Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 22 Agosto, 1995



Authors/Port authors:

Port del popolare OpenSource GREP GNU per UNIX: trova corrispondenze di stringhe in specifici files.

Port realizzato con Open Watcom C/C++ & Fortran77.

Questo software è distribuito con due modalità:
  • come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente;
  • come pacchetto RPM, installabile tramite il gestore pacchetti rpm preferito, che provvederà a scaricare e installare sia il software che gli eventuali prerequisiti.
Scegli la modalità di installazione che preferisci, tenendo conto del fatto che non tutte le versioni del software sono disponibili per entrambe le modalità.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

Repository: Netlabs stable(link is external)
GNU grep NEWS -*- outline -*- * Noteworthy changes in release 3.8 (2022-09-02) [stable] ** Changes in behavior The -P option is now based on PCRE2 instead of the older PCRE, thanks to code contributed by Carlo Arenas. The egrep and fgrep commands, which have been deprecated since release 2.5.3 (2007), now warn that they are obsolescent and should be replaced by grep -E and grep -F. The confusing GREP_COLOR environment variable is now obsolescent. Instead of GREP_COLOR='xxx', use GREP_COLORS='mt=xxx'. grep now warns if GREP_COLOR is used and is not overridden by GREP_COLORS. Also, grep now treats GREP_COLOR like GREP_COLORS by silently ignoring it if it attempts to inject ANSI terminal escapes. Regular expressions with stray backslashes now cause warnings, as their unspecified behavior can lead to unexpected results. For example, '\a' and 'a' are not always equivalent <>. Similarly, regular expressions or subexpressions that start with a repetition operator now also cause warnings due to their unspecified behavior; for example, *a(+b|{1}c) now has three reasons to warn. The warnings are intended as a transition aid; they are likely to be errors in future releases. Regular expressions like [:space:] are now errors even if POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, since POSIX now allows the GNU behavior. ** Bug fixes In locales using UTF-8 encoding, the regular expression '.' no longer sometimes fails to match Unicode characters U+D400 through U+D7FF (some Hangul Syllables, and Hangul Jamo Extended-B) and Unicode characters U+108000 through U+10FFFF (half of Supplemental Private Use Area plane B). [bug introduced in grep 3.4] The -s option no longer suppresses "binary file matches" messages. [Bug#51860 introduced in grep 3.5] ** Documentation improvements The manual now covers unspecified behavior in patterns like \x, (+), and range expressions outside the POSIX locale. * Noteworthy changes in release 3.7 (2021-08-14) [stable] ** Changes in behavior Use of the --unix-byte-offsets (-u) option now evokes a warning. Since 3.1, this Windows-only option has had no effect. ** Bug fixes Preprocessing N patterns would take at least O(N^2) time when too many patterns hashed to too few buckets. This now takes seconds, not days: : | grep -Ff <(seq 6400000 | tr 0-9 A-J) [Bug#44754 introduced in grep 3.5] * Noteworthy changes in release 3.6 (2020-11-08) [stable] ** Changes in behavior The GREP_OPTIONS environment variable no longer affects grep's behavior. The variable was declared obsolescent in grep 2.21 (2014), and since then any use had caused grep to issue a diagnostic. ** Bug fixes grep's DFA matcher performed an invalid regex transformation that would convert an ERE like a+a+a+ to a+a+, which would make grep a+a+a+ mistakenly match "aa". [Bug#44351 introduced in grep 3.2] grep -P now reports the troublesome input filename upon PCRE execution failure. Before, searching many files for something rare might fail with just "exceeded PCRE's backtracking limit". Now, it also reports which file triggered the failure. * Noteworthy changes in release 3.5 (2020-09-27) [stable] ** Changes in behavior The message that a binary file matches is now sent to standard error and the message has been reworded from "Binary file FOO matches" to "grep: FOO: binary file matches", to avoid confusion with ordinary output or when file names contain spaces and the like, and to be more consistent with other diagnostics. For example, commands like 'grep PATTERN FILE | wc' no longer add 1 to the count of matching text lines due to the presence of the message. Like other stderr messages, the message is now omitted if the --no-messages (-s) option is given. Two other stderr messages now use the typical form too. They are now "grep: FOO: warning: recursive directory loop" and "grep: FOO: input file is also the output". The --files-without-match (-L) option has reverted to its behavior in grep 3.1 and earlier. That is, grep -L again succeeds when a line is selected, not when a file is listed. The behavior in grep 3.2 through 3.4 was causing compatibility problems. ** Bug fixes grep -I no longer issues a spurious "Binary file FOO matches" line. [Bug#33552 introduced in grep 2.23] In UTF-8 locales, grep -w no longer ignores a multibyte word constituent just before what would otherwise be a word match. [Bug#43225 introduced in grep 2.28] grep -i no longer mishandles ASCII characters that match multibyte characters. For example, 'LC_ALL=tr_TR.utf8 grep -i i' no longer dumps core merely because 'i' matches 'İ' (U+0130 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE) in Turkish when ignoring case. [Bug#43577 introduced partly in grep 2.28 and partly in grep 3.4] A performance regression with -E and many patterns has been mostly fixed. "Mostly" as there is a performance tradeoff between Bug#22357 and Bug#40634. [Bug#40634 introduced in grep 2.28] A performance regression with many duplicate patterns has been fixed. [Bug#43040 introduced in grep 3.4] An N^2 RSS performance regression with many patterns has been fixed in common cases (no backref, and no use of -o or --color). With only 80,000 lines of /usr/share/dict/linux.words, the following would use 100GB of RSS and take 3 minutes. With the fix, it used less than 400MB and took less than one second: head -80000 /usr/share/dict/linux.words > w; grep -vf w w [Bug#43527 introduced in grep 3.4] ** Build-related "make dist" builds .tar.gz files again, as they are still used in some barebones builds.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc libgcc1 libssp libstdc++6 libstdc++ libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd

Documentazione in linea

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 06/08/2023 - 17:03


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