Data rilascio: 
Venerdì, 11 Marzo, 2016



Gli strumenti gSOAP forniscono un binding automatico di dati SOAP e XML per C e C ++ basati sulle tecnologie del compilatore.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto RPM.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

gsoap-devel-2.8.29-1.oc00 (06/12/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
Added new soapcpp2 option -r to generate a report that summarizes the input .h file information, the serializable C/C++ types, the services, and the generated code. Use a markdown converter to browse or download the free readmeviewer.html from to view the report in a browser. Added new wsdl2h option -M to suppress error "must understand element with wsdl:required='true'". Upgraded HTTP digest authentication httpda plugin to 2.0 to support RFC7616 "HTTP Digest Access Authentication" with SHA2 (replacing MD5) that is compatible with RFC2617; compile and link upgraded plugin/httpda.c with plugin/smdevp.c instead of plugin/md5evp.c. Updated wsdl2h HTTPS-enabled build steps to use upgraded httpda plugin. Updated samples/webserver to use upgraded httpda plugin. Updated the samples with new AWS S3 SOAP API example samples/aws. Improved soapcpp2 code generation of inline object read/write functions in C++, instead of macros generated in C. Fixed and improved soapcpp2 code generation with options -p and -q. Fixed definitions/service/port/wsaw:UsingAddressing processing. Fixed SNI SSL_set_tlsext_host_name call for OpenSSL 0.9.8f. Fixed wsdl2h skipping mime:multipartRelated/mime:part.
gsoap-2.8.29-1.oc00 (06/12/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable
Added new soapcpp2 option -r to generate a report that summarizes the input .h file information, the serializable C/C++ types, the services, and the generated code. Use a markdown converter to browse or download the free readmeviewer.html from to view the report in a browser. Added new wsdl2h option -M to suppress error "must understand element with wsdl:required='true'". Upgraded HTTP digest authentication httpda plugin to 2.0 to support RFC7616 "HTTP Digest Access Authentication" with SHA2 (replacing MD5) that is compatible with RFC2617; compile and link upgraded plugin/httpda.c with plugin/smdevp.c instead of plugin/md5evp.c. Updated wsdl2h HTTPS-enabled build steps to use upgraded httpda plugin. Updated samples/webserver to use upgraded httpda plugin. Updated the samples with new AWS S3 SOAP API example samples/aws. Improved soapcpp2 code generation of inline object read/write functions in C++, instead of macros generated in C. Fixed and improved soapcpp2 code generation with options -p and -q. Fixed definitions/service/port/wsaw:UsingAddressing processing. Fixed SNI SSL_set_tlsext_host_name call for OpenSSL 0.9.8f. Fixed wsdl2h skipping mime:multipartRelated/mime:part.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 06/12/2017 - 07:15

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