
Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 29 Maggio, 2019



Hunspell è il controllo ortografico di LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox 3 e Thunderbird, Google Chrome, ed è utilizzato anche da pacchetti software proprietari, come MacOS, InDesign, memoQ, Opera e SDL Trados.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Supporto esteso per le peculiarità linguistiche; Codifica dei caratteri Unicode, composizione e morfologia complessa.
  • Suggerimento migliorato che utilizza dati di pronuncia basati sulla somiglianza di n-grammi, regole e dizionari.
  • Analisi morfologica, derivazione e generazione.
  • Hunspell è basato su MySpell e lavora anche con dizionari MySpell.
  • Il codice C++ è distribuito sotto triplice licenza GPL/LGPL/MPL.
Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto RPM.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

hunspell-nl-2.20.22-1.oc00 (23/12/2021)
Repository: Netlabs stable
[ENGLISH] You are kindly requested to read this file "license_en_EN.txt" and to keep a copy of it with every copy you make of this language file. 1. Name: Dutch word list for spell checking - OpenTaal 2. Version of words list: 2.10G; version of spell checking: 2.10G. 3. Requirements: Hunspell 1.2.8 and higher 4. Spelling Seal of Dutch Language Union: The OpenTaal list of lemmas has received the Spelling Seal of Approval from the Dutch Language Union, the formal Dutch language institute. For more information please see: 5. Copyrights: © 2006-2010 OpenTaal, © 2001-2005 Simon Brouwer e.a., © 1996 Nederlandstalige Tex Gebruikersgroep 6. Licenses: OpenTaal aims to create and publish free Dutch language files. To enable the broadest (re)use the language files are freely available under the below, liberal licenses at the discretion of the user. We strongly recommend to read the applicable license before usage. A. BSD (revised version): - Full license text: - Summary: B. Creative Commons, Attribution 3.0 (unported) - Full license text: - Summary: 7. Support OpenTaal: OpenTaal is a non-profit volunteer project. With your (small) financial support OpenTaal will further expand its activities and enhance its professionalism. Your donation is welcome at account number:, BIC: RABONL2U, IBAN: NL88RABO0156232782 of Stichting OpenTaal / OpenTaal Foundation. In the Netherlands your donations are tax deductible. OpenTaal Foundation has been designated by the Dutch Tax Administration as an Institution for General Benefit (algemeen nut beogende instelling or ANBI). Please see: 8. Participate: Everyone is welcome to participate. Please give feedback, discuss on the mailing list or run Harvester. By contributing to the project you agree that your contribution is available under free or/open source licenses. In case you wish, your name will be mentioned on the website. Your are invited to send us your written request. 9. Rights of third parties: OpenTaal respects the rights of third parties and aims to keep its data freely available. Therefore you may no use protected sources of third parties, i.e. dictionaries, without their permission when you contribute to the project. It is permitted to use the materials of the Dutch Language Union, i.e. their spelling instruction and word list. In case you believe OpenTaal is violating your rights, we ask you to send us a written notice as soon as possible. 10.Contact: OpenTaal Foundation,, ________________________________________________________________ [NEDERLANDS] U wordt vriendelijk verzocht om dit bestand ("licentie_nl_NL.txt") te lezen en mee te leveren bij iedere kopie van dit taalhulpbestand. 1. Naam: Nederlandstalige woordenlijst voor spellingcontrole - OpenTaal 2. Versie woordenlijst: 2.10G; versie spellingcontrole: 2.10G 3. Vereisten: Hunspell 1.2.8 en hoger 4. Keurmerk Spelling Nederlandse Taalunie: De lijst met basiswoorden van OpenTaal draagt het keurmerk van de Nederlandse Taalunie. Voor meer informatie zie: 5. Auteursrechten: © 2006-2010 OpenTaal, © 2001-2005 Simon Brouwer e.a., © 1996 Nederlandstalige Tex Gebruikersgroep 6. Licenties: OpenTaal heeft als doel om vrij beschikbare Nederlandstalige taalhulpbestanden te ontwikkelen en te verspreiden. Om breed (her)gebruik mogelijk te maken zijn de taalhulpbestanden gratis beschikbaar onder de twee onderstaande, liberale licenties naar keuze van de gebruiker. U wordt ten zeerste aangeraden om voorafgaand aan het gebruik kennis te nemen van de toepasselijke licentie. A. BSD (herziene versie): - Volledige licentie: - Samenvatting: B. Creative Commons, Naamsvermelding 3.0 (unported) - Volledige licentie: - Samenvatting: 7. Steun OpenTaal: OpenTaal is een vrijwilligersproject zonder winstoogmerk. Door uw (kleine) financiële steun kan OpenTaal meer activiteiten ontplooien en het project professionaliseren. Uw donatie is van harte welkom op rekeningnummer t.n.v. Stichting OpenTaal. Uw giften zijn aftrekbaar van de belasting. Stichting OpenTaal is namelijk door de Belastingdienst erkend als ANBI, oftewel "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling". Zie: 8. Meedoen: Iedereen is welkom om mee te doen. Meld fouten, discussieer mee op de mailinglijst of draai Harvester. Door bij te dragen aan het project stemt u ermee in dat uw bijdrage aan het desbetreffende taalhulpbestand beschikbaar komt onder vrije en/of opensource licenties. Indien u dat wenst, dan kan uw naam op de website genoemd worden. We ontvangen uw schriftelijk verzoek daarvoor graag. 9. Rechten van derden: OpenTaal respecteert de rechten van derden en wil haar gegevens vrij beschikbaar houden. Voor bijdragen aan het project mag u daarom niet zonder toestemming gebruikmaken van beschermde naslagwerken, zoals woordenboeken. Wel is het toegestaan om gebruik te maken van de materialen van de Nederlandse Taalunie, zoals de leidraad en de woordenlijst. Indien u van mening bent dat OpenTaal inbreuk maakt op uw rechten, dan verzoeken we u hierover zo spoedig mogelijk schriftelijk contact met ons op te nemen. 10.Contact: Stichting OpenTaal,,
hunspell-1.7.0-2.oc00 (17/02/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
hunspell-devel-1.7.0-2.oc00 (17/02/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
hunspell-fr-6.0.2-1.oc00 (19/04/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
____________________________________________________________________________ DICTIONNAIRES ORTHOGRAPHIQUES FRANÇAIS version 6.0.2 Olivier R. - dicollecte<at>free<dot>fr Dicollecte : Licence : MPL : Mozilla Public License version 2.0 -- Ce dictionnaire ne peut fonctionner qu’avec un logiciel utilisant le correcteur Hunspell : 3.2+, Firefox 4+, Thunderbird 5+ Principaux contributeurs : - Jean-Luc T. ; - Sylvain P. ; - Laurent Dubois ; - Dominique Pellé ; - Pierre Poisson ; - Pierre-Yves ; - Pierre Choffardet ; - Leywen ; - Romain Muller et Serge Bibauw, de l’association RENOUVO, grâce à qui la nouvelle orthographe et ses anciennes variantes ont pu être établies ; - Chantal Contant, pour ses recherches sur la réforme de 1990 ; - Benoît Sagot, qui nous a autorisé à comparer notre lexique avec Lefff, ce qui a mis en évidence des dizaines d’erreurs d’étiquetage grammatical ; - Philipp Burgess, pour la normalisation Unicode avec Hunspell. Merci aussi à tous ceux qui ont apporté leur pierre à l’édifice. Pour participer à l’amélioration du dictionnaire, allez sur : ____________________________________________________________________________ À propos des différents dictionnaires français ____________________________________________________________________________ En 1990, le Conseil supérieur à la langue française et l’Académie française ont proposé une réforme de l’orthographe qui concerne plusieurs milliers de mots. L’emploi des nouvelles graphies n’est pas obligatoire. Les anciennes comme les nouvelles sont considérées comme correctes. Pour en savoir plus sur la réforme de 1990 : Malgré les rectifications modestes apportées par cette réforme, la nouvelle orthographe suscite beaucoup de polémiques. Afin de satisfaire les exigences de chacun, quatre dictionnaires existent, respectant différemment cette réforme. Dictionnaire “Moderne” Ce dictionnaire propose une sélection des graphies classiques et réformées, suivant la lente évolution de l’orthographe actuelle. Ce dictionnaire contient les graphies les moins polémiques de la réforme. Dictionnaire “Classique” [recommandé] Ce dictionnaire est une extension du dictionnaire «Moderne» et propose en sus des graphies alternatives, parfois encore très usitées, parfois tombées en désuétude. Dictionnaire “Réforme 1990” Ce dictionnaire ne connaît que les graphies nouvelles des mots concernés par la réforme de 1990. Dictionnaire “Toutes variantes” Ce dictionnaire contient les nouvelles et les anciennes graphies des mots concernés par la réforme de 1990.
hunspell-ru-0.99g5-1.oc00 (19/04/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
* Replace ye dict with proper one * Regenerate yo dict -- Rail Aliev <> Fri, 08 Aug 2008 19:22:16 +0400 * Update ru_RU dictionary up to 0.99g5 -- Rail Aliev <> Thu, 07 Aug 2008 16:31:43 +0400 New Russian dictionaries for ispell (version 0.99g5) Author: Alexander Lebedev ( Primary-site: This package contains a few lists of Russian words and an affix file to be used with a well-known ispell spelling checker. It may be especially useful for UNIX users. However, as the package supports five different character sets used for Russian, it may be of interest for DOS, OS/2 and Windows users too. The word lists are based on the list collected about ten years ago by Neal Dalton. After removing mistaken words and adding many new rules and words, the dictionaries contain now over 139,000 basic words and produce over 1,367,000 related words (compared to 52,000 words in Neal's version and 952,000 words in the dictionary by K. Knizhnik). This package seems to be the only one that supports the right spelling of words with the Russian letter 'yo' (other dictionaries simply replace the letter 'yo' by 'ye'). Further detailed documentation on the package is in Russian (koi8-r character set) in README.koi file.
hunspell-de-0.20160407-1.oc00 (19/04/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
The German dictionary.
hunspell-es-0.7-1.oc00 (18/04/2017)
Versión 0.7: - Más modificaciones en los ficheros de afijos (prefijo contra-). - Agregado de lemas faltantes, gracias a Alejandro Moreno y KNTRO. - Revisión de la lista de abreviaturas. - Corrección de archivos de sinónimos y creación de script asociado. *********************************************************************************************** Diccionario para corrección ortográfica en español de *********************************************************************************************** VERSIÓN GENÉRICA PARA TODAS LAS LOCALIZACIONES *********************************************************************************************** Versión 0.7 SUMARIO 1. AUTOR 2. LICENCIA 3. INSTALACIÓN 4. COLABORACIÓN 5. AGRADECIMIENTOS 1. AUTOR Este diccionario ha sido desarrollado inicialmente por Santiago Bosio; quien actualmente coordina el desarrollo de todos los diccionarios localizados. Si desea contactar al autor, por favor envíe sus mensajes mediante correo electrónico a: santiago.bosio <en> gmail <punto> com (reemplace <en> por @ y <punto> por . al enviar su mensaje) El diccionario es un desarrollo completamente nuevo, y NO ESTÁ BASADO en el trabajo de Jesús Carretero y Santiago Rodríguez, ni en la versión adaptada al formato de MySpell por Richard Holt. 2. LICENCIA Este diccionario para corrección ortográfica, integrado por el fichero de afijos y la lista de palabras (es_ANY[.aff|.dic]) se distribuye bajo un triple esquema de licencias disjuntas: GNU GPL versión 3 o posterior, GNU LGPL versión 3 o posterior, ó MPL versión 1.1 o posterior. Puede seleccionar libremente bajo cuál de estas licencias utilizará este diccionario. Encontrará copias de las licencias adjuntas en este mismo paquete. 3. INSTALACIÓN En versión 3.x y superior, utilice el administrador de extensiones, seleccionando para instalar directamente el fichero con extensión ".oxt". Para instalar en versión 1.x ó 2.x, deberá realizar una instalación manual siguiendo estas instrucciones: a) Copie el fichero de afijos y la lista de palabras en la carpeta de instalación de diccionarios. Si tiene permisos de administrador, puede instalar el diccionario de manera que esté disponible para todos los usuarios, copiando los ficheros al directorio de diccionarios de la suite. Este directorio depende de la plataforma de instalación. Podrá ubicarlo si ingresa en el ítem Opciones del menú Herramientas. Despliegue la primer lista, etiquetada "" y seleccione el ítem Rutas. La carpeta donde debe copiar los ficheros se denomina "ooo", y la encontrará bajo el directorio que figura en la lista de rutas con el tipo "Lingüística". En caso de no contar con permisos de administrador, igualmente puede realizar una instalación para su usuario particular, copiando los ficheros al directorio que figura en la lista de rutas con el tipo "Diccionarios definidos por el usuario". Estos directorios de configuración usualmente están ocultos. Deberá ajustar las opciones del administrador de ficheros que utiliza para que se muestren este tipo de ficheros o directorios. Consulte la ayuda para su plataforma en caso que no sepa cómo hacerlo. b) Edite la lista de diccionarios disponibles para añadir el nuevo diccionario. En el directorio donde copió los diccionarios encontrará un fichero de texto denominado "dictionary.lst". Modifíquelo como se indica a continuación, utilizando el editor de textos de su preferencia. El formato de la lista permite definir tres tipos de diccionarios diferentes: de corrección ortográfica (DICT), de sinónimos (THES) o de separación silábica (HYPH). En este caso creará un nuevo ítem de tipo DICT. Para cada entrada de este tipo, debe definir el lenguaje y la región (utilizando códigos ISO estándares), y especificar el nombre base de los ficheros que definen el diccionario. Para el español, el código ISO de lenguaje se escribe "es" (en minúsculas, sin las comillas). El código de región depende de cómo tenga configurado su sistema (por lo general será el del país donde reside), elegible entre uno de los siguientes: Argentina: "AR" Honduras: "HN" Bolivia: "BO" México: "MX" Chile: "CL" Nicaragua: "NI" Colombia: "CO" Panamá: "PA" Costa Rica: "CR" Perú: "PE" Cuba: "CU" Puerto Rico: "PR" Rep. Dominicana: "DO" Paraguay: "PY" Ecuador: "EC" El Salvador: "SV" España: "ES" Uruguay: "UY" Guatemala: "GT" Venezuela: "VE" (El código de región se escribe en mayúsculas sin las comillas). El nombre base del fichero es igual al del fichero de diccionario o al de afijos, sin la extensión (.dic o .aff). Por ejemplo, si ha descargado el paquete localizado para Argentina (, al descomprimirlo obtendrá los ficheros 'es_AR.dic' y 'es_AR.aff'. Después de copiarlos en el directorio correspondiente, la nueva línea que deberá crear en el fichero 'dictionary.lst' es: DICT es AR es_AR c) Reinicie Guarde y cierre todos los documentos que tenga abiertos. Si utiliza la plataforma de Microsoft Windows y tiene el inicio rápido de activado, ciérrelo también. Inicie nuevamente alguna de las aplicaciones de (cualquiera de ellas servirá). d) Configure las opciones de lingüística del programa. Ingrese nuevamente al ítem Opciones del menú Herramientas y despliegue el árbol "Configuración de idioma". Entre las opciones del ítem "Idiomas" hay una lista donde se configura el idioma occidental utilizado como idioma predeterminado para los documentos nuevos. Elija de esa lista el idioma y región que configuró en el fichero 'dictionary.lst'. Para el ejemplo utilizado sería "Español (Argentina)". Verifique que esta entrada de la lista aparezca con un pequeño tilde azul y las letras ABC a su izquierda; esto indica que existe un diccionario de corrección ortográfica instalado para esa localización. Si la marca no aparece, debe haber cometido algún error en los pasos previos (el más común es que haya dejado alguna ventana o el inicio rápido de abiertos). Si necesitara ayuda para realizar cualquiera de estos pasos, envíe un mensaje al encargado de mantenimiento del diccionario, o a las listas de correo del proyecto en español ( 4. COLABORACIÓN Este diccionario es resultado del trabajo colaborativo de muchas personas. La buena noticia es que ¡usted también puede participar! ¿Tiene dudas o sugerencias? ¿Desearía ver palabras agregadas, o que se realizaran correcciones? Sólo debe contactar al encargado de mantenimiento de este diccionario, a través de su correo electrónico, quien se encargará de evacuar sus dudas, o de realizar las modificaciones necesarias para la próxima versión del diccionario. 5. AGRADECIMIENTOS Hay varias personas que han colaborado con aportes o sugerencias a la creación de este diccionario. Se agradece especialmente a: - Richard Holt. - Marcelo Garrone. - Kevin Hendricks. - Juan Rey Saura. - Carlos Dávila. - Román Gelbort. - J. Eduardo Moreno. - Gonzalo Higuera Díaz. - Ricardo Palomares Martínez. - Sergio Medina. - Ismael Olea. - Alejandro Moreno. - Alexandro Colorado. - Andrés Sánchez. - Juan Rafael Fernández García. - KNTRO - Ricardo Berlasso. - y a todos los integrantes de la comunidad en español que proponen mejoras a este diccionario.
hunspell-it-2.4-0.12007090-1.oc00 (18/04/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
Version 2.4 (01/09/2007) (dd/mm/yyyy) Home page: For English Readers: please see the text at the end of this document *********************************** *********** Italiano *********** *********************************** Il dizionario italiano SOMMARIO 1. Licenza 2. Avvertenze importanti (leggere assolutamente) 3. Modalità d'installazione in 4. Integrazione con altri prodotti 5. Altri correttori ortografici che fanno uso di questo dizionario 6. Ringraziamenti ********** 1. Licenza Il file affix e il dizionario italiano per il correttore ortografico MySpell usato da sono rilasciati da Davide Prina davideprina<at>yahoo<dot>com (sostituire <at> con @ e <dot> con . per il contatto via E-Mail) sotto i termini e le condizioni della GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0 o successiva. Una volta accettata la licenza per l'uso, la distribuzione e la modifica di questo prodotto, l'accettante dovrà rispettare tutti i termini e le condizioni riportate nella licenza scelta. La copia della licenza applicabile a questo lavoro è disponibile presso il sito del progetto GNU: La licenza è anche allegata nel file it_IT_COPYING ************************************************ 2. Avvertenze importanti (leggere assolutamente) A partire da 1.1, il dizionario italiano per la correzione ortografica è direttamente integrato nella suite e perciò non necessita più di alcuna installazione manuale. L'unico problema è che non è aggiornato all'ultima versione e quindi è consigliato effettuare l'aggiornamento manuale o automatico ad ogni nuova versione rilasciata, come è indicato di seguito. È opportuno verificare che il dizionario sia attivo, selezionando dalla barra dei menù Strumenti->Opzioni->Impostazione Lingua->Lingue e controllando che sotto lingue standard/Occidentale, l'opzione di scelta "Italiano (Italia)" sia selezionata e abbia al suo fianco un segno di spunta sormontato dalle lettere ABC. Nel caso il correttore non risultasse attivo, è sufficiente scegliere dalla barra dei menù Strumenti->Opzioni->Impostazione Lingua->Linguistica e dopo avere premuto sul pulsante "Modifica" della finestra di dialogo, attivarlo seleziondo l'apposita voce. Se tuttavia il correttore non risultasse ancora attivo o nell'eventualità che si voglia aggiornare la versione del dizionario installata è possibile utilizzare le procedure di installazione indicate oltre. È vivamente consigliato l'aggiornamento del dizionario perché le ultime versioni contengono molte correzioni rispetto alle precedenti e sono meno esose di risorse. ****************************************************************************** 3. Modalità d'installazione (procedura corretta a partire dalla versione 641c) Ulteriore documentazione può essere trovata qui: Esistono principalmente due modalità per installare il dizionario italiano: a) in automatico, grazie a due comodi installer creati da membri della comunità che si occupano di tutte le fasi dell'installazione. Nota: non è detto che l'aggiornamento automatico prelevi l'ultima versione del dizionario, in alcuni casi potrebbe addirittura installare una versione più vecchia rispetto a quella presente sul proprio sistema. L'installazione manuale/semimanuale è quella sempre corretta ed è molto semplice da effettuare. La versione per MS Windows si trova su Mentre la versione per Linux è reperibile presso oppure Nelle ultime versioni l'installatore dei dizionari è già inserito in OOo e quindi è possibile effettuare un'installazine semiautomatica seguendo i seguenti punti: * scaricare l'ultima versione del dizionario da andando sulla sezione download Nota: è possibile prendere il file più recente contenuto in: - Strumenti Linguistici DicOOo <- contiene sia il dizionario che il thesaurus, però bisogna scegliere il pacchetto corretto rispetto alla propria versione di OOo (2.0 o 1.1.x) * aprire qualsiasi documento di OOo od il contenitore soffice * dal menù: File->Pilota automatico->Installa nuovi dizionari Nota: il documento contiene una macro necessaria per l'installazione automatica * selezionare l'italiano * premere il bottone Avvia DicOOo * mettere il check su "Installazione pacchetto linguistico off-line" * premere sul bottone "sfoglia", cercare e selezionare il file scaricato nel primo punto * selezionare gli strumeti linguistici che si vogliono installare b) manualmente I nuovi dizionari sono scaricabili da qui: nella sezione download -> "Dizionario italiano per OOo" Scompattate il file compresso (.zip, tar.gz, bzip,...) nella directory/cartella corretta; tale directory dipende dal sistema operativo usato e dalla propria versione di OOo (per visualizzare la propria versione è sufficiente aprire un documento di OOo, aprire il menù ? e selezionare la voce "Informazioni su ...) Per Debian GNU/Linux: /usr/share/myspell/dict Per le versioni ufficiali Sun: * per le versioni maggiori o uguale alla 1.0.1 la directory su windows è: <Directory di installazione di>/share/dict/ooo * per le versioni inferiori alla versione 1.0.1 la directory è: <Directory di installazione di>/user/wordbook/ Se il vostro sistema operativo è differente e/o non riuscite a trovare la directory in cui effettuare l'installazione, allora è possibile cercare il file dictionary.lst; la directory dove trovare questo file è quella in cui dovete installare il dizionario. Aprite in un qualsiasi editor di testo il file dictionary.lst che troverete nella cartella citata precedentemente, in modo da poter inserire il codice della lingua e della regione che vi interessa. Per esempio: nel vostro editor di testo aggiungete questa linea al file dictionary.lst: DICT it IT it_IT ATTENZIONE: la riga sopra indicata non deve iniziare con il simbolo #, altrimenti l'istruzione è commentata e di conseguenza non è eseguita. È indispensabile che siano rispettati i caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli come riportato nell'esempio, altrimenti non funziona. Inoltre è consigliabile controllare che tale riga sia presente una sola volta nel file, altrimenti il dizionario verrà caricato più volte (una volta per ogni riga presente) causando uno spreco di memoria RAM e l'inconveniente di fornire più volte gli stessi suggerimenti alle parole errate. Quindi salvate il file con le vostre modifiche. I significati dei vari campi sono: Campo 1: Tipo di stringa: "DICT" , al momento è l'unica voce disponibile. Campo 2: Codice linguistico "it" o "de" o "en" ...(vedi Codici Linguistici ISO) Campo 3: Codice Regionale "IT" o"DE" o "US" ... (vedi Codici Regionali ISO) Campo 4: Il nome del dizionario da utilizzare "it_IT" o "it_CH" o ... Senza aggiungere le estensioni .aff o .dic dei files. Questa voce è particolarmente utile se vogliamo creare i nostri dizionari specialistici. Per esempio it_INFORMATICA o it_DIRITTO. Sarà sufficiente aggiungere un'altra linea al file dictionary.lst cambiando solo il nome del dizionario e il correttore ortografico di controllerà i vostri documenti usando in successione tutti i dizionari elencati e presenti nella cartella wordbook per la lingua italiana. Ora è necessario chiudere tutte le applicazione di attive, compreso il quick start. Questo passo serve per permettere ad OOo di vedere le modifiche apportate e di utilizzarle. Successivamente : 1) Aprite un nuovo documento di e scegliete dalla barra dei menù il comando: Strumenti->Opzioni->Impostazioni Lingua->Lingue (Tools->Options->Language settings->Languages nella versione inglese) 2) Impostate nell'elenco a discesa che vedete sulla destra la lingua italiana quale linguaggio di default per i vostri documenti 3) selezionando l'elemento Linguistica (Writing Aids) che troverete nella sezione Impostazioni Lingua (Language Settings) e premendo il tasto di modifica della sezione Moduli Linguistici Disponibili (Available language modules) collocato sulla destra della finestra di dialogo, potrete accedere alla sezione che vi permetterà di impostare il correttore in italiano. Sarà sufficiente scegliere la nostra lingua dall'elenco a discesa che mostra tutti i dizionari disponibili nella Suite, facendo attenzione a selezionare con un segno di spunta, la funzione di correzione ortografica nel riquadro immediatamente sottostante l'elenco a discesa. Attenzione: La denominazione dei comandi di menù o delle finestre può subire modifiche o la loro collocazione può essere modificata nel passaggio da una versione ad un'altra. Attenzione: gli utenti di per MS Windows, devono riavviare anche il quickstarter della Suite, la piccola icona con i gabbiani (versione 1.0 o superiore) che dovrebbe apparire sulla System Tray nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo, proprio a fianco dell'orologio di sistema. È sufficiente cliccare col tasto destro del mouse sull'icona e scegliere esci o exit dal menù di contesto. Successivamente, si dovrà effettuare l'installazione del dizionario, mantenendo disattivato il quickstarter durante tutta la procedura, chiudere il documento dal quale si sono modificate le opzioni generali e riaprirne uno nuovo per verificare il funzionamento del correttore italiano. Questo è tutto, il correttore ortografico in italiano dovrebbe funzionare in modo adeguato. ********************************** 4. Integrazione con altri prodotti Il dizionario italiano può essere usato con vari programmi. Qui di seguito ne vengono riportati alcuni: * in modo nativo Caratteristiche: controllo ortografico durante la digitazione o su richiesta * Mozilla-ThunderBird (è un client di posta): in modo nativo Caratteristiche: controllo ortografico solo su richiesta) * Mozilla (browser con client di posta): in modo nativo Caratteristiche: controllo ortografico solo su richiesta * Mozilla-FireFox (è un browser): con l'estensione SpellBound Caratteristiche: controllo ortografico durante la digitazione o su richiesta Nota: il dizionario è installato in una directory differente * Mozilla-ThunderBird (è un client di posta): con l'estensione Thunderbird In-Line SpellChecker Caratteristiche: controllo ortografico durante la digitazione * vim: è possibile convertire un dizionario per MySpell in modo da poter essere usato direttamente anche da vim. Per ora tale funzionalità è disponibile solo sulla versione in sviluppo di vim. * gaim Nota: è possibile scaricarsi i dizionari anche dal sito di mozilla (ma non è detto che siano aggiornati all'ultima versione): * ... ****************************************************************** 5. Altri correttori ortografici che fanno uso di questo dizionario Questo dizionario può essere usato dai seguenti programmi di correzione ortografica: * MySpell. * Aspell. * HunSpell. ************************************************ 6. Ringraziamenti Gli utenti di un elaboratore di testi, come di qualunque altra applicazione software che utilizzi un correttore ortografico, spesso sottovalutano il lavoro necessario per produrre questo strumento fondamentale. I problemi sono molti: la lingua italiana non è statica, ma in continua evoluzione; semplici errori di digitazione in un dizionario digitale possono portare a gravi conseguenze sul funzionamento del correttore; ciò che si usa correntemente nella lingua parlata non sempre è corretto in quella scritta. Proprio per ovviare a tali difficoltà, i volontari della Comunità hanno partecipato attivamente al controllo di qualità del contenuto dell'attuale dizionario per la correzione ortografica. Con questa sezione si vuole rendere merito a tutti coloro che hanno collaborato in questa attività. È possibile vedere l'elenco dei volontari all'interno del file AUTHOURS ********************************** *********** English ************ ********************************** The Italian dictionary. INDEX 1. License 2. Warnings (to read absolutely) 3. How to install it in 4. Others product that can use this dictionary 5. Other spell checking program that can use this dictionary 6. Thanks ********** 1. License The Italian dictionary and affix file for the MySpell spell-checker used by are released by Davide Prina davideprina<at>yahoo<dot>com (please change <at> with @ and <dot> with . in order to contact the authors) under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0 or above. The user, distributor and/or programmer after accept this license when he/she uses, distributes and/or modifies these files. He/she must agree with every term and condition included in the chosen license. A copy of the licenses applicable to this work is available at: A copy of the license is in the GPL.txt file ******************************** 2. Warnings (to read absolutely) Warning: Since the release of 1.1 the Italian dictionary is directly integrated into the applications and so it doesn't need any manual installation. Probably in there is not the last version so it is better to install it as show below. It is a good norm to verify that the dictionary has been activate. You can do so simply by selecting from the menu bar Tools->Options->Language Settings->Languages and by checking that the item "Italian (italy)" is selected and a slash with the letters ABC is displayed to its side. If the dictionary is not activated yet, you can perform this action by selecting from the menu bar Tools->Options->Language Settings->Writing Aids and by clicking on the "Edit..." button you will find in the dialog window. In the new dialog that will appear, you can activate the dictionary. In the case the dictionary doesn't still work or you wish to upgarde the version of your installed dictionary you can follow the procedures explained below. ************************************** 3. How to install it in Note: new dictionary versions are avaiable from here: a) To install these dictionaries in OOo build 641c and greater: A. Unzip the dictionary files, *.aff and *.dic, into your <>\user\wordbook\*.* directory Attention: since 1.0.1 the right folder for the dictionary is <>\share\dict\ooo B. Edit the dictionary.lst file that is in that same directory using any text editor to register a dictionary for a specific locale (the same dictionary can be registered for multiple locales). For example: To add the dictionary under the Italian (Italy) locale to OOo you would: cd <OpenOffice.org641>\user\wordbook (or <>\share\dict\ooo) unzip b) And then, using any text editor, add the following line to dictionary.lst: DICT it IT it_IT This line tells OOo to register the affix file it_IT.aff and the wordlist it_IT.dic to the locale it IT, which is Italian (Italy). The specific fields of this line are: Field 1: Entry Type "DICT" is the only supported entry type so far Field 2: Language code from Locale "en" or "it" or "pt" ... (see {ISO Language Code} page) Field 3: Country code from Locale "IT" ... (see {ISO Country Code} page) Field 4: Root name of Dictionary "italian" or "it_it" ... (do not add the .aff or .dic extensions to the name) c) Start up and go to: Tools->Options->LanguageSettings->WritingAids Hit "Edit" and use the pull down menu to select your locale, Italy, and then make sure to check the MySpell SpellChecker for that locale. That it! Your dictionary is installed and registered for that language. ********************************************** 4. Others product that can use this dictionary The Italian dictionary can be used with many programs. Here is some programs that can use this dictionary: * spell checking when you type or upon request * Mozilla-ThunderBird spell checking only upon request * Mozilla con il client di posta: in modo nativo spell checking only upon request * Mozilla-FireFox: with SpellBound extension spell checking when you type or upon request Note: the dictionary is installed under a different directory * Mozilla-ThunderBird: with "Thunderbird In-Line SpellChecker" extension spell checking when you type * vim: the MySpell dictionary can be converted and used with the last vim version Note: you can download dictionary at mozilla site: * ... ************************************************************ 5. Other spell checking program that can use this dictionary This dictionary can be used with different spell checking programs: * MySpell. * Aspell. * HunSpell. ********* 6. Thanks The users of a word processor, like of whatever application that utilizes a spell checker, often underestimate the work needed to produce this basic tool. There are a lot of problems: the Italian language is not static, but always evolving; simple misspelled words in a digital dictionary can cause several problems to the spell checker; what is commonly used in the spoken language, it is not always right in the written one. Just to overcome such difficulties, the volunteers of the Community have actively took part into the quality check of this dictionary content. With this section, we want to give the right credit to all people who have collaborated in this activity. You can read the volunteers names in the file AUTHOURS
hunspell-en-0.20140811-1.oc00 (09/04/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
English Hunspell dictionaries
hunspell-en-GB-0.20140811.1-1.oc00 (10/02/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
This dictionary was initially based on a subset of the original English wordlist created by Kevin Atkinson for Pspell and Aspell and thus is covered by his original LGPL licence. It has been extensively updated by David Bartlett, Brian Kelk and Andrew Brown: - numerous Americanism have been removed - numerous American spellings have been corrected - missing words have been added - many errors have been corrected - compound hyphenated words have been added where appropriate Valuable inputs to this process were received from many other people - far too numerous to name. Serious thanks to you all for your greatly appreciated help. This word list is intended to be a good representation of current modern British English and thus it should be a good basis for Commonwealth English in most countries of the world outside North America. The affix file has been created completely from scratch by David Bartlett and Andrew Brown, based on the published rules for MySpell and is also provided under the LGPL. In creating the affix rules an attempt has been made to reproduce the most general rules for English word formation, rather than merely use it as a means to compress the size of the dictionary. It is hoped that this will facilitate future localisation to other variants of English. Please let David Bartlett <> know of any errors that you find. The current release is R 1.18, 11/04/05
hunspell-en-US-0.20140811.1-1.oc00 (10/02/2017)
Version 7.1 (ish) 2017-02-10 README file for English Hunspell dictionaries derived from SCOWL. These dictionaries are created using the speller/make-hunspell-dict script in SCOWL. The following dictionaries are available: en_US (American) en_CA (Canadian) en_GB-ise (British with "ize" spelling) en_GB-ize (British with "ize" spelling) en_US-large en_CA-large en_GB-large (with both "ize" and "ise" spelling) The normal (non-large) dictionaries correspond to SCOWL size 60 and, to encourage consistent spelling, generally only include one spelling variant for a word. The large dictionaries correspond to SCOWL size 70 and may include multiple spelling for a word when both variants are considered almost equal. Also, the general quality of the larger dictionaries may also be less as they are not as carefully checked for errors as the normal dictionaries. To get an idea of the difference in size, here are 25 random words only found in the large dictionary for American English: Bermejo Freyr's Guenevere Hatshepsut Nottinghamshire arrestment crassitudes crural dogwatches errorless fetial flaxseeds godroon incretion jalapeño's kelpie kishkes neuroglias pietisms pullulation stemwinder stenoses syce thalassic zees The en_US and en_CA are the official dictionaries for Hunspell. The en_GB and large dictionaries are made available on an experimental basis. If you find them useful please send me a quick email at If none of these dictionaries suite you (for example, maybe you want the larger dictionary but only use spelling of a word) additional dictionaries can be generated at or by modifying speller/make-hunspell-dict in SCOWL. Please do let me know if you end up publishing a customized dictionary. If a word is not found in the dictionary or a word is there you think shouldn't be, you can lookup the word up at to help determine why that is. General comments on these list can be sent directly to me at or to the wordlist-devel mailing lists ( If you have specific issues with any of these dictionaries please file a bug report at ADDITIONAL NOTES: The NOSUGGEST flag was added to certain taboo words. While I made an honest attempt to flag the strongest taboo words with the NOSUGGEST flag, I MAKE NO GUARANTEE THAT I FLAGGED EVERY POSSIBLE TABOO WORD. The list was originally derived from Németh László, however I removed some words which, while being considered taboo by some dictionaries, are not really considered swear words in today's society. COPYRIGHT, SOURCES, and CREDITS: The English dictionaries come directly from SCOWL and is thus under the same copyright of SCOWL. The affix file is a heavily modified version of the original english.aff file which was released as part of Geoff Kuenning's Ispell and as such is covered by his BSD license. Part of SCOWL is also based on Ispell thus the Ispell copyright is included with the SCOWL copyright. The collective work is Copyright 2000-2014 by Kevin Atkinson as well as any of the copyrights mentioned below: Copyright 2000-2014 by Kevin Atkinson Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell these word lists, the associated scripts, the output created from the scripts, and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Kevin Atkinson makes no representations about the suitability of this array for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Alan Beale <> also deserves special credit as he has, in addition to providing the 12Dicts package and being a major contributor to the ENABLE word list, given me an incredible amount of feedback and created a number of special lists (those found in the Supplement) in order to help improve the overall quality of SCOWL. The 10 level includes the 1000 most common English words (according to the Moby (TM) Words II [MWords] package), a subset of the 1000 most common words on the Internet (again, according to Moby Words II), and frequently class 16 from Brian Kelk's "UK English Wordlist with Frequency Classification". The MWords package was explicitly placed in the public domain: The Moby lexicon project is complete and has been place into the public domain. Use, sell, rework, excerpt and use in any way on any platform. Placing this material on internal or public servers is also encouraged. The compiler is not aware of any export restrictions so freely distribute world-wide. You can verify the public domain status by contacting Grady Ward 3449 Martha Ct. Arcata, CA 95521-4884 The "UK English Wordlist With Frequency Classification" is also in the Public Domain: Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 20:27:21 +0100 From: Brian Kelk <> > I was wondering what the copyright status of your "UK English > Wordlist With Frequency Classification" word list as it seems to > be lacking any copyright notice. There were many many sources in total, but any text marked "copyright" was avoided. Locally-written documentation was one source. An earlier version of the list resided in a filespace called PUBLIC on the University mainframe, because it was considered public domain. Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 19:31:34 +0100 > So are you saying your word list is also in the public domain? That is the intention. The 20 level includes frequency classes 7-15 from Brian's word list. The 35 level includes frequency classes 2-6 and words appearing in at least 11 of 12 dictionaries as indicated in the 12Dicts package. All words from the 12Dicts package have had likely inflections added via my inflection database. The 12Dicts package and Supplement is in the Public Domain. The WordNet database, which was used in the creation of the Inflections database, is under the following copyright: This software and database is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by Princeton University under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software and database, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions.: Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and database and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software, database and documentation, including modifications that you make for internal use or for distribution. WordNet 1.6 Copyright 1997 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. The name of Princeton University or Princeton may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software and/or database. Title to copyright in this software, database and any associated documentation shall at all times remain with Princeton University and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. The 40 level includes words from Alan's 3esl list found in version 4.0 of his 12dicts package. Like his other stuff the 3esl list is also in the public domain. The 50 level includes Brian's frequency class 1, words appearing in at least 5 of 12 of the dictionaries as indicated in the 12Dicts package, and uppercase words in at least 4 of the previous 12 dictionaries. A decent number of proper names is also included: The top 1000 male, female, and Last names from the 1990 Census report; a list of names sent to me by Alan Beale; and a few names that I added myself. Finally a small list of abbreviations not commonly found in other word lists is included. The name files form the Census report is a government document which I don't think can be copyrighted. The file special-jargon.50 uses common.lst and word.lst from the "Unofficial Jargon File Word Lists" which is derived from "The Jargon File". All of which is in the Public Domain. This file also contain a few extra UNIX terms which are found in the file "unix-terms" in the special/ directory. The 55 level includes words from Alan's 2of4brif list found in version 4.0 of his 12dicts package. Like his other stuff the 2of4brif is also in the public domain. The 60 level includes all words appearing in at least 2 of the 12 dictionaries as indicated by the 12Dicts package. The 70 level includes Brian's frequency class 0 and the 74,550 common dictionary words from the MWords package. The common dictionary words, like those from the 12Dicts package, have had all likely inflections added. The 70 level also included the 5desk list from version 4.0 of the 12Dics package which is in the public domain. The 80 level includes the ENABLE word list, all the lists in the ENABLE supplement package (except for ABLE), the "UK Advanced Cryptics Dictionary" (UKACD), the list of signature words from the YAWL package, and the 10,196 places list from the MWords package. The ENABLE package, mainted by M\Cooper <>, is in the Public Domain: The ENABLE master word list, WORD.LST, is herewith formally released into the Public Domain. Anyone is free to use it or distribute it in any manner they see fit. No fee or registration is required for its use nor are "contributions" solicited (if you feel you absolutely must contribute something for your own peace of mind, the authors of the ENABLE list ask that you make a donation on their behalf to your favorite charity). This word list is our gift to the Scrabble community, as an alternate to "official" word lists. Game designers may feel free to incorporate the WORD.LST into their games. Please mention the source and credit us as originators of the list. Note that if you, as a game designer, use the WORD.LST in your product, you may still copyright and protect your product, but you may *not* legally copyright or in any way restrict redistribution of the WORD.LST portion of your product. This *may* under law restrict your rights to restrict your users' rights, but that is only fair. UKACD, by J Ross Beresford <>, is under the following copyright: Copyright (c) J Ross Beresford 1993-1999. All Rights Reserved. The following restriction is placed on the use of this publication: if The UK Advanced Cryptics Dictionary is used in a software package or redistributed in any form, the copyright notice must be prominently displayed and the text of this document must be included verbatim. There are no other restrictions: I would like to see the list distributed as widely as possible. The 95 level includes the 354,984 single words, 256,772 compound words, 4,946 female names and the 3,897 male names, and 21,986 names from the MWords package, ABLE.LST from the ENABLE Supplement, and some additional words found in my part-of-speech database that were not found anywhere else. Accent information was taken from UKACD. My VARCON package was used to create the American, British, and Canadian word list. Since the original word lists used in the VARCON package came from the Ispell distribution they are under the Ispell copyright: Copyright 1993, Geoff Kuenning, Granada Hills, CA All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All modifications to the source code must be clearly marked as such. Binary redistributions based on modified source code must be clearly marked as modified versions in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. (clause 4 removed with permission from Geoff Kuenning) 5. The name of Geoff Kuenning may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GEOFF KUENNING AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GEOFF KUENNING OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Build Date: Fri Feb 10 21:36:50 UTC 2017 Wordlist Command: mk-list en_US 60 | deaccent
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