WTeleDsk è un programma usato per creare immagini raw di vecchi floppy disk. Codice sorgente incluso.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
WTeleDsk v. 1.01 (A, 17/1/2024, Mentore Siesto) | Readme/What's new |
converts teledisk to raw images
wteledsk was originally written by Will Kranz for reading Sydex Teledisk images from vintage computers. For more details see here.
The image format was used as well to make images from non-standard floppy disks used in electronic music equipment, such as the AKAI S1000 sampler, or e.g. the General Music S2/3 Music Processor. This software has been used successfully with floppy images of the latter.
usage: wteledsk <filename> [-n#] -o<outputfile> [-p] [-s] [-r]
-n limit scan to first n sectors
-o output restructured blocks to a file
-p display phantom sec_rec.nsec values
-s warn instead of fatal error on skipped sectors
-r if repeated sector found, write it out again
Version 1.01 A
The most useful invocation for converting GEM S2 image files seems to be wteledsk INFILE.TD0 -oOUTFILE.IMG -s.
This is the OS/2 port of WTeleDsk, a software thought to replace Teledisk.
Teledisk is a DOS program used to create raw images of old floppy disks and
its files (*.td0) are widely used in retrocomputing, old CNC machines,
and some old music keyboards which used floppy disks in the past - most notably
the GEM music processor series, but also Yamaha, Korg and the likes of them.
I ported this using the 9.2 version of GCC, so you have to use the latest C libraries
to use it.
The README.md file contains some basic instructions on how to use it. In the src/
folder you'll find the original sources, together with a basic makefile which I
modified to compile the c++ sources under OS/2.
Check also the doc/ folder to gather some more information and the GNU license.
Hope this software will be useful to you. As usual, I will not be liable for any damage
or data loss coming from the use or the misuse of the software, since I just ported
it by recompiling. That said, I made some attemp to use some TD0 file and had zero
problems with them, but still YMMV.
Have fun
Mentore |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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