ZipStream è un compressore/criptatore di dati per OS/2 'on the fly'. I dati saranno direttamente accessibili come dati normali tramite una lettera di unità. Funziona su OS/2 2.x, Warp 3, 4 e superiori.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
ZipStream Secure v. 2.0 (demo, 17/7/2000, Carbon Based Software) | Readme/What's new |
What is ZipStream ?
ZipStream is an exciting new concept in automatic file compression, that harnesses the power and features of OS/2 2.1, 2.11, Warp Version 3 and higher.
ZipStream is an OS/2 Installable File System (IFS) that mirrors access to existing OS/2 File Systems simultaneously providing automatic transparent file compression and decompression.
The ZipStream Concept
To further understand the ZipStream concept, consider the following scenario.
You have an existing OS/2 system with the file letter.doc in the root directory of the C: drive.
ZipStream is installed and drive C: is mirrored as compressed drive X:. This is achieved using the ZSAttach utility as follows:
zsattach x: c:\
Access to all files on drive C: is now possible simultaneously via drive X:. i.e. The commands
type C:\letter.doc
type X:\letter.doc
will achieve the same results.
Now letter.doc is compressed with the ZipStream file compression utility ZSPack as follows:
zspack c:\letter.doc
Typically, a text file like letter.doc will be reduced in size by at least 50 percent. Compression ratios of around 80 percent can generally be expected on large text files.
Access via C:\letter.doc will reveal its compressed contents, but access via X:\letter.doc will allow access as if the file is uncompressed. That is, ZipStream recognises that the file is compressed and transparently decompresses it.
Transparent Background Compression
Any new files copied to a ZipStream compressed drive will be automatically and transparently compressed in the background. |
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ZipStream Secure v. 1.10 (demo, 8/10/1995, Carbon Based Software) | Readme/What's new |
ZipStream V110 Update Announcement
ZipStream - the next generation disk compression software
for OS/2.
V1.10 Update Information
Fixes :
1. Correct problem with retrieving multiple EA's on single call.
2. Correct problem with DosCopy in append mode.
3. Correct problem with DOS find program.
4. Correct problem with UNC names.
5. Correct problem in processing 16bit FindNext with invalid EAOP.
6. Correct problem in processing DosQueryFSAttach when short buffers
are supplied.
7. Correct problem in processing DosSetPathInfo under heavy LAN load.
8. Correct cache problem with updated *.exe files.
1. Improve search cache speed.
2. Allow for configuration of Search cache size
3. Allow for configuration of Grip cache size
4. Allow for configuration of background compression Warp factor
5. Allow auto compression of read only files
6. Allow (de)compression of read only files with zspack and zsunpack
by using the '/f' parameter.
7. Add support for chkdsk so that the host disk is checked.
8. New ZipStream Control Panel
9. Allow config of Max DOS Concurrent searchs per session in cbszs.ini.
10. Allow config of Max File size that will be compressed in cbszs.ini.
11. New version of ZSSync that can run in 'batch' and continous' mode of
12. New version of ZSStatus.
Introducing ZipStream
ZipStream is an exciting new concept in automatic file
compression, that harnesses the power and features of
OS/2 2.X and Warp.
ZipStream is the safe disk compression software
for OS/2 2.1 and Warp.
It is an OS/2 Installable File System
(IFS) that mirrors access to existing OS/2 File
Systems, and simultaneously provides automatic,
transparent file compression and decompression.
Its 32 bit implementation exploits OS/2's pre-emptive
multi-threaded processing capabilities, which allows
for complex processing to be carried out in the most
optimum manner.
ZipStream's transparent background compression
operations and intelligent caching techniques means
there is no noticeable loss in system performance.
ZipStream's Features
* Supports HPFS and FAT File Systems.
Any OS/2 supported file system can be utilised.
* Supports Diskettes.
Diskettes don't have to be specially formatted, just attach and
compression is available.
* Supports LAN File Systems.
Any LAN file system that is mapped as a drive letter can be
used for compression operations. Additionally, there are no
Server overheads, as all compression operations are performed
by the workstation.
* Supports Long File Names.
No restrictions are imposed other that those imposed by OS/2's
native File Systems.
* Supports Extended Attributes.
Full support of Extended attributes and compatible with OS/2's
Workplace Shell.
* Automatic Compression of New Files.
Newly created files or any files copied to the compressed drive
letter are automatically and transparently compressed.
* File Based Compression not Disk Based.
Being file based, you have complete control of what files are
compressed and what are not, that is, uncompressed files can
reside on the compressed drive.
* Ultra High Compression Ratios.
Using state of the art and background compression techniques
yields compression ratios equal to that of popular archiving
* Native OS/2 32 bit Application.
This isn't a port of a DOS compression application, it's been
built specifically for OS/2 and designed to get the most out of
* Outstanding Performance.
Background compression and 32 bit code gives real pay offs in
* No Reformatting Required.
Just attach to a driver letter or path and compression is
* No Container Files.
Using existing File systems means reliability and safety.
System Requirements
If you are capable of running OS/2 2.1 or higher, you
can take advantage of ZipStream.
In case you're still unsure, ZipStream has the
following requirements:
* A PC that is supported, and is capable of running
OS/2 2.1 or higher.
* At least 4 MB of RAM, 8 MB recommended, 16
MB perfect.
* At least 10 MB of swap area is recommended.
* A 386 or better CPU, 486 highly recommended,
Pentium outstanding.
Available from :- USA
Indelible Blue Inc
PO Box 31306
Raleigh North Carolina 26622-1306
Ph: 1 800 776 8284 or (919) 878 9700
Fax: (919) 878 7479
Office Solutions
404 Termino Avenue
Long Beach CA 90814
Ph: (310) 439 5567
Fax: (310) 438 7888
OS/2 Express
4604 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Ph: 1-800-OS2-KWIK
or (612) 823-6255
Available from :- Europe
Minzloff Data
Leonhardsberg 16
CH - 4051 Basel
Ph: [41] (61) 261 4459
Fax: [41] (61) 261 4451
Available from :- Australia
Multitask Consulting
162 Ben Boyd Road
Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Ph: [61] (2) 904 1988
Fax: [61] (2) 953 9401
Distributor Inquires
Z.G.C., Inc.
264 Morris Avenue
Mountain Lakes NJ 07046
Ph: (201) 335 4460
Fax: (201) 335 4560
CompuServe: 73257,2231
Carbon Based Software
PO Box 912
Runaway Bay Qld 4126
Ph: [61] (7) 5537 1949
Fax: [61] (7) 5529 1544
CompuServe 100351,2052
ZipStream is a trademark of Carbon Based Software.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation. |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Martin Iturbide
Sab, 10/06/2023 - 18:32
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