4OS2 Command processor

Data rilascio: 
Giovedì, 15 Aprile, 2010



Versione gratuita del processore comandi 4OS2. Il programma non è più supportato dalla JP Software. Per il supporto su base volontaria si veda il file readme.1st.

Insieme a JdeBP's 32-bit, 4OS2 è sicuramente l'interprete dei comandi alternativo più diffuso su OS/2!

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

4OS2 Command processor v. 3.11.0 (20/1/2022) Readme/What's new
Fixes and changes since last release ------------------------------------ 3.010 - Add /J switch to Copy and Move. Add CMDDirMvCpy INI key. These change the behavior for move and copy of a directory to match CMD (i.e. copy the directory not just the directory contents) - Add /Q to DIR command. It suppress non-fatal errors - Eliminate 4os2 beep when using Alt-Tab to access lSwitcher - Enhance NormalKey and NormalEditKey error message for keys which are excluded from use by 4OS2. (e.g. Atl-Tab, Ctrl-Esc) - Fix /ICON in START to avoid a SYS506 error. - Add Alias example file to package - Reorganize "What's New" section in help to place the latest changes at the top of the pages. - Fix @eawrite[] so it deletes EAs when a value isn't provided - Fix @eawrite and @earead to trim leading and trailing white space from EAnames. - Fix @words[] so it returns 0 - Added internal variable _TMSMP (Time Stamp) - Add INI key to specify 4 digit years and 2 digit 2 day should be displayed. - Add INI key to allow setting the Date Format. - Change the default jpstree.idx location to the 4OS2 directory with fall back to the root of the boot drive, - Hide LIBPATHSTRICT for environment list when it isn't set. - Fix Usage for the DIR and MOVE commands. - Fix deletion count when an unsuccessful attempt to abort occurs - Allow variables in the TEXT command. - Add INI key to prevent duplicates in the history. - Bypass internal help for message file help files with numbers in their names. - Fix options save to always write the new key to a new line. - Fix to always use an external command with the same name as an internal command if .exe is appended to it. - Add Shift-Ins paste. - Fix FOR switches so they can be grouped and placed in any order. This also fix a trap with some FOR command lines. - Fix REPLACE to accept an empty input string.
 ftp.netlabs.org/pub/4os2/4os2_3.11.GKY.exe  local copy
4OS2 Command processor v. 3.10pre (17/9/2021, Andreas Buchinger) Readme/What's new
Known problems -------------- None, but it is unlikely that there wouldn't be any. Fixes and changes since last release ------------------------------------ 3.09.1-shl (3.09.1 beta) - Avoid PMMERGE traps due to szSwtitle overflow - Sync memory command text to displayed values 3.09 (3.09 GA) - Set version number
 ftp.netlabs.org/pub/4os2/4os2_3.10.preAB.zip  local copy
4OS2 Command processor v. 3.09b (12/6/2020, Andreas Buchinger) Readme/What's new
Known problems -------------- None, but it is unlikely that there wouldn't be any. Fixes and changes since last release ------------------------------------ 3.08.4-shl (3.09 beta) - Correct memory DirHistory size display 3.08.3-shl (3.09 beta) - Ensure that 4os2 understands that given command lines like @ foo.exe @ is not an INI file indicator - Double max input line length to 2048, needed for compiling some QT4 stuff (by Andreas for Elbert) - Ensure command lines like @foo.exe do not treat foo.exe as an INI file - Ensure max length quoted pathnames handled correctly. - Correct ESET logic for BEGINLIBPATH etc. - Resolve list I command exception (ticket #20, changset 37507) - Support #! as EXTPROC equivalent if UnixPaths enabled - Default History and DirHistory to page multiples - Show DirHistory memory usage in memory command output - Update @makeage to be Y2K compliant
 ftp.netlabs.org/pub/4os2/4os2_3.09_AB_wpi.exe  local copy
4OS2 Command processor v. 3.08.4 (18/2/2018, Steven Levine) Readme/What's new
Fixes and changes since last release ------------------------------------ 3.08.4-shl (3.09 beta) - Correct memory DirHistory size display
 home.earthlink.net/~steve53//betas/4os2-3.08.4shl-2017-02-18.zip  local copy
4OS2 Command processor v. 3.08.3 (1/11/2013, Andreas Buchinger) Readme/What's new
3.08_3 - rereleased 3.08, only difference - 4start.cmd.sample added '.;' with CDPATH
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 05/02/2022 - 14:36

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