Operating System/2 Resources Translator. Da usare per tradurre i file di risorse, i file delle finestre di dialogo, i file dei messaggi di XWorkPlace, ect. dall'inglese in differenti lingue (es. russo). Potente e molto veloce!
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
Resources Translator v. 1.4.005 (13/12/2002, Alexander Kragel) | Readme/What's new |
Operating System/2 Resources Translator
Resources Translator created basing on the project of Denis Smirnov -
a translator of the resources files EN2RU.
How it work:
- analysing source file format;
- scaning file line by line...
- separate information part from specific according file format;
- check check needed translate line...
- try to translate line wholly (if translation needed)
- if line not translated, analyse it on offers and translate
each of them separately;
- if need using case insensitive search and search without symbols "~";
- translating result write in out file;
- nontranslated offers write into the file for translation.
Translator allows multilanguage support:
1. Message Language used according envirenment variable LANG.
Now supported rusiian and english (by default) languages.
2. Key /l assign Result language code (by default - Russian RU).
In this case using another dictionary file (for example en2de.txt) and
accordingly other extensions of translated files.
Note: dialog files (DLG) can require preprocessing with utility
MakeDlg.cmd, which takes away a splitting the text messages on several
While working are used following files (on example of russian):
rt.cmd - translator itself;
NoTrans.txt - non-translated words file;
en2ru.txt - dictionary (in this case english-russian);
*.hash - hash tables (automatically created if needed).
After translation created group of files:
*.ru - translated document;
*.2ru - line list, which it is necessary to translate;
*.4ru - list of nearly translated phrases (case insensitive).
Also can be created files:
en2ru.add - successfully added phrases in dictionary;
*.new, *.bad - dictionaries testing result.
Dictionary format: plain text file in wich every liny contain
one phrase (in bose languages). English and translated text are separated with
tab-symbol (0x09).
Non-translated words file format: also plain text file in wich
every liny contain one phrase.
Program required REXXUTIL.DLL version 2.0.
Program usage:
Usage: RT.CMD [-<key>|-<key> <FileName>] [FileToTranslate]
Available Keys:
a <FileName>: add new translated strings into dictionary
d: delete duplicate lines from bases
i: ignore symbol "~" in strings
l: <Lang>: use another destination languge
u: case insensitive search
v <FileName>: use another dictionary file
n <FileName>: use another non-translated words file
Resources Translator uploaded without dictionaries.
You can download them in support page:
2:454/55@fidonet |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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