
Release date: 
Wednesday, 2 January, 2002



Authors/Port authors:

Command line calculator for C expression.

CCALC provides convenient way to for performing calculations.

You can use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in variables.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

You can install the prerequisites with rpm running the following string in a command line:

yum install emxrt

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Ccalc v. 20200704 (4/7/2020, A. Doff) Readme/What's new
CCALC provides convenient way to for performing calculations. You can use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in variables. Input for this calculator are normal C expressions containing operators, float or integer constants, variables and and references to previous results ($n). Precedence and semantic of operators is the same as in C language. There are two extra binary operators: >>> unsigned shift right and ** raising to power. Type of variable (integer or float) depends on assigned value. All conversions are done implicitly but there are two functions int() and float() to perform explicit conversion. Initially all variables are assigned 0 value. Calculator supports standard set of functions from C mathematics library and also defines function prime(n), which returns smallest prime number >= n. For integer expressions decimal, hexadecimal and octal outputs are produced. Operators: ++ -- ! ~ unary + - ** * / % + - << >> >>> < <= > >= == != & ^ | = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= >>>= &= |= ^= **= Functions: abs atan cosh float prime sqrt acos atan2 exp log sin tan asin cos int log10 sinh tanh Type "exit" or "quit" to terminate program, "help" or "?" to show this text. CCALC is freeware and is distributed in hope to be useful. Please submit bug reports to the following e-mail address: Please visit my homepage for other freeware programming staff: is external)
Record updated last time on: 16/07/2020 - 05:57

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