LVM 14086

Release date: 
Tuesday, 15 January, 2002



LVM update (same level of CP2)! If you have one of the following fixes, you don't need this fix: Fixpak 3 (XR_E003) Build 14.088 (WSeB), Fixpak 2 (XR_C002) Build 14.088 (ACP/MCP), Aurora/Merlin Convenince Pack 2 (ACP2/MCP2). You can also install it on Warp 4.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP self-extrancting executable package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

FixPak 15 (XR_M015) Build 14.062 or better.

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

LVM 14086 v. 14086 (4/12/2001) Readme/What's new
LVM Update package 001 December 4, 2001 This package applies to - Warp Server for e-business (UNI and SMP) - Convenience Package 1 for Warp Server for e-business (UNI and SMP) - Convenience Package 1 for OS/2 Warp 4 This package will update the files that make up the LVM component of OS/2 on your boot drive with the files in this package. Installation instructions for this LVM package: 1. Make sure LVM ( LVM.EXE , LVMGUI.CMD ) is not running. If all LVM programs have not been closed, this install might fail to update the necessary files. 2. Download lvmupdt.exe to a directory on your system. This should be a directory with no other files in it. 3. Run lvmupdt.exe to extract the files contained in this self-extracting zip file. 4. Run the LVMINST.CMD file. This will backup all the files that will be updated, then the new files from this package will copied to the target directories. For example os2\lvm.exe will be backed up as os2\lvm.ex1 and the new lvm.exe file will be copied over. If you want to apply this package to a drive other than the boot drive, specify that as a parameter to lvminst.cmd. For example lvminst e: will apply the package to the e: drive as long as it contains a supported OS/2 version. Note : A reboot is NOT needed after the installation. Additionally, LVMINST.CMD will install a SYSLEVEL.LVM file which will be used by any future LVM update packages to prevent accidental back leveling of LVM files on your system. If you have applied this package and need to back it out, run LVMINST.CMD and specify /backout as the parameter. It will remove the updated files and restore the original files (i.e. LVMINST /BACKOUT). ********************************************************************* * The following list provides a brief abstract of each APAR fixed * * in this package. Every effort has been made to include all APARs * * fixed after Convenience Pak 1 in this list, however some * * APAR numbers could be omitted from this list but are fixed in * * this package. * ********************************************************************* APAR = PJ28271 IN LVMGUI, VOLUME CAN BE CREATED EVEN IF NO PARTITION IS SELECTED. APAR = PJ28272 IN LVMGUI, NEGATIVE VALUES ARE ACCEPTED IN THE FIELD FOR BOOT MANAGER TIMEOUT SETTINGS. APAR = PJ28273 LVMGUI.CMD : JAVA 1.3 FUNCTIONAL AND PERFORMANCE FIXES. APAR = PJ28274 LVMGUI: VOLUME/PARTITION NAME WITH CHARACTER ASCII<32 AND >128 ACCEPTED. APAR = PJ28275 LVMGUI: FOR THE FIRST OPERATION THAT LVMGUI COMMITS EVERY TIME IT IS STARTED, LVMGUI ASKS FOR A CD. APAR = PJ28276 LVMGUI: EVEN AFTER JAVA 1.3 IS INSTALLED AS THE DEFAULT JRE, LVMGUI TAKES JAVA 1.1.7. APAR = PJ28277 LVMGUI SHOWS AN ERROR MESSAGE WHEN STARTED ON JAVA 1.3 ENVIRONMENT. APAR = PJ28278 UNFORMATTED VOLUME SHOWN AS OF TYPE FAT IN BOOT MANAGER. APAR = PJ28281 LVM UTILITY SHOWS INCORRECT SIZE FOR UDF VOLUME APAR = PJ28282 REMOVEABLE MEDIA WITH NO PARTITIONS / COMPLETE FREE SPACE FAILS WITH LVM. APAR = PJ28283 LVM DOES NOT CHECK HIDDEN PARTITIONS CORRECTLY. APAR = PJ28284 LVM GETS INCORRECT SIZE FOR JUST INSERTED PRMS. ============================== Copyright and Trademark Information =================================== The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM OS/2 OS/2 Warp 4 Warp Server for e-business Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS README IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Record updated last time on: 31/05/2020 - 06:17

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