cFos is designed for all those, who intend to use modem software with ISDN / DSL and it is made for those expecting high performance of their data transfer.
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
cFos v. 3.82 () | Readme/What's new |
What's new? 'cFos' ISDN Driver Family
Please read this list of changes and enhancements carefully,
because we maybe changed some details that might concern you.
To make things a little easier, here's a small legend:
* New feature
! Software-change requires modification of your configuration
x Bugfix
- Information only
Revision history: ----------------------------------------------
x Fixed a display bug with the "left" count of the volume
x Removed the OID vs. vendor ID check. some ethernet boards
were falsely not found (e.g. D-Link). This should be fixed
x Fixed TRAP 0e when connecting with VJ-compression.
cFos/Win 3.81, 15-Jan-2001
cFos/NT 3.81, 15-Jan-2001
* SETUP now adds the "cFos ISDN, Internet, add. Sync PPP over HDLC"
automatically if you have ISDN and there is a free COM-port.
x The &S3 register is back.
cFos/Win 3.80, 05-Jan-2001
cFos/NT 3.80, 05-Jan-2001
cFos/2 3.80, 05-Jan-2001
! SETUP now automatically installs the Internet ISDN and/or
DSL modem on Win98/ME, NT4/Win2k. Just run SETUP, restart
and you're ready to go online!
! cFos now has also a volume budget management! Set S96 to the
amount of megabytes of volume you have for free and set
S93H=1 to activate displaying the volume budget instead of
the time budget. Set S93H=2 to display both. Selecting the
budget has been changed to S93L=<budget>.
! cFos has a small packet filter: "Poor man's Personal Firewall"
It analyzes your incoming and outgoing packets and blocks
possible harmful packets. This is designed to be a basic
defense against some well-known weaknesses. It does not
replace a "real" firewall software like Zonelab's Zonealarm
cFos inspects your PPP traffic and blocks all unknown
protocols. Then it checks your IP traffic and blocks
possible harmful ICMP messages and TCP & UDP packets to/from
known weak ports. There are 3 security settings:
S89 = 1: trusting: only block dangerous port access
3: cautious: block access to low ports
4: paranoid: block access to low ports and
block all incoming TCP open
Low ports are ports 0-1023, dangerous ports are right now
42, 67, 68, 79, 113 for incoming traffic and 137-139 for
both incoming and outgoing traffic.
At least cFos protects you from flooding your PC with
PINGs and it closes the NETBIOS barn-door, which allows
"bad guys" to use your PC's shares and maybe files.
If you do not have any servers running that should be
accessible from the net, then S89=3 is a good setting.
* cFos now monitors the reason why a login failed. If it is
due to some congestion on the host side, cFos disconnects
the connection by itself, thus preventing Dail-Up Networking
from clearing the password from its database. DUN will just
tell you that the connection was disconnected and ask you
if you'd like to redial. If this doesn't work for you
(check back with a CTRACE.TXT file) then you should send
us a snippet of CTRACE.TXT and NDISLOG.TXT showing the PAP
or CHAP disconnect text. We'll then add this text to a
collection of texts we check for so far.
Note: this is not a reliable way, just a workaround, but a
very convenient one, we think.
* Inactivity registers S19, S85 & S86 may now be switched to
second resolution by setting S74.7=1.
* ATS74.8=1 also disconnects from packet handler in case
of inactivity (S19, S85, S86).
* Added PPPoE autodetection. By setting S92=255 you select
the first PPPoE adapter in your system that can be found by
cFos to be used. Typically there is only one PPPoE adapter.
If you have more, you can still set them by setting
ATS92=<number>, where <number> can be taken from NDISLOG.TXT.
* cFos will now switch off the sending of LCP Echo-Req (see S83,
S84) if the peer never answered to them. You can switch on
the "hard" behaviour (i.e. drop the line even if the peer
does not seem to answer Echo-Req's) by setting S74.9=1.
* cFos now dumps values that differ from the defaults to the
CTRACE.TXT (if enabled) when you do ATZ. Helpful for
* If you want to see the total connection time (instead of the
charge count-down timer) even if there is charge info on the
line, set S74.10=1.
* Added time-budget handling feature: If you set S75.5=1 then
the time budget starts counting from the second you login
successfully, instead of counting the 'link time'. This way,
unseccessful login (e.g. due to congestion) are not counted.
This is set by default now only for the DSL modem in
* The MDMCFOS.INF modem auto-detection has been enhanced:
The cFos ports announce themselves to the modem detection
as DSL, ISDN sync PPP, add. ISDN sync PPP, in this order.
If you don't have DSL, they start right with the ISDN modem,
if you don't have ISDN, it's the DSL modem on all ports.
* S70 can now be switched to 10th of Cents, Pfennig... Set
S74.11=1 to do this. Ex: To set a unit price of 2.9 Pfennig
use ATS74.11=1S70=29
x Windows Modems had an inactivity timer of 2 minutes set. This
has been fixed; inactivity disconnect is no longer enabled by
x If &S7 was longer than the PAP username it would not have
been appended. This has been fixed.
x Default of S75 changed to 128, i.e. PPP wakeup frames are
no longer sent by default. This should help some switches/
ISDN boards that like to crash the connection if they receive
data too early.
x Fixed a bug which could cause GPFs with some CAPIs when used
with COM port bytesize of less than 8.
x Some cosmetical changes.
* cFos/Win now supports ports COM1 up to COM99. If you want to
use COM10 and higher, just add "COM10" (or the respective
port name) in the parameters line.
x Sometimes (e.g. with Installshield) programms would "hang"
for about a minute when CFNDIS.EXE was loaded. Fixed.
* Added -kr parameter: dynamic register/release. cFos does
only register at CAPI when a port is opened and releases
CAPI when all ports are closed. This way you may load cFos
even if there is no CAPI loaded yet (cool for laptops with
PCMCIA cards). Does not yet work with -v0 (CAPI2032.DLL
support). If you specify -l3 or higher, -kr will be switched
off, because you need to be registered permanently at CAPI
to get incoming call notifications.
* For the friends of the large status window: we added an option
to automatically size the window to the minimum amount of
lines needed. This is called "Auto-Size" and it's in the
"Window Settings" submenu of the context menu.
x Fixed a bug where cFos/NT would "eat up" file handles.
Thanks to Maik Reiss for his good bug report.
cFos/Win 3.52, 18-Sep-2000
cFos/NT 3.52, 18-Sep-2000
x Fixed a crash at DSL connection start.
* CAPI2032.DLL interface became more tolerant to strange CAPIs.
x Fixed DSL disconnect delay and crash when disconnecting
during a download.
cFos/Win 3.51, 03-Aug-2000
cFos/NT 3.51, 03-Aug-2000
cFos/DOS 3.51, 03-Aug-2000
cFos/2 3.51, 03-Aug-2000
! Support for Austria Globalcall. Calls with empty called party
numbers, like with Autria's Globalcall, or empty subaddresses
are ignored. If you set S74.4=1 cFos matches such calls with
the first MSN/subaddress set in &a0..9.
! Added functionality to the cFos Caller Monitor like playing
.WAV files, opening files, executing commands and displaying
your own taskbar icons on certain events. This is controlled
by a file named CFOS.INI. LOCAL.INI is obsolete now. See
a sample CFOS.INI file named SAMPCFOS.INI for more information.
Additionally, you can view the last 10 callers in the context
* You can now activate the use of the current selected MSN
for X.31/X.25 calls by setting bit 5 of register S74. Default
is disabled.
* Budgets are calculated in minutes by default. By setting
S74.6=1 they may be calculated in seconds now, if you like.
x Fixed an ERROR/LISTEN that could have been the first data
you receive when opening a freshly started cFos.
x Fixed slight problems when changing the reset day (S95) of
an already used budget. Enhanced AT&G5 display.
x Fixed a bug which prevented calls to the packet handler for
X.31, case B calls.
x Fixed a bug that prevented or delayed data to be written on
disk in the context of DSL connections. This affected writing
LOGFILE.TXT, accumulated charges and budget data.
x Sometimes the clock was corrupted. This has been fixed.
x Fixed a memory leak when -v0 was used.
x Fixed SETUP32 process which sometimes put a -v in Parameters.
* Usually the cFos status window is open after start when the
driver part was unable to load (e.g. no CAPI driver found).
The -jo parameter starts the status window closed even if
the driver did not load.
- Changed the SETUP32 process so that you have to boot less
under some strange circumstances.
- Changed time cFos/NT waits for the CAPI driver to start up
from 5 to 10 seconds. Hopefully this fixes problems with ELSA
cFos/Win 3.50, 02-Jun-2000
cFos/NT 3.50, 02-Jun-2000
cFos/DOS 3.50, 02-Jun-2000
cFos/2 3.50, 02-Jun-2000
! New Product: cFos/ATM is a new driver with special
Broadband-CAPI / ATM SVC and PVC support!
cFos/ATM allows the use of a world of modem applications with
broadband networks like ATM. cFos/ATM combines ISDN, ATM and
DSL (PPPoE) into one product.
cFos/ATM includes licenses for cFos/Win, cFos/NT and cFos/2.
It runs with (normal) narrowband CAPI drivers or with
broadband CAPI drivers, like the most recent drivers for
HST Saphir 2025 and 2155 cards. Many thanks to Joern Bardwyck,
again, for the many helpful hints and explanations!
We added a special broadband modem register set *S0 to
*S14 and two new string registers &S8 / &S9 to allow you
to select a great variety of ATM (Q.2931) parameters. Special
broadband ATM features are:
- cFos treats SVCs like dialup connections with modems or
- Full ATM protocol- and protocol-parameters selection by
evaluating all relevant signaling elements.
- Full protocol signalling for outgoing calls.
- Max. framesize negotiation according to Q.2931, appendix F.3.
- Traffic contracts: CBR, VBR (realtime and non-realtime) with
constant or variable bitrates, UBR, UBR+ and ABR (with
selection of PCR and MCR).
- Provisions for narrowband <-> broadband interworking, by
evaluation of narrowband information elements.
- Mapping of narrowband listen mask -> broadband listen mask.
- User-selectable AAL1 parameters, user-codable BBC values.
- Support of CAPI's ATM channel allocation features for PVCs and
dedicated VPs/VCs for SVCs, see registers *S8 / *S9 for
- Support for RFC 2364, PPP over AAL5 incoming and outgoing
calls, ie. cFos evaluates / provides the required signalling
element. Also LAN LLC encapsulation can be used and signalled.
- Support for protocol signalling according to TR 9577.
- Support for HST broadband spec. (default) and the current
broadband CAPI proposal (use -j$ switch).
By providing full signalling support for outgoing calls and
evaluation of the respective info elements for incoming calls,
we hope that this time a lot of compatibility problems, which
exist in ISDN because the signalling elements are not used
properly, can be avoided.
For a complete documentation of cFos/ATM's additional
broadband features see ATM.HTM.
! Removed &P and &U modem commands. Use string registers &S11
and &S12 instead.
! The current ISDN MSN is now used as X.31/X.25 calling party
number. Thus you can set your calling number in the same way
as with ISDN dial-up connections by settings &Ax and &En.
! Filename changes:
! The PROFILE data format has changed, old profile data will have
to be re-entered and saved again. Sorry for the trouble, but
the old system was getting too small.
* Speeded PPP dialin in conjunction with MS DialUp-Network.
Be sure to turn off IP-Header-Compression under Windows 9x
with T-DSL for fast login! Rightclick on your T-DSL connection
in Dailup-Network and select Properties -> Server Types ->
TCP/IP settings -> IP-Header-Compression and switch it off.
Be sure to switch off the Properties -> Server Types ->
Logon to Network as well!
* Added subaddressing support: You can now dial subadresses by
using @ in the phone number or register S115. Also you can
listen to subaddresses or combinations of MSNs and subaddresses.
For more information see register &S10 (in MODEM.TXT) about
simulating MSNs by using subaddresses and SUBADD.HTM for a
complete description of cFos' use of MSNs & subaddresses.
* Added PPP LAN LLC encapsulation according RFC2364. You can set
S75.1=1 to activate it.
* Improved detection of some ethernet boards (cFos/Win & cFos/NT).
* New nice Icons
* Parameter -dtt generates CTRACE.TXT files with 1/100 sec
timestamps for cFos/Win and 1/1000 sec timestamps for cFos/NT.
* You can specify a CAPI reject cause in Register S38. This
can be useful for the Fido Freepoll feature. See MODEM.TXT
for more information.
* Changed ATD modem command, so that it will no longer need an
actual phone number when used with ADSL.
* Changed default of register S109 to reflect changes in CAPI
2.0 3rd edition. You can reset it to 127 if you experience
problems with older CAPIs (ie. ERROR/LISTEN modem responses).
Also registers S41 & S42 are no longer mapped to register
S109. Please use S41, S42 for CAPI 1.1 and S109 for CAPI 2.0.
* Improved protocol selection for incoming calls. cFos should
now be able to handle incoming X.31, Case B calls.
* cFos can change your username in outgoing PAP authentication
requests. This may be useful e.g. for dialins that require
to have a domain part at the end but software that does not
support that. There are two ways:
-- Set &S6 to the old username and &S7 to the new one.
cFos will replace the old one (if found) with the new one.
-- Leave &S6 empty and set &S7 to the domain to be added.
&S7 will be added to the username if it's not already
* Now cFos always creates an NDISLOG.TXT file, when used for
DSL / PPPoE. It contains information about the last PPPoE
session and your ethernet adaptors. It will be overwritten
with the next PPPoE login attempt.
x Fixed a bug with PPP Echo-Reqs which could cause DSL-
x Charges wouldn't be displayed in the correct position in the
small status window. Fixed.
x Sometimes the V.120 protocol would not be selected properly
for incoming calls. Fixed.
x Fixed a bug where multiple PPP frames where encoded into one
HDLC frame.
- By default cFos also listens to call of type packet mode and
56k rate adaption and all types of GSM/V.110 calls. Therefore
we changed defaults of registers S107 & S14.
- Modified CAPI 1.1 to CAPI 2.0 mapping. Changing register S14
will also change S107/S108, changing register S20/S21/S27 will
change S100..S103 and changing S16/17 will generate BC,LLC,HLC
values and thereby change register &S0..&S2. No other mapping
is performed (ie. no mapping on ATZ will occur).
- Changes to the statusline: CPS-rates are now like 1234 (up
to 9999 cps), then 12k3 (up to 99999 cps) and then like 123k.
Online-time counter is now like mm'ss (up to 99min 59sec),
then like hh:mm.
! Support for CAPI2032.DLL! SETUP32 will detect if you have no
kernelmode CAPI driver and look for a CAPI2032.DLL. If found,
it will add the switch -v0. This REQUIRES the status window
to be present, i.e. it will NOT work if you're not logged in.
You may activate it manually if you have problems with your
kernelmode CAPI (eg. API_GET logic startup error or spurious
crashes or hangs with network CAPI drivers). Just add -v0
in SETUP32's parameter field.
If used and debugging is on (-d.. switch used) the status window
will create a CDTRACE.TXT log file. Send this to us if there
are problems in our CAPI2032.DLL support.
PLEASE send us a mail if CAPI2032.DLL support works better than
the 'old' kernelmode support! Please include \WINNT\CFSETUP.LOG
in your mail.
* Now CAPIs with non-standard names (like DiCapi instead of
CAPI20x) are supported. Use -v<name> (like -vDiCapi) to
activate it manually. Usually the installer will set the right
CAPI name for you.
x Fixed freezes of cFos/NT with DSL under Win2000.
x Fixed time-sync bug under Win2k.
- -jr switch is now default. Use -jj to re-activate CAPI re-
- Removed 'Stop Service' context menu selection. Use 'CFOSDW -d'
x Fixed slow internet uploads.
cFos/NT 3.03 BETA, 09-Feb-2000
! cFos/NT has now PPPoE (i.e. (A)DSL) support!
How to use cFos/NT DSL with Telekom T-DSL:
-- Dedicate one cFos COM-port to DSL
-- Add the "cFos DSL ..." modem to that port using the
Modem manager (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Modems)
-- Windows will offer to reconfigure RAS, follow that
-- Add a RAS port using the cFos DSL modem.
-- Finish RAS setup and reboot when you're asked.
-- Start Dial-Up Networking and add a new connection. Select
the cFos DSL modem and enter an arbitrary phone number
(like 42). Save the new entry.
-- Click 'Dial' and enter your account data when prompted:
It's like "".
The 1's are your "Anschlusskennung" and the 2's are your
-- That's it! Have fun with your new high-speed-cFos!
Note for WinPoET users:
Be sure to Stop the "WinPPPoverEthernet" service in Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Services (in German it's under
Start > Einstellungen > Systemsteuerung > Dienste).
Otherwise, WinPoET will disconnect your cFos/NT PPPoE
sessions! It's not enough to close the taskbar icon!
* The cFos DSL modems in the .INF file are set to use the
budgets 10 (Card 1) and 9 (Card 2). Add the day in the
month when your budget is reset by hand in Start > Settings >
Control Panel > Modems > cFos DSL modem > Properties >
Connection > Advanced by settings the "Extra Settings" to
ATS95=<day> S94=<minutes per month for budget>.
cFos/Win 3.02a, 22-Dec-1999
x Fixed a bug which caused ADSL disconnects when used in
combination with ISDN caller monitor.
cFos/Win 3.02, 20-Dec-1999
* Added a smaller cFos status window. This is now the
default. You can select old-style (large window) and
new-style (small window) in the context menu. The new
window contains the following information:
line 1: serial number
line 2: charging pulses, cps rate, connection timer
line 3: dialed/calling number or budget info
line 4: caller monitor
There are also 2 indicators, the left moves when a block
is received, the right when one is transmitted.
By double-clicking the client area of the window you can
switch the window's title bar on and off.
* Added support for 2 (or more) ethernet cards (ADSL/PPPoE).
cFos actually supports up to 10 ethernet cards. You can
select the card by ATS92=x. 1=first card, 2=second, ...
For convenience we added a second cFos (A)DSL modem to the
modem manager for easy selection of the second ethernet
* cFos now writes the disconnect reason to the LOGFILE if
logging is activated.
x Fixed modem-information for ADSL. When doing PPPoE cFos
now reports 10.000.000 bit/s so that some media players
will play broadband stream.
- You may experience problems playing broadband streams with
windows media player. According to our tests you can solve
them by deactivating UDP. Start program files\windows media
player\mplayer2.exe and select "view" -> "options" ->
"advanced" -> "Windows Media" and deactivate the UDP check
x Fixed a GPF and some memory problems, which could occur
when cFos/Win was used with ADSL only. Thanx to Michael
Lau and Oliver Rode.
x Fixed a serious bug which could cause all kinds of problems
when cFos was loaded without a working CAPI, ie. ADSL only.
x Fixed a bug which caused a crash when clicking on "Help!"
in the context menu. Thanx to Hans-Georg Joepgen.
cFos/Win 3.01, 03-Dec-1999
* Added automatic blocksize adjustment in order to overcome
problems with MTU/MRU sizes greater than 1492.
x Fixed PPPoE address field handling and a lot of other
inconsistancies to RFC2516 and 2 bluescreens when an error
occurred during PPPoE session negotiation. Many thanks to
Heinz Rickes for his superb bug-reports/traces and helpful
x Fixed a bug in RFC1662 conversion which could affect
send (but not receive) speed.
- Note! In our tests WinPoET interfered with the cFos PPPoE
packets by actively trying to disconnect cFos' PPPoE
session, therefore you have to shutdown WinPoET before
using cFos: right-click on WinPoET's tray icon and select
cFos/Win 3.00, 25-Nov-1999
cFos/NT 3.00, 25-Nov-1999
cFos/DOS 3.00, 25-Nov-1999
cFos/2 3.00, 25-Nov-1999
If you're interested in even older history, get it from our BBS
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