Well-known command-line driven interactive function plotting utility.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
Gnuplot v. 5.4.5 (9/10/2022, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
Changes in 5.4.5
* NEW "set key offset <dx>, <dy>" tweaks placement of the key
* NEW data-driven histogram colors (variable color from extra using column)
* CHANGE re-order drawing 3D labels to come after pm3d depthorder surfaces
* CHANGE hpgl: add terminal option "fontscale <value>"
* CHANGE for nonuniform matrix data, column(0) returns linear position in matrix
* CHANGE set pointintervalbox 0 disables drawing the background box Bug #2544
* FIX svg: hypertext font handling
* FIX track columnheaders of multiple data blocks in a single file Bug #2538
* FIX Clean up positioning of polar border, raxis, and theta tics Bug #2130
* FIX Autoscaling of logscaled raxis
* FIX memory corruption if a small plot structure is recycled Bug #2550
* FIX regression in 5.4.4 - promotion of string to integer should
should not assume that a leading 0 means octal Bug #2551
* FIX Windows qt: "pause -1" should not block mousing Bug #2549
* FIX invalid free of active datablock
Changes in 5.4.4
* NEW plots can use arrow styles that specify "lc rgb variable"
* CHANGE make page layout of "set view map; splot" more like that of "plot"
* - honor "set rmargin" and "set tmargin" Bug #2484
* - display x2label and y2label Bug #2484
* - revised placement of color box Bug #2484
* - reconcile linked axis data and tic ranges Bug #2483
* - apply "set key invert" to splot Bug #2381
* CHANGE cairo terminals: increase internal oversampling factor Bugs #2499 #2369
* CHANGE fig: restore terminal option "pointsmax <N>" Bug #2509
* CHANGE always add a space between items in a "print" command Bug #2488
* CHANGE consistent ordering of input columns for "plot ... ps var pt var" Bug #2524
* CHANGE gnuplot -c script.gp A B -C ... will pass A B -C ... without interpretation
* CHANGE stricter error checks when promoting string to numeric value Bug #2527
* CHANGE report GPVAL_TERM_XMIN and friends as floating point values
* FIX handle combination of axis properties logscale + autoscale + reverse Bug #2347
* FIX mis-handled arguments at start-up of "gnuplot -c script arg1 ..." Bug #2493
* FIX windows: redirected output of printf() Bug #2490
* FIX allow variable point style and point type in plot "with yerrorbars"
* FIX plots "with labels point pt variable" were off-by-one in choosing point type
* FIX contour "with labels" from binary data
* FIX x/y fractional coordinate mouse readout for nonlinear axes Bug #2526
* FIX Support combination of "set surface explicit; set hidden3d" Bug #2521
This is gnuplot version 5.4.5 -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary of gnuplot version 5.4.5 for OS/2.
Version 5.4.2 introduced major changes to the OS/2 version, see below.
Bugs should preferrably be reported using the SourceForge bug tracker at
This binary was compiled using Eberhard Mattes' EMX 0.9d fix 04 and
Andrew Zabolotny's port of gcc 3.2.1. (Support for gcc 9 and kLIBC is being
worked on.)
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib 2.2.5,
libpng 1.6.28, zlib 1.2.11, libjpeg 6b, and freetype 2.9.1. It includes
support for iconv using Ilya Zakharevich's iconv2 library 0.2.1a, and for lua
using version 5.1.5.
For general NEWS on this release, see the corresponding file. Here we list some
changes *specific* to the OS/2 version and the pm terminal:
Upcoming changes
CHANGE variable line width always enabled
Version 5.5 (upcoming changes in next major version)
NEW support mouse input anytime: during "pause", "load" and "pause mouse"
NEW bilevel transparency for RGBA images
NEW support "toggling" plots by mouse, key, or command
NEW link with AMOS and libcerf libraries
CHANGE true bold and italic fonts
CHANGE compilation with gcc 9 using kLIBC
CHANGE activate mouse by default as on other platforms
CHANGE status bar to diplay status text
CHANGE use the standard font dialog (again) to select fonts
Version 5.4.3 to 5.4.5
No changes specific to the OS/2 version.
Version 5.4.2
NEW new terminal options linewidth, pointsize, and fontscale
NEW draw RGBA images disregarding the alpha channel
NEW draw coordinates during zooming with mouse
NEW line-to-ruler feature
NEW Unicode escape sequences when using utf8 encoding
NEW support 64bit integers
NEW raise graph window on mouse click
CHANGE cosmetic changes to dialogs
CHANGE colors are mapped to gray when color mode is deselected
CHANGE revised gnupmdrv help
CHANGE new parser for terminal options
FIX fix long-standing bug which prevented drawing of "large" images, e.g.
RGB exceeding ~200x200 pixels
FIX many fixes to font selection
FIX pause command listens to stdin if gnuplot input is redirected
FIX prevent segfault when resizing or moving other windows over gnupmdrv
FIX fix ancient bug in IPC which lead to missed characters on the command line
FIX a few more fixes to wide line support
FIX pass current character size information to gnuplot core
Version 5.2.7
NEW (simulated) bold and italic text
NEW extended support for encodings, including UTF-8
NEW dashtype support
NEW default font terminal option
CHANGE apply fill style to polygons
CHANGE apply RGB colors to filled boxes
FIX ignore alpha component of RGBA colors
FIX many fixes to wide line support
FIX several mouse and menu related fixes
Known pm terminal bugs or limitations in 5.4:
"pause mouse" and "pause mouse key" have not yet been implemented.
"Mousing" is not enabled during "pause" (unlike on other platforms).
Toggling plots by mouse or by the toggle command is not available.
These issues have been fixed in the 5.5 branch already.
In contrast to older releases, "wide lines" in 5.4 really enables
changeable line thickness. In 5.5 (and maybe 5.4.4), variable line
width will always be enabled and the meaning of the "wide" option
will match the documentation again.
"pause" cannot be (reliably) interrupted with Ctrl-C.
Out of memory when running hidden_compare.dem
gnuplot won't recover if gnupmdrv is closed e.g. due to a crash.
terminal options override GUI settings and changes there (wide, font),
in particular also the one saved to the profile.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns, and dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
Other known limitations:
Limited special function support (no libcerf)
libgd is not linked with fontconfig and hence has no support for
looking up fonts by name.
cairo terminals (pngcairo, pdfcairo, webp), and the qt terminal are
unavailable with EMX.
1) Introduction
gnuplot offers a command line interface of and graphics output is displayed
in a Presentation Manager or X11 window. The gnuplot command line appears
in a text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with color, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported, see "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe data from external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution. (With the exception of the currently
unsupported special function demos and an out-of-memory condition in
In comparison to version 4.6, the pm driver was improved to support polygon
filling with patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text
encodings, including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). A number of bugs concerning
wide lines, images, filled boxes, alpha channel and the user interface have
been fixed.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include graphics.
In version 5.4, the parser for terminal arguments was replaced. This also
enables the `set termoption` command. The terminal now supports a "font" option
to select a default font, as well as a few other new options. Mousing is
enhanced to support drawing of zoom-coordinates and the line-to-ruler feature.
In monochrome mode, colors are now mapped to gray.
For news on general changes in versions 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4 see the RELEASE_NOTES,
and NEWS files.
2) Installation
Most required DLLs are included in the package, but you still need the
EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximized: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognized command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Crash reporting
This release of the gnupmdrv supports extended crash reporting using the
exceptq library if available. Please attach the trap file if reporting
bugs via the SourceForge bug tracker.
8) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, October 2022 |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 5.4.3 (16/1/2022, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
Changes in 5.4.3
* NEW "set pm3d border retrace" will use quadrangle color for the border
* NEW "nogrid" flag for plots to opt out of dgrid3d processing
* NEW option "above|below y=<val>" for "plot with fillsteps"
* NEW "set style histogram nokeyseparators" suppress blank key entries Bug #2473
* CHANGE always allow palette color for non-plot elements of 2D plot
* FIX contours were incorrectly allocated space in the key even if "notitle"
* FIX evaluation of unary minus in front of ternary operator Bug #2468
* FIX arm and s390 require "signed char" Bugs #2467 #2450
* FIX range errors if "smooth csplines" applied with x-axis reversed Bug #2465
* FIX handle various corner cases found by fuzzing
* FIX textcolor should accept "linetype N" Bug #2459
* FIX Windows: handling of Window messages for piped input Bugs #2204 #2412
* FIX aquaterm: auto-configuration use of Frameworks Bug #2419
* FIX qt: pm3d quadrangle borders for transparent surfaces
* FIX png/gif: gdlib auto-configuration issues
* FIX dumb: limit enhanced text markup to single-line vertical displacement
This is gnuplot version 5.4.3 -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary of gnuplot version 5.4.3 for OS/2.
Version 5.4.2 introduced major changes to the OS/2 version, see below. Please
give this release some testing. Bugs should preferrably be reported using the
SourceForge bug tracker at
This binary was compiled using Eberhard Mattes' EMX 0.9d fix 04 and
Andrew Zabolotny's port of gcc 3.2.1. (Support for gcc 9 and kLIBC is being
worked on.)
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib 2.2.5,
libpng 1.6.28, zlib 1.2.11, libjpeg 6b, and freetype 2.9.1. It includes
support for iconv using Ilya Zakharevich's iconv2 library 0.2.1a, and for lua
using version 5.1.5.
For general NEWS on this release, see the corresponding file. Here we list some
changes *specific* to the OS/2 version and the pm terminal:
Upcoming changes
CHANGE variable line width always enabled
Version 5.5 (upcoming changes in next major version)
NEW support mouse input anytime: during "pause", "load" and "pause mouse"
NEW bilevel transparency for RGBA images
NEW support "toggling" plots by mouse, key, or command
NEW link with AMOS and libcerf libraries
CHANGE true bold and italic fonts
CHANGE compilation with gcc 9 using kLIBC
CHANGE activate mouse by default as on other platforms
CHANGE status bar to diplay status text
CHANGE use the standard font dialog (again) to select fonts
Version 5.4.3
No changes specific to the OS/2 version.
Version 5.4.2
NEW new terminal options linewidth, pointsize, and fontscale
NEW draw RGBA images disregarding the alpha channel
NEW draw coordinates during zooming with mouse
NEW line-to-ruler feature
NEW Unicode escape sequences when using utf8 encoding
NEW support 64bit integers
NEW raise graph window on mouse click
CHANGE cosmetic changes to dialogs
CHANGE colors are mapped to gray when color mode is deselected
CHANGE revised gnupmdrv help
CHANGE new parser for terminal options
FIX fix long-standing bug which prevented drawing of "large" images, e.g.
RGB exceeding ~200x200 pixels
FIX many fixes to font selection
FIX pause command listens to stdin if gnuplot input is redirected
FIX prevent segfault when resizing or moving other windows over gnupmdrv
FIX fix ancient bug in IPC which lead to missed characters on the command line
FIX a few more fixes to wide line support
FIX pass current character size information to gnuplot core
Version 5.2.7
NEW (simulated) bold and italic text
NEW extended support for encodings, including UTF-8
NEW dashtype support
NEW default font terminal option
CHANGE apply fill style to polygons
CHANGE apply RGB colors to filled boxes
FIX ignore alpha component of RGBA colors
FIX many fixes to wide line support
FIX several mouse and menu related fixes
Known pm terminal bugs or limitations in 5.4:
"pause mouse" and "pause mouse key" have not yet been implemented.
"Mousing" is not enabled during "pause" (unlike on other platforms).
Toggling plots by mouse or by the toggle command is not available.
These issues have been fixed in the 5.5 branch already.
In contrast to older releases, "wide lines" in 5.4 really enables
changeable line thickness. In 5.5 (and maybe 5.4.4), variable line
width will always be enabled and the meaning of the "wide" option
will match the documentation again.
"pause" cannot be (reliably) interrupted with Ctrl-C.
Out of memory when running hidden_compare.dem
gnuplot won't recover if gnupmdrv is closed e.g. due to a crash.
terminal options override GUI settings and changes there (wide, font),
in particular also the one saved to the profile.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns, and dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
Other known limitations:
Limited special function support (no libcerf)
libgd is not linked with fontconfig and hence has no support for
looking up fonts by name.
cairo terminals (pngcairo, pdfcairo, webp), and the qt terminal are
unavailable with EMX.
1) Introduction
gnuplot offers a command line interface of and graphics output is displayed
in a Presentation Manager or X11 window. The gnuplot command line appears
in a text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with color, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported, see "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe data from external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution. (With the exception of the currently
unsupported special function demos and an out-of-memory condition in
In comparison to version 4.6, the pm driver was improved to support polygon
filling with patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text
encodings, including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). A number of bugs concerning
wide lines, images, filled boxes, alpha channel and the user interface have
been fixed.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include graphics.
In version 5.4, the parser for terminal arguments was replaced. This also
enables the `set termoption` command. The terminal now supports a "font" option
to select a default font, as well as a few other new options. Mousing is
enhanced to support drawing of zoom-coordinates and the line-to-ruler feature.
In monochrome mode, colors are now mapped to gray.
For news on general changes in versions 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4 see the RELEASE_NOTES,
and NEWS files.
2) Installation
Most required DLLs are included in the package, but you still need the
EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximized: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognized command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Crash reporting
This release of the gnupmdrv supports extended crash reporting using the
exceptq library if available. Please attach the trap file if reporting
bugs via the SourceForge bug tracker.
8) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, January 2022
![]() |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 5.4.2 (11/7/2021, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
This is gnuplot version 5.4.2 -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary of gnuplot version 5.4.2 for OS/2. Although this is only a
minor patchlevel release, this version contains major changes to the OS/2
version, see below. So please give it some testing. Bugs should preferrably
be reported using the SourceForge bug tracker at
This binary was compiled using Eberhard Mattes' EMX 0.9d fix 04 and
Andrew Zabolotny's port of gcc 3.2.1. (Support for gcc 9 and kLIBC is being
worked on.)
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib 2.2.5,
libpng 1.6.28, zlib 1.2.11, libjpeg 6b, and freetype 2.9.1. It includes
support for iconv using Ilya Zakharevich's iconv2 library 0.2.1a, and for lua
using version 5.1.5.
For general NEWS on this release, see the corresponding file. Here we list some
changes *specific* to the OS/2 version and the pm terminal:
Upcoming changes
CHANGE variable line width always enabled
Version 5.5 (upcoming changes in next major version)
NEW support mouse input anytime: during "pause", "load" and "pause mouse"
NEW bilevel transparency for RGBA images
NEW support "toggling" plots by mouse, key, or command
NEW link with AMOS and libcerf libraries
CHANGE true bold and italic fonts
CHANGE compilation with gcc 9 using kLIBC
CHANGE activate mouse by default as on other platforms
CHANGE status bar to diplay status text
CHANGE use the standard font dialog (again) to select fonts
Version 5.4.2
NEW new terminal options linewidth, pointsize, and fontscale
NEW draw RGBA images disregarding the alpha channel
NEW draw coordinates during zooming with mouse
NEW line-to-ruler feature
NEW Unicode escape sequences when using utf8 encoding
NEW support 64bit integers
NEW raise graph window on mouse click
CHANGE cosmetic changes to dialogs
CHANGE colors are mapped to gray when color mode is deselected
CHANGE revised gnupmdrv help
CHANGE new parser for terminal options
FIX fix long-standing bug which prevented drawing of "large" images, e.g.
RGB exceeding ~200x200 pixels
FIX many fixes to font selection
FIX pause command listens to stdin if gnuplot input is redirected
FIX prevent segfault when resizing or moving other windows over gnupmdrv
FIX fix ancient bug in IPC which lead to missed characters on the command line
FIX a few more fixes to wide line support
FIX pass current character size information to gnuplot core
Version 5.2.7
NEW (simulated) bold and italic text
NEW extended support for encodings, including UTF-8
NEW dashtype support
NEW default font terminal option
CHANGE apply fill style to polygons
CHANGE apply RGB colors to filled boxes
FIX ignore alpha component of RGBA colors
FIX many fixes to wide line support
FIX several mouse and menu related fixes
Known pm terminal bugs or limitations in 5.4.2:
"pause mouse" and "pause mouse key" have not yet been implemented.
"Mousing" is not enabled during "pause" (unlike on other platforms).
Toggling plots by mouse or by the toggle command is not available.
These issues have been fixed in the 5.5 branch already.
In contrast to older releases, "wide lines" in 5.4 really enables
changeable line thickness. In 5.5 (and maybe 5.4.3), variable line
width will always be enabled and the meaning of the "wide" option
will match the documentation again.
"pause" cannot be (reliably) interrupted with Ctrl-C.
Out of memory when running hidden_compare.dem
gnuplot won't recover if gnupmdrv is closed e.g. due to a crash.
terminal options override GUI settings and changes there (wide, font),
in particular also the one saved to the profile.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns and dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
Other known limitations:
Limited special function support (no libcerf)
libgd is not linked with fontconfig and hence has no support for
looking up fonts by name.
cairo terminals (pngcairo, pdfcairo, webp) are unavailable with EMX.
1) Introduction
gnuplot offers a command line interface of and graphics output is displayed
in a Presentation Manager or X11 window. The gnuplot command line appears
in a text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with color, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported, see "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe data from external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution. (With the exception of the currently
unsupported special function demos and an out-of-memory condition in
In comparison to version 4.6, the pm driver was improved to support polygon
filling with patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text
encodings, including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). A number of bugs concerning
wide lines, images, filled boxes, alpha channel and the user interface have
been fixed.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include graphics.
In version 5.4, the parser for terminal arguments was replaced. This also
enables the `set termoption` command. The terminal now supports a "font" option
to select a default font, as well as a few other new options. Mousing is
enhanced to support drawing of zoom-coordinates and the line-to-ruler feature.
In monochrome mode, colors are now mapped to gray.
For news on general changes in versions 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4 see the RELEASE_NOTES,
and NEWS files.
2) Installation
Most required DLLs are included in the package, but you still need the
EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximized: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognized command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Crash reporting
This release of the gnupmdrv supports extended crash reporting using the
exceptq library if available. Please attach the trap file if reporting
bugs via the SourceForge bug tracker.
8) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, July 2021 |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 5.5 (14/3/2021, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
This is gnuplot version 5.5 snapshot -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary snapshot *pre-release* of the 5.5 branch for OS/2. Note this
is DEBUG build without optimizations.
The OS/2 version and in particular the pm terminal have seen many changes since
the last official 4.6 release for OS/2, so please give this some testing. Bugs
should preferrably be reported using the SourceForge bug tracker at
In contrast to the 5.2.7 and 5.4.x releases, this is compiled using gcc 9.2.
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib,
iconv, lua, cerf, and amos libraries. Note that the pango library as shipped
via netlabs rpm is broken, and hence so is the support for the cairo (pngcairo,
pdfcairo, webp) terminals. Work on a port of the qt terminal using the new
Qt 5 has only started. The x11 terminal driver is still compiled using Andrew
Zabalotny's gcc 3.2.1.
For general NEWS on this version, see the corresponding file. Here we list some
changes *specific* to the OS/2 version and the pm terminal:
Upcoming changes
CHANGE variable line width always enabled
CHANGE more efficient line drawing by aggregating line segments into a polyline
Version 5.5
NEW support mouse input anytime: during "pause", "load" and "pause mouse"
NEW bilevel transparency for RGBA images
NEW support "toggling" plots by mouse, key, or command
NEW link with AMOS and libcerf libraries
CHANGE true bold and italic fonts
CHANGE compilation with gcc 9 using kLIBC
CHANGE activate mouse by default as on other platforms
CHANGE status bar to diplay status text
CHANGE use the standard font dialog (again) to select fonts
Version 5.4.2
NEW new terminal options linewidth, pointsize, and fontscale
NEW draw RGBA image disregarding the alpha channel
NEW draw coordinates during zooming with mouse
NEW line-to-ruler feature
NEW Unicode escape sequences when using utf8 encoding
NEW support 64bit integers
CHANGE cosmetic changes to dialogs
CHANGE colors are mapped to gray when color mode is deselected
CHANGE revised gnupmdrv help
CHANGE new parser for terminal options
FIX fix long-standing bug which prevented drawing of "large" images, e.g.
RGB exceeding ~200x200 pixels
FIX many fixes to font selection
FIX pause command listens to stdin if gnuplot input is redirected
FIX prevent segfault when resizing or moving other windows over gnupmdrv
FIX fix ancient bug in IPC which lead to missed characters on the command line
FIX a few more fixes to wide line support
FIX pass current character size information to gnuplot core
Version 5.2.7
NEW (simulated) bold and italic text
NEW extended support for encodings, including UTF-8
NEW dashtype support
NEW default font terminal option
CHANGE apply fill style to polygons
CHANGE apply RGB colors to filled boxes
FIX ignore alpha component of RGBA colors
FIX many fixes to wide line support
FIX several mouse and menu related fixes
Known pm terminal bugs or limitations:
In contrast to older releases, "wide lines" in 5.4 really enables
changeable line thickness. In 5.5 (and maybe 5.4.3), variable line
width will always be enabled and the meaning of the "wide" option
will match the documentation again.
"pause" cannot be (reliably) interrupted with Ctrl-C.
gnuplot won't recover if gnupmdrv is closed e.g. due to a crash.
terminal options override GUI settings and changes there (wide, font),
in particular also the one saved to the profile.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns and dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
Other known limitations:
libgd is not linked with fontconfig and hence has no support for
looking up fonts by name.
cairo terminals (pngcairo, pdfcairo, webp) not available since the port of
the pango lib is broken.
1) Introduction
gnuplot offers a command line interface of and graphics output is displayed
in a Presentation Manager or X11 window. The gnuplot command line appears
in a text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with color, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported, see "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe data from external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution. (With the exception of the currently
unsupported special function demos and an out-of-memory condition in
In comparison to version 4.6, the pm driver was largely improved to support
polygon filling with patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text
encodings, including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). Mouse support is extended to
support commands during pause and the "pause mouse" command, as well as
display of zoom coordinates and the line-to-ruler feature. In monochrome mode,
colors are now mapped to gray.
In version 5.4, the parser for terminal arguments was replaced. This also
enables the `set termoption` command. The terminal now supports a "font" option
to select a default font.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include graphics.
For news on general changes see the RELEASE_NOTES, and NEWS files.
2) Installation
Most required DLLs are included in the package, but you still need the
EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximized: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognized command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Crash reporting
This release of the gnupmdrv supports extended crash reporting using the
exceptq library if available. Please attach the trap file if reporting
bugs via the SourceForge bug tracker.
8) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, March 2021 |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 5.4.1 (19/12/2020, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
This is gnuplot version 5.4 rc1 -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary of a version 5.4.1 release for OS/2. Many things have
changed since the last official 4.6 release, so please give this some testing!
Please report bugs etc. using the sourceforge bug tracker.
This binary was compiled using Eberhard Mattes' EMX 0.9d fix 04 and
Andrew Zabolotny's port of gcc 3.2.1.
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib 2.2.5,
libpng 1.6.28, zlib 1.2.11, libjpeg 6b, and freetype 2.9.1. It includes
support for iconv using Ilya Zakharevich's iconv2 library 0.2.1a and for lua
using version 5.1.5.
Kown pm terminal bugs or limitations:
Occasional crashes of the backend during resize/repaint.
"pause mouse" and "pause mouse key" have not been implemented.
"Mousing" is not enabled during "pause" (unlike on other platforms).
No mouse coordinates are shown while zooming and the
"line-to-ruler" is not implemented.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns.
Dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
1) Introduction
This file discusses mainly the version of gnuplot 4.0.0 and later implemented
for OS/2 using the PM terminal driver.
The command line interface of gnuplot is retained, while graphics output is
plotted in a Presentation Manager (or X11) window. The gnuplot command line
appears in another text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with colour, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported: try "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe datafiles through external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution without problems.
In comparision to version 4.6, the pm driver was improved to support polygon
filling with patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text
encodings, including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). A number of bugs concerning
wide lines, images, filled boxes, alpha channel and the user interface have
been fixed.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include some graphics.
In version 5.4, the parser for terminal arguments was replaced. This also
enables the `set termoption` command. The terminal now supports a "font" option
to select a default font.
For news on general changes in versions 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4 see the RELEASE_NOTES,
and NEWS files.
2) Installation
This distribution of gnuplot 5.4 was compiled for OS/2 (2.x and above)
with emx version 0.9d. Required additional DLLs are included in the package,
but you still need the EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
* Variable GNUFITLOG holds the name of a file that saves fit results. The
default it is fit.log. If the name ends with a "/" or "\", it is treated as a
directory name, and "fit.log" will be created as a file in that directory.
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximised: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
Gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognised command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, December 2020 |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 5.2.7 (29/5/2019, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
Changes in 5.2.7
* NEW "set pm3d noclipcb" will skip drawing quadrangles with color < cbmin
* NEW pm terminal supports utf8, dashed lines, bold/italic text
* NEW imaginary component of array values is available to "using" in column 3
* NEW gnuplot --slow may help use of qt terminal with slow system font server
* CHANGE splot "with points pt 0" acts like "with dots"
* CHANGE (tikz) improved default interpretation of gnuplot arrowhead style
* CHANGE teach hidden3d to handle double-headed vectors (arrowstyle "heads")
* CHANGE "unset title" or "reset" resets all title properties to default
* CHANGE font names passed to enhanced text processing may be in quotes
* CHANGE cairo terminals accept fractional font sizes
* CHANGE "plot with table" does not output trailing field separator
* CHANGE better centering for clustered histograms
* CHANGE clear STATS_* variables before performing analysis
* CHANGE cairo, libgd, and svg terminals handle LT_NODRAW by not drawing at all
* CHANGE svg terminal clickable icons are in-line data rather than external refs
* CHANGE revise space allocated for ylabel; allow text justification for ylabel
* CHANGE reduce overhead, making it feasible to have 10^6 hypertext labels
* CHANGE heavily revised fig terminal
* FIX "plot with table" unnecessarily limited string column output to 60 chars
* FIX (windows) make sure graph window is shown even if the program is "hidden"
* FIX hidden3d mode was not correctly dealing with arrowstyle backhead
* FIX sprintf in 'using' spec must not clobber numeric locale
* FIX tikz - request for polygon with 0 vertices could hang terminal
* FIX lua/tikz - do not attempt to ftruncate output being piped through stdout
* FIX tkcanvas - do not attempt to ftruncate output being piped through stdout
* FIX handle NaN values in input stream to "stats FOO matrix"
* FIX prevent extra read past the end of a datablock holding matrix data
* FIX pm - issues in box and polygon fill, (wide) lines, enhanced text, images
* FIX dropped character in piped input stream if plot window is manually closed
* FIX extraneous dots and potential segfault from splot with contour labels
* FIX boxplots - color sequence correctly starts with specified linetype
* FIX incomplete initialization led to segfault from "gnuplot -c foo.gp baz"
* FIX Allow "pm3d depthorder base" to handle 3D boxes with logscale z
This is gnuplot version 5.2.7 -- binary distribution for OS/2
0) Important information on this gnuplot binary
This is a binary of the first version 5 release for OS/2. Many things have
changed since the last 4.6 release, so please give this some testing!
Please report bugs etc. using the sourceforge bug tracker.
This binary was compiled using Eberhard Mattes' EMX 0.9d fix 04 and
Andrew Zabolotny's port of gcc 3.2.1.
The binary includes most relevant terminals. It was compiled with gdlib 2.2.5,
libpng 1.6.28, zlib 1.2.11, libjpeg 6b, and freetype 2.9.1. It includes
support for iconv using Ilya Zakharevich's iconv2 library 0.2.1a and for lua
using version 5.1.5.
Kown pm terminal bugs or limitations:
Frequent crashes of the backend during resize/repaint.
The option parser throws away any previous setting on "set term".
"set termoption" is hence broken.
"pause mouse" and "pause mouse key" have not been implemented.
"Mousing" is not enabled during "pause" (unlike on other platforms).
No mouse coordinates are shown while zooming and no the
"line-to-ruler" is not implemented.
There is no support for boxed text, nor hypertext.
No custom dash patterns.
Dash patterns do not scale with linewidth.
No transparency / alpha channel support.
1) Introduction
This file discusses mainly the version of gnuplot 4.0.0 and later implemented
for OS/2 using the PM terminal driver.
The command line interface of gnuplot is retained, while graphics output is
plotted in a Presentation Manager (or X11) window. The gnuplot command line
appears in another text-mode window on the screen.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot on the default printer,
for changing the fonts used on the plot, and for switching between different
ways of plotting the lines (with colour, "wide" lines).
Multiple graph windows are supported: try "help term pm".
The command line window offers the usual gnuplot interface. Both Unix-style
and DOS-style editing keys are supported.
This build supports the shell command (type 'exit' to return to gnuplot), can
pipe datafiles through external commands using '<', and supports command-line
substitution. It runs the full set of demonstration programs supplied in the
gnuplot source code distribution without problems.
In this version the pm driver was improved to support polygon filling with
patterns, dashed lines, bold and italic text and more text encodings,
including UTF-8 (see e.g. "utf8.dem"). A number of bugs concerning wide lines,
images, filled boxes, alpha channel and the user interface have been fixed.
Also the x11 driver was fixed.
The documentation in gnuplot.inf was improved to include some graphics.
For news on general changes in version 5.0 and 5.2, see RELEASE_NOTES, and
NEWS files. Note that the ChangeLog is incomplete.
2) Installation
This distribution of gnuplot 5.2.7 was compiled for OS/2 (2.x and above)
with emx version 0.9d. Required additional DLLs are included in the package,
but you still need the EMX libraries.
Unzip the gnuplot distribution into a directory in the PATH, or unzip it
somewhere and add this path to PATH, e.g.
SET PATH=...;C:\Apps\gnuplot\bin
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
WPS. The supplied makeobjects.cmd script will create two objects on the
desktop for the program and the help book.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
Environment settings: see manual (or 'help environment' in gnuplot)
* PATH -- see above
* SET GNUPLOT=<some directory>
-- directory containing GNUPLOT.INI file, run at start-up.
-- path to gnuplot help file, if not in same directory as gnuplot.exe.
* Variable GNUPLOT_LIB may be used to define additional search directories for
data and command files. The variable may contain a single directory name, or
a list of directories separated by a platform-specific path separator, i.e.
':' on Unix, or ';' on DOS/Windows/OS/2/Amiga platforms. The contents of
GNUPLOT_LIB are appended to the `loadpath` variable, but not saved with the
`save` and `save set` commands. See 'help loadpath' for more details.
* Variable GDFONTPATH is the directory where the png/jpeg/gif terminals look for
(TrueType or other) fonts. The included gd library uses a default of "C:\\PSFONTS"
Usually, it is
The default font for of the gdlib based terminal can be changed via the
environment variable GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT; however, it is preferred to change
the font via the "set terminal png font '<font>'" command.
* The variable GNUPLOT_FONTPATH is used by the postscript driver as search path
for fonts. Set it to
* Variable GNUFITLOG holds the name of a file that saves fit results. The
default it is fit.log. If the name ends with a "/" or "\", it is treated as a
directory name, and "fit.log" will be created as a file in that directory.
See also "help environment" and the supplied "startgp.cmd" script.
3) Running gnuplot
gnuplot can be run from the command line of an OS/2 session (preferably a
windowed command session, so that the command line and the displayed graph
can be viewed at the same time), or can be set up as a program object in the
gnuplot starts up as a command line session which accepts the usual gnuplot
input. The Presentation Manager window for graphics display is only opened
when the first 'plot' or 'splot' command is executed.
If gnuplot is set up as a program object, it can be configured for 'drag and
drop' in the usual way, by specifying '%*' as the program parameter.
The PM window has facilities for printing the plot, for changing the fonts
used in the plot, and so on. These of course are handled through the usual
PM interface. In addition, you can 'drop' a font onto the window to change
the font.
The PM terminal supports mousing and hotkeys (for very long time actually --
since 1998).
The usual gnuplot commands can also be used to produce output on supported
Settings and the positions and sizes of the windows can be saved in the file
gnupmdrv.ini. This file is saved in the program's working directory; several
different directories can be set up (as program objects) with different
options, if you wish.
gnuplot can be run with the PM display window maximised: clicking on the
'gnuplot' menu item (or pressing 'ESC') will bring the gnuplot window to the
foreground; it will disappear again when plotting begins.
gnuplot itself communicates with the PM display window (which is a separate
program) through a named pipe. Plotting commands are sent to the PM window
which produces the plot when all commands have been received.
4) gnupmdrv.exe
Gnupmdrv.exe is the 'outboard' driver for gnuplot. It is a multithreaded
PM program.
5) X11 support
This version of gnuplot also includes the X terminal outboard driver
gnuplot_x11.exe. It is compiled using the XFree86-OS/2 libraries and
was tested using HOBlink/X11.
6) REXX support
gnuplot supports REXX:
Any non-recognised command typed at the gnuplot command line is assumed to
be a REXX command file. If the file exists it is executed, and all non-REXX
commands are passed on to the gnuplot environment. (If the file does not
exist, the usual error message is given). Files are searched for in the
current directory, and then in the path.
Note that Rexx maps all command strings to upper case, so gnuplot commands
must be enclosed in quotes. Try 'testrexx' for a simple example.
7) Contents
gnuplot.exe -- gnuplot executable
gnupmdrv.exe -- Presentation Manager terminal driver
gnuplot_x11.exe -- X11 driver
gnuplot.ico -- OS/2 gnuplot icon
gnuplot.gih -- gnuplot help file
gnuplot.INF -- gnuplot manual in OS/2 inf format ('view gnuplot')
gnupmdrv.HLP -- help file for gnupmdrv.exe
gpsavediff.cmd -- script to cleanup output of the "save" command
gpsavediff -- as above, but for bash
startgp.cmd -- optional start-up script
testrexx.cmd -- simple REXX example file
share\PostScript -- prologue files for postscript output
BUGS -- bug list from source distribution
Copyright -- gnuplot copyright
README -- README file from the source distribution
RELEASE_NOTES -- notes from the source distribution
README.OS2 -- this file
demo\ -- demo files ('load "all.dem"')
docs\ -- gnuplot manual in html and Postscript format
contrib\ -- few contributed scripts
The gnuplot team, May 2019 |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 4.6.0 (14/2/2016, Thomas Williams) | ||
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Gnuplot v. 4.6.0 (12/3/2012, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
2012-03-04 RELEASE 4.6.0
2012-03-04 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/wxterminal/wxt_gui.cpp: Backport CVS fixes for toggling plots
on/off in multiplots and to limit the toggle effect to the contents
of the current plot.
2012-03-03 Petr Mikulik <mikulik@physics.muni.cz>
* docs/doc2ipf.c (process_line): Don't use assert() because it calls
2012-03-02 Petr Mikulik <mikulik@physics.muni.cz>
* config/makefile.os2: version.o is required for gnuplot_x11.exe.
2012-03-02 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
Update for 4.6.0
* docs/gnuplot.doc: Point to www.gnuplot.info as the URL for all demos.
* src/show.c src/plot.c config/mingw/Makefile:
Enable code that was marked RELEASE_VERSION;
disable alternative code by marking it DEVELOPMENT_VERSION.
2011-02-29 Bastian Maerkisch <bmaerkisch@web.de>
* win/gnuplot.iss: Prepare for 4.6 release.
* config/mingw/Makefile: New target 'zip' for zip file distribution.
2012-02-25 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* configure.in tutorial/tutorial.tex: Update latex tutorial for version
4.6 but do not install it by default.
2012-02-25 Peter Juhasz <juhaszp@users.sourceforge.net>
* src/command.c src/misc.c src/plot.c src/plot.h:
Unterminated blocks (i.e. missing }) in batch mode caused the program
to erroneously wait for further input or - when commands were streamed
through a pipe - crash. Fix: display appropriate error message instead.
Bug #3491904
2012-02-22 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/stats.c: Remove order-dependence of keywords.
Bug #3491215
2012-02-21 contributed anonymously
* src/term.c (do_arc): Arcs smaller than 3 degrees were being
reduced to a single line. Bug #3490227.
2012-02-21 David Leverton <dleverton@users.sourceforge.net>
* src/graphics.c (edge_intersect): Fix a bug that failed to draw a
pure horizontal or vertical line from out of range that crossed the
entire range of a plot to terminate on the boundary.
Bug #3488666
2012-02-14 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/plot2d.c src/graphics.c: The histogram code was not designed to
mix well with other plot styles, and in particular with function plots.
Fixes segfault on "plot 1, newhistogram illegal-syntax, foo".
Fixes Bug #3486639 (key entry spacing of histograms + something else)
2012-02-09 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* term/wxt.trm src/term_api.h src/term.c src/qtterminal/qt_term.cpp
src/wxterminal/wxt_gui.cpp: Switching the terminal from qt to wxt or
vice versa causes the program to lock up or segfault. Introduce a flag
terminal_interlock to prevent such a switch.
2012-02-08 Jérôme Lodewyck <lodewyck@users.sourceforge.net>
* src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotItems.h src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotItems.cpp:
Fixed the const-ness of QtGnuplotKeybox members.
2012-02-06 Thanate Dhirasakdanon <dthanate@users.sourceforge.net>
* term/lua.trm: Compatibility wrapper functions to support both lua 5.2
and earlier versions.
* term/lua/gnuplot-tikz.lua: "tightboundingbox" option didn't match docs.
2012-02-06 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/plot2d.c: Remove error test that could not be reached in the DATA
case and is incorrect in the FUNC case.
2012-01-30 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/term.c term/linux.trm: Provide a 5x9 raster font for linux.trm
and svga.trm so that they are not dependent on --with-bitmap-terminals.
Bug #3481336
2012-01-29 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* term/cairo.trm: Make the font scale handling more like pdf and eps.
Bugs #3478745 #3480006
2012-01-26 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* src/graphics.c: If there is no key title, there is no need to draw a
line between the title and the key samples.
Bug #3478984
2012-01-25 Shigeharu Takeno <shige@iee.niit.ac.jp>
* docs/gnuplot-ja.doc docs/term-ja.diff:
Sync with English documentation. |
![]() |
Gnuplot v. 4.4.2 (28/9/2010, Gnuplot team) | Readme/What's new |
2010-09-24 Ethan A Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
* Fix a regression in 4.4.1 that causes "lc N" not to work in several
* src/graphics.c (fill_between): Fix filled curve clipping error.
Bug #2963485
* src/command.c (replotrequest): Once we have started to replot, the
previous data no longer exists. Therefore we must set refresh_ok = 0.
This prevents a segfault if 'refresh' follows an interrupted replot. |
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Gnuplot v. 3.5 (17/10/1993, Roger Fearick) | ||
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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