PM Make

Release date: 
Saturday, 6 November, 2004




Authors/Port authors:

Probably the most comprehensive PM based make program available, this product performs the core functions of making, backup and restore, as well as being totally tools independent. PM Make can manage projects spread over directories, split into myriad subdirectories, numerous output files including several .exe, .inf, .hlp etc. in one make. PM Make provides plugin dll's, push button control of tools options, library selection, selective backup, restore and more. PM Make is multithreaded and never gives you a wait pointer. You can safely run multiple instances of PM Make. In conjunction with Program Editor you can stop on errors and fix bugs on the fly. Small memory footprint.

PM Make main features:

  • Built in project backup and restore.
  • User menus defined in the makefile can set compiler, etc., options.
  • Can include 'global' makefiles as headers.
  • Can stop on error.
  • Allows review of error messages.
  • Force make according to compiler or linker options or make all.
  • Can make .exe, .hlp, .dll, etc... all in one build.
  • Background build with 'pop up on error' mode.
  • Will work in multiple directories.
  • Fast.
This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. Self-installer executable. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Ver. (6/11/2004) Readme/What's new
PM Make Information =================== This file contains additional info not presently in pmmake.inf. type view pmmake.inf at an *OS/2 command line to read the online help. INDEX ===== i) Bug Fixes ii) Intro 1) Installation 2) Uninstalling 3) Maude dll 4) Other Products 5) Trademarks i) Bug Fixes (to V1.34) ========= a) backup procedures fixed to allow multiple disk backup. b) improved help file. c) V1.32 - fixed a bug causing crashes on file copy errors d) added archive command to backup and restore. This command is UNDOCUMENTED apart from here. USAGE:- ^archive(<archivepath>); <archivepath> is added to the backup path so that if the backup path is A: and <archivepath> is "prog\arc", the archive is made in "a:\prog\arc". ii) Intro ===== At V1.20 all make, backup and restore functions run as seperate threads. This allows PM Make to run minimized in the background during any of these operations. You can now run simultaneous makes. Note that it is probably not a good idea to make the same project twice and simultaneously. This restriction has been lifted on the basis that most programmers aren't that silly (I hope) :). This version of PM Make uses a Multi Disk Archiving system. This works by keeping an archive control file on each disk of your archive. It turns out that to obtain a consistent archive as your project grows, it is sometimes necessary to delete files from one disk and re-copy files to another. Otherwise, you have to create a whole new archive at each backup. The danger of NOT performing this file shuffle is that you will end up with two versions of the same file in your archive. Consequently, from V1.30 PM Make uses a multipass with deferral approach to file backup. Each file is either copied to the current disk, or deleted from the current disk and deferred to the next. If a file copies successfully to this disk, it can be deleted from the next. The result is a much more compact archive. If you think some important features are missing please let me know and I will try to include them in the next version if at all possible. If your idea gets incorporated you will naturally receive a free registration code and a mention. 1) Installation:- ============ a) Ensure that you have a 'TMP' directory setup in your config.sys file. This can be anywhere you like. Look out for a command like 'SET TMP=<something>' in config.sys. If you find such a command, or if your C compiler has already setup TMP then that will do nicely. Otherwise you will need to create a temporary directory such as c:\tmp. Then in you config.sys file add the line SET TMP=C:\TMP and restart your computer. b) Run the install program MAMK???.exe and follow the instructions. c) If you wish to use the MAUDE DLL immediately, you will have to alter the settings of the desktop object to include the /e command line option in the parameters field. 2) Uninstalling ============ a) From an OS\2 command line, change to the directory in which you have installed PM Make. b) Run the install program MAMK???.exe and follow the instructions. c) Any new files that you have created will not be deleted. You will have to delete the directory containing PM Make, and the desktop object(s) yourself. 3) Maude dll:- ========= To enable PM Make to link with other products, and to enable integration with Program Editor, a link dll called MAUDE has been developed. Because this dll is also supplied as source code, you can customize it. This allows you to configure PM Make for your own development tools. Maude has been written completely in C, and is well documented for easy modification. Because of the flexibility of the interface, PM Make can be made into a complete integrated development environment. MAUDE consists of these parts:- a) The PM Make interface header file b) The Program Editor interface header file c) Complete source code and documentation. d) A source code licence e) A working example dll To use the example dll create the following subdirectories:- csource dialogs build Then unpack the file MAUDE.PK. The files will be unpacked into the sub- directories as shown below:- maude.crt MAUDE Copyright and Licence pmmkicc.dll MAUDE Example DLL Source Files:- makemaud maude.def csource\maude.c csource\maude.h csource\pmmkif.h csource\pmpeif.h dialogs\maude.rc dialogs\menu.dlg build\empty You may immediately try the dll by using the /e<path>\pmmkicc.dll command line parameter with PM Make. 4) Other Products available:- ======================== Program Editor:- PM based with:- >>>> Exec to Parse. Test/Make your programs before exiting the editor. >>>> Works with most compilers. >>>> Customizable goto error keys position you at the error. >>>> Extensive programmable 'C' like edit functions... >>>> Virtually unlimited Undo and Redo... >>>> Reverse find, jump markers, remote control... >>>> Smooth scrolling, automatic indenting, autosave... >>>> Very fast startup, full online help, and much more... >>>> True 32bit PM application extensively multithreaded. >>>> Good General Purpose Editor, esp. large files. >>>> Well Tested. Rich in features. Cheap to buy. I have published a number Applets as Freeware on the net. Enjoy! 5) Trademarks:- ========== *OS/2, and *PM (c)IBM * Registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. is external)
Record updated last time on: 08/11/2017 - 06:33

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