AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI)

Release date: 
Friday, 4 June, 2010



Authors/Port authors:

GUI front-end in Rexx language for FFmpeg, which will allow for converting audio and video between formats.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Self-installing WarpIN package. See below for download link(s).

Set the correct PATH for all needed components.

  • kLib/GCC Runtime Library
  • FFmpeg from version 2.1.5 is multithreaded, which means it offers better performance and supports at best multi-core systems, however, some versions may have MP4 encoding problems. New releases not officially supported by AVxCAT may not work due to syntactic compatibility issues: contact the author.
  • WarpIN 1.0.19
  • Priority from FM2UTILS package (strongly suggested)
  • Ogginfo, Ogg.dll, Vorbis.dll (by Brian Haward)
  • ID3V2 0.1.12 (NEW) or up, a program for id3 V2 tags (required for mp3)
  • RXU v1.a, rich set of Rexx functions for OS/2 API

You can install the prerequisites with rpm running the following string in a command line:

yum install libc libcx libgcc1 libssp libstdc++6 libstdc++ libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd ffmpeg RXU
Following links are to additional programs, not mandatory but useful:

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (FP2, 20/2/2025, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT replaces FFMPEGCA (Convert All) developped on ce2mp3 idea on which I participated. I used some code of it but added a lot of mine code to build a more powerfull expert GUI. * Warning * If you close with UDP: as target, audio icon button is disable at start. Modify target folder to enable Audio icon again New version V2 FP2 * WCC (webcam crontrol GUI) included * prereqs.exe alpha5 (list missing pre-requisits or optionnals, provide a html list with active links or get older web link through help) included Note1: generate a listing (enabled), download packages (enabled - requires curl), install package (not yet enabled, use manual package installation) Note2: Before first installation/start of AVxCAT, run this tool first and install missing packages which makes AVxCAT settings easier. Note3: Use prereqs to change or set system default browser - a few small design issue - mark no more changes personnalised icon (for most audio / video entries) - network availability updated - codes under video advanced dialog - select new picture (invalid disable state for audio to video slideshow - advanced function) - video advanced function (slideshow), filetype filters not restored to audo/video filters - video advanced function, flip, rotate + sub options, sharpness didn't provide an accurate image display - video advanced function, More video aspect recognized to get an accurate visual (Default uses the correct aspect is recognized or '*' beside an aspect to identify it as default) - video advanced function, using now 'done' on sharpness setting for faster positionning - video advanced function, enabled some minor options previously banned ! - Audio to video with pic could provide incorrect output (bad video result) - added missing parameter - Updated initial AVxCAT start for a better program detection using path statement - litle reduced high length RMB menu entries (used collapse/expand) - aiff doesn't use audio player (for play) - rewrited process starting advanced video function - corrected a regression code preventing writting to the author - video advanced function: thumbnail from displaied picture have a more accurate size and using flip/rotate settings - rare cases with incorrect video extension / codec * Changes follow - added video thumbnail as icon in the main process dialog (default extract time=2s) - Added video EA's thumbnail added to the output video (can be disable using --wps parameter) - replaced tortle by new sliders with integrated comments - added a [Default all] button to set all audio players to the default one - [ Go ] button renamed to [ Run ] button - replaced generating MU3* file under internal filemanager command code - changed player run command code - media filters process updated (included default model if none) - audio with embeebed pic will use it if no external corresponding pic is found under video \ advanced - added Include overlay [Picture into video] or [video into picture]. Reverse option checking [V.in] checkbox (corner side selectable + logo resize (none, 5%, 10%, 15% , 20% of video height) "parameters Menu") e.g. add a video speaker in a corner to described current displaied presentation - added U_pic to use overlay function (use PNG pictures with transparent background using picture in video) - added user centered watermark (opacity and resize available on all location) - added parameter --wps 0 / 1 (enable/disable write CWMM or EAS icon - Defaut enable) - added parameter --tnt 0 to 10 (time in seconds to capture a video thumbnail for EAS icon - Default 2s) - added parameter --wup 0 / 1 (enable / disable AVxCAT update availability at startup - default=1) - added 320x180 & 640x360 (9:16) + 320x240 & 640x480 (3:4) *WARNING* only usable on vertical videos (e.g) convert a classic video to vertical: add video into the list, use advanced and set Rotate + cclock(or clock) + portrait - Added webcam supported video stream for overlay functions Note: doing picture overlaied by a webcam stream, fps may be low. For better quality, do it in 2 process, record webcam stream and then do overlay - Changed: webcam parameters can be updated when AVxCAT has webcam control else webcam should be on Audio/Video syncro can be controled through webcam -itsoffset parameter. Following are default values for normal webcam recording or webcam+overlay Default -itsoffset 1.50 for video Default -itsoffset 0.2 for audio (default webcam recording) or Default -itsoffset 1.40 for video Default -itsoffset 0.65 for audio (with overlay process) - Optimized webcam video quality to satisfy good quality when downsizing video through overlay Note1: How to create a nice presentation movie ? Take one flowshart, recorde speaker description (e.g. smartphone in 9/16) - Select the video into the main process list, select U_pic and then, parameter->Include overlay-> specify location, size and check [V.in] to invert Overlay source and take video to overlay an image. (opacity is available too), once done, push set button, Select an output format, mark the video and RUN. First flowshart page is now done with integrated presentator video. Proceed to next flowshart and as final, concatenate all together GA - few correctives - Icon/Design aligment updated - updated M3U or M3U/S relative path playlist generator (internal filemanager) - Added M3U8/S relative path playlist genertator (internal filemanager) - Added w64 support [limited to max 24bits] (sony wave) - PM123 compatible - Opened internal filemanager via files, allow popupmenu on folder to WPS open itthem GA [FP3] - Icon/Design aligment updated - Added M3U or M3U8 (writable into extended format [--m3ux 0/1 parameter] ) fullpath generator (main container - selected audio tracks) - corrected drdialog box result after stop avxcat following update download - Corrected M3U or M3U8 extension used - AVxCAT cddb parameters updated and added option to not create *.query file out of AVxCddb - Remain: popupmenu to create/remove folders when called from Chg GA [FP4] - Severals correctives - Option to disable generated .query out of AVxCddb - Added update availability check (red message if exists) - Updated AVxCAT get updates function GA - Enabled support to call AVxCddb for cddb datas (simplified build of cddbGUI using AVxCAT ini file) - Added a few improvements (use of local cddb faster...) - cddblib required for best use - Corrected "get update" option - Corrected some minor code processes [GA FP2] - Added Audio tracks supporting attached picture as well wav tracks get icon EAs for WPS rendering if jpg albumart exist or was downloaded (winico.exe required for this option - converts winico out of ffmpeg to os/2 ico 64:64) - New main popupmenu option (with wawe.exe installed) - Edit elligible audio file (cut, multi-cut, save etc...) - if discid cover was already downloaded thru add discid, the corresponding icon into the main list will change to the existing one at add time (can be disable/enabled using parm --imbai 0 or 1) - show downloaded discid cover thru add discid has now an integrated window instead of the drdialog prompt command - Added option to accept or ignore/reject found discid cover - Added option (if enabled --mbindex 0/1) to add discid index (limited number) from database if proposed album-art is rejected - Added New default path for downloaded covers using discid - Added parameter to change default path for downloaded covers to output path (--fld 0/1 [Disable/Enable]) - Added option to switch from profile dropdown list to Icon pre-fixed profile buttons - Added Selected iconbutton profile is saved at AVxCAT file/exit - Added Possibility to use customize iconbutton profile (user of external cfg file) - Added last Audio/Video icon-profile used saved if using file/exit menu - Added [X] "delete" option for user created profiles under [New profile] button - Added "Create folder(s)" & "delete folder" under internal filemanager called by [Chg] button for target folder - Added "M4A" alac - Added "MOV" - Added MD5 package used to autocheck downloaded updates (through AVxCAT menu) - New ffmpegca.dll - Optimized parameters when involving leech (USB CD-ROM, grabbing private CDs) - corrected: a wrong video profile - corrected: some video option may use incorrect video extension - corrected: hung could occure when cdd2wav reads a track having lot of jitter (changed a fixed parameter) - included a process to prevent cdda2wav hung on very rare CD's having problems or difficulties with most cddb tools - Updated compatibility for metadatas/Tracks Titlle file generated under PM123 or querycddb (reworked at fp2) - Somme minor corrections - changed a few webcam -> UDP initial settings -fix of webcam bug included note: Get new fixpack using AVxCAT "get update" option (run help -> "get update" at initial installation) zip file provides one or more files to be replaced while wpi is a full install/replacement (e.g. release upgrade) - Fixpack 1 (25/08/2023 DD/MM/YYYY) - Corrected bug from making webcam recording fail (AVxCAT crash) - Corrected long source path could result into a hung situation - Corrected (processing audio folder source to video convertion) - Corrected (--edit fullpath_2_editer) not changing default text editer (e.exe) - Updated a main process - few minor bugs - Minor corrections (fp3) - some optimized process (ex: using cddb_query.exe) - Corrected bad regreation code - added option to get album-art by discid number - Add(if)cover + audio mode uses album-art icon as success icon (if found else as before) - add 2 new parameters to switch search web engine (used for txt to speech) and disable new success icon - Many corrections as well installation issues fixed - Many new features - Profiles renamed - Webcam support - PDF doc updated etc... Updates: - Corrected a bug when switching into video mode with ffmpeg 3.3.1 (ok with ffmpeg 4.0.2) - Modified required or optionnal tools under parameters to allow direct download when clic on the tool title. - Updated rxu, rexxuni loadfunction - added rxu loaded undet extra logs if it is - Next release may enable video concatenation option (some minor code rewrite already done) - not avalable - finalized 1.5.1 version - improved ffmpeg muxing overhead handling * below a very low value, run some verification code and set rc=0 * below a fixed value, check if it could be ignored (rc02) or not (rc29) * above a fixed value, always set rc=99 Some processes may expect muxing overhead but may not exceed the fixed high value e.g. audio to mp4 using jpg file - Corrected incorrect "reset" to default color - Corrected a left no more used instruction under avxcat color switch 1.5.1 - this is a major update - support of cdda2wav code change, added a few parameters to improve CD reading as well lower jitter with birate>256k - If CD audio datas have been found (singer and album title) for CD-audio, the ripped track are put under [target_path]\[singer_title]\[album_title] and a m3u list is generated under [target_path]\[singer_title] and metadatas are added according availability and supported codec into the output audio codec and into WPS. - added a few message into extra log about if cdda2wav is enabled (check if network is enabled) - added some messages into extra log when cdda2wav is use for CD-audio scan - removed -cddbp-port option if "default" selected from cdda2wav to allow cddb query all time and this parm can now be user set if a port number is specified ( specify "default" to remove user set port number ) - added an option to allow preserve cddb query reply audio*.inf files into specific pathname under temp path (introduces some restrictions) - added optional suport of libcddb used for cddb (replaces cdda2wav cddb query only) - into libpath - when libcddb has no cddb information, cddb switches to cdda2wav to list number of tracks an on CD informations - updated cp850 function http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/dev/mm/libcddb-1.3.2.zip - Found cddb information are preserved to be used in offline mode (disabled if save cddb queries enabled) - Some USB CD-AUDIO didn't well work with cdda2wav. * Added leech support http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/cd/grabber/leech120.zip for best USB CD-AUDIO support * Added option to specify USB Cd-AUDIO * With leech, process goes through grabb process before ffmpeg. - added optional support of "cdrom.exe" to allow close CD-ROM after eject when requested - into libpath (doesn't work for USB CD-ROM http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/util/disk/cdrom.zip - user request m3u list of a folder can be generated (be carefull, selection according file type not done) from under internal filemanager (select at least one file to enable m3u generation for full path from the selected file) - Option refresh from filemanager allow to refresh contain and if network was previously disable for cddb, it checks it status again (if cddb was enabled) - Corrected "video codec setting" for user defined profile - Corrected "audio bitrate setting" for user defined profile - Corrected 'audio sampling setting" for user defined profile - Converting mp3 (ogg, wav, flac, wma) to mp4 (or ogv) using CD cover image a/ add a CD-cover named "cover.jpg" (rename "jpeg" to "jpg") under path where audio files to be converted to mp4 are b/ use 1:1 or very near sized cover.jpg c/ if a cover.jpg is found, it forces video output to use 268x268 and 1:1 ratio else default jpg without video setting change d/ cover.jpg example: itunes CD-cover pictures are 268x268 e/ use a profile according to desired audio bitrate or create a user profile and set video e.g. 320x240, 25fps and 175 (bitrate) - *WARNING* the cover.jpg can be attached to each image using PM123 (edit file and add) but this could create errors if the file is going to be converted through AVxCAT / ffmpeg afterwords. Run PM123 and remove attached picture (edit file and clear) before convert - corrected bugs under internal filemanager - added external user file filter - filemanager - file which will overwrite internal fixed one - Modifying on the fly file filter - filemanager - is now keept until end of AVxCAT. For permanent file filter use user file filter file - corrrected a bug when number of drives changes between OS boot - When "no more show this message" button for the player help dialog is pushed, re-enable it with set player type under player parms+save - Optimized some parts of the code - unified wait message dialog - corrected a crash on lower speed CP's when opening "advanced" audio option - some latest found bugs corrected - to work with older button icons, replace ffmpegca.dll by ffmpegca-ecs.dll 1.5.0 re-enabled dropped cdda2wav support for direct CD rip to any audio codec experimental external file filter file added new color scheme to AVxCAT ffmpeg 4.0.2 compatibility (minor changes occured) Switching audio/video have now the corresponding profiles under a unique drop down list location 1.4.2 - Corrected un bug not showing all used drives like RAMFS drive missing. An incorrect value was saved instead of the correct drives to list options. 1.4.1 - Added support of ffmpeg "normalize" function available since ffmpeg V3 (the volume level is than the corresponding normalize output volume) note: ffmpeg normalize works on video files too (to enable it, switch to audio + advanced, set ffmpeg normalize on and switch to video again) - Added popup message during normalize process - Now "aiff" tracks under an added "dir" into container are processed too - corrected a problem when "max." is found in returned ffmepg string during video size check - corrected a problem when loading auto saved audio list - corrected a problem processing "dirs" under new ffmpeg build 1.4.0 - this is a major update - Added support for ffmmpeg v2.1.5 as well for ffmpeg v3.0 and 3.0.1 (current available ffmpeg build) - Available codec selection under AVxCAT operational - AVxCAT issue beginglibpath for selected ffmpeg to use its \lib available dlls's ( this allow having more than one ffmpeg version under the system - If commun ffmpeg Dll's were put into a folder under libpath, it can be removed - verify having libpath starting with " c:\usr\lib;c:\ecs\dll;c:\os2\dll .. " - change c to your boot drive ) - Multi-thread supported since ffmpeg 2.1.5 with a new added option under "parameters" allowing number of threads to use* - Added possibility to enabled debug log parm on ffmpeg v3.x - Added option to allow empty container video list after successfull conversion - Added support of VP9 (ogg or opus) with corresponding ffmpeg v3.0.1 having these codecs enabled (could be checked under help) - changed video profiles list to new more commun used profiles and added a few ones - of course, user can always create his own profles - If ffmpeg isn't enabled for some specific codecs, the corresponding entries are flagged [Not enabled] - Changed help display - Added several help about selected ffmpeg under AVxCAT (version, encoders, decoders, formats, codecs..) - Added the possibility to use a user command file including some commands which could be issued just before or after ffmpeg start conversion - Re-worked internal filemanager to prevent possible crash and made it respondiong faster - Added a popup message to tell if [add] file in the container list was done as well some other informal messages - Now, speed location in the video from under video advanced option is very fast - Added new options under video advanced dialog available with ffmpeg v3.x : - rotate video ( 90ø clock, -90 clock etc.. ) - vertival flip - horizontal flip - portrait / landscape mode All these options can be used together including sharpness, crop setting. - Added support of "aacgain, wavegain, mp3gain, vorbisgain" (must be under AVxCAT path) undependant of ffmpeg version used to allow "normalize" process - more work planned on this part according new ffmpeg possibilities with Volume used to set final output volume when one of these option is enabled - modified some dialog sizing and text positionning for a better rendering according screen size and video driver ! - Now, AVxCAT does an autosave of the currnet media in the copntainer list when closing AVxCAT. It is propose to restaure them at next restart - Added new message when ffmpeg is unable to get enough memory (32bits limits) to process the video ( mostly due to big output size ex: 1920x1080 ) - When playing a video via KMP (the one to use for presentations), a message opens to asked what to do if associated xml file is found - When using ffplay as player, a help dialog opens with available hot keys function - corrected switch process between audio / video - corrected many bugs found during heavy tests - some more minor bugs corrected and may some not found yet ! (send me an email if you find some issue) Note:check having FREETYP*.DLL (e.g. FREETYP6.DLL) installed for ffmpeg 1.3.5c - Found and corrected bugs - Added an "Open" button to acces target folder directly - Changed "Dir" button on the right side of target directory to "Chg" for chage target dir location - Changed "Add files" to "Files" and "Add dir" to "Dir" ... 1.3.5 - Added some more audio filters (e.g. aiff .. ) - corrected a few bugs - changed internal filemanager to show correct file as soon a new folder is selected - added a wit message when populating/updating filemanager - corrected a problem when changing path destination using internal filemanager - Read README.TXT about "dda2wav.exe" compatibility ... 1.2.9 - Removed extrat comment lines and optimized some process. 1.2.8 - Changed minor error detected since ext libpath was added 1.2.7 - Added code to enable pgm_path\dlls as external additional libpath for avxcat 1.2.6 - Added an information message when selecting KMP player which may need additional parms when it doesn't play audio - Corrected a bug not alowing more than 4 "words" (2 parms) into user parms field - Added some more verification in case of invalid entries found at conversion time - Loading rxu.dll despite test returns already loaded (if some RXU functions aren't loaded, conversion may fail) 1.2.5 - If priority.exe isn't installed, thread priority can be enabled using rexx "SysSetPriority" - Added "*.rmvb" supported files - Corrected some minor bugs 1.2.4 - Added option to disable write metadatas - Added VBR for MP3 (not all player support VBR) 1.2.3 - Creating cdda2wav track name out of title (cddb) could result into invalid characters. Now, these characters are replaced - Removed id3v2 requirement when id3tag is not enabled - some minor corrections 1.2.2b - Corrected an error introduced at v1.2.0 when converting midi files using timidity (it could be bypassed adding -OwAS into timidity.cat file) 1.2.2 - Cdda2wav uses "--max" option by default - Both "--deemphasize and -paranoia" cdda2wav options can be enabled using special AVxCAT parameters (see doc file) - Adding MP3GAIN in AVxCAT path enables MP3 normalisation with new "Auto" setting into Volume level (last high value) (For all other audio codec output files, "Auto" will set FFMPEG volume level to 256 which is "0" under AVxCAT = no change) - Updated AVxCAT log file to indicate if Timidity or VoiX was used - Updated AVxCAT log file to indicate mp3gain applied correction is enabled and called (used parms displaied) - "AAC" extension changed to use "M4A" extension (ipod standard) - Added "GIF" format under Video type - Enabled Extract images from video file (BMP or JPG or PNG). Default 1 image (or Frate) per seconds with a default number of 10 images. This value can be modified using uparms "-vparms x" or setting start time and duration time - Small AVxCAT doc update 1.2.1 - not released 1.2.0 - Added VOIX full support - any file to any file with voix filtering - (voix.exe is under AVxCAT to have its functions enabled - see licence information under voix folder) To have it work, a special VOIX build provided by Andy Willis was added which has included stdin and stdout and other added corrections to correctly work with ffmpeg (Thanks to Andy for this great work) - All timidity parms can be overwritten with use of timidity.cat file (this one was updated about -Ow temporary restriction) - Changed message issued in case of DVD rip and temp path has not enought space. New message has required size corrected and gives suggestion to bypass the problem - Corrected a missing "wipe" option if needed when converting "DVD" film - Changed command line syntax and position into generated temp file used by AVxCAT (this resolves rare possible error for truncated lines due to max length exceeded) - Corrected a possible crash when opening "advanced" option for Flac files - Corrected MP2 audio conversion to use correct MP2 extension name - Changed "Avi OS/2 player compatible" profile to "Avi/mpeg1 OS/2 player 480x360" using maximum successfully tested working size instead of "default" - Most audio advanced function are displaied accordinf to a previous setting (except mapping) - Video advanced function has the video size set to the input video default or now, set to a previous user set value - Corrected a wrong audio mapping when extracting audio file from a video file (all left to default) - Corrected [new profile] left disable when AVxCAT is closed with video "User profil value" selected - Video profile "FLV flash *slideshow*" has the corresponding "Type" option enable to allow change video coded to avi or whatelse supported (this limits number of operation for slideshow or animation in different codec - Note: all pictures should have same size = video size) 1.1.2 - Corrected an invalid IDtags display when opening edit tags after conveting files - ffrunca no more needed - Added move selected entry (one line) up or down in the process list - Changed log message when end user cancels process - Reduced "Stop" needed time when initiated by the end user - Corrected incorrect value in ID3 and CWMM when converting multiple MIDI files (only case) - On some kind of CD's due to filenames, incorrect icon could be displaied into avxcat filemanager - Hiden containers when updating to reduce WPS or some video driver stress in smp mode - Corrected a "drop" folder in processlist problem - Added PMMail support - Use of ini DEFAULTMAILPARMS for mail client 1.1.1 - Corrected an invalid process when converting midi files without timidity path configured - Change default timidity parameters which can be overwriten using the timidity.cat file - Updated timidity.cat file with some comments - increased target path entry field from 34 character length to 128. 1.1.0 - Added Timidity support to converted MIDI files into any audio/video supported ffmpeg codec (default parameters used -Ow -idv. To add more parameters, add them into timidity.cat under avxcat path. Any line starting with * is assumed to be a comment) - Replaced mp3info (no more required but already usable if it was specified and available into avxcat.ini under id3v1_path key) by timidity path under parameters - Added message if loading existing "list" has wrong files entries in it - Latest path loaded list is now saved for next "list" fileprompt - Added "voix" option under audio advanced window. DO NOT USE IT NOW, I'll tel you howto enable it as soon voix has enabled stdout and tests are done - Corrected/Updated processing folders in process list. Now, only elligible Audio and video files under the directory are taken while others or null size files are ignored list of A/V ext names: ".mpg .wmv .avi .vob .flv .asf .ts .m2ts .mkv .ogv .ogm .mp4 .swf .mov .m4a .3gp .3g2 .mj2 .webm .ogg .mp3 .wma .flac .wav .aac .ac3 .mid .mp2 .mp1 .cda .rmi .rcp .r36 .g18 .g36 .mfi .xrd" This list can be overwrited manualy adding a key "Files_indir" into avxcat.ini file. The added string must a list of file extension starting with a dot (e.g. .mp4 .mp3) and separated by a blank. (e.g. adding VIDEO_TS results in selecting all *.VOB files only. For a one output DVD file, Add the corresponding film IFO file in the process list only) - Update AVxCAT main web link to AVxCAT page instead of previous FFMPEGCA web page - corrected a few other minor issue 1.0.0 - First build of AVxCAT ( Audio Video eXtended Conversion and Authoring Tool ) 1.0.2 - FFMPEGCA v1.0.2 name changed to "AVxCAT v1.0.0" - New updated WPI package which creates now an AVxCAT folder on the desktop including the program and a doc folder. Last install step allow you to get required and/or optionnal products used by AVxCAT - AVxCAT uses a unique pipe name at start time based on "seconds" (allow multiple instance be started and processing files) - Added "Add files" and "Add directories" into RMB too - Added --jsync start parameter to allow default -map syncro change using video join option - Changed initial start preset path detection - Added --apre --spre Uparms detection and process. - Added limited FFplay.exe support - Updated docs - Corrected join size popupmsg and changed its color to a lighter yellow - Corrected a bug on AAC selection when using Dave's FFMPEG - Added support for AMR (only mono, 8000Hz and below 13kbps valid) for futur ffmpeg ! - Corrected some automatic option agains FFMPEG version - Corrected a possible wrong ffmpeg version identification - Corrected a possible ffmpeg immediate stop when extra log is always enabled - Now, changing from an older ffmpeg version to a newer one or revers order, updates corresponding new codec entries without recycle. - Other minor corrections 1.0.1 - Moved ffmpegca docs under propgram_path\doc directory - Added direct link to Doc folder from under ffmpegca help ** Added "Slidshow" word into doc file which is same as french "Diaporama" word ** 1.0.0 - Added posibility to specify audio player for audio files instead of Video player - Added an auto detection if player is PM or CMD type to use correct start parameter (needed with some audio player e.g. !z) - Added a "save / load list" option under RMB (This may allow to load PM123 playlist into FFMPEGCA process list...) - Corrected a color issue when updating product path under parameters using fileprompt option - Corrected Video join mapping error when source media doesn't have video on stream 0.0 - Added a message when crop/pad is used while it must no be for video join option - Now compatible with Dave's ffmpeg - Added libvpx (vp8) to use with latest Dave's ffmpeg fix. - default "--async 3" can be changed using onetime ffmpegca parameter "--async x" with x above 0 (ini file will be updated) - Log files are now going under log path - Last MP4 ffpreset used path location is now saved for futur use - Corrected some wrong path setting when under OS/2 without all "SET" enable like under eCS (e.g. HOME) - If UNIXROOT is enabled, default search location for ffmpeg.exe at install time will be under %UNIXROOT%\usr\bin - If source fullpath filename = target fullpath filename, target fullpath filename gets its name appended with current _YYYYMMDD_ - some other minor issue 0.9.9 - Added VLC support as external player (Chaptering option supported like KMP) (VLC doesn't correctly set 16:9 video size as external parameter. This can be bypassed - See FFMPEGCA doc file) - Added "Play (Open)" option into processess list RMB menupopup. Audio/video files as well as VIDEO_TS folder are played while a folder entry is opened - Updated parameter window to accept VLC player - Corrected "Play file" option into filemanager RMB - Corrected, improved DVD play ("Enter" or RMB play on added DVD VIDEO_TS folder into process list) - Corrected a crop/pad issue - Corrected a wrong icon selection for folder name starting with a dot - Optimized some Video play code - Added Video JOIN function (usable with AVI or MPEG output codec file). See FFMPEGCA for other restrictions - Updated FFMPEGCA.pdf file - Corrected a few other minor bugs 0.9.8 - ffmpegca.ini created under ..\OS2 path can be moved under ffmpegca directory for Suitability - If a HOME path was set into config.sys, it is used to create a default initial target converted files path home"\.ffmpegca" - target path name could now have "." characters in its name - If target path isn't specified, [Go] button isn't now enable - Added "2 pass" support (not supported input files: videos using mp4 codec and audio files) - Added 2 pass "All" files (except not supported files) - Usefull to only set 2 pas one time instead on each file (checkbox with red coutour) - Added message to inform about ffmpeg pass number in effect for 2 pass process. - Added AUDIO join function (each audio file can be full audio or with applied cut option) - Added enable/disable 2s GAP for joined audio files (2s provided audio file required or function is disabled) - Added video "S"harpness" at left side of [2 pass] adjustement (A positive value = more sharpness else more blur) (this option affectes all video files from the list) - 2 metadatas were miss-placed into FFMPEGCA log - Added "Extra log" tracing returned information from ffmpeg (usefull in case of ffmpeg error). Log is reset at close time - Selected "Extra log" entries can be saved into a temporary file - Converting an audio file to video no more needs to go through [Advanced] option while defaults are now assumed - Corrected a possible default ffmpegca audio bmp overlay - Only current processing file appears now selected into process list - Added default profiles for "MKV" and "TS" - Corrected User Video profile creation/update - If input file has subtitles stream, " -sn" is now added to prevent ffmpeg mapping error - Corrected a bug writing ID3 tags into MP3 files out of CD-audio - With 'md' sub directories enabled, ripping CD-audio with cddb on and a valid Album title is found, files are converted into target directory "\"Album title - Changed some ID3v2 tag update code - optimized some default video values - Corrected invalid audio mapping on video file with audio stream when Audio [x]Off is set. - Added special message into logs when ffmpeg crashes (PROCDUMP) - Corrected intermittent full progress bar left on RC=12 - Fullpath under parameters has now a green background for required tools (grey for optional) and red if the tool isn't found - Added a few lower volume level up to be able to generate a silent audio file. (note: after update, select audio and choice "user defined value". Adjust volume to 0 or higher value and close FFMPEGCA) - Added a red "exit" button under internal filemanager and changed add button to green - updated ffmpegca.pdf file 0.9.7d- Corrected an invalid option for AVI OS/2 compatible video - Changed ffmpegca.pdf file - Corrected Create/update user profile for Video - Corrected error at first start when id3v2 isn't available 0.9.7 - CWMM title is taken from metadata or mp3 ID3V2 tags if present - Forced CWMM write on mp3 too like it does it for OGG, WAV, FLAC to resolve a wrong displaied ID3V2 tags under "Track name" - ID3 tags can now be 1,2 or both under FFMPEGCA parameters - Id-tags window can be called for MP3,OGG, WAV, FLAC - Id-tags window has now suggested ID3V2 tags if any are found - Id-tags window [Write tags] updates now CWMM-EAs (Track name) for OGG, WAV, FLAC and MP3 as well as ID3 tags - [Prepare Metadata] code rewritten due to some found errors after enable news options - Corrected a few routines to always take long name when writting CWMM-EAs - Corrected some typo code error making wrong displaied "Genre" in some cases - Added CWMM written text into log file for comparaison - Log file always show real datas taken to update ID3 tags using ID3V2 or CWMM using rexxutil function - If REXXUNI.dll is installed, System codepag and 1252 code page button are enabled under Id-tags (with "change invalid chars to cp850" disabled, this allow you to change IDtags to an eCS readable format or you can [Prepare Metadata] with cp1252 compatible format *usefull to be read under other systems and have better ID3 and metadata cp respect - Unicode wasn't selected due windows doesn't accept UTF-8 from latest specification) Call and use of REXXUNI facilities are only available through Id-tags window with result saved into [prepare metadata] - Now, if metadatas exists, there are checked for existing changes for CWMM or ID3 tags before writting them - Changed code how metadatas are passed to FFMPEG due to length error. Now, metadata length restriction is removed which prevent FFMPEG pipe errors - Now, both ID3V1 and ID3V2 genre field are syncronized - Any found ' into a [prepared metadata] string are replace by a x2c('60') "revers quote" to prevent rexx errors for unmatched quotes - Updated Direct CD burn to correctly use new updated code - May be other bugs are left ! (inform me if you find some) 0.9.6 Test build (official build not released) - Added E-t (End time) when creating and playing video chapter - Corrected an ID3tag issue not correctly added into metadatas - Now WPS classes for OGG, WAV and FLAC are updated to show IDtags when openening track "properties" - Replaced FFMPEGCA for video analysis.pdf file 0.9.5 - Changed a few parameters to make it ready with FFMPEG R25157 and up - With FFMPEG R25157, metadatas are added into ogg and flac audio files too - Added correct ID3 tag when converting audio CD to mp3 with cddb 0.9.4k V0.9.4 special build with fixes - Corrected OGG wrong bitrate despite -ab was set by adding -aq (this result in variable bitrate. Fixed bitrate only is an estimation) - Added a message due vorbis only support 2ch mode yet 0.9.4 - Added partiton free/used size into internal filemanager - Added free (target) drive space into target message field - Added cdda2wav (from CDDVDRTOOLS package) support to convert CD-Audio into any other supported format Track can be added into an existing process list (e.g. a mixed of Ogg + CDAudio from S: + CDAudio from T:) - Added cdda2wav cddb enable/disable (cddb server and port configurable), Audio can be prefixed by track number or not (cdda2wav.exe is from cddvdrtools-os2-1.9.zip package "http://ecomstation.ru/download/software/cddvdrtools-os2-1.9.zip") - Added categories under chapter creation for nice presentation. To create a chaptered video with external video reference, use model.flv and add chapter to it. Then select additional chapter from previously saved categories. - Added model.flv for special video clip creation or to create category html/play file - improved stability - Join option is delaied to next build... 0.9.3 - Added ®ÿAVI-XVIDÿ¯ format type. This option is mutch faster as x264 MP4 which is very slow (Create a user profile if needed starting from an existing AVI example) - Added temporary disk available space when ripping full DVD film - Temporay path used for DVD conversion can be forced using "--vobtemp" which opens a popup window for temporay path name. Enter "DEFVOB" to reset to default. Usefull if temp path is on a RAMFS disk. - Added Full DVD film conversion enabled on IFO selection (unprotected dvd only) 1.Select the film corresponding IFO file (generaly, the one having the most *.vob files. e.g. VTS_01_0.IFO => VTS_01_*.VOB) 2.The IFO appears into the selection list with the VOB's size and time with an extrat media type of VOB to inform that values are from the corresponding VOB files 3.Use of advance button will take first corresponding VOB file to allow stream selection 4.If temporary disk path has not enough space to proceed, process aborts 5.If DVD title exist, it is taken to create the output fulename or a default name is used 6.Full process run in one click using 2 steps. a/ Create a unique VOB file b/ convert the temporary VOB file into the final video file. 5.1 audio stream is supported into this mode. The conversion is done in a piped ffmpeg process. - Added a special message for protected DVD - Added estimated time for first step (copy) for DVD film conversion - Added audio stream into advanced video option to no more need to switch into audio mode for audio strea mselection - Corrected stream selection under video advanced option (no stream was previously selected). More than on audio stream can be selected and added into final video file. Sub-title stream is disabled due to rare ffmpeg working condition. - Reviewed avanced video option, FFMPEGCA and filemaanger rendering/size - Image is no more refreshed after ®ÿhhÿ¯ or ®ÿmmÿ¯ or ®ÿssÿ¯ lost of focus to reduce un-necessary image refresh and CPU processing. To refresh image, use now the same raw blue button - Corrected a few typo errors - Changed []+srt into []+sub and this option produces now 3 different format type of sub-title file under source path (SRT, SSA and SUB) usable with different kind of reader. Creating sub-title files has some restrictions like no more than 2 lines could be added for each sub-title part. - Added use fo ".stt" to suppress subtitle for a specific chapter or ".stt text" to use specific subtitle for the chapter timestamp - Use a "blank" or defaulted chapter name + ".stt text.." into comments field creates subtitle entries only (no chapter for the reader nor html output) - Added FFMPEGCA version into logs - Added selection full program path selection through WPS filemanager for ffmpegca and player configuration window - Some other code optimization and corrected errors... 0.9.2b- Added used FFMPEG version into logs - Corrected an invalid returned value in case pipe couldn't be opened 0.9.2 - Last FFMPEGCA mode is now restored at next run (video / audio) - Internal filemanager saves now last browsed directory to open it again at next request. Tree isn't expanded due to internal limitation - Added 2 special parameters for futur use when called from other tools 0.9.1 - Added fast page jump into xml generator and reader - quotes " are now supported into xml generator - minor bug corrected 0.9.0 - It closes extra KMP (if one was running outside of FFMPEGCA it will be closed when KMP is started from the chapter/notes window or when started from advanced option) - Timestamp is shown on the start button of chapter reader - The KMP or Mplayer command help window can be definitively disabled (see doc to re-enable it) - hide main window when opening chapter/notes window (checkbox addded on chapter/notes window name (Hm for Hide Main) - Expanded closing unwanted KMP or Mplayer to the [play] button under advanced options - Adjust some button position into the command help window when Mplayer is used - Addes XML generator to create user chapter/comments for video (If an xml file exist for the selected video file, it is loaded for update when click on [xml]) (enter key must be pressed at each end of line to prevent long truncated lines except for hyperlink for which enter is pressed at final end of line) - Added chapter/notes to be saved as HTML page under xml generator including or not thumbnail of each chapter - Added option to save chapter/notes under xml generator as SRT file and used as video subtitle (subtitle duration enabled then) - FFMPEGCA is now able to ignore one added special parameter to allow correct drap/drop for audio file processing - Added a message at first start if no configuration was done to configure FMPEGCA first before any utlisation - Files/directories can be added using "enter" from integrated filemanager - Now, you can change program path under FFMPEGCA parameters by clicks starting from the [S] button - Added FFMPEGCA home page into help section usefull to check for updates - Added Audio and Video mode button into Main window for quick mode switch - Corrected bugs like setting audio OFF checkbox disabled video instead of audio. More bugs corrected 0.8.4 - Support of extrenal (FFMPEGCA xml format rules) video chapter with comments xml file usable with kmp from Main windows (added fur fun!) (file auto-detected) - removed unwanted parameter preventing kmp playing audio files ( e.g mp3 ) - Added possibility to enabled pre-062 kmp compatibility (experimental) (build not released) 0.8.3 - New duration calculation is done if the bitrate into fmmppeg returned duration line seems to be exagerated resulting into an invalide duration time (Video and audio bitrates are then taken to adjust duration) - Added a final message into "conversion information" message about end of process with final video size taken from Lsize ffmpeg returned line - Adjust "CONVERT" and mear text to a different font size for better rendering a smaller screen size display - Added extra FFMPEG parameters to start player with different session mode (--mxplayerb (max background) ; --minplayerb (min backgound) ; --mxplayer max foreground) ; default= min foreground ) (this option disables autostart conversion on drop audio files on FFMPEG icon) (build not released) 0.8.2 - Corrected an invalid internal saved thread id which could result into not well stopped internal process - Corrected a crash opening video advanced function - this happened when video stream has additional hex identifier - Corrected a bug making KMP not start under advanced function when input video file has no start value into pts or its start time is > 0 - Reduced input pipe process time - Added a path validation under player settings (Enable player checkbox enabled if path is valid) Removing player name if it was added (player name is not used and added by FFMPEGCA to prevent trying any other kind of player out of support) - added --ffdebug start parameter to generate olde FCAxxxxx.CMD for ffmpeg easy debug running the batch file out of FFMPEGCA (+ remove of "exit" line) updated debug created *.cmd with added comments into the batch program about how to run and get ffmpeg logs - Corrected WMV setting for higher quality mode - Corrected a wrong audio setting when starting in video mode with no added files - Corrected a stop in case of "frame sync error" or "warning: first frame is no keyframe". Now, FFMPEGCA will stop process if total error count of both messages appears above 1000 times. - Added fps value into progress message. - If current process '%' could not be determine, a *calculating* message is displaied instead of strange values - Corrected an invalid remaining time which could occure in some cases following ffmpeg returned message litle change. - Corrected a variable not always well intialized when using player from video advanced option - Added the possibility to run the player from internal filemanager (to preview elligible files for selection) - From time to time, DURATION isn't well trapped from pipe resulting into a 100% progress bar. Now, DURATION is forced from a previous file info if last one=0 (into h build, removed "enable DRREXX to appear if error") 0.8.1 - KMPlayer size uses now correct saved player setting - Corrected Video processing (now more than one video into the list is well processed) - Audio can now again be extracted from video files (invalid mapping set after enabling video function under 0.8.0) - Corrected an invalid stop processing at impedictable occurence - Changed some video options - Added Video "Default" format to disable add of -aspect parameter - Added more x264 internal preset called using user parameters (see doc) (Default, lossless-fast, lossless-medium, hq... ) - Video crop/pad is now auto-adjusted if "set for all" is enabled (of course, be sure that same rules could be applied on all files from the list) (this restriction is now removed) - Default image used to create video from audio can be selected through RMB on picture displaied under [Advanced] option. Supported images are now those from FFMPEG (BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG..) - Video thumbnail can be created from displaied image under [Advanced ) option using RMB - Diaporama can be created into different video format (mpg,flv (default) ... except MP4 using x264 which has a described FFMPEG bug - invalid duration) To create a diaporama, create as many pictures as neede with final size (e.g 320x240) and use incremental naming convention (e.g. IMG0001.BMP). Each picture will have the same show display time you can select changing Frate (e.g 3s is the result of 1/3 = 0.333) Select an input AUDIO file (required), switch to "view" "video" and select using RMB on the default picture one of the created incremental pictures. To change default diaporama setting, switch to user mode and change output type only Always use: * size = Default * Maps = Default * Bitrate = sameq To create a diaporama without sound, create a silent MP3 file with the needed diaporama time - diaporama validated on single file processing - FFMPEG is no more called from a batch CMD file but from an exe using created input parameters saved into a TMP file. Use of ffrunca.exe - other bugs introduced under V0.8.0 (video and audio) corrected... - ... 0.8.0 - Enable Alpha build for VIDEO conversion including all needed additon and updates - Please read WARNING for video extraction * Convert video to video * Convert audio to video (for this option, add an audio file and click on "view" + "video" and proceed. Default taken image: FFMPGCAV.bmp (windows bitmap only sized 320x240) and can be user replaced) - Updated log entry according video request - corrected an invalid audio default profile - Added stream type into file list container (in case of extension didn't correspond to the codec used) - Corrected some text comments description - Added some warning/information messages - Correct FFMPEG color which didn't well work since sizing was enable. Now, ou can drag/drop color and as soon, FFMPEG gets focus, color is updated - Added PDF doc file 0.7.1 - Added possibility to write a (c) copyright tad into [prepare metadata] after validate of 2 conditions (added into TCOP) - Now, FFMPEGCA uses ID3V2 from Andy which well writes ID3V2 --track. Use of --id3v1-only or --id3v2-only works too - Change several part of the code to use new working options of ID3V2 tool - Due to some missed ID tags, written metadatas from ffmpeg into the mp3 (which are ID3V2 then) are updated without losing them - Changed log entries to reflect new changes - removed " --edt and --ddt " added under build 0.7.0 external flag which are no more needed - Moved "time" under "Edit tag" into a separate group including previous "copyright field" (intentionally left copyright here) - mp3info is now optional (the only advantage is to update id3V1 genre entry when both id3v1 and id3v2 exist. ID3V2 doesn't update this field in this case) - added support of FFMPEG-R23406 which needs an additional parameter converting tracks to ogg tracks. Using or not using this parameter on previous build has no effect. - corrected a progress bar issue after ffmpegca set rc2 0.7.0 - Added external parameter to fully disable "unwanted id3 tags" > FFMPEGCA --ed3 (Enable Delete ID3 tags) or --dd3 (Disable Delete ID3 tags) 0.6.9 - Added Kmplayer and/or Mplayer support to play files (KMP prefered) - Added option to disable ID3V1 writing tags - Added Main window min/max button - Added external option to fully disable adding track time into COMM tag if comment doesn't exist > FFMPEGCA --dct (Disable Comment Time) or --ect (Enable Comment Time) - Corrected possible bug setting ID3 Comment field - Corrected possible title set to use ID3V1 is ID3V2 seems not to strange! - modified read of MP3 IDTAGS routine - Enabled [View] - [Video] - Futur Video function displaied but not enabled yet (see futur profiles + functions under [advanced] note: changing first frame or last frame time using hh:mm:ss needs to lost focus to have the corresponding picture displaied (info message available) - Corrected an error handling (found on mp3 input file) adding a RC2 with writting id tags enabled (message added into logs) - other minor error and text corrected... 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3 not released 0.6.1 - save/restore program position - save/restore dropped new background color - changed title to FFMPEGCA... - Added a short help 0.6.0 - Enabled [advanced] option for audio convertion . select part of file to be converted (use of start cut and duration until end of cut) Note: enable cut will enable it for all files (setting "start cut" and "duration" + "same all" unchecked disables cut process for the file at run time) . Select a same part time of file to be convert for all files (including files under directories) e.g create 10s samples from all files. . Overwrite Main(Default) -map setting using one or more -map out of all existing audio stream - Disabled Metadata settings on directories (has no sense) - Open WPS directories from directories listed into the conversion list (use enter or click 2 times) - Added output stream mapping result into logs - Added a flag '*' in front of any ID tags usable for metadata. - Disabled DRREXX window to appear in case of unpredictable error. - Corrected some other errors (e.g. corrected stream extracted information from specific stream description) note: Help not avalable yet... 0.5.4 - Corrected target size calculation to not caculate target size if target name didn't look like a valid path - Changed ini file name from ce2mp3g.ini to FFMPEGCA.INI (do not forget renaming older ini file to get all parameters back 0.5.3 - Corrected and change some instruction (DURATION: not always taken as it should) 0.5.2 - Corrected a possible loop after a full conversion process followed by a new run with unmarked files due to [GO] not disable on 0 marked file - Changed two if step to select preventing going through a same routine 2 times at end of process - correct missing pct set under some pipe returned message condition - added display of target folder size (no sub-directories) or if (md) on one level is anabled, size = target directory size + one level sub-directory size - + minor adjsutment 0.5.1 - Added option to auto create sub directories under taget directory using last sub-dir from input directory (not for files) - aligned some text filed seen to be too large and small resolution screen size 0.5.0 - First build with anabled pipe support - rxu.dll required - If maps: is set to default, it takes first audio stream map found. if no audio stream exist, process is bypassed with an error - Since maps is enabled, both video and audio files as well as directories can be mixed into the process list - several other updates + corrections done 0.4.4 - Added "Open target folder" option under "View" - removed a wrong dialog id reference 0.4.3 - Droping a file or a dir from WPS onto the FFMPEGCA WPS icon starts the program with the given entry into the process list - Optimized some current used code - Added support of file with a size >4GB (requires rxtnsion.dll from Jan-Erik) - Added autostart function from file/directory droped onto FFMPEGCA WPS icon (setting parameters) - Added autoexit option enabled if autostart is enable 0.4.2 - Corrected invalid bitmap was called at filemanager open time (new dll provided too) - After click on [Add], each copied filename into process list (container) is now unselected from filemanager selection like it does when drag/drop is used 0.4.1 - Added the drag/drop (FFMPEGCA internal) function for files only (this function is not validated for folders yet) - Changed the [Ok] button under the filemanager to [Add] - priority option (use priority.exe from fm2utils package) - logs are generated (log option can be a/ erase older old with new one b/ use cumulative log) - Corrected a minor bug about a text changing while it should not - changed message field with better and smaller text size/color - removed some forgotten "say" instruction 0.2.0 - First alpha build with very limited function ================================================== WARNING: This is the latest beta build and may contain bug (if reported) - none was repted since a long time You use it at your own risk an you assume yourself all consequences when using it. *** Big button: ON/OFF webcam [ s ] button -> enter settings [ [] ] button when webcam is on (small webcam display) [ show ] show webcam (warning, if audio is on, volume is reduced in hope to prevent larsen if speakers are on else use a headset!) Update beta : rxutilex.dll required (this dll is base installed under ArcaOs ) - RMB click between webcam on/off button and [S] button opens a parameter dialog These parameters are used with ffplay displaying output from the webcam > gamma e.g. 1.2 > gamma red e.g. 1.0 > gamma green e.g. 1.0 > gamma blue e.g. 1.0 > brightness e.g. -0.1 > contrast e.g. 1.1 > saturation e.g. 1.2 > Cam-intf v/a default 1 > Show video size (size) e.g. 640x480 > reduced video size (min size) e.g. cga > FrameRate e.g. 20 > port (local host) e.g. 14225 ... Starting WCC from startup folder with positionning WCC.exe TR /n webcam.exe_path Parm example: TR /n C:\PROGRAMS\CAM WCC [var1] [var2] [var3] var1 corner location TL (top left) TR (top right) BL (bottom left) BR (bottom right) var2 webcam option /n or /h (only autorised value) var3 webcam path (if omitted, must be under webcam path else error message is issued) Note: ffplay is supposed been insstalled and into a path from path system variable
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. 2.2 (20/2/2025, Remy Dodin)
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (28/5/2024, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT replaces FFMPEGCA (Convert All) developped on ce2mp3 idea on which I participated. I used some code of it but added a lot of mine code to build a more powerfull expert GUI. * Warning * If you close with UDP: as target, audio icon button is disable at start. Modify target folder to enable Audio icon again New version V2 GE [FP3] - Severals correctives - Option to disable generated .query out of AVxCddb - Added update availability check - Updated AVxCAT get updates function GA - Enabled support to call AVxCddb for cddb datas (simplified build of cddbGUI using AVxCAT ini file) - Added a few improvements (use of local cddb faster...) - cddblib required for best use - Corrected "get update" option - Corrected some minor code processes
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (13/2/2024, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT replaces FFMPEGCA (Convert All) developped on ce2mp3 idea on which I participated. I used some code of it but added a lot of mine code to build a more powerfull expert GUI. * Warning * If you close with UDP: as target, audio icon button is disable at start. Modify target folder to enable Audio icon again New version V2 [ in test mode, available at request ] - Added Audio tracks supporting attached picture as well wav tracks get icon EAs for WPS rendering if jpg albumart exist or was downloaded (winico.exe required for this option - converts winico out of ffmpeg to os/2 ico 64:64) - New main popupmenu option (with wawe.exe installed) - Edit elligible audio file (cut, multi-cut, save etc...) - if discid cover was already downloaded thru add discid, the corresponding icon into the main list will change to the existing one at add time (can be disable/enabled using parm --imbai 0 or 1) - show downloaded discid cover thru add discid has now an integrated window instead of the drdialog prompt command - Added option to accept or ignore/reject found discid cover - Added option (if enabled --mbindex 0/1) to add discid index (limited number) from database if proposed album-art is rejected - Added New default path for downloaded covers using discid - Added parameter to change default path for downloaded covers to output path (--fld 0/1 [Disable/Enable]) - Added option to switch from profile dropdown list to Icon pre-fixed profile buttons - Added Selected iconbutton profile is saved at AVxCAT file/exit - Added Possibility to use customize iconbutton profile (user of external cfg file) - Added last Audio/Video icon-profile used saved if using file/exit menu - Added [X] "delete" option for user created profiles under [New profile] button - Added "Create folder(s)" & "delete folder" under internal filemanager called by [Chg] button for target folder - Added "M4A" alac - Added "MOV" - Added MD5 package used to autocheck downloaded updates (through AVxCAT menu) - New ffmpegca.dll - Optimized parameters when involving leech (USB CD-ROM, grabbing private CDs) - corrected: a wrong video profile - corrected: some video option may use incorrect video extension - corrected: hung could occure when cdd2wav reads a track having lot of jitter (changed a fixed parameter) - included a process to prevent cdda2wav hung on very rare CD's having problems or difficulties with most cddb tools - Updated compatibility for metadatas/Tracks Titlle file generated under PM123 or querycddb - Somme minor corrections - changed a few webcam -> UDP initial settings - fix of webcam bug included
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (GA, 26/8/2023, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
New version V2 [ in test mode, available at request ] - New option to use Icon buttons for predefined profiles instead of dropdown list - Selected iconbutton profile is saved at AVxCAT file/exit - Possibility to customize iconbutton profile (user of external cfg file) - Added [X] "delete" option for user created profiles under [New profile] button - Added "Create folder" & "delete folder" under internal filemanager called by [Chg] button for target folder - Added "M4A" alac - Added "MOV" - Added MD5 package used to autocheck downloaded updates (through AVxCAT menu) - New ffmpegca.dll - corrected: a wrong video profile - corrected: some video option may use incorrect video extension - corrected: hung could occure when cdd2wav reads a track having lot of jitter (changed a fixed parameter) - Somme minor corrections - fix of webcam bug included - Fixpack 1 (25/08/2023 DD/MM/YYYY) - Corrected bug from making webcam recording fail (AVxCAT crash) - Corrected long source path could result into a hung situation - Corrected (processing audio folder source to video convertion) - Corrected (--edit fullpath_2_editer) not changing default text editer (e.exe) - Updated a main process - few minor bugs
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (8/8/2019, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT v1.5.1.4 (2019/08/08) Rxu - Rexxuni load process updated Corrected a bug on video switch with ffmpeg 3.3.1 Added optionnal and required tools download links (clic on tools title) if default browser set under userini -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022/05/30 New or Updated subpath (auto created): - cddb_lib (cddb query results as well disciddb including discid linked to destination path of grabbed disk) - covers (may contain front cover identified by they album name) - Icecastpic (pictures named by the corresponding ICECAST link like provided under AVxCAT usable for audio to video conversion) - User_list (usable to saved main entries as list) Most important changes: - (Under Help menu) AVxCAT get update (check if update exist on my server and download it) - concat updated (added different gap time - for video, gap can be black, white or noise) - Audio mixing (e.g. low volume background sound + Voice comments [usefull to comment films] - Icecast pls or m3u (audio) stream to record as audio or video - shoutcast pls or m3u (audio) stream to record as audio or video (same new options as IceCast) - Use of personnalized audio pictures or album named pictures or general cover.jpg and at least, default provided AVxCAT picture for audio to video - Rework of OS/2 mpeg1 process - To change delay after track recording, add ini key ICEtime with a value in seconds - webcam recording (audio or audio + video), Wim's program required (use WCC (WebCam Control) to start Wim's programs or cmd line pipe + http mode can be used instead of internat AVxCAT webcam.exe control) - improved play/stop function from RMB on selected entry (e.g. webcam play *without sound to prevent larsen*) - Added user defined value for bitrates - Audio and Video (including audio quality values) - Faster to past files into main list (same time for very short or very long duration files, one ffmpeg step replaced by ffprobe) - Faster to view file details from main file list (same comment as above) - Faster to start conversion (same comment as above) - Faster to to list Tracks with new CDDB information and If local saved CDDB is corrupted, new web cddb query is issued (internet required) - Added CD album art (from one web database) or opens default web page with suggestions if not found - Added option to choiceCD album art size between 250x250, 500x500 and original size - Added option to choice between several path naming convention for audio CD extraction. - Conversion progress indicator available in the title bar making it visible when AVxCAT is minimized in XCenter bar. - Added discid.cddb saved file Album art query without need of a CD - Added 24bits mode for audio flac (enabled for 44100 and above) - Added compression level selection for audio flac - Added a special option to put input audio files to 16bits flac file only (e.g. 24bits 96k flac files no readable under OS/2) [to use this special option: sampling set to 44100 or 48000, 24bits off and compression set to 5 (5 is the default value when not specifying compression)] - Added a basic UDP out stream (audio+video) from local webcam supported wy Win's webcam tool (only setting with valid action: bitrate and volume) (Add the webcam into the list, mark it and add the udp:// link in the target path e.g. udp:// and add same link into VLC player to watch video+sound) - IDTAGs from cdda used to updated WPS wav entries (Cd) or other id3 tags when missing - Added dark rendering > - Enabled video concat with or without gap (using pre-defined colors) - note: Use VLC to verify concatenated video with included gaps > - Renamed main dialog join to concat checkbox option
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. (8/10/2018, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT replaces FFMPEGCA (Convert All) developped on ce2mp3 idea on which I participated. I used some code of it but added a lot of mine code to build a more powerfull expert GUI. Updates: * Note * Paul's ffmpeg works great but hasn't MP4 speed improvement, no included preset files and nor libvpx Use Dave's build to get all these add-ons * (read following note) Note: After many updates and tests done with newer ffmpeg 3.0.1 (including libtheora, libvpx, libopus...) from Dave and Gian Filippo, stating with AVxCAT v1.4.0, compatibility is assumed as well with some ffmpeg backlevel - finalized 1.5.1 version - improved ffmpeg muxing overhead handling * below a very low value, run some verification code and set rc=0 * below a fixed value, check if it could be ignored (rc02) or not (rc29) * above a fixed value, always set rc=99 Some processes may expect muxing overhead but may not exceed the fixed high value e.g. audio to mp4 using jpg file - Corrected incorrect "reset" to default color - Corrected a left no more used instruction under avxcat color switch 1.5.1 - this is a major update - support of cdda2wav code change, added a few parameters to improve CD reading as well lower jitter with birate>256k - If CD audio datas have been found (singer and album title) for CD-audio, the ripped track are put under [target_path]\[singer_title]\[album_title] and a m3u list is generated under [target_path]\[singer_title] and metadatas are added according availability and supported codec into the output audio codec and into WPS. - added a few message into extra log about if cdda2wav is enabled (check if network is enabled) - added some messages into extra log when cdda2wav is use for CD-audio scan - removed -cddbp-port option if "default" selected from cdda2wav to allow cddb query all time and this parm can now be user set if a port number is specified ( specify "default" to remove user set port number ) - added an option to allow preserve cddb query reply audio*.inf files into specific pathname under temp path (introduces some restrictions) - added optional suport of libcddb used for cddb (replaces cdda2wav cddb query only) - into libpath - when libcddb has no cddb information, cddb switches to cdda2wav to list number of tracks an on CD informations - updated cp850 function http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/dev/mm/libcddb-1.3.2.zip - Found cddb information are preserved to be used in offline mode (disabled if save cddb queries enabled) - Some USB CD-AUDIO didn't well work with cdda2wav. * Added leech support http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/cd/grabber/leech120.zip for best USB CD-AUDIO support * Added option to specify USB Cd-AUDIO * With leech, process goes through grabb process before ffmpeg. - added optional support of "cdrom.exe" to allow close CD-ROM after eject when requested - into libpath (doesn't work for USB CD-ROM http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/util/disk/cdrom.zip - user request m3u list of a folder can be generated (be carefull, selection according file type not done) from under internal filemanager (select at least one file to enable m3u generation for full path from the selected file) - Option refresh from filemanager allow to refresh contain and if network was previously disable for cddb, it checks it status again (if cddb was enabled) - Corrected "video codec setting" for user defined profile - Corrected "audio bitrate setting" for user defined profile - Corrected 'audio sampling setting" for user defined profile - Converting mp3 (ogg, wav, flac, wma) to mp4 (or ogv) using CD cover image a/ add a CD-cover named "cover.jpg" (rename "jpeg" to "jpg") under path where audio files to be converted to mp4 are b/ use 1:1 or very near sized cover.jpg c/ if a cover.jpg is found, it forces video output to use 268x268 and 1:1 ratio else default jpg without video setting change d/ cover.jpg example: itunes CD-cover pictures are 268x268 e/ use a profile according to desired audio bitrate or create a user profile and set video e.g. 320x240, 25fps and 175 (bitrate) - *WARNING* the cover.jpg can be attached to each image using PM123 (edit file and add) but this could create errors if the file is going to be converted through AVxCAT / ffmpeg afterwords. Run PM123 and remove attached picture (edit file and clear) before convert - corrected bugs under internal filemanager - added external user file filter - filemanager - file which will overwrite internal fixed one - Modifying on the fly file filter - filemanager - is now keept until end of AVxCAT. For permanent file filter use user file filter file - corrrected a bug when number of drives changes between OS boot - When "no more show this message" button for the player help dialog is pushed, re-enable it with set player type under player parms+save - Optimized some parts of the code - unified wait message dialog - corrected a crash on lower speed CP's when opening "advanced" audio option - some latest found bugs corrected - to work with older button icons, replace ffmpegca.dll by ffmpegca-ecs.dll
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. 1.4.2 (17/4/2017, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT v1.4.2 (2017/04/17) Corrected un bug not showing all used drives like RAMFS drive missing. An incorrect value was saved instead of the correct drives to list options.
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. 1.4.0 (12/4/2016, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
AVxCAT v1.4.0 Major update (2016/04/16) Added support for ffmmpeg v2.1.5 as well for ffmpeg v3.0 up to 3.0.1 r2 (current available ffmpeg build) Support of vp8 ogg and VP9 with ogg or opus audio file (with added key frame timestamp)- play well under ffplay All available and selectable codec operationnal with limits of ffmpeg version enabled libs AVxCAT issue beginglibpath for selected ffmpeg to use its \lib available dlls's ( this allow having more than one ffmpeg version under the system - If commun ffmpeg Dll's were put into a folder under libpath, it can be removed - verify having libpath starting with " c:\usr\lib;c:\ecs\dll;c:\os2\dll .. " - change c to your boot drive ) Multi-thread supported since ffmpeg 2.1.5 with a new added option under "parameters" allowing number of threads to use* Added possibility to enabled debug log parm on ffmpeg v3.x Added option to allow empty container video list after successfull conversion Added support of VP9 (ogg or opus) with corresponding ffmpeg v3.0.1 having these codecs enabled (could be checked under help) Changed video profiles list to new more commun used profiles and added a few ones - of course, user can always create his own profles If ffmpeg isn't enabled for some specific codecs, the corresponding entries are flagged [Not enabled] Changed help display Added several help about selected ffmpeg under AVxCAT (version, encoders, decoders, formats, codecs..) Added the possibility to use a user command file including some commands which could be issued just before or after ffmpeg start conversion Re-worked internal filemanager to prevent possible crash and made it respondiong faster Added a popup message to tell if [add] file in the container list was done as well some other informal messages Now, speed location in the video from under video advanced option is very fast Added new options under video advanced dialog available with ffmpeg v3.x : - rotate video ( 90ø clock, -90 clock etc.. ) - vertival flip - horizontal flip - portrait / landscape mode All these options can be used together including sharpness, crop setting. Added support of "aacgain, wavegain, mp3gain, vorbisgain" (must be under AVxCAT path) undependant of ffmpeg version used to allow "normalize" process - more work planned on this part according new ffmpeg possibilities with Volume used to set final output volume when one of these option is enabled Modified some dialog sizing and text positionning for a better rendering according screen size and video driver! Now, AVxCAT does an autosave of the currnet media in the copntainer list when closing AVxCAT. It is propose to restaure them at next restart Added new message when ffmpeg is unable to get enough memory (32bits limits) to process the video ( mostly due to big output size ex: 1920x1080 ) When playing a video via KMP (the one to use for presentations), a message opens to asked what to do if associated xml file is found When using ffplay as player, a help dialog opens with available hot keys function Corrected switch process between audio / video Corrected many bugs found during heavy tests Some more minor bugs corrected and may some not found yet ! (send me an email if you find some issue) Note:check having FREETYP*.DLL (e.g. FREETYP6.DLL) installed for ffmpeg "If you have user defined video profiles, erase the ini file before this installation and create profiles again"
 ecsoft2.org/system/files/repository/avxcat_s-1_4_0.wpi  local copy
AVxCAT Guide (12/4/2016, Remy Dodin)
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. 1.3.5 (24/10/2015, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
Updates: * Note * Paul's ffmpeg works great but hasn't MP4 speed improvement, no included preset files and nor libvpx Use Dave's build to get all these add-ons * (read following note) Note: I'm in contact with Dave (ffmpeg r26099/r26397 ported build) about a possible problem (if you have some trouble, try running one time AVxCAT --async 1) If the trouble persist, go back to Paul's build which is very stable until a new fix is made available on R26099. 1.3.5c - Found and corrected bugs - Added an "Open" button to acces target folder directly - Changed "Dir" button on the right side of target directory to "Chg" for chage target dir location - Changed "Add files" to "Files" and "Add dir" to "Dir" ... 1.3.5 - Added some more audio filters (e.g. aiff .. ) - corrected a few bugs - changed internal filemanager to show correct file as soon a new folder is selected - added a wit message when populating/updating filemanager - corrected a problem when changing path destination using internal filemanager - Read README.TXT about "dda2wav.exe" compatibility
 ecsoft2.org/system/files/repository/avxcat_s-1_3_5.wpi  local copy
AVxCAT (ex FFmpegCA-GUI) v. 1.2.9 (5/3/2012, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
1.2.9 - Removed extrat comment lines et optimized some process.
 ecsoft2.org/system/files/repository/avxcat_s-1_2_9.wpi  local copy
FFmpegCA-GUI v. 0.7.1 (8/6/2010) Readme/What's new
Updates: 0.7.1 - Added possibility to write a (c) copyright tad into [prepare metadata] after validate of 2 conditions (added into TCOP) - Now, FFMPEGCA uses ID3V2 from Andy which well writes ID3V2 --track. Use of --id3v1-only or --id3v2-only works too - Change several part of the code to use new working options of ID3V2 tool - Due to some missed ID tags, written metadatas from ffmpeg into the mp3 (which are ID3V2 then) are updated without losing them - Changed log entries to reflect new changes - removed " --edt and --ddt " added under build 0.7.0 external flag which are no more needed - Moved "time" under "Edit tag" into a separate group including previous "copyright field" (intentionally left copyright here) - mp3info is now optional (the only advantage is to update id3V1 genre entry when both id3v1 and id3v2 exist. ID3V2 doesn't update this field in this case) - added support of FFMPEG-R23406 which needs an additional parameter converting tracks to ogg tracks. Using or not using this parameter on previous build has no effect. - corrected a progress bar issue after ffmpegca set rc2
 ecsoft2.org/system/files/repository/ffmpegca_s-0_7_1_wpi.zip  local copy
FFmpegCA-GUI v. 0.6.1 (4/6/2010, Remy Dodin) Readme/What's new
This is the initial release of FFMPEGCA (Convert All) developped on ce2mp3 idea on which I participated. I used some code of it but added a lot of mine code to build a more powerfull GUI. Updates: 0.6.1 - save/restore program position - save/restore dropped new background color - changed title to FFMPEGCA... - Added a short help 0.6.0 - Enabled [advanced] option for audio convertion . select part of file to be converted (use of start cut and duration until end of cut) Note: enable cut will enable it for all files (setting "start cut" and "duration" + "same all" unchecked disables cut process for the file at run time) . Select a same part time of file to be convert for all files (including files under directories) e.g create 10s samples from all files. . Overwrite Main(Default) -map setting using one or more -map out of all existing audio stream - Disabled Metadata settings on directories (has no sense) - Open WPS directories from directories listed into the conversion list (use enter or click 2 times) - Added output stream mapping result into logs - Added a flag '*' in front of any ID tags usable for metadata. - Disabled DRREXX window to appear in case of unpredictable error. - Corrected some other errors (e.g. corrected stream extracted information from specific stream description) note: Help not avalable yet... 0.5.4 - Corrected target size calculation to not caculate target size if target name didn't look like a valid path - Changed ini file name from ce2mp3g.ini to FFMPEGCA.INI (do not forget renaming older ini file to get all parameters back 0.5.3 - Corrected and change some instruction (DURATION: not always taken as it should) 0.5.2 - Corrected a possible loop after a full conversion process followed by a new run with unmarked files due to [GO] not disable on 0 marked file - Changed two if step to select preventing going through a same routine 2 times at end of process - correct missing pct set under some pipe returned message condition - added display of target folder size (no sub-directories) or if (md) on one level is anabled, size = target directory size + one level sub-directory size - + minor adjsutment 0.5.1 - Added option to auto create sub directories under taget directory using last sub-dir from input directory (not for files) - aligned some text filed seen to be too large and small resolution screen size 0.5.0 - First build with anabled pipe support - rxu.dll required - If maps: is set to default, it takes first audio stream map found. if no audio stream exist, process is bypassed with an error - Since maps is enabled, both video and audio files as well as directories can be mixed into the process list - several other updates + corrections done 0.4.4 - Added "Open target folder" option under "View" - removed a wrong dialog id reference 0.4.3 - Droping a file or a dir from WPS onto the FFMPEGCA WPS icon starts the program with the given entry into the process list - Optimized some current used code - Added support of file with a size >4GB (requires rxtnsion.dll from Jan-Erik) - Added autostart function from file/directory droped onto FFMPEGCA WPS icon (setting parameters) - Added autoexit option enabled if autostart is enable 0.4.2 - Corrected invalid bitmap was called at filemanager open time (new dll provided too) - After click on [Add], each copied filename into process list (container) is now unselected from filemanager selection like it does when drag/drop is used 0.4.1 - Added the drag/drop (FFMPEGCA internal) function for files only (this function is not validated for folders yet) - Changed the [Ok] button under the filemanager to [Add] - priority option (use priority.exe from fm2utils package) - logs are generated (log option can be a/ erase older old with new one b/ use cumulative log) - Corrected a minor bug about a text changing while it should not - changed message field with better and smaller text size/color - removed some forgotten "say" instruction 0.2.0 - First alpha build with very limited function
 ecsoft2.org/system/files/repository/ffmpegca-0_6_1_wpi.zip  local copy
Record updated last time on: 20/02/2025 - 06:01

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AVxCAT V2.0.1.0 available (use get update from under AVxCAT V2 help menu)

AVxCAT online http://remydodin.levillage.org/en/realisations.php?item=6900&id=realisations - Corrected long source path could result into a hung situation - Corrected (processing audio folder source to video convertion) - Corrected (--edit fullpath_2_editer) not changing default text editer (e.exe) - Update a main process - few minor bugs

AVxCAT V2.0.1.1 updated to FP1 (corrected a bug since V2.0.1 crashing AVxCAT when recording webcam stream) Comment: The included readme file has some information about next V2.1.0 build (a final stable test build is available at request using AVxCAT write to author menu option)

After v2.1.0.3 installation: Run help "AVxCAT get update" under AVxCAT v2.1.0.3 to get latest fixpack (FP5)

Prev: AVxCAT (FP3) https://remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/downloads/AVXCAT_S-2_1_1_0.wpi MD5: 31DB7EE0DA8D643631D487F5810DB798

Note: Updated to to Fixpack 1 - Corrected a typo producing a new drdialog box at close time via update Note: if AVxCAT won't start after update (e.g. corrupted iniç or required customization wasn't done as expected), try delete AVXCAT.INI file and redo customization

Note1: FP2 out with an important video + show info correction. Note2: Out of AVxCAT "Get update" option, to find current V2.1..x updates, you can have a look here: https ://remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/updates/avxcat21.updt https ://remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/downloads/ (add filename as given into avxcat21.updt)

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