
Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 11 Luglio, 2001



Authors/Port authors:

X-Commander è una potente shell in modo testo, disegnata per facilitare un certo numero di operazioni con file, directory e archivi sotto OS/2.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

X-Commander v. 0.97 (15/10/2002, Michael Iljin) Readme/What's new
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ══ ┌─ (tm) ▄▄ ▄▄ │ ┌─┐┌┬┐┌┬┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┼┌_┐┌─ ▄▄ ▄▄ └─└─┘┴ ┴┴ ┴└─┴┴ ┴└─┴└─ ┴ File Manager for OS/2 and Win32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-Commander is a powerfull textmode shell, designed to facilate a number of operations with files, directories and archives under OS/2, Windows'9x/NT, Windows'2000 operation systems. Some features are: - the common file and folder functions: view, edit, copy, move and rename, create, delete; - background file operations - easy to use menu driven interface - easy configurable options: internal file viewer and text editor, panel view and file sorting modes; - long file name support; - plugin modules and commands: default plugins set includes archive management plugin, network client, process list, file splitter, but you may write your own plugins; - tunable configuration, color scheme customization, files highlighting; - clipboard functions; - clock, nice screen saver; - ability to view and edit multiple files in same session (use Ctrl+Tab to switch between windows); - file associations; - the most progressive porgressbars - and more! System requirements: -------------------- X-Commander for OS/2: ===================== Processor: 386 or higher (Pentium recommended) RAM: 8mb (16 recommended) Video: Any videocard supported by OS/2 Operation system: OS/2 Warp or higher (latest fixpacks recommended for large files support) X-Commander for Win32: ====================== Processor: 486 or higher (Pentium recommended) RAM: 8mb (32mb recommended for Win98 or higher) Video: Any videocard supported by Windows Operation system: Windows95 OSR2, Windows98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0. Not heavily Tested under W2k. See X-com.faq for more details. ========================== W A R N I N G ! =================================== THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MICHAEL ILJIN AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND· ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE· IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICHAEL ILJIN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS· OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)· HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY· OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF· SUCH DAMAGE.· ==============================================================================
 x-commander.da.ru/xc20_97.zip  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 21/07/2023 - 05:36

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