Prominare Universal Resource Editor (URE)

Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 7 Marzo, 1998



Authors/Port authors:

Universal Resource Editor è un'ambiente di sviluppo grafico che permette ai programmatori di applicazioni di disegnare in modo facile e veloce l'interfaccia completa di un programma per il Presentation Manager (PM), con finestre, menu e dialoghi. Inoltre, Universal Resource Editor genera i relativi file descrittivi di tali risorse in modo automatico.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

  • scaricare il pacchetto ZIP in una cartella temporanea e scompattarlo nella cartella di destinazione;
  • il pacchetto principale è autoinstallante, eseguire install.exe.

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Prominare Universal Resource Editor (URE) v. 1.15 (Fix Kit, 3/8/1998, Prominare Inc., Matt Smith)  local copy
Prominare Universal Resource Editor (URE) v. 1.15r2 (3/8/1998, Prominare Inc., Matt Smith) is external)
Prominare Universal Resource Editor (URE) v. 1.15 (7/3/1998, Prominare Inc., Matt Smith) Readme/What's new
Universal Resource Editor README File Release Notes for the Version 1.15 Copyright (c) Prominare Inc., 1993-1998 This document contains release notes for Version 1.15 of the Universal Resource Editor. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ N O T E : ========= This release of Universal Resource Editor will only work on OS/2 Warp and above. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ====================== < Contents > ======================== This file has 3 parts: Part Content ---- ------- 1 Problem Determination 2 Known Bugs 3 New command line switches ================ < Problem Determination > ================= If a problem occurs within Universal Resource Editor that causes a memory protection violation, a message will be displayed showing the memory address where the violation occurred. Further information will be found within the directory where the Universal Resource Editor was installed within specific files associated with each application: Application Excception File ------------------------------------------------ Universal Resource Editor URE.XCP ================================================ When a memory protection violation does occur, please contact Technical Support. ====================== < Known Bugs > ====================== Warp Version 3 -------------- There are known bugs with the notebook control. If you have selected that the tab text be centered or right justified, it will actually be left justified. If you have entered a text string in a control that is greater than 255 characters in length, the control will only display the first 255 characters. There appears to be a bug within the dialogue manager of PM that causes this problem. If you have installed FixPack 16 or 17, there are known problems with WinDrawText (the display rectangle is 1 pel to large on the top and right) and with the using of DBCS styles with the entry field. If you use ES_MIXED, ES_SBCS or ES_DBBS styles with your entry fields, you will not be able to paste into the entry field on non-DBCS systems (ie North American or European systems). Warp Version 4 -------------- If you use ES_MIXED, ES_SBCS or ES_DBBS styles with your entry fields, you will not be able to paste into the entry field on non-DBCS systems (ie North American or European systems). ============= < New Command Line Switches > ============= A new switch has been added to utilize the new UniCode support found within Warp Version 4. This switch -U allows the UniCode filter routines to be used when importing Win32 resources.  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 03/08/2023 - 18:35


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