Data rilascio: 
Giovedì, 18 Luglio, 2002



MySQL è il server SQL open source più usato al mondo. La sua ingegnosa struttura lo rende estremamente veloce e facile da configurare (port di differenti autori).

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download. Per una installazione veloce della ver. 5.1.72:

  • nella cartella di destinazione, scompattare il file per creare la cartella \data
  • creare un oggetto programma per mysqld!l.exe
  • lanciare mysql_upgrade per aggiornare le tabelle mysql
  • con il comando "mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD" impostare una password per l'utente "root"

Parametri per alcuni oggetti WPS utili, assumento che il programma sia stato installato nella cartella C:\PROGRAMS\MYSQL5:

  • "C:\PROGRAMS\MYSQL5\BIN\MYSQL.EXE" per un oggetto "Console"
  • "C:\PROGRAMS\MYSQL5\BIN\MYSQLD!L.EXE" per un oggetto "Avvia server"
  • "C:\PROGRAMS\MYSQL5\BIN\MYSQLD!L.EXE -u root shutdown" per un oggetto "Ferma server"

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

MySQL v. 5.6.51 (10/10/2022, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
MySQL v. 5.6.46 (26/10/2019, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
MySQL v. 5.5.58 (13/1/2018, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
MySQL v. 5.1.73 (12/3/2015, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
MySQL v. 5.1.72 (25/9/2013, Paul Smedley (Smedles)) Readme/What's new
MySQL v5.1.72 for OS/2 & eComStation Release Notes: 1) Requires a copy of libc065.dll which is available from and GCC446.dll which is available from 2) All bug reports should be submitted via the bug tracker at 3) include and lib directories are not included to save space, but are available on request. 4) Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade Mysql 5.0 tables to the 5.1 format - BACKUP DATA FIRST 5) All OS/2 patches were removed by the MySQL developers in the move from 5.0 to 5.1 - I've reinstated them in this release A *big* thanks to Yuri Dario who provided his patches for MySQL 4.1.7 which were the basis for this updated port. You can checkout (and support) Yuri's efforts via his website at See the COPYING file for details on the MySQL license For new users, to create the initial databases, unzip in the mysql51 directory which will create a 'data' directory Remember to set a default password for the initial tables following the instructions at Changes in this release: 1) Moved to 5.1.72 source code & GCC 4.7.3 as the compiler If you like this software and want to support continued ports, please consider donating via PayPal via the link in the footer at or via the Mensys online store at Cheers, Paul Smedley Adelaide, Australia 25th September, 2013  local copy
MySQL v. 5.1.68 (1/3/2013, Paul Smedley (Smedles)) Readme/What's new
MySQL v5.1.68 for OS/2 & eComStation Release Notes: 1) Requires a copy of libc065.dll which is available from and GCC446.dll which is available from 2) All bug reports should be submitted via the bug tracker at 3) include and lib directories are not included to save space, but are available on request. 4) Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade Mysql 5.0 tables to the 5.1 format - BACKUP DATA FIRST 5) All OS/2 patches were removed by the MySQL developers in the move from 5.0 to 5.1 - I've reinstated them in this release A *big* thanks to Yuri Dario who provided his patches for MySQL 4.1.7 which were the basis for this updated port. You can checkout (and support) Yuri's efforts via his website at See the COPYING file for details on the MySQL license For new users, to create the initial databases, unzip in the mysql51 directory which will create a 'data' directory Remember to set a default password for the initial tables following the instructions at Changes in this release: 1) Moved to 5.1.68 source code If you like this software and want to support continued ports, please consider donating via PayPal via the link in the footer at or via the Mensys online store at Cheers, Paul Smedley Adelaide, Australia 1st March, 2013  local copy
MySQL v. 4.0.18 b.5 (, Yuri Dario (Paperino))
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 04/08/2024 - 18:33


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