OS/2 Pointers

Release date: 
Thursday, 9 February, 1995



Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

OS/2 Pointers v. 1.4 (27/3/2024, Martin Iturbide) Readme/What's new
Pointer Pack 1.4 2024-03-27 Freeware This is a compilation of freeware Pointers replacements for OS/2. Install these pointers at the C:\os2\pointers directory. To change your OS/2 pointers go to "OS/2 System -> System Setup ->Mouse". Select the pointers tag and click on "Load Set" to select the kind of Pointers you want to use. The pointers I had included on this pack are: - All Hands - Amiga 1 by Andy Longton - Amiga 2 by Andy Longton - Arrows - Big Bloddy by Juhapekka Tolvanen - Big Inverse - Mark Dodel - BUGS by Stardock - Cherub by Kyle Barrow - Cigar by Eric Laffoon - Cross Black - Cross White - Dancin' Bear by Ward Kaatz - Euge Hand By Euge - Evil Grey Alien by Mr. Zed - Glasses by Kemi - Glasses 2 colors by Kemi - Globes 3 - Globes 2 by Rob McElrath - Gray 3D - 2 by Christian Hennecke - Gray 3D - 3 By Euge - Hand with Stick By BGR - Kupo by Pat Gunn - LadyBug by Leon Grossman - Large Pen (Right and Left) by Joop Nijenhuis - Mouse By BGR - New Hand - Rodent by Robert Billing - Shadock by Guillaume Gay - Smiley by Guillaume Gay - Solid by Martin H. Speiser - StarTrek by Rob McElrath - Sun By Kyle Barrow - Transparent Blue By BGR - Transparent by Tim Middleton - Transparent Small by Tim Middleton - Widget Workshop by Eugen - Windows 95 by Brendon Baumgarter - X - by Simon Pasieka It is also included the Animated Mouse pointers in its non animated way. - Enterprise - Maggie Wait Pointer - Blue Pointer - Green Pointer - Andy Pointer - Purple Pointer - Shadow Pointer - Big Arrow Pointer I hope you like these. Regards Martin Iturbide http://www.OS2World.com
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/PointerPak_1-4.zip  local copy
Neo Pointers (2/1/2014, OS2.Guru)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/NeoPointers_2014-01-02.zip  local copy
Animated BlinkingLights Pointers (22/5/2005, David Graser) Readme/What's new
These are a few Windows animated pointers I created for both eCS and OS/2. I called this set "Colored Orbs". These were created just for fun. People can use them as they wish. Use at your own risk. REQUIREMENTS: OS/2 Warp 4 or eCS Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2 by Christian Langanke. TO INSTALL: 1. Unzip to a temporary directory. 2. Copy the *.ani files to your os2\pointer directory. 3. Right click on the desktop. 4. Select "System Setup". 5. Double click on "Mouse". 6. Select the "Pointers" tab 7. Single click on the "arrow pointer". 8. Then select the "Find" button at the bottom of the tabbed page. 9. Select one of the *.ani pointers. 10. Its picture will now appear on the "Pointers" page. 11. If you don't like it select another one. 12. When satisfied, close the mouse properties page. When the WPS is restarted, any ani pointer that had been previous selected will show when you use find again. Enjoy, David Graser dwgras@swbell.net
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/AnimatedBlinkingLightsPointers_2005-05-22.zip  local copy
More Animated Pointers (22/5/2005, David Graser) Readme/What's new
These are a few Windows animated pointers I created for both eCS. This package also includes a few miscellaneous pointers. These were created just for fun. People can use them as they wish. Use at your own risk. REQUIREMENTS: OS/2 Warp 4 or eCS Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2 by Christian Langanke. TO INSTALL: 1. Unzip to a temporary directory. 2. Copy the *.ani files to your os2\pointer directory. 3. Right click on the desktop. 4. Select "System Setup". 5. Double click on "Mouse". 6. Select the "Pointers" tab 7. Single click on the "arrow pointer". 8. Then select the "Find" button at the bottom of the tabbed page. 9. Select one of the *.ani pointers. 10. Its picture will now appear on the "Pointers" page. 11. If you don't like it select another one. 12. When satisfied, close the mouse properties page. When the WPS is restarted, any ani pointer that had been previous selected will show when you use find again. Enjoy, David Graser dwgras@swbell.net
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/MoreAnimatedPointers_2005-05-22.zip  local copy
Animated Flag Mouse Pointers (9/5/2005, David Graser) Readme/What's new
These are a few Windows animated pointers I created for both eCS and OS/2. These are not complete sets even though some are close. These were created just for fun. People can use them as they wish. Use at your own risk. Animated flage pointers for eCS and OS/2. Replace the files of previous flag versions with the files in this version. Any version prior to this needs to have the FlagItalian.ani, FlagItalian2.ani, FlagFrench.ani, FlagFrench2.ani, FlagKorea.ani, and FlagKorea2.ani replaced with the files in this version. There is a bug in the previous versions of these files. The system can go into a continuous loop when the WPS starts. If this happens, either install a previous archive, boot to a command prompt and delete the the problem ani file from the OS2\pointers directory, or replace the files in the OS2\pointers with the files from this package. REQUIREMENTS: OS/2 Warp 4 or eCS Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2 by Christian Langanke. TO INSTALL: 1. Unzip to a temporary directory. 2. Copy the *.ani files to your os2\pointer directory. 3. Right click on the desktop. 4. Select "System Setup". 5. Double click on "Mouse". 6. Select the "Pointers" tab 7. Single click on the "arrow pointer". 8. Then select the "Find" button at the bottom of the tabbed page. 9. Select one of the *.ani pointers. 10. Its picture will now appear on the "Pointers" page. 11. If you don't like it select another one. 12. When satisfied, close the mouse properties page. When the WPS is restarted, any ani pointer that had been previous selected will show when you use find again. Enjoy, David Graser dwgras@swbell.net
Animated Mouse Pointers (Animated Mouse Pointers for eCs and OS/2, 21/3/2005, David Graser)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/AnimatedMousePointers_2005-03-21.zip  local copy
Animated Mouse Pointers (3/11/2004, David Graser) Readme/What's new
These are a few Windows animated pointers I created. Most are arrow pointers with one wait pointer. Some of the pointerS have an eComStation theme. These are not complete sets. There are 14 aninmated arrow pointers and 1 wait cursor. These were created just for fun. People can use them as they wish. Use at your own risk. REQUIREMENTS: OS/2 Warp 4 or eCS Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2 by Christian Langanke. TO INSTALL: 1. Unzip to a temporary directory. 2. Copy the *.ani files to your os2\pointer directory. 3. Right click on the desktop. 4. Select "System Setup". 5. Double click on "Mouse". 6. Select the "Pointers" tab 7. Single click on the "arrow pointer". 8. Then select the "Find" button at the bottom of the tabbed page. 9. Select one of the *.ani pointers. 10. Its picture will now appear on the "Pointers" page. 11. If you don't like it select another one. 12. When satisfied, close the mouse properties page. When the WPS is restarted, any ani pointer that had been previous selected will show when you use find again. Enjoy, David Graser dwgras@swbell.net
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/AnimatedMousePointers_2004-11-03.zip  local copy
3D animated pointers (5/2/1997)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/Pointers.zip  local copy
Animated Ladybug pointers for OS/2 (31/1/1997, Leon Grossman) Readme/What's new
Leon Grossman lgrossm@ceatlabs.okstate.edu January 31, 1997 These are the animated update of my popular (OK, I got one email but I still like them.) Ladybug mouse pointers. I stole the 3d red pointers from the Merlin distribution but the arrow, illegal, and wait pointers are mine. You must have Animouse or the Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2 package installed to use these pointers properly. If you have the proper program installed you can just copy the ladybug.and file to your OS2\pointers subdirectory and load it as a pointer set. I have also included the .PTR files so that they can be edited or changed into a static mouse pointer set. If you edit my pointers, send me a copy. I might like your modifications better than my own. All I ask is that you send me an email with your comments, impressions, praise, etc... to lgrossm@ceatlabs.okstate.edu
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/bugptr.zip  local copy
A middle finger animated pointer set (29/1/1997)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/finger.zip  local copy
Helicopter Pointer for Animouse (26/7/1996, Hemenway) Readme/What's new
2 simple helicopter animations for animouse: I have made 2 simple helicopter animations for use with animouse. I have only made the arrow.ptr and borrowed the rest from the winwag set for now. To install make a sub-directory off of the main animouse directory called "heli". Put the *.ico and *.ptr files here. Then put the *.anm files in the main animouse directory and associate them with the proper icons. That's it, any comments send to hemenway@nai.net
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/Heli_ANM_1996-07-26.zip  local copy
OS/2 Pointers (24/7/1996) Readme/What's new
Pointer set for Warp based on Smily faces
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/smilyptr.zip  local copy
Air Force Pointer for Animouse (29/6/1996, Tony Terbizan) Readme/What's new
Animation_Script ;------------------------------------------------------------; ; "Air Force" animation for Animouse ; ;------------------------------------------------------------; ; by Tony Terbizan ; ; sensoft@sentience.com.au ; ;------------------------------------------------------------; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ANIMOUSE Resource script file. ; ; Notes: ; ===== ; For Detailed instructions on creating a script file, ; see the Animouse/2 help file. ; ; Comment lines begin with a ";" ; ; **Comments are *NOT* allowed between the start of an ; animation description and the "END:" statement. ; ; The string "Animation_Script" (case sensitive) must ; appear on the first line of every script file in order ; for it to be recognized by the program. ; ; If the pointer file is not located in a subdirectory of ; the animouse program, then a full pathname must be specified. ; Otherwise, the remainder of the pathname is sufficient to ; identify the file. This is also best for any animation that ; you plan to distribute. ; ; The duration for each frame is specified in milliseconds. ; 1 second = 1000 milliseconds. ; It is not recommended to specify less than 100 (or 10 ; frames per second). ; ; The maximum number of frames for each animation TYPE ; is 50. IE, there can be 50 arrow frames, 50 text, ; and so on... ; ; Don't forget to: ; 1) rename this script file to something descriptive. ; 2) Assign a descriptive icon to the file (via the WPS). ; 3) Make sure there are no syntax errors. ; 4) Sign your name on a comment line! ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------; ; %%%%% AN EXAMPLE %%%%% ; ;--------------------------------; ;ARROW: ;newanim\arrow.ptr 200 ;newanim\arrow2.ptr 200 ;END: ;--------------------------------; ARROW: airforce\Arrow1.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow2.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow3.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow4.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow5.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow6.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow7.ptr 100 airforce\Arrow8.ptr 100 END: WAIT: airforce\Wait01.ptr 100 airforce\Wait02.ptr 100 airforce\Wait03.ptr 100 airforce\Wait04.ptr 100 airforce\Wait05.ptr 100 airforce\Wait06.ptr 100 airforce\Wait07.ptr 100 airforce\Wait08.ptr 100 airforce\Wait09.ptr 100 airforce\Wait10.ptr 100 airforce\Wait11.ptr 100 airforce\Wait12.ptr 100 airforce\Wait13.ptr 100 airforce\Wait14.ptr 100 airforce\Wait15.ptr 100 airforce\Wait16.ptr 100 END: WE: airforce\SizeWE1.ptr 250 airforce\SizeWE2.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE3.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE4.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE5.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE6.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE7.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE8.ptr 150 airforce\SizeWE9.ptr 150 END: NS: airforce\SizeNS1.ptr 400 airforce\SizeNS2.ptr 150 airforce\SizeNS3.ptr 150 airforce\SizeNS4.ptr 150 airforce\SizeNS5.ptr 150 airforce\SizeNS6.ptr 150 END: NWSE: airforce\NWSE1.ptr 400 airforce\NWSE2.ptr 150 airforce\NWSE3.ptr 150 airforce\NWSE4.ptr 150 airforce\NWSE5.ptr 150 airforce\NWSE6.ptr 150 END: NESW: airforce\NESW1.ptr 400 airforce\NESW2.ptr 150 airforce\NESW3.ptr 150 airforce\NESW4.ptr 150 airforce\NESW5.ptr 150 airforce\NESW6.ptr 150 END: TEXT: airforce\Text01.ptr 200 airforce\Text02.ptr 200 airforce\Text03.ptr 200 airforce\Text04.ptr 200 airforce\Text05.ptr 200 airforce\Text06.ptr 200 airforce\Text07.ptr 200 airforce\Text08.ptr 200 airforce\Text09.ptr 200 airforce\Text10.ptr 200 airforce\Text11.ptr 200 airforce\Text12.ptr 200 END: MOVE: airforce\Move1.ptr 200 airforce\Move2.ptr 150 airforce\Move3.ptr 150 airforce\Move4.ptr 150 airforce\Move5.ptr 150 airforce\Move6.ptr 150 END: ILLEGAL: airforce\Illegal1.ptr 300 airforce\Illegal2.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal3.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal4.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal5.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal6.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal7.ptr 100 airforce\Illegal8.ptr 100 END:
Animated 3D X-Wing pointer (29/5/1996)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/xwcurs.zip  local copy
Modular Pointer for Animouse (26/5/1996, Kevin Yank)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/Modular_ANM_1996-05-26.zip  local copy
Syringe Pointer for Animouse (9/5/1996)
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/animated/Syringe_ANM_1996-05-09.zip  local copy
OS/2 Pointers (22/4/1996, MMassoth) Readme/What's new
MAGGWAIT - Animierung des OS/2-Waitpointers. Schieben Sie das Programm in den STARTUP-Folder und es wird Ihnen die Systemwartezeiten angenehmer gestalten. Maggwait ist ein deutsches Freeware-Programm. Garantieansprueche koennen nicht gestellt werden. Die Installation und Benutzung des Programms erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko des Benutzers. Lob und Anerkennung nehme ich natuerlich gerne entgegen; schicken Sie eine eMail an: MMassoth@t-online.de ---------------------------INTERNATIONAL------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION Maggwait animates the OS/2-waitpointer. The program is freeware. To start the program at each system-start, simply put it in your startup-folder. SUGGESTIONS AND ERROR-REPORTING No warranty is provided. The program is provided "AS IS". If you want to contact the author, feel free to send me an eMail: MMassoth@t-online.de DISTRIBUTION CONDITIONS You are free to distribute this version of MAGGWAIT as freeware as long as the following conditions are met: 1) The bundle MUST INLCUDE Maggwait.EXE and README.1ST. 2) It MUST NOT include any other files. 3) Modifications to Maggwait.exe and/or README.1ST are NOT ALLOWED. DISCLAIMER The author of this program accepts no responsibility for damages that are caused by this program and makes NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software. This software is provided "AS IS," and you, its user, assume the entire risk when you use it. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The original Maggie-pointer is taken from an OS/2-system-pointer-collection. Maggie is a character from "the Simpsons"-TV-cartoon.
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/maggwait.zip  local copy
Psycho Pointer for Animouse (28/3/1996)
X Pointers/2 (18/10/1995, Simon Pasieka) Readme/What's new
\\ // \\// //\\ // \\ P O I N T E R S / 2 This is another attempt at making X-like pointers. I saw a few versions on the net, but they were not what I wanted, so I made my own. These icons are based on the X-windows pointers under the Motif window magager. When used together with NPSWPS Enhancer and/or FeelX, they make a more realistic X look and feel. Some pointers like the ILLEGAL.PTR I had to make up, 'cause I 'aint seen no "illegal" pointer on the X yet. They should be easily visible on variety of backgrounds, and serve me well. I made them and use them at 1024x768 screen resoulution, therefore they may look too big and clumsy on lower resolutions. To install them 1) make a directory called X in your y:\os2\pointers directory, where y: is your boot drive ( ie. something like c:\os2\pointers\X ) 2) copy all of the files included in this archive there 3) open your MOUSE settings palette (It is located in your SYSTEM SETUP folder) 4) click on the POINTERS tab 5) click on LOAD SET ... button 6) choose X 7) Enjoy! To uninstall 1) open your MOUSE settings palette 2) click on the POINTERS tab 3) click on LOAD SET ... button 4) choose BLACK (default set of pointers) 5) delete the X pointers and remove the X directory This set is of course public domain, so use'em and abuse'em to your heart's content. highest regards Simon Pasieka MijiCo Digital Limted '95 spasieka@calum.uwaterloo.ca ps. As a "bouns" I included a second ILLEGAL.PTR. So use the one you like. Remember that the one named ILLEGAL.PTR will be loaded as your poiter, so if you want the other you gotta rename it to ILLEGAL.PTR.
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/multimedia/pointer/x.zip  local copy
Record updated last time on: 21/07/2024 - 21:50

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