FUSE, one of the best ZX Spectrum emulators available open source. Contains FUSE utils and source code.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (FUSE) v. 1.4.3 (12/2/2025, Mentore Siesto) | Readme/What's new |
The FUSE Utils are a pack of useful programs designed to work with ZX Spectrum emulation files like snapshots, tape files, disk files and conversion from/to audio files. |
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Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (FUSE) v. 1.6.0 (30/10/2024, Mentore Siesto) | Readme/What's new |
The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse) 1.6.0
Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) was originally, and somewhat
unsurprisingly, an emulator of the ZX Spectrum (a popular 1980s home
computer, especially in the UK) for Unix. However, it has now also
been ported to Mac OS X, which may or may not count as a Unix variant
depending on your advocacy position and Windows which definitely isn't
a Unix variant. Fuse also emulates some of the better-known ZX Spectrum
clones as well.
What Fuse does have:
* Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation.
* Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068,
Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and
Scorpion ZS 256 emulation.
* Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you're likely to try it on.
* Support for loading from .tzx files, including accelerated loading.
* Sound (on systems supporting the Open Sound System, SDL, OpenBSD/
Solaris's /dev/audio, CoreAudio or PulseAudio).
* Emulation of most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum
(including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks).
* Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum.
* Support for the RZX input recording file format, including
rollback and 'competition mode'.
* Emulation of the Currah µSource, Interface 1, Kempston mouse,
Multiface One/128/3 and TTX2000S interfaces.
* Emulation of the Covox, Fuller audio box, Melodik and SpecDrum audio
* Emulation of the DivIDE, DivMMC, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF and ZXMMC
storage interfaces.
* Emulation of the Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE and Opus Discovery
disk interfaces.
* Emulation of the Spectranet and SpeccyBoot network interfaces.
* Emulation of the TTX2000 S Teletext adapter.
* Support for the Recreated ZX Spectrum Bluetooth keyboard.
Help! <xyz> doesn't work
If you're having a problem using/running/building Fuse, the two places
you're most likely to get help are the development mailing list
<fuse-emulator-devel@lists.sf.net> or the official forums at
What you'll need to run Fuse
Unix, Linux, BSD, etc.
* X, SDL, svgalib or framebuffer support. If you have GTK, you'll get
a (much) nicer user interface under X.
* libspectrum: this is available from
* Other libraries will give you some extended functionality:
* libgcrypt: the ability to digitally sign input recordings (note that
Fuse requires version 1.1.42 or later).
* libpng: the ability to save screenshots
* libxml2: the ability to load and save Fuse's current configuration
* zlib: support for compressed RZX files
If you've used Fuse prior to version 0.5.0, note that the external
utilities (tzxlist, etc) are now available separately from Fuse
itself. See http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/ for details.
Mac OS X
* Either the native port by Fredrick Meunier, or the original version
will compile on OS X 10.3 (Panther) or later.
* On Mac OS X Lion you will need to use clang as gcc-llvm-4.2.1 fails to
correctly compile z80_ops.c.
* The Win32 and SDL UIs can be used under Windows.
* pthreads-win32 library will give the ability to use posix threads, needed by
some peripherals.
Building Fuse
See the file `INSTALL' for more detailed information.
Closing comments
Fuse has its own home page, which you can find at:
and contains much of the information listed here.
News of new versions of Fuse (and other important Fuse-related
announcements) are distributed via the fuse-emulator-announce mailing
list on SourceForge; see
for details on how to subscribe and the like.
If you've got any bug reports, suggestions or the like for Fuse, or
just want to get involved in the development, this is coordinated via
the fuse-emulator-devel mailing list,
and the Fuse project page on SourceForge,
For Spectrum discussions not directly related to Fuse, visit either the
Usenet newsgroup `comp.sys.sinclair' or the World of Spectrum forums
Philip Kendall <philip-fuse@shadowmagic.org.uk>
27th February, 2021
Hello everyone.
This is the first working version for OS/2 of one of the best ZX Spectrum
emulators out there: FUSE (https://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/).
As per what is reported in the source distribution, I am including all the
source code with the only modification I had to make in order to make the
executable work correctly.
First of all I configured and compiled the needed libraries and utilities, namely
libspectrum (https://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/libspectrum.php)
fuse-utils (https://sourceforge.net/p/fuse-emulator/fuse-utils/ci/master/tree/)
which were basically easy to compile and install. The fuse-utils package is
included in this distribution, by the way, compiled like this:
zlib support: yes
libjpeg support: no
libpng support: yes
libgcrypt support: no
libaudiofile support: no
libspectrum's internal GLib replacement: yes
Then I set two fundamental variables:
set LIBSPECTRUM_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include
set LIBSPECTRUM_LIBS=-l/usr/local/lib/spectrum.a
then I called configure like this in order to setup compilation against our SDL 2:
sh ./configure --prefix=/Fuse-160 --with-sdl --disable-sdltest --disable-gtk3 --disable-gtktest --without-x --with-sdl --without-gtk --with-audio-driver=sdl
You may use any directory you wish for prefix. Default is /usr/bin which I don't like
for application projects.
I had to modify the source code of ui/sdl/sdldisplay.c replacing
if( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode ) {
if( sscanf( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode, " %dx%d", &mw, &mh ) != 2 ) {
if( !no_modes &&
sscanf( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode, " %d", &mn ) == 1 &&
mn <= i ) {
mw = modes[mn - 1]->w; mh = modes[mn - 1]->h;
#if defined (__OS2__)
mn = 0; // Remove useless warning
mw = modes[0]->w;
mh = modes[0]->h;
fprintf (stderr, "OS/2 system: resolution is %d x %d\n\r", mw, mh);
if( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode ) {
if( sscanf( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode, " %dx%d", &mw, &mh ) != 2 ) {
if( !no_modes &&
sscanf( settings_current.sdl_fullscreen_mode, " %d", &mn ) == 1 &&
mn <= i ) {
mw = modes[mn - 1]->w; mh = modes[mn - 1]->h;
This because apparently a call to SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_SWSURFACE);
reports three modes available but only mode 0 is valid (and corresponds to fullscreen).
I'm willing to delve deeper in this and maybe prepare a new release allowing
also working in a SDL window.
Compiled with
make install
A quirk: the font file fuse.font gets broken somehow during compilation, so I got
it from a Linux distribution and put in ui/widget/fuse_font_good.font. If you want
to compile FUSE under OS/2 please don't forget to copy this into ui/widget/fuse.font
before issuing "make install".
Well, hope this was useful. I did a quick test and it seems working pretty good, solid and fast.
As usual, YMMV and I cant' be considered liable for any damage should you suffer from
the use (or misuse) of this program. |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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