issue #13513 Fixed edit index Column alignment issue - issue #13515 Fixed rendering of add index dialog - issue #13710 Fixed possible error in server advisor - issue #13477 Fixed setting input transformations - issue #13552 Fixed IPv4/IPv6 To Binary input transformation - issue #13686 Clicking on column name to trigger sort with an active search leads to logout - issue #13725 Fixed copying tables with specific PARTITION definition - issue #13761 Fixed listing of bookmarks for a database
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.4 (24/8/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.4 (2017-08-23) - issue #13415 Remove shadow from the logo - issue #13507 Fixed per server theme feature - issue #13523 Missing newline in ALTER exports - issue #13414 Fixed several compatibility issues with PHP 7.2 - issue #13550 Fixed copy results to clipboard - issue #13562 Add limitation for user group length - issue #13561 Fixed edit variable link in advisor - issue #13579 Optimize table link should not be visible in print page - issue #13553 Improved error handling on corrupted tables - issue #13512 Fixed rendering of add index dialog - issue #13606 Fixed refreshing server variables
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.3 (20/7/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.3 (2017-07-20) - issue #13447 Large multi-line query removes Export operation and blanks query box options - issue #13445 Fixed rendering of query results - issue #13437 Fixed version check when not connected to a database - issue #13465 Fixed creating relation - issue #13475 Fixed export without backquotes - issue #13482 Improved handling of uploaded files with open_basedir - issue #13387 Fixed inline editing of hex values - issue #13382 Fixed size of index edit dialog - issue #13489 Fixed rendering SQL lint errors - issue #13468 Avoid breakage if set_time_limit is disabled - issue #13471 Fail if ini_set/ini_get are disabled - issue #13436 Automatically connect using SSL when server is configured so - issue #13478 Fixed usage of some browser transformations
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.2 (29/6/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.2 (2017-06-29) - issue #13314 Make theme selection keep current server - issue #13311 Fixed direct login for accounts without password - issue #13316 Fixed check for mbstring.func_overload - issue #13323 Fixed wrong encoding of table at triggers - issue #12976 Fixed natural sorting in several places - issue #12718 Show warning for users removed from mysql.user table - issue #13362 Fixed loading additional javascripts - issue #13343 Fixed editing QBE - issue #13193 Improved documentation on user settings - issue #13092 Gracefully handle early fatal errors in AJAX requests - issue #13327 Fixed Incorrect NavigationTreeEnableExpansion default value in the documentation - issue #13008 Fixed export of database with a lot of tables - issue #13318 Improved performance when importing with enabled tracking - issue #13386 Avoid PHP errors with non existing configuration on OS X - issue #13388 Show only supported charsets for conversion - issue #13392 Fixed operation with session.auto_start enabled - issue #13383 "Create PHP code" is broken - issue #13189 Fixed links to resume timeouted import
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.1 (26/5/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.1 (2017-05-25) - issue #13132 Always execute tracking queries as controluser - issue #13125 Focus on SQL editor after inserting field name - issue #13133 Fixed broken links in setup - issue #13135 Database list Tooltips: Show wrong value - issue #13150 Fixed pagination while browsing resuls - issue #13149 Fixed outbound links in changelog.php - issue #13146 Do not include devel dependencies in the release - issue #13144 Do not show New as a database in database dropdown - issue #13130 Fixed handling of errors in AJAX requests - issue #13152 Fixed PHP error in case of invalid table preferences - issue #13154 Fixed PHP error on password change - issue #13219 Fix Refresh of Process List - issue #13182 Fix refresh of long queries - issue #12301 Improved handling of logout with disabled LoginCookieDeleteAll - issue #13216 Add support for MySQL 8.0 collations - issue #13218 Fixed rendering of phpMyAdmin logos - issue #13234 Properly report not working sessions - issue #13256 Fixed password check on server replication - issue #13252 Fixed grid editing time column - issue #13258 Fixed detection of Amazon RDS - issue #13241 Redirect user to last page that has any tables to display - issue #13266 Fix link to User accounts overview page - issue #13274 Fix error in query builder - issue #13177 Grid editing repeats action after error
phpMyAdmin v. 4.7.0 (28/3/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.7.0 (2017-03-28) - patch #12233 [Display] Improve message when renaming database to same name - issue #6146 Log authentication attempts to syslog - issue #11981 Remove support for Swekey authentication - issue #11987 Remove code for no longer supported MSIE versions + issue #11962 Remove embedded PHP libraries, use composer to install them + issue #12017 Cannot easily select multiple tables when exporting + issue #12047 Add javascript filtering for databases - issue #12166 More compact rendering of navigation tree + issue #12129 Improve performance with SkipLockedTables - issue #12173 Do not hide indexes under a slider - issue Improve performance of zip file import - issue #12196 Removed $cfg['ThemePath'] - issue #6274 Add support for export user settings as snippet - issue #5555 Better report query errors while generating SQL exports - issue #12307 Produce valid JSON on export - issue #12325 Setup script icons broken - issue #12378 Support IPv6 proxies - issue Removed MySQL connection retry without password - issue #12218 Allow to specify further parameters for control connection - issue #12162 Show charset for each table on Database structure page - issue #12463 Incorrect link in the href of icon at Hide/Show unhide links - issue #12330 Shortcut for closing console - issue #12465 Improved handling of http requests - issue #12474 Broken links in Setup forms Navigation - issue #12494 Can't add a new User - issue #12523 Add 'token' Parameter in all POST requests (Fix 'Token mismatch' errors) - issue #12302 Improved usage of number_format - issue #12656 Server selection not working - issue #12543 NULL results in dataset are colored grey - issue #12664 Create Bookmark broken - issue #12688 Use unsigned int for storing bookmark ID - issue #12352 Added password strength indicator - issue #12713 Correctly handle HTTP status when doing requests - issue #12247 Add option to delete settings from browser storage - issue #12783 Remove unused PMA_addJSCode function - issue #12069 Add table filtering to database structure - issue #12799 Allow to configure signon session parameters - issue #12854 Drop database is broken - issue #12863 Can't toggle Event Scheduler on - issue #12742 Finish removing dead code references to xls/xlsx import and export, which was removed some time ago. - issue #12536 Rename "Relations" to "Relationships" in many places as it's the more proper term - issue #12834 Fixed margins in central columns feature - issue #12903 Document more export configuration options - issue #12897 Use consistent numeric format for table overhead - issue #12901 Use server returned table name on renaming table - issue #12918 Always use \r\n as newline when editing fields - issue #12923 Fixed server side search in navigation panel - issue #12929 Undefined index warning with ssl_ca_paths - issue #12924 Do not show errors from OpenSSL cookie encryption/decryption - issue #12945 Fixed hint rendering on adding new user - issue #12941 Fixed sorting of tables in relation view - issue #12936 Fixed tables pagination in navigation panel - issue #12904 Do not collapse add form for central columns if there are none - issue #12955 Fixed database renaming - issue #12954 Fixed export of tracking data - issue #12960 Enclose exports in transaction by default - issue #12966 After adding a column ADD INDEX option won't be displayed when enabling AI - issue #12972 Better error message when Composer has not been run - issue #12988 Do not show language selector without choices - issue #12993 Fixed external links to php documentation - issue #12990 Fixed error when loading favorite tables to console - issue #12981 Improved rendering of new version information - issue #12922 Fixed bookmarks ordering - issue #12964 Fixed table search in navigation - issue #12985 Fixed rendering of foreign key browsing - issue #12957 Fixed manipulation with GIS data having zero coordinates - issue #12804 Fixed various designer javascript errors - issue #12934 Fixed possible javascript error on server status page - issue #12927 Fixed javascript error on 3NF normalization - issue #12996 List all databses in navigation panel database dropdown - issue #12980 Better defaults when creating multi field foreign key - issue #12976 Improved foreign key editor behavior - issue #12958 Always show error reporting dialog on top - issue #12693 Improved support for TokuDB - issue #11231 Try harder to honor LoginCookieValidity setting - issue #13016 and #13017 Slight improvements to the table layout of Relation view - issue #12345 Correctly show affected rows for LOAD DATA queries - issue #13010 Copy database: SQL error for copying PMADB metadata - issue #13002 Fixed OpenDocument exports - issue #13000 Align NULL values according to the column alignment - issue #13021 Show phpMyAdmin errors even with error_reporting set to 0 - issue #13020 Removed warning about client and server versions mismatch - issue Hide comments on table Structure tab when no comment is set - issue Fixed submission of error reports - issue #13033 Use Referrer-Policy header to specify referrer policy - issue Fixed javascript confirmation of dangerous queries - issue #13040 Compatibility with hhvm 3.18 - issue #13031 Fixed displaying of all rows - issue #12967 Fixed related field selection for native relations - issue #13045 Properly escape MIME transformatoin names - issue #13028 Always show 100% in font selector - issue #13047 Fix query simulating for more servers - issue #12846 Fix new version check for sites with wrongly configured curl - issue #12951 When exporting to Excel, the default is now to include column names in the first row - issue #13059 Removed debugging code - issue #13029 Fixed table tracking for nested table groups - issue #13053 Fixed broken links in setup - issue #12708 Removed phpMyAdmin version from User-Agent header - issue #13084 Do not point users to setup when it is disabled - issue #12660 Delete only phpMyAdmin cookies on upgrade - issue #13088 Fixed editing of rows with text primary key - issue #13092 Do not try to sync favorite tables if configuration storage is not enabled - issue #13105 Fixed changing attribute for virtual field - issue #12757 Fixed setting password on recent MariaDB with non working plugins - issue #12349 Fixed undefined variable on import from some formats - issue #13103 Do not offer default names for copying/renaming databases - issue [security] Possible to bypass $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'], see PMASA-2017-08 4.6.6 (2017-01-23) - issue #12759 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: old_usergroup' - issue #12760 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: users' - issue #12762 Fixed parsing of SQL with BINARY function - issue #12588 ReCaptcha now works without allow_url_fopen - issue #12699 Show no local storage warning only on settings tab - issue #12778 Syntax Error in Adding/Changing TIMESTAMP columns with default value as NULL - issue #12769 Edit/Export links are not clickable under Routines tab - issue #12757 Fixed creating new user with older MariaDB - issue #12784 Remove ctype installation suggestion - issue #12780 Format button replaces all text with blank spaces - issue #12786 Fixed database searching - issue #12792 Fixed javascript error on new version link - issue #12785 Add information about required and suggested extensions to composer.json - issue #12801 Custom header shown twice with cookie login form - issue #12802 Custom footer not shown with auth_type http login failure - issue #12434 Improve documentation for servers running with Suhosin - issue #12800 Updated embedded phpSecLib to 2.0.4 - issue #12800 Fixed various issues with PHP 7.1 - issue #11816 Fixed operation with lower_case_table_names=2 - issue #12813 Fixed stored procedure execution - issue #12826 Honor user configured connection collation - issue #12293 Correctly report OpenSSL errors from cookie encryption - issue #12814 DateTime won't allow to input length in Routine editor - issue #12840 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: row_format' when altering table options - issue #12841 Fixed moving of columns with whitespace in name - issue #12847 Fixed editing of virtual columns - issue #12859 Changed WHERE condition to 0 instead of 1 for SQL query window to avoid accidents - issue #12872 Use same query for display and execution when dropping index - issue #12868 Fix check for user groups freatures being enabled - issue #12876 Fix notices and warning related to dbs_to_test global - issue #12831 Fix table formatting on Insert tab, which mostly affected row highlighting - issue #12495 Reintroduced phpinfo page with limited capabilities - issue #12861 Fix renaming tables with lower_case_table_names=2 - issue #12876 Fix possible PHP error in navigation - issue #12881 Fix database search with newer php-gettext - issue #12894 Fix linter error on unterminated variable name - issue #12732 Fixed filtering for active processes - issue [security] Multiple vulnerabilities in setup script, see PMASA-2016-44. - issue [security] Open redirect, see PMASA-2017-1. - issue [security] php-gettext code execution, see PMASA-2017-2. - issue [security] DOS vulnerabiltiy in table editing, see PMASA-2017-3. - issue [security] CSS injection in themes, see PMASA-2017-4. - issue [security] Cookie attribute injection attack, see PMASA-2017-5. - issue [security] SSRF in replication, see PMASA-2017-6. - issue [security] DOS in replication status, see PMASA-2017-7. --- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website --- # vim: et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 # vim: ft=changelog fenc=utf-8 # vim: fde=getline(v\:lnum-1)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v\:lnum)=~'\\S'?'>1'\:1&&v\:lnum>4&&getline(v\:lnum)!~'^#' # vim: fdn=1 fdm=expr
phpMyAdmin v. 4.6.6 (23/1/2017, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== 4.6.6 (2017-01-23) - issue #12759 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: old_usergroup' - issue #12760 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: users' - issue #12762 Fixed parsing of SQL with BINARY function - issue #12588 ReCaptcha now works without allow_url_fopen - issue #12699 Show no local storage warning only on settings tab - issue #12778 Syntax Error in Adding/Changing TIMESTAMP columns with default value as NULL - issue #12769 Edit/Export links are not clickable under Routines tab - issue #12757 Fixed creating new user with older MariaDB - issue #12784 Remove ctype installation suggestion - issue #12780 Format button replaces all text with blank spaces - issue #12786 Fixed database searching - issue #12792 Fixed javascript error on new version link - issue #12785 Add information about required and suggested extensions to composer.json - issue #12801 Custom header shown twice with cookie login form - issue #12802 Custom footer not shown with auth_type http login failure - issue #12434 Improve documentation for servers running with Suhosin - issue #12800 Updated embedded phpSecLib to 2.0.4 - issue #12800 Fixed various issues with PHP 7.1 - issue #11816 Fixed operation with lower_case_table_names=2 - issue #12813 Fixed stored procedure execution - issue #12826 Honor user configured connection collation - issue #12293 Correctly report OpenSSL errors from cookie encryption - issue #12814 DateTime won't allow to input length in Routine editor - issue #12840 Fix Notice regarding 'Undefined index: row_format' when altering table options - issue #12841 Fixed moving of columns with whitespace in name - issue #12847 Fixed editing of virtual columns - issue #12859 Changed WHERE condition to 0 instead of 1 for SQL query window to avoid accidents - issue #12872 Use same query for display and execution when dropping index - issue #12868 Fix check for user groups freatures being enabled - issue #12876 Fix notices and warning related to dbs_to_test global - issue #12831 Fix table formatting on Insert tab, which mostly affected row highlighting - issue #12495 Reintroduced phpinfo page with limited capabilities - issue #12861 Fix renaming tables with lower_case_table_names=2 - issue #12876 Fix possible PHP error in navigation - issue #12881 Fix database search with newer php-gettext - issue #12894 Fix linter error on unterminated variable name - issue #12732 Fixed filtering for active processes - issue [security] Multiple vulnerabilities in setup script, see PMASA-2016-44. - issue [security] Open redirect, see PMASA-2017-1. - issue [security] php-gettext code execution, see PMASA-2017-2. - issue [security] DOS vulnerabiltiy in table editing, see PMASA-2017-3. - issue [security] CSS injection in themes, see PMASA-2017-4. - issue [security] Cookie attribute injection attack, see PMASA-2017-5. - issue [security] SSRF in replication, see PMASA-2017-6. - issue [security] DOS in replication status, see PMASA-2017-7.
phpMyAdmin v. (5/12/2016, phpMyAdmin Team) Readme/What's new
phpMyAdmin version is a patch-level release which fixes an issue with exporting certain character sequences including a backslash (\), such as \r\n.
phpMyAdmin v. (25/11/2016, phpMyAdmin Team)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 22/01/2025 - 06:17

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