SeaMonkey è il risultato dello studio profuso per fornire un browser web completo e di alta qualità partendo dal codice sorgente di Mozilla. L'applicazione comprende anche il client mail.
Disponibile sia in formato ZIP che WarpIN:
Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (18/6/2022, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (12/6/2022, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (Optimized for Pentium 4, 6/6/2022, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (6/6/2022, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.35 (Optimized for Pentium 4, 19/10/2021, Dave Yeo) | Readme/What's new |
-- M o z i l l a R e a d M e ----------------------------------------------
* This Read Me file contains information about installing and using
the OS/2 builds of Firefox, Seamonkey, and Thunderbird.
* These applications are subject to the terms detailed in the license
agreement accompanying them.
* OS/2-specific changes to the product are listed in the CHANGES.OS2 file.
* The Mozilla for OS/2 project home page is now located at There you will find
most recent news, binary downloads and the issue system to report
OS/2-specific bugs.
* Community support for the Mozilla applications is available through
the newsgroups '' or 'comp.os.os2.apps'.
Messages posted to other forums may not be seen by the developers.
For additional resources, see the "Links" section below.
-- Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Installation
* Compatibility Warning
* Starting the App
* OS/2 Add-ons
* Environment Variables
* Fonts
* Printing
* Video
* Audio
* Troubleshooting
* Known Problems
* Links
* System Requirements
* Acknowledgements
-- Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------
Mozilla is a complex product that uses a huge number of 3rd party libraries
such as Cairo, FreeType, NSPR and many others. In order to provide better OS/2
support for both Mozilla and these libraries we build them as dynamically
loadable modules (DLLs) which are maintained and distributed separately and
which Mozilla executables are simply linked with. This approach also allows
other applications use the same library modules which, among other benefits,
reduces the overall memory footprint and saves other vital system resources.
As a side effect of this approach, Mozilla applications got so many external
dependencies that it is nearly impossible for the end user to install all of
them from the ZIP files manually — and even naming them all in this file
would be a very hard task. For this reason, starting from the release of
Firfox version 38.8.0 (Beta 7), manual installation of Mozilla requirements
is no longer supported. The only supported way of installing all the
requirements now is the YUM command line tool or the Arca Nova Package Manager
application (ANPM). The following instructions describe the necessary steps.
1. Install the RPM/YUM environment. The simplest way to do so is to download
and install ANPM as described here:
If you prefer command line, you may install only the RPM/YUM environment
and tools as described here:
2. Install the following packages needed by Firefox using either YUM or ANPM:
libstdc++6 nspr nss libicu pixman cairo pango fontconfig freetype libkai
If you use YUM, simply type `yum install <package_list>` on the command line
and press Enter. For ANPM, select "YUM -> Quick install..." from the menu,
copy the given package list into the entry field and press Enter. The
packages and all their dependencies will be downloaded and installed
automatically. Note that if some of these packages are already installed,
the install command will simply do nothing for them.
3. Update the packages that you may have already installed to their latest
versions (which may be required by the newest Mozilla application release)
by either executing `yum update` on the command line or selecting
"YUM -> Update all" from the menu in ARPM. This will automatically download
and install updates (including the updates to the dependent packages, if
necessary). Note that if some of the packages are already at their latest
versions, the update command will simply do nothing for them.
4. Unzip the Mozilla application archive into any directory of your choice.
This will create a subdirectory with the same name as the program. For
unzip -d D:\Apps
This command will install Firefox in D:\Apps\firefox.
WARNING!!! If you already have a directory with the same name from an older
installation, rename it first (e.g. to 'firefox-old'). Do not let the new
version install on top of the old one.
5. Choose a directory where the Mozilla applications can store their profile
data, then add a line like this to CONFIG.SYS:
The first time you run any Mozilla application, it will create a 'Mozilla'
subdirectory in 'D:\Home' where your customized settings are saved.
WARNING!!! Without "SET MOZILLA_HOME=", the 'Mozilla' subdirectory will be
created in the same directory as the program itself. This can make it very
hard to upgrade to new versions without deleting your customized settings.
6. Optional. Use mozinst to create application icons on the Desktop. Download
mozinit from:
7. Optional. You may want to install some of the items listed in the "OS/2
Add-ons" section below to improve the application's performance.
-- Compatibility Warning ------------------------------------------------------
After using Firefox v4.0, Seamonkey v2.1, or Thunderbird v3.4 (or any later
version) your History and Cookies databases (places.sqlite & cookies.sqlite)
will NOT be compatible with earlier versions (i.e. FF3.6, SM2.0, or TB3.1).
A REXX script is available to restore compatibility.
* To preserve compatibility BEFORE running the new version:
- download '' from
- unzip it into your profile directory
- make backups of places.sqlite and cookies.sqlite
* To restore compatibilty BEFORE running an earlier version:
- run the script from your profile directory.
* To restore compatibilty AFTER running an earlier version
(i.e. you forgot to run the script before):
- look for 'places.sqlite.corrupt' and 'cookies.sqlite.corrupt' in your
profile directory, If they appear to be the right size, remove the
'.corrupt' extension after deleting the newly-created versions.
- run the script
- if your history and cookies aren't restored, use your backup copies.
-- Starting Firefox / Seamonkey / Thunderbird ---------------------------------
If this is the only Mozilla application you use, then all you need is a
simple program object.
However, if you run two or more of these apps at the same time, you may
encounter dll conflicts. If you can open any one of these apps by itself,
but can't open a second one while the first is still running, this is the
likely cause. An entry in popuplog.os2 reporting a 'SYS2070' error for
the program that failed to start will confirm the problem.
The solution for dll conflicts is "SET LIBPATHSTRICT=T". There are several
ways to set this:
* modify your program object:
Path and file name: *
Parameters: /c set LIBPATHSTRICT=T & seamonkey.exe "%*"
Working directory: x:\\seamonkey
* create a .cmd file:
start thunderbird
* use Run! <!>:
Copy 'run!.exe' into the program's directory, then rename it as:
'firefox!L.exe', or 'seamonkey!L.exe', or 'thunderbird!L.exe'
Now, change your program object start it rather than the original exe.
(Use 'LK' instead of 'L' if you want the icon to show it's "in-use".)
Note: For best performance of most browser plugins, you may want
to omit LIBPATHSTRICT for your primary browser and only set
it for your other Mozilla apps.
-- OS/2 Add-ons ---------------------------------------------------------------
* MP4 Video
Starting from version 38.8.0, Firefox can play MP4 (H264/AAC) video files
in HTML5 content but this requires the recent FFmpeg runtime libraries to
be installed. To do so, run `yum install ffmpeg-libs` on the command line
or install the 'ffmpeg-libs' package using ANPM.
* Workplace Sans - TrueType Font
Mozilla no longer supports bitmap fonts like WarpSans, so its menus
and dialogs may not look very "OS/2-like'. To fix this, you may want
to install Alex Taylor's 'Workplace Sans', a TrueType font inspired
by WarpSans. The app will use it by default if it's available.
Many users prefer the bitmapped version as it looks cleaner at small
point sizes.
* RWS - WPS Integration
With RWS, you can open downloads using their default WPS association
and have the app display the correct icon in file listings & dialogs.
For example, when you download a WPI file, the download dialog will
display WarpIn's icon, and offer to open it using WarpIn so you can
install it directly from the browser.
* Exceptq - Crash Reporting
If the app crashes, Exceptq will beep and then create an exception
report containing details of the crash. You can send these reports
to the developers via Issue Tracker reports (see the Links section).
* ConfigApps & Internet Application Integration - Set Default Browser
These two utilities make it easier to set your default browser,
email program, newsreader, etc.
- ConfigApps
- Internet Application Integration
* Doodle ScreenSaver - Intelligent Timing for Internal Cleanups
When Doodle's Screen Saver (DSSaver) v1.8 or later is installed,
the app can determine how long the user has been inactive. This
allows it to suspend reloads of "Live Bookmarks" and perform cleanup
operations during idle periods rather than while you're browsing.
-- Environment Variables ------------------------------------------------------
These can go in config.sys or the .cmd file you use to start the program.
* MOZILLA_HOME=[path] (recommended)
As noted above, this controls where the 'mozilla' subdirectory
containing your profile (personal settings and data) is located.
For example: if you specify "SET MOZILLA_HOME=x:\",
then your profiles will be stored in 'x:\\mozilla'.
This lets you specify a global directory for plugins like Flash
and Acrobat Reader so that all Mozilla apps can access them.
For example: "SET MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=x:\\plugins"
Note that _you_ will have to create the 'plugins' subdirectory
and install your plugins into it.
Without this environment variable %MOZILLA_HOME%\Mozilla\Plugins
can be used.
The following are intended to fix problems, not enhance performance.
Very few users have any need for any of these:
This tells the app not to use OS/2's high resolution timer. Don't
set this unless other applications using the high resolution timer
(e.g. multimedia apps) act strangely.
Disable DIVE (accelerated video) support. Try this if the app fails
to start or the display is corrupted.
This permits you to run multiple copies of the same app at the same
time (provided you have separate profiles for each copy).
Also works as a parameter, eg Firefox -no-remote
This disables the WPS-integration features provided by RWS.
Signs that this is needed include hangs or crashes when viewing or
saving attachments or using a default WPS application as a helper
The following enable additional logging:
Print browser console messages to the standard output stream (which
may be redirected to a file when the browser is run as e.g.
`firefox.exe 2>&1 >console.log` from the command line).
-- Fonts ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mozilla apps use an internal font engine that offers antialiasing
and the ability to search multiple fonts for the correct glyph.
However, it only supports TrueType & Type1 fonts. OS/2 bitmap fonts
like WarpSans, System Proportional, etc, are NOT supported. Users
are encouraged to install Alex Taylor's "Workplace Sans" TrueType
font to restore the native OS/2 look-and-feel for menus and dialogs.
* Starting with Firefox 38, Mozilla apps use the complete version of the
fontconfig library recently ported to OS/2 to manage fonts. This library
requires UNIXROOT environment. If you have RPM/YUM installed, nothing
needs to be done except `yum install fontconfig`. If you prefer manual
installation then you have to unpack the entire contents of the fontconfig
package to your UNIXROOT tree (omitting `@unixroot` from the extracted path)
and make sure the UNIXROOT environment variable points to this tree.
All font settings (and many aspects of the FreeType font engine) are now
controlled through the '%UNIXROOT%\etc\fonts\fonts.conf' and
'%UNIXROOT%\etc\fonts\conf.d\*' files. Please refer to:
for more information on how to configure fonts using fonts.conf.
Note: You may need to restart the application to see your changes.
-- Printing -------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT NOTE: The current version of the Mozilla graphics engine is work
in progress and has Native Driver Support temporarily disabled because it
does not currently work. Therefore, the section called "Native Driver Support"
below should be ignored. Printing to PDF and Postscript should still work as
described below.
This version offers printing support using both native drivers and the
app's built-in PDF and Postscript generators.
* Native Driver Support
All native printer drivers should work and all features offered by
the driver should be supported.
* Built-in PDF Support
PDF files can be created by selecting any printer, then checking
'Print to file', When the file dialog appears, give the file's
name a ".pdf" extension.
* Built-in Postscript Support
Mozilla's built-in Postscript support provides an alternative to
using the native PSCRIPT drivers. If you use CUPS or plan to
direct Postscript output to file for further processing, you may
want to use this feature. There are two ways to enable it.
= Always =
This method may produce better quality output than the native PS
driver if you use CUPS. After performing the one-time setup below,
select a printer associated with a native PS driver, then press 'OK'.
- enter "about:config" in the browser's address bar, press Enter
(for Thunderbird, use the 'Config Editor' in the Options dialog)
- look for the entry "print.os2.postscript.use_builtin"
- if it exists, doubleclick on it to change it to "true"
- if the entry doesn't exist, add it:
o click MB2 on any item in the preferences listing
o select 'New->Boolean' from the popup menu
o enter "print.os2.postscript.use_builtin" (no quotes), press OK
o select "true", press OK
= As Needed =
Use this method to create Postscript files for further processing
without having to add or change the "use_builtin" setting:
- select a non-Postscript printer (see below)
- check 'Print to file', then press 'OK'
- when the file dialog appears, give the filename a ".ps" extension
!! With either method, the native driver isn't used to create the
print job, so most of its optional settings (e.g. duplexing)
are ignored. Only its Orientation (portrait/landscape) and
Resolution (dpi) settings are used. For print-to-file usage,
choose a non-Postscript printer that has suitable DPI settings.
(e.g. the HP Laserjet 2100 driver offers 300, 600, & 1200 dpi).
-- Video ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Users of the SNAP and GenGradd video drivers running in full-color mode
will automatically experience improved video performance thanks to the
applications' use of DIVE. Currently, the Panorama video driver is not
supported if its "shadow buffer" option is enabled.
* DIVE Support
DIVE lets an app bypass PM's graphics subsystem and write directly to
your video card's memory. This improves display speed but can cause
problems on some systems.
Use any one of the following to disable DIVE:
- uncheck "Use hardware acceleration when available" on the Options
dialog's 'Advanced->General' tab.
- start the app in "safe mode" (use "/safe-mode" on the command line)
- add "SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=0" to config.sys.
* Mouse Pointer Issues
If the mouse pointer disappears when starting the app, you can use
"SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=1" to override automatic detection of how your
video driver displays the pointer. If it flickers when scrolling a
page, you may want to try "SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=2".
-- Audio ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Starting from version 31, Firefox uses the K Audio Interface library (libkai)
to play sounds in HTML5/JS content and in Firefox widgets. Currently, this
library supports the standard OS/2 MMPM/DART sound subsystem as well as the
UNIAUD driver directly. By default, libkai prefers UNIAUD to DART but it may
be forced to use either of them using the KAI_AUTOMODE environment variable:
- "SET KAI_AUTOMODE=UNIAUD" will activate UNIAUD mode.
- "SET KAI_AUTOMODE=DART" will activate MMPM/DART mode.
-- Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------
The following may help resolve problems that were known at the time this
ReadMe was written. Additional community support is available through
the newsgroups '' or 'comp.os.os2.apps'. Messages
posted to other forums may not be seen by the developers.
* Program won't start
If other Mozilla apps are open, close them, then retry. If it can
now start, see the "Starting Firefox/Seamonkey/Thunderbird" section.
* Program crashes when the first window appears
If you see the outline of the window, then it crashes, see the
"Video" section for info on disabling DIVE.
* Program crashes or hangs when downloading files, viewing file listings,
loading message attachments or dragging with the mouse.
Try adding "SET MOZ_NO_RWS=1" to the environment.
* Program crashes randomly
Restart the app in "safe mode" (use "/safe-mode" on the command line).
If it appears to be stable in safe-mode, a plugin may be the cause.
Disable all plugins, then restart normally. If it remains stable,
reenable one plugin at a time until the problem returns.
* Program beeps several times then crashes
The beeps simply indicate that Exceptq is installed and is creating
a trap report to help identify the cause of the crash. Since Exceptq
isn't activated until a crash occurs, it isn't the cause of the crash.
* Continuous 100% CPU usage
If you use OS/2's "Comet Cursor" feature, try turning it off.
Try adding "SET NSPR_OS2_NO_HIRES_TIMER=1" to the environment.
* User-interface (buttons, address bar, etc.) is missing or corrupted
Shutdown the program, then open the directory containing its profile.
Delete 'XUL.mfl' and the directory named 'startupCache, then restart.
Note: To find your profile, select Help->Troubleshooting Information
from the main menu. On the page that appears, find the line labelled
"Profile Directory" then press the button next to it. After the folder
opens, be sure to close the app before changing or deleting anything.
* Other problems
First, try the solution for "User-interface is missing or corrupted"
above. If that doesn't work, try creating a new profile. The easiest
way is change the path in your "MOZILLA_HOME" environment variable when
the app isn't running, then restart it. If this fixes the problem, try
copying files from your original profile to the new one until the issue
reappears. The first file to try is "prefs.js".
If you can identify which file is the cause, restore your original
"MOZILLA_HOME" path. Rename the problem file so Mozilla can't find
it, then restart the app. Mozilla should create a new version of the
file you've hidden, and with any luck, the problem should be solved.
-- Known Problems -------------------------------------------------------------
* Printing of complex web pages using the native LASERJET and OMNI printer
drivers is known to crash the browser in PMMERGE.DLL in some cases.
As a workaround, please install and use the CUPS printer (based on the
POSTSCRIPT driver) that always works. CUPS is part of the modern
eComStation installations. In order to install it on older systems please
refer to:
* Due to bugs in MMPM, the current version of Firefox runs the Flash plugin in
"in-process" (traditional) mode instead of the new OOP (out-of-process) mode
used on other platforms. This will be fixed in future releases.
* The OpenJDK (Java) plugin works but there are some problems with window
updates. This is to be addressed in future releases.
* Mozilla apps will beep when copying more than 64 kB of text to the clipboard.
This is to alert users that many applications (most notably the system
editor, EPM, and applications running in VIO windows) cannot paste more
than this.
* Cross-platform problems are usually listed in the release notes of each
milestone release.
* Other known problems can be found by following this link:
* The old list of bugs (for historical purposes, as it is mostly outdated)
can be found by following the link "Current Open Warpzilla Bugs" on the
OS/2 Mozilla page:
-- Links ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Main resources:
* Mozilla for OS/2 Home Page
* Mozilla for OS/2 Binary Releases
* Mozilla for OS/2 Issue Tracker & Bug Reports
Seamonkey and Thunderbird builds (not supported by bww bitwiseworks GmbH):
* Comm-Central (SeaMonkey and Thunderbird) for OS/2
Additional information:
* Official Releases (Firefox 10.0.12 and earlier versions)
* Older Official and Experimental Releases (Upto Firefox 10.0.12ESR)
* Beta Versions (Firefox 10ESR and earlier versions)
* General Information About the Mozilla Apps
* Steve Wendt's Tips for Warpzilla
* Mozilla for OS/2 Newsgroup on server
* Mailing list gateway to
* Mozilla for OS/2 IRC Channel
#warpzilla on server
* Submit Bug Reports (all platforms)
* Building Mozilla Apps on OS/2
-- System Requirements --------------------------------------------------------
* Minimum hardware requirements for acceptable performance
- 1.0 GHz processor
- 256 MiB RAM plus 128 MiB free swap space
- 40 MiB free harddisk space for installation
plus storage space for disk cache
- Graphics card and driver capable of displaying 64k or 16m colors
Note: Installing more RAM than the minimum required may produce
significant improvements in performance and stability.
* Software requirements
- Installation on a file system supporting long file names
(i.e. HPFS or JFS but not FAT)
- OS/2 Warp 4 with Fixpack 15 or later (Warp 3 may work but is unsupported)
- Kernel with build level 14.104a is recommended.
- MPTS version 5.3
- TCP/IP version 4.1
- INETVER: SOCKETS.SYS=5.3007, AFOS2.SYS=5.3001, AFINET.SYS=5.3006
Note: Do not attempt to use MPTS & TCP/IP versions below these INETVER
levels. Although the app may seem to start and run normally,
some features it needs are not implemented correctly in older
MPTS versions and may cause crashes and data loss.
Convenience Pack 2 or eComStation 1.0 or later meet these requirements
out of the box.
* Java
Java versions earlier than 1.5 are *not* supported. Neither the IBM
nor Innotek versions of Java will work with this release.
* Innotek Font Engine
This is no longer needed or used by any of the Mozilla apps and it is
recommended to remove browser related entries from the registry.
The package includes a utility to do this and is
automatically invoked when using mozinst.cmd.
* Plugins
Do not use the "OS/2 Multimedia Plugin for Netscape". It does not
support any MM formats currently in use and is known to cause crashes.
-- Acknowledgements -----------------------------------------------------------
The Mozilla for eCS (OS/2) project is currently supported and maintained by the
staff of bww bitwiseworks GmbH:
- Dmitriy Kuminov (developer)
- Silvan Scherrer (project manager)
bww bitwiseworks GmbH would like to thank the following people for their
prior work on Mozilla for eCS (OS/2). We might not share all your opinions,
however we still appreciate your work, contributions and input (and will do
so in the future):
- Mensys BV
- Mike Kaply
- Peter Weilbacher
- Rich Walsh
- Walter Meinl
- Dave Yeo
- Steve Wendt
- all we missed here!
=============================================================================== |
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (15/11/2020, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (14/11/2020, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (Optimized for Pentium M, 19/8/2019, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (2/6/2019, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (Optimized for Pentium M, 26/5/2019, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (25/4/2019, Dave Yeo) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (Optimized for Pentium M, 12/4/2019, Dave Yeo) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 0.5 (Mozturbo updated from Seamonkey 1.1.19, 24/12/2018, Dave Yeo) | Readme/What's new |
16-12-2018 -v0.4 Added missing browser\components\brwsrcmp.dll for ffturbo
24-12-2018 -v0.5 Don't force load modules by default, saves memory. New option, -t to restore old behaviour.
24-12-2018 -v0.5 Update readme and formatting fixes. Add LICENSE.
04-01-2019 -v0.6 Add a version parameter
03-03-2019 -v0.6 various tweeks and use a Makefile to build
25-05-2019 -v0.7 Support loading the NSPR and NSS DLLs high for SUa2 release of Mozilla
25-05-2019 -v0.7 Add some icons, courtesy of David Graser
25-05-2019 -v0.7 Add a script to help with marking and creating objects, from Andr Heldoorn
25-05-2019 -v0.7 Update README |
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![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (Optimized for Pentium M, 16/12/2018, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (9/6/2018, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (6/6/2018, Dave Yeo) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (exp3, 7/4/2018, Dave Yeo) | Readme/What's new |
-- M o z i l l a R e a d M e ----------------------------------------------
* This Read Me file contains information about installing and using
the OS/2 builds of Firefox, Seamonkey, and Thunderbird.
* These applications are subject to the terms detailed in the license
agreement accompanying them.
* OS/2-specific changes to the product are listed in the CHANGES.OS2 file.
* The Mozilla for OS/2 project home page is now located at There you will find
most recent news, binary downloads and the issue system to report
OS/2-specific bugs.
* Community support for the Mozilla applications is available through
the newsgroups '' or 'comp.os.os2.apps'.
Messages posted to other forums may not be seen by the developers.
For additional resources, see the "Links" section below.
-- Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Installation
* Compatibility Warning
* Starting the App
* OS/2 Add-ons
* Environment Variables
* Fonts
* Printing
* Video
* Audio
* Troubleshooting
* Known Problems
* Links
* System Requirements
* Acknowledgements
-- Installation ---------------------------------------------------------------
Mozilla is a complex product that uses a huge number of 3rd party libraries
such as Cairo, FreeType, NSPR and many others. In order to provide better OS/2
support for both Mozilla and these libraries we build them as dynamically
loadable modules (DLLs), which are maintained and distributed separately and
which Mozilla executables are simply linked with. This approach also allows
other applications to use the same library modules which, among other benefits,
reduces the overall memory footprint and saves other vital system resources.
As a side effect of this approach, Mozilla applications got so many external
dependencies that it is nearly impossible for the end user to install all of
them from the ZIP files manually - and even naming them all in this file
would be a very hard task. For this reason, starting from the release of
Firefox version 38.8.0 (Beta 7), manual installation of Mozilla requirements
is no longer supported. The only supported way of installing all the
requirements now is the YUM command line tool or the Arca Noae Package Manager
application (ANPM), which is part of ArcaOS (an OS/2 and eComstation successor
distribution by Arca Noae which you can obtain from
Moreover, starting from the release of Firefox version 45.9.0 GA, a separate
ZIP distribution of Firefox is no longer maintained. There are now two supported
methods of installing Firefox:
- From an RPM repository using YUM or ANPM (this method requires a valid ArcaOS
Software Subscription, visit for details). This is the
preferred and the easiest way to install Firefox including all its
dependencies and to keep everything updated with a single mouse click.
- From a ZIP archive automatically generated from the RPM distribution. See
below for details.
The following instruction describe the steps necessary for both methods.
1. Install the RPM/YUM environment. The simplest way to do so is to download
and install ANPM as described here:
If you prefer command line, you may install only the RPM/YUM environment
and tools as described here:
Note that you should skip this step if you already have ArcaOS installed,
because it already includes the RPM/YUM environment and the ANPM tool.
2. If you have an ArcaOS subscription, then simply install a package named
`firefox` using the ANPM GUI or by executing `yum install firefox` from the
command line. All Firefox dependencies will be downloaded and installed
(or updated) automatically.
If you use a ZIP archive, you may unpack its contents to a directory of your
choice. Numerous Firefox dependencies are not installed in this case, so
you will have to install them manually using ANPM or `yum install PACKAGES`
followed by a `yum update`. The list of RPM packages required by Firefox is
contained in a file named RPM_REQUIREMENTS inside the ZIP archive.
3. Optional. Choose a directory where the Mozilla applications will store their
profile data, then add a line like this to CONFIG.SYS:
The first time you run any Mozilla application, it will create a `Mozilla`
subdirectory in `D:\Home` where your customized settings are saved.
By default, the `Mozilla` subdirectory is created in a directory specified
in the HOME environment variable.
WARNING!!! Without `MOZILLA_HOME` or `HOME` environment variables, the
`Mozilla` subdirectory will be created in the same directory as the program
itself. This can make it very hard to upgrade to new versions without
deleting your customized settings.
4. Optional. You may want to install some of the items listed in the "OS/2
Add-ons" section below to improve the application's performance.
-- Compatibility Warning ------------------------------------------------------
After using Firefox v4.0, Seamonkey v2.1, or Thunderbird v3.4 (or any later
version) your History and Cookies databases (places.sqlite & cookies.sqlite)
will NOT be compatible with earlier versions (i.e. FF3.6, SM2.0, or TB3.1).
A REXX script is available to restore compatibility.
* To preserve compatibility BEFORE running the new version:
- download '' from
- unzip it into your profile directory
- make backups of places.sqlite and cookies.sqlite
* To restore compatibility BEFORE running an earlier version:
- run the script from your profile directory.
* To restore compatibility AFTER running an earlier version
(i.e. you forgot to run the script before):
- look for 'places.sqlite.corrupt' and 'cookies.sqlite.corrupt' in your
profile directory, If they appear to be the right size, remove the
'.corrupt' extension after deleting the newly-created versions.
- run the script
- if your history and cookies aren't restored, use your backup copies.
-- Starting Firefox / Seamonkey / Thunderbird ---------------------------------
If this is the only Mozilla application you use, then all you need is a
simple program object.
However, if you run two or more of these apps at the same time, you may
encounter dll conflicts. If you can open any one of these apps by itself,
but can't open a second one while the first is still running, this is the
likely cause. An entry in popuplog.os2 reporting a 'SYS2070' error for
the program that failed to start will confirm the problem.
The solution for dll conflicts is "SET LIBPATHSTRICT=T". There are several
ways to set this:
* modify your program object:
Path and filename: *
Parameters: /c set LIBPATHSTRICT=T & seamonkey.exe "%*"
Working directory: x:\\seamonkey
* create a .cmd file:
start thunderbird
* use Run! <!>:
Copy 'run!.exe' into the program's directory, then rename it as:
'firefox!L.exe', or 'seamonkey!L.exe', or 'thunderbird!L.exe'
Now, change your program object start it rather than the original exe.
(Use 'LK' instead of 'L' if you want the icon to show it's "in-use".)
Note: Starting with Firefox 45.9.0 GA, it is not necessary to set LIBPATHSTRICT
manually or using the Run! utility for it as this is done automatically
by firefox.exe when loading XUL.DLL and other Mozilla DLLs.
-- OS/2 Add-ons ---------------------------------------------------------------
* MP4 Video
Starting from version 38.8.0, Firefox can play MP4 (H264/AAC) video files
in HTML5 content but this requires the recent FFmpeg runtime libraries to
be installed. To do so, run `yum install ffmpeg-libs` on the command line
or install the 'ffmpeg-libs' package using ANPM.
* Workplace Sans - TrueType Font
Mozilla no longer supports bitmap fonts like WarpSans, so its menus
and dialogs may not look very "OS/2-like'. To fix this, you may want
to install Alex Taylor's 'Workplace Sans', a TrueType font inspired
by WarpSans. The app will use it by default if it's available.
Many users prefer the bitmapped version as it looks cleaner at small
point sizes.
* RWS - WPS Integration
With RWS, you can open downloads using their default WPS association
and have the app display the correct icon in file listings & dialogs.
For example, when you download a WPI file, the download dialog will
display WarpIn's icon, and offer to open it using WarpIn so you can
install it directly from the browser.
* Exceptq - Crash Reporting
If the app crashes, Exceptq will beep and then create an exception
report containing details of the crash. You can send these reports
to the developers via Issue Tracker reports (see the Links section).
* ConfigApps & Internet Application Integration - Set Default Browser
These two utilities make it easier to set your default browser,
email program, newsreader, etc.
- ConfigApps
- Internet Application Integration
* Doodle ScreenSaver - Intelligent Timing for Internal Cleanups
When Doodle's Screen Saver (DSSaver) v1.8 or later is installed,
the app can determine how long the user has been inactive. This
allows it to suspend reloads of "Live Bookmarks" and perform cleanup
operations during idle periods rather than while you're browsing.
-- Environment Variables ------------------------------------------------------
These can go in config.sys or the .cmd file you use to start the program.
* MOZILLA_HOME=[path] (recommended)
As noted above, this controls where the 'mozilla' subdirectory
containing your profile (personal settings and data) is located.
For example: if you specify "SET MOZILLA_HOME=x:\",
then your profiles will be stored in 'x:\\mozilla'.
This lets you specify a global directory for plugins like Flash
and Acrobat Reader so that all Mozilla apps can access them.
For example: "SET MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=x:\\plugins"
Note that _you_ will have to create the 'plugins' subdirectory
and install your plugins into it.
Without this environment variable %MOZILLA_HOME%\Mozilla\Plugins
can be used.
The following are intended to fix problems, not enhance performance.
Very few users have any need for any of these:
This tells the app not to use OS/2's high resolution timer. Don't
set this unless other applications using the high resolution timer
(e.g. multimedia apps) act strangely.
Disable DIVE (accelerated video) support. Try this if the app fails
to start or the display is corrupted.
This permits you to run multiple copies of the same app at the same
time (provided you have separate profiles for each copy).
Also works as a parameter, eg Firefox -no-remote
This disables the WPS-integration features provided by RWS.
Signs that this is needed include hangs or crashes when viewing or
saving attachments or using a default WPS application as a helper
This disables OOP (out-of-process) mode for binary NP plugins. Note that this
is only intended to be used for testing purposes as having plugins run in the
browser process is insecure because a crash or a hang in a defective plugin
will crash and hang the whole browser session in such a case.
The following enable additional logging:
Print browser console messages to the standard output stream (which
may be redirected to a file when the browser is run as e.g.
`firefox.exe 2>&1 >console.log` from the command line).
-- Fonts ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mozilla apps use an internal font engine that offers antialiasing
and the ability to search multiple fonts for the correct glyph.
However, it only supports TrueType & Type1 fonts. OS/2 bitmap fonts
like WarpSans, System Proportional, etc, are NOT supported. Users
are encouraged to install Alex Taylor's "Workplace Sans" TrueType
font to restore the native OS/2 look-and-feel for menus and dialogs.
* Starting with Firefox 38, Mozilla apps use the complete version of the
fontconfig library recently ported to OS/2 to manage fonts. This library
requires UNIXROOT environment. If you have RPM/YUM installed, nothing
needs to be done except `yum install fontconfig`. If you prefer manual
installation then you have to unpack the entire contents of the fontconfig
package to your UNIXROOT tree (omitting `@unixroot` from the extracted path)
and make sure the UNIXROOT environment variable points to this tree.
All font settings (and many aspects of the FreeType font engine) are now
controlled through the '%UNIXROOT%\etc\fonts\fonts.conf' and
'%UNIXROOT%\etc\fonts\conf.d\*' files. Please refer to:
for more information on how to configure fonts using fonts.conf.
Note: You may need to restart the application to see your changes.
-- Printing -------------------------------------------------------------------
This version offers printing support using the application's built-in PDF and
Postscript generators. Native printing using the GPI subsystem is disabled in
this version due to incompatible changes in the underlying graphical library.
Taking into account generally poor quality of native printing compared to built-
in generators and the fact that modern printers don't have (and will never have)
native OS/2 drivers, there are no plans to add support for native printing back
in the near future.
* Built-in Postscript Support
There are two supported methods to print to a physical printer: use a native
Postscript driver for this printer, if it's available, or set up the printer as
a CUPS printer and create a native printer object for it. Both methods will
involve the built-in Postscript generator to produce output that is then sent
directly to the connected printer. No special setup is required in the
application itself for either of these methods because the built-in Postscript
generator is now always active when printing to a physical device and cannot be
turned off.
Note that all printers using non-Postscript drivers (e.g. LASERJET, OMNI,
IBMPCL5, etc.) are hidden from the application's Print dialog to avoid the
confusion of always getting "An error occurred while printing" message when
attempting to print to such a device. If there are no Postscript printers on
your system (or no configured printers at all), you will see "No printers
available" in the printer selection drop-down box in the Print dialog.
It is recommended to set up your printer as a CUPS printer rather than use the
native Postscript driver, even when it's available, because in most cases using
CUPS will result in better print-out quality. Note that by default any printer-
specific features specified in the native printer job properties dialog are
stripped out because CUPS may not recognize them. If you use a printer with the
native Postscript driver without CUPS, you may wish to disable such stripping.
This can be done by setting the `print.os2.postscript.use_ibmnull` preference to
`false` in the preference editor which can be opened by typing `about:config`
in the browser's address bar (or with the 'Config Editor' in the Options dialog
in Thunderbird).
Note that the `print.os2.postscript.use_builtin` preference used to enable
built-in Postscript support in earlier versions does no longer have any effect
as this support is always on now.
* Built-in PDF Support
PDF files can be created by selecting any printer, then checking "Print to
file". When the file dialog appears, give the file's name a ".pdf" extension
and the application will generate a PDF file with the printed contents. Note
that providing any other extension (including ".ps") will cause raw Postscript
data to be saved to the given file.
Note that if you don't have any Postscript printer supported by OS/2 or simply
don't have any printer at all but still want to print to PDF using the described
method, you will need to install a generic PostScript printer (drivers for this
printer are shipped with any OS/2 distribution including ArcaOS). Just go to the
printer installation program and select "Generic PostScript Printer" from the
list when installing a new printer driver (make sure that PSCRIPT is the driver
used for this printer). Then select this newly installed driver and an output
port for the new printer object and you are done. Note that you may select any
output port for it (or simply check "Output to File") since you are not going
to actually print to a physical device anyway. The only printer job properties
that will be used by the PDF generator are paper size and margins.
-- Video ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Users of the SNAP and GenGradd video drivers running in full-color mode
will automatically experience improved video performance thanks to the
applications' use of DIVE. Currently, the Panorama video driver is not
supported if its "shadow buffer" option is enabled.
* DIVE Support
DIVE lets an app bypass PM's graphics subsystem and write directly to
your video card's memory. This improves display speed but can cause
problems on some systems.
Use any one of the following to disable DIVE:
- uncheck "Use hardware acceleration when available" on the Options
dialog's 'Advanced->General' tab.
- start the app in "safe mode" (use "/safe-mode" on the command line)
- add "SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=0" to config.sys.
* Mouse Pointer Issues
If the mouse pointer disappears when starting the app, you can use
"SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=1" to override automatic detection of how your
video driver displays the pointer. If it flickers when scrolling a
page, you may want to try "SET MOZ_ACCELERATED=2".
-- Audio ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Starting from version 31, Firefox uses the K Audio Interface library (libkai)
to play sounds in HTML5/JS content and in Firefox widgets. Currently, this
library supports the standard OS/2 MMPM/DART sound subsystem as well as the
UNIAUD driver directly. By default, libkai prefers UNIAUD to DART but it may
be forced to use either of them using the KAI_AUTOMODE environment variable:
- "SET KAI_AUTOMODE=UNIAUD" will activate UNIAUD mode.
- "SET KAI_AUTOMODE=DART" will activate MMPM/DART mode.
-- Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------
The following may help resolve problems that were known at the time this
ReadMe was written. Additional community support is available through
the newsgroups '' or 'comp.os.os2.apps'. Messages
posted to other forums may not be seen by the developers.
* Program won't start
If other Mozilla apps are open, close them, then retry. If it can
now start, see the "Starting Firefox/Seamonkey/Thunderbird" section.
* Program crashes when the first window appears
If you see the outline of the window, then it crashes, see the
"Video" section for info on disabling DIVE.
* Program crashes or hangs when downloading files, viewing file listings,
loading message attachments or dragging with the mouse.
Try adding "SET MOZ_NO_RWS=1" to the environment.
* Program crashes randomly
Restart the app in "safe mode" (use "/safe-mode" on the command line).
If it appears to be stable in safe-mode, a plugin may be the cause.
Disable all plugins, then restart normally. If it remains stable,
re-enable one plugin at a time until the problem returns.
* Program beeps several times then crashes
The beeps simply indicate that Exceptq is installed and is creating
a trap report to help identify the cause of the crash. Since Exceptq
isn't activated until a crash occurs, it isn't the cause of the crash.
* Continuous 100% CPU usage
If you use OS/2's "Comet Cursor" feature, try turning it off.
Try adding "SET NSPR_OS2_NO_HIRES_TIMER=1" to the environment.
* User-interface (buttons, address bar, etc.) is missing or corrupted
Shutdown the program, then open the directory containing its profile.
Delete 'XUL.mfl' and the directory named 'startupCache, then restart.
Note: To find your profile, select Help->Troubleshooting Information
from the main menu. On the page that appears, find the line labelled
"Profile Directory" then press the button next to it. After the folder
opens, be sure to close the app before changing or deleting anything.
* Other problems
First, try the solution for "User-interface is missing or corrupted"
above. If that doesn't work, try creating a new profile. The easiest
way is change the path in your "MOZILLA_HOME" environment variable when
the app isn't running, then restart it. If this fixes the problem, try
copying files from your original profile to the new one until the issue
reappears. The first file to try is "prefs.js".
If you can identify which file is the cause, restore your original
"MOZILLA_HOME" path. Rename the problem file so Mozilla can't find
it, then restart the app. Mozilla should create a new version of the
file you've hidden, and with any luck, the problem should be solved.
-- Known Problems -------------------------------------------------------------
* Printing of complex web pages using the native LASERJET and OMNI printer
drivers is known to crash the browser in PMMERGE.DLL in some cases.
As a workaround, please install and use the CUPS printer (based on the
POSTSCRIPT driver) that always works. CUPS is part of the modern
eComStation installations. In order to install it on older systems please
refer to:
* Due to bugs in MMPM, the current version of Firefox runs the Flash plugin in
"in-process" (traditional) mode instead of the new OOP (out-of-process) mode
used on other platforms. This will be fixed in future releases.
* The OpenJDK (Java) plugin works but there are some problems with window
updates. This is to be addressed in future releases.
* Mozilla apps will beep when copying more than 64 kB of text to the clipboard.
This is to alert users that many applications (most notably the system
editor, EPM, and applications running in VIO windows) cannot paste more
than this.
* Cross-platform problems are usually listed in the release notes of each
milestone release.
* Other known problems can be found by following this link:
* The old list of bugs (for historical purposes, as it is mostly outdated)
can be found by following the link "Current Open Warpzilla Bugs" on the
OS/2 Mozilla page:
-- Links ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Main resources:
* Mozilla for OS/2 Home Page
* Mozilla for OS/2 Binary Releases
* Mozilla for OS/2 Issue Tracker & Bug Reports
Seamonkey and Thunderbird builds (not supported by bww bitwise works GmbH):
* Comm-Central (SeaMonkey and Thunderbird) for OS/2
Additional information:
* Official Releases (Firefox 10.0.12 and earlier versions)
* Older Official and Experimental Releases (Upto Firefox 10.0.12ESR)
* Beta Versions (Firefox 10ESR and earlier versions)
* General Information About the Mozilla Apps
* Steve Wendt's Tips for Warpzilla
* Mozilla for OS/2 Newsgroup on server
* Mailing list gateway to
* Mozilla for OS/2 IRC Channel
#warpzilla on server
* Submit Bug Reports (all platforms)
* Building Mozilla Apps on OS/2
-- System Requirements --------------------------------------------------------
* Minimum hardware requirements for acceptable performance
- 1.0 GHz processor
- 256 MiB RAM plus 128 MiB free swap space
- 40 MiB free harddisk space for installation
plus storage space for disk cache
- Graphics card and driver capable of displaying 64k or 16m colors
Note: Installing more RAM than the minimum required may produce
significant improvements in performance and stability.
* Software requirements
- Installation on a file system supporting long file names
(i.e. HPFS or JFS but not FAT)
- OS/2 Warp 4 with Fixpack 15 or later (Warp 3 may work but is unsupported)
- Kernel with build level 14.104a is recommended.
- MPTS version 5.3
- TCP/IP version 4.1
- INETVER: SOCKETS.SYS=5.3007, AFOS2.SYS=5.3001, AFINET.SYS=5.3006
Note: Do not attempt to use MPTS & TCP/IP versions below these INETVER
levels. Although the app may seem to start and run normally,
some features it needs are not implemented correctly in older
MPTS versions and may cause crashes and data loss.
Convenience Pack 2 or eComStation 1.0 or later meet these requirements
out of the box.
* Java
Java versions earlier than 1.5 are *not* supported. Neither the IBM
nor Innotek versions of Java will work with this release.
* Innotek Font Engine
This is no longer needed or used by any of the Mozilla apps and it is
recommended to remove browser related entries from the registry.
The package includes a utility to do this and is
automatically invoked when using mozinst.cmd.
* Plugins
Do not use the "OS/2 Multimedia Plugin for Netscape". It does not
support any MM formats currently in use and is known to cause crashes.
-- Acknowledgements -----------------------------------------------------------
The Mozilla for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems project is currently supported and
maintained by the staff of bww bitwise works GmbH:
- Dmitriy Kuminov (developer)
- Silvan Scherrer (project manager)
bww bitwise works GmbH would like to thank the following people for their
prior work on Mozilla for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems. We might not share all
your opinions, however we still appreciate your work, contributions and input
(and will do so in the future):
- Mensys BV
- Mike Kaply
- Peter Weilbacher
- Rich Walsh
- Walter Meinl
- Dave Yeo
- Steve Wendt
- all we missed here!
=============================================================================== |
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (exp2, 18/12/2017) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (exp1, 26/11/2017) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (FR French language version, 11/7/2017) | Readme/What's new |
French language package for SeaMonkey 2.42.9esr |
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (NL Nederlands language version, 11/7/2017) | Readme/What's new |
Dutch language package for SeaMonkey 2.42.9esr |
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (DE German language version, 30/6/2017) | Readme/What's new |
German language package for SeaMonkey 2.42.9esr |
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (3/6/2017) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.42b8 (20/5/2017) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.35b7 (24/2/2017) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.35 (DE German language version, 6/9/2016) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.35b7 (17/7/2016) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.35a2 (8/5/2016) | ||
![]() |
SeaMonkey v. 2.35a1 (23/2/2016) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.28 (experimental, optimized for first gen. Intel Core2Duo CPU, 15/1/2016) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.28b5r2 (26/7/2015) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.21b3 (14/3/2015) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.7.2 (extended release, 8/1/2013) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 1.1.19 (installer, 5/4/2010) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 1.1.19 (zip, 5/4/2010) | ||
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SeaMonkey v. 2.42.9esr (, Dave Yeo) | ||
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License(link is external).
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