
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 20 Marzo, 2006



Authors/Port authors:

phpGUI è uno strumento per sviluppatori che creano siti web in linguaggio PHP, HTML e MySQL. Ma si rivolge anche a coloro che non conoscendo quasi nulla di PHP, vogliono creare pure pagine HTML statiche, con tutti i benefici di phpGUI.

Caratteristiche di phpGUI:

  • Editazione ed amministrazione sorgenti
  • Creazione e mantenimento delle versioni dei file editati
  • Interruzione dei sorgenti PHP e Javascript per funzioni e classi e apertura di ognuno di essi in una finestra di modifica separata
  • Upload diretto di un file dall'interno dell'editor
  • Creazione automatica delle strutture di directory sul server
  • Upload diretto di file non soggetti ad editazione (per esempio le immagini)
  • Assistenza per frammenti di codice, maschere e palette di colori
  • Creazione di mappe immagine
  • Amministrazione di definizioni per siti multipli
  • Modulo speciale 'IMaGen', per la pubblicazione online di riviste
  • e molto altro...
Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire install.cmd. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

phpGUI v. 1.22 (26/9/2011, Lutz Wagner) Readme/What's new
1.20 March 23, 2008 There are some bug-fixes in the phpGUI-main-module: It was not possible to edit php-files that did not have '.php'-extension. If you have a javascript-file (.js) and there are global variables in it (i.e. before the first function-statement) then these variables could get lost. This is fixed now. Most of the changes have happened in the CMS-module 'IMaGen' with the Screen-Painter-module. Mainly these changes are related to errors that occurred due to wrong or inappropriate user action. As a matter of fact IMaGen is not intuitively to be operated, on the other hand I had not the time to write a comprehensive user manual (not to speak of: In two languages). Following from these facts I must advise everybody not to use IMaGen. But those who despite of this dare to dive into the IMaGen-matters will receive my unrestricted support, via email. IMaGen is invoked from the phpGUI main menu, that is to say you may use phpGUI without touching the IMaGen-module, but not vice versa.
phpGUI v. 1.0 (20/3/2006, Lutz Wagner) Readme/What's new
1.00 March 19, 2006 This is Version 1.0: After more than one year of practical experience with phpGUI I decided to make it now the 'Final Version', 1.0 (of course that doesn't mean that the program wouldn't change any more in the future). It simply means that the program now has a reasonable degree of features and maturity (and reasonable small number of bugs ... ). There have been added still these changes: 1. Function 'Delete' for php-functions: Up to now this feature had a bug in a sense that the function to be deleted didn't disappear at all, unless you saved the total file immediately after the deletion. This has now been fixed. 2. Function 'Rename' for php-function: This function is new. From the context-menu over the php-function-listbox you can now select 'Rename' the php-funtion. When changing the name of the function all references to that function in other parts of the php-program are altered accordingly. 4. Bugfixes: An error was fixed concerning the case when multiple php-sources (with multiple functions each) have been opened at the same time. 5. New Application: IMaGen A completly new application, called IMaGen (Internet Magazine Generator) is now part of the phpGUI-system. It is a sort of a content management system (CMS), but not as universal like most CMSs, instead it is taylored specially to the purpose of publishing an online-magazine. These types of web-publication are defined as (1) having one basic structure (called the layout) and (2) articles within that structure which change periodically (daily, weekly, monthly or whenvever the editor regards it neccessary). At the moment IMaGen is in a very early (immature) state. It performs some basic functions but others are still under development. Unfortunately there is almost no documentation available by now. You may try it out and test it by using your intuition and the right mouse button for context menus. IMagen consist of two parts: (1) The Layout-Painter and (2) the Article-Desk. Both functions have no direct influence on the phpGUI-features, indeed I had thought about making them a separate application. I dismissed this idea mainly because there yet ARE some common elements in both phpGUI and IMaGen: (1) the site-definition and (2) internal program resources (such as upload-logic). Consequently, you start the IMaGen-modules directly from the phpGUI-menubar: The Layout-Painter may suggest that it be a graphics-program, but no, it isn't. It is a graphical (GUI-based) application where you define the structure of your magazine, expressed in 'rubrics' on (up to) three levels: Chapters, Sections, Subsesctions. The Article-Desk is the place, where you write articles, give them headlines, define common typographical attributes to them and upload them to your remote site. All IMaGen-ressources, i.e. the layout and the articles are stored in a MySQL-database which you must create on your remote site. The 'create table'-scripts are supplied by the phpGUI-installation package. Of course you will have to supply your own entries in the config.db-file for your database-login-parameters.  local copy
phpGUI v. 0.93 (29/12/2004, Lutz Wagner) Readme/What's new
Ver. 0.93 Dec.18, 2004 1. Skeleton-files: From the Project-Dir-Window you can now create new files, of type 'html', 'php' or other (ascii) files. For each of these filetypes there are skeleton-files (templates) which you can modify as you like in order to fit your needs and tastes. You can have different skeleton-files in each project-directory. 2. Image-Editor-Program: From the Project-Dir-Window, for any graphic-file, you can now invoke your favourite Image-Editor-Program. At first invocation you are asked to specify the program full path 3. Color-Mixer: There is now a little tool-window, where you can mix any color (from RGB-values) and format the new value in html-syntax like '#aabbcc' (for use in the <FONT COLOR=...>-tag or in css 'color:....'-tag). You visually mix your desired color, then click on 'select' and the appropriate color-string is put in the system-clipboard, from where you can paste it into your code.  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 25/02/2023 - 19:29

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