
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 10 Dicembre, 2018
$12.50 – $38.14



Authors/Port authors:

Zippy è uno dei più avanzati gestori di archivi per ArcaOS, eComStation ed IBM OS/2. Consente facilmente di sfogliare ed estrarre file da qualsiasi archivio (supporta tutti i formati più diffusi).

  • Supporta estrazione dati dai formati archivio più comuni come Zip, Rar, Arj, 7-Zip, Tar, GZip, BZip2, wim, xz, swf, etc.
  • Supporta estrazione dati da immagini ISO CD/DVD.
  • Crea o aggiorna facilmente archivi Zip, 7-Zip o Tar.
  • Si possono adattare facilmente diversi parametri per gli archivi creati (livello di compressione, dimensione del dizionario, etc.).
  • Si possono creare e modificare archivi criptati (criptazione/decriptazione dei pacchetti dati).
  • Estrae (e visualizza): 7z APM Arj bzip2 Cab Chm Cpio CramFS Deb Dmg FAT FLV gzip HFS Iso Lzh lzma lzma86 MachO MBR MsLZ Mub Nsis NTFS PE Ppmd Rar Rar5 Rpm SquashFS SWF tar TE UDF UEFI wim Xar xz Z zip
  • Supporta l' estrazione degli Attributi Estesi di OS/2 (EA) dagli archivi Rar, Zip e 7-Zip e li può  includere in archivi Zip e 7-Zip.
  • Può utilizzare tutta la potenza delle moderne CPU multi-core
  • Può estrarre file da archivi multi-volume
  • Si possono dividere archivi in volumi per facilitare la masterizzazione su supporto CD/DVD/BD o per la trasmissione via E-mail.
  • Come ulteriori vantaggi, si consideri che ha un carico CPU molto basso, si integra perfettamente con la WPS (drag & drop) ed è multi-lingua.
Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Pacchetto autoinstallante WarpIN. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Zippy v. 1.06.00 (1/12/2024, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
All dialogs are now resizable and supports large system fonts. Change log: Fixed dialog layouts when using a large system fonts. All dialogs are now resizable. Resource compression (EXEPACK:2) is no longer used as it causes icon display issues on some systems.
Zippy v. 1.05.00 (13/10/2023, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Change log: Fixed extraction of Windows PE executable files resource data. Added support for extracting data from Linear Executable (OS/2 32-bit EXE and DLL) files. Added high resolution PNG icon. Be sure to enable dynamic sized icons in your Workplace Shell configuration.
Zippy v. 1.04.00 (14/10/2020, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Version 1.04.00 * Now can extract files from WarpIn archives. * Added a status bar with information about the selected files and summary statistics for the archive. * Fixed extraction of empty directories. * Fixed parsing and usage of file attributes in Zip archives created under OS/2. * Now correctly selecting the first entry in the sorted file list when changing directory.
Zippy v. 1.03.04 (11/9/2019, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Version 1.03.04 Updated German translation, thanks to Mathias Rissler.
Zippy v. 1.03.02 (3/4/2019, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Last changes Version 1.03.02 Fixed SYS3170 at program exiting via program menu. Updated Dutch translation, thanks to Elbert Pol.
Zippy v. 1.03.01 (18/2/2019, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Last changes Version 1.03.01 Prevented updating the application title too often during compression and extraction. Fixed root directory processing if a whole disk is selected for compression. Archive creation continues in case if some source files cannot be read.
Zippy v. 1.03.00 (11/12/2018, Dmitry A. Steklenev (glassman)) Readme/What's new
Last changes Version 1.03.00 Now you can specify number of thread used at creating 7-Zip or Zip archive. Multiple threads can significantly improve performance when running on a multi-core processor. Now the progress status during compression, extraction and testing is updated no often than 1/3 sec. This is also can significantly improve performance when processing many small files. The password is not keeped if errors were found when unpacking or testing the archive. The power of the command line increased again. Program translated to Spanish, thanks to Alfredo Fernandez Diaz.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 03/12/2024 - 06:22

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