Release date: 
Monday, 21 August, 1995



Authors/Port authors:

EULER n' PI - A set a programs to  compute decimals of Pi and E.  There is a DOS version, an OS/2 1.X  (16bits) and an OS/2 Warp (32bits).  Warp is of course twice as fast as  DOS and OS/2 1.X since it uses 32 bits  register instead of 16 bits for DOS  and OS/2 1.X.  The main program is written in C but  the actual computation is written in  assembler for super fast speed. These programs are the fastest for  Intel processor!

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

EULER n' PI (21/8/1995, Thierry Ballon) Readme/What's new
EULER n' PI - A set a programs to compute decimals of Pi and E. There is a DOS version, an OS/2 1.X (16bits) and an OS/2 Warp (32bits). Warp is of course twice as fast as DOS and OS/2 1.X since it uses 32 bits register instead of 16 bits for DOS and OS/2 1.X. The main program is written in C but the actual computation is written in assembler for super fast speed. (These programs are the fastest for Intel processor) I could compute 5.000.000 decimals of Pi in a few days on a Pentium !!! Enjoy, and tell me what you think... (C)opyright: Thierry BALLON, Paris, France, 1992-1995 COMPUSERVE: 75472,2561 INTERNET: -------------------------------- PI32.EXE, PI16.EXE, PIDOS.EXE, EULER32.EXE, EULER16.EXE and EULERDOS.EXE are freeware. You may use them freely and you are encouraged to copy them or disttribute them on CD or BBS as long as you keep all files unmodified and together with LICENSE.TXT (this file) and FILE_ID.DIZ (C)opyright: Thierry BALLON, Paris, France, 1992-1995 COMPUSERVE: 75472,2561 - INTERNET: is external)  local copy
Record updated last time on: 23/08/2023 - 20:20

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