Release date: 
Monday, 12 December, 1994



Authors/Port authors:

This DOS proggy was written to extract OS/2 diskette images to HDD drive in mind. It's work was checked with OS/2 3.0 images. Unfortunately, it's not suitable to be used with fixpack disk images, use OS/2 diunpack.exe. Useful for unattended installation or specific hardware.


OS2HDD <img_file> <base_dir>

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

OS2HDD v. 1.2 (17/9/1995, Vladimir Vorontsov) Readme/What's new
OS2HDD Version 1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (C) by Vladimir Vorontsov, 1995. September 17, 1995. Volgograd, Russia. Patched & English ReadMe by G.K. Nov, 19, 2002, 2:5020/1159@FidoNet.org This DOS proggy was written to extract OS/2 diskette images to HDD drive in mind. It's work was checked with OS/2 3.0 images. Unfortunately, it's not suitable to be used with fixpack disk images, use OS/2 diunpack.exe. Syntax: OS2HDD <IMG_FILE> <BASE_DIR> where <IMG_FILE> is image file, <BASE_DIR> is base directory for extraction (there are subdirectories created, named after volume label or OS2HDD.#??, if no label, where ?? are numbers from 01 to 99). To extract all images to HDD in current directory use for %f in (<location>\*.dsk) do os2hdd %f . (dot is _in_ command line). "The same shit but a little different view" (c) to extract from batch file or buggy shell: @for %%f in (%1\*.dsk) do os2hdd %%f . (first parameter passed to batch is images pathname). Notes. 1. Sorry for unfluent English. 2. Unpatched version (Runtime error 200) is shipped with this package too with name OS2HDDU.EXE (in case of incorrect patching you may patch proggy yourself).
 hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/dos/util/archiver/OS2HDD_Fix_1-2.zip(link is external)
Record updated last time on: 14/08/2023 - 12:42

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