
Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 25 Maggio, 1999



Webalizer è un programma per l'analisi dei file log di un server web che produce utili statistiche in formato HTML visualizzabili con un browser.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

WebAlizer v. 2.23-08 (Italian, 29/8/2016, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
 www.os2site.com/sw/internet/stats/webalizer-italian.zip  local copy
WebAlizer v. 2.23-08 (29/8/2016, Paul Smedley (Smedles))
 www.os2site.com/sw/internet/stats/webalizer-2.23-08-os2-20160829.zip  local copy
WebAlizer v. 2.01-09 (22/3/2002, Alexander Lapshin) Readme/What's new
Webalizer 2.01-09 for OS/2 Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Bradford L. Barrett OS/2 Version compiled by alex@agro2.dp.ua,julay123@mail.ru Distributed under GPL ( See COPYING and Copyright Date: 22-MAR-2002 R E A D M E . O S 2 - 0 - N O T E Please note, this readme is for the OS/2-Specific stuff only. If you're after a Documentation, please check the README and the README.FIRST. The OS/2-Version is modified to use the environment-variable ETC for (usually points to x:\MPTN\ETC) to look for the default configuration in favor of the hardcoded ( configure-time ) based way on unix. - 1 - I N S T A L L Since you can read this file I assume you already unpacked the archive. If not, do it now ;) Webalizer is a VIO/FULLSCREEN-Textmode "native" OS/2 APP. Though it requires the EMX Libs of Version 0.9d or later. I gave it a short testing on WSeB FP1. If you encounter a problem, let me know. If you have a Fixpacklevel prior to FP9 on Warp 4 please consider updateing first. This version ships with two Libs ( z.dll and png.dll) which you either have to put into a dir defined in the libpath or in the install dir. Note: If you changed the libpath in config.sys to match the webalizer-install you may want to reboot os/2 ( or use endlibpath/beginlibpath). - 2 - U S A G E See README / README.FIRST There is nothing more to say. Everything is mentioned in there. Note: This release has NOT been compiled to do DNS Lookups. For more information refer to the DNS.README - 3 - L A N G U A G E Even though Webalizer itself supports many languages, this binary release is limited to ENGLISH ( webalizer.exe.EN), GERMAN ( webalizer.exe.GE), ITALIAN ( webalizer.exe.IT),and RUSSIAN (webalizer.exe.RU). If you need another language which is supported by webalizer, send me an email, i'll compile this one for you. To find out if your language is already supported, check the "language" file coming with this release. - 4 - R E C O M P I L E To recompile webalizer yourself you need to get the source of webalizer itself and the gd-libs: webalizer: http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer GD Lib: http://www.boutell.com/gd/ ( Note: Webalizer 2.xx needs a gdlib with png support !) You should have EMX installed ( we have Version 0.9D here ) and the GNU C Compiler (GCC.EXE - gcc version 2.8.1 here ) WARNING: Since OS/2 cannot handle symlinks you need to copy the desired language-file from the lang-subdirectory. - 5 - C O N T A C T / D I S C L A I M E R I'm not responsible for any damage caused by use of this program. I just compiled this version from the original unix-source maintained by brad@mrunix.net. If you feel you found a BUG let *HIM* know about it. If you think this is an os/2-specific problem, please mail a copy to me. I don't do any feature-changes to the source on my own. So please don't send any feature-requests or modifications to my address ! Contact for webalizer is brad@mrunix.net. Contact for OS/2-Compiled versions is alex@agro2.dp.ua,julay123@mail.ru Check out the faq and stuff on the homepage: www.mrunix.net/webalizer The latest OS/2-Version should always be available at this homepage. I do upload major releases to hobbes, too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.01-xx changes from 1.30-04 (brad@mrunix.net) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes: o Security fix for cross-site scripting vulnerability found by Flavio Veloso (www.magnux.com). o Fixed a TOTAL_RC off by one error, which would prevent the last response code from being saved when using incremental mode. o Fixed possible segfault condition in MangleAgent code on some malformed user agent names. o Fixed DNS to prevent hangs on blank and malformed hostnames. o Fixed problem calculating visits. Changed timestamps to use seconds since epoch (1/1/1970) which results in more accurate analysis. Also changed normal out of sequence code to handle up to 1 hour of 'slop' in the timestamps. This changed the semantics of the VisitTimeout and -m configuration options, as the values are now specified in number of seconds. o Fixed hostname lowercase problem (wasn't) when using DNS lookups. o Fixed problem with incremental datafile which could cause a read error under certain circumstances (removes control characters). Also changed code to now abort on a read error. o Fixed problem with hash table node creation where objects that were exactly the maximum length would wind up leaving a garbage byte at the end of the memory space allocated. This was causing some very infrequent and widely different problems. o Fixed problem where country graph could be produced incorrectly if using a non-english language and the country name overlapped the pie chart. o Found and fixed a problem with a possible 32-bit wrap around problem using incremental mode on large sites. The problem would cause the KBytes data on large groups to become inaccuate. Changes/Additions: o Modified configure to allow specification of the default config directory. If not given, will use /etc (/etc/webalizer.conf). o Added DailyGraph and DailyStats configuration options to enable or disable the Daily usage graph and stats table from output. o Improved visit calculation logic to reduce 'false' counts generated by external image referrals. o Added reverse DNS lookup capability. This adds the command line switchs -D and -N, and configuration keywords "DNSCache" and "DNSChildren". See the DNS.README for additional info. Based in part on code submitted by Henning P. Schmiedehausen (hps@tanstaafl.de). o Added ability to dump Sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents, Usernames and Search Strings to tab delimited files, suitable for import into most database and spreadsheet programs. The location of this file may be specified using the "DumpPath" configuration keyword, allowing the data to be kept someplace outside the web servers document tree. The configuration keywords "DumpSites", "DumpURLs", "DumpReferrers", "DumpAgents", "DumpUsers" and "DumpSearchStr" have been added to control the file dumps. Column headers can be included in the file with the "DumpHeader" keyword. Dump filename extensions may be specified using the "DumpExtension" keyword (default is .tab). o Added username analysis, based on usernames found in the log, and only available if username information is present in the log (ie: http authentication or wu-ftpd xferlog). The keywords 'GroupUser', 'HideUser', 'IgnoreUser', 'IncludeUser', 'AllUsers', and 'TopUsers' have been added to the configuration file code. This change also modified the format of the incremental data file. o Added the ability to display ALL sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents and Search Strings on a seperate HTML page from the normal statistics page. This adds the configuration keywords 'AllSites', 'AllURLs', 'AllReferrers', 'AllAgents' and 'AllSearchStr', which can have either a "yes" or "no" value (default is "no"). Will add a "View All..." link to the bottom of the appropriate "Top" table if enabled. o Added support for squid proxy logs, thanks to code submitted by Steinar H. Gunderson (sgunderson@bigfoot.com). To use squid logs, specify a LogType of 'squid' in the configuration file. This also changed the behaviour of the '-F' command line switch, which now requires a second argument of either 'clf', 'ftp' or 'squid'. o Completely modified the way the various TOP tables are handled and sorted, which now allows extremely large top tables without any performance degredation. Previously, tables greater than a few hundred elements produced a noticable perfomance penalty during processing. o Added the ability to group domains automatically and to hide individual host names from the report, using the 'GroupDomains' and 'HideAllSites' configuration keywords (-g and -X command line options). Domain Grouping is configurable as to the level of grouping (second level domain, third, etc...). HideAllSites forces only grouped site records to be displayed if any. Based on ideas/code by Michael Klemme (mklemme@gmx.de). This changes the behaviour of the '-g' switch, which previously was used to force the use of GMT time for reports. o Added user configurable search engine specification, used for search string analysis. This adds the 'SearchEngine' keyword in configuration files. Based on idea/code by Alexey Kizilov. o Changed code to use the latest version of GD which supports PNG images instead of GIF images. Also included changes in configure script to ensure the presence of the libpng and libz libraries. o Added ability to override log file to STDIN by use of '-' on the command line. o Added gzipped logfile support. The program will automatically detect logfiles with a '.gz' extension and uncompress on the fly. Uses gz file support of zlib, since it's required for our gd/png stuff anyway. Please note that using gzipped logs will incur a small performance penality. o Minor changes to search string code to increase accuracy. This also removes a previous condition that would occasionally cause search strings to incorrectly be counted twice or to be counted as different search strings when only differing by a space. o Minor changes to URL parse code to allow additional characters. Also changed unescape code to properly handle extended chars. o Major changes to hash table node format for reduced memory usage. Instead of fixed size strings, the new format will dynamically allocate string memory and use pointers to existing table data under certain circumstances. The memory savings is significant and will be greatly noticed with large sites. Because of these changes, the formatting of the incremental data file had to be changed, therefore it is incompatable with previous versions. o Major code reorganization and cleanup. This was to facilitate future developent and make things more managable. o Usual documentation updates for new features/functions.
 www.os2site.com/sw/internet/stats/webalizer-2.01-09-os2-bin.zip  local copy
WebAlizer v. 2.01-10 (22/3/2002, Alexander Lapshin) Readme/What's new
Webalizer 2.01-10 for OS/2 Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Bradford L. Barrett OS/2 Version compiled by alex@agro2.dp.ua,julay123@mail.ru Distributed under GPL ( See COPYING and Copyright Date: 22-MAR-2002 R E A D M E . O S 2 - 0 - N O T E Please note, this readme is for the OS/2-Specific stuff only. If you're after a Documentation, please check the README and the README.FIRST. The OS/2-Version is modified to use the environment-variable ETC for (usually points to x:\MPTN\ETC) to look for the default configuration in favor of the hardcoded ( configure-time ) based way on unix. - 1 - I N S T A L L Since you can read this file I assume you already unpacked the archive. If not, do it now ;) Webalizer is a VIO/FULLSCREEN-Textmode "native" OS/2 APP. Though it requires the EMX Libs of Version 0.9d or later. I gave it a short testing on WSeB FP1. If you encounter a problem, let me know. If you have a Fixpacklevel prior to FP9 on Warp 4 please consider updateing first. This version ships with two Libs ( z.dll and png.dll) which you either have to put into a dir defined in the libpath or in the install dir. Note: If you changed the libpath in config.sys to match the webalizer-install you may want to reboot os/2 ( or use endlibpath/beginlibpath). - 2 - U S A G E See README / README.FIRST There is nothing more to say. Everything is mentioned in there. Note: This release has been compiled to do DNS Lookups. For more information refer to the DNS.README - 3 - L A N G U A G E Even though Webalizer itself supports many languages, this binary release is limited to ENGLISH ( webalizer.exe.EN), GERMAN ( webalizer.exe.GE), ITALIAN ( webalizer.exe.IT),and RUSSIAN (webalizer.exe.RU). If you need another language which is supported by webalizer, send me an email, i'll compile this one for you. To find out if your language is already supported, check the "language" file coming with this release. - 4 - R E C O M P I L E To recompile webalizer yourself you need to get the source of webalizer itself and the gd-libs: webalizer: http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer GD Lib: http://www.boutell.com/gd/ ( Note: Webalizer 2.xx needs a gdlib with png support !) You should have EMX installed ( we have Version 0.9D here ) and the GNU C Compiler (GCC.EXE - gcc version 2.8.1 here ) WARNING: Since OS/2 cannot handle symlinks you need to copy the desired language-file from the lang-subdirectory. - 5 - C O N T A C T / D I S C L A I M E R I'm not responsible for any damage caused by use of this program. I just compiled this version from the original unix-source maintained by brad@mrunix.net. If you feel you found a BUG let *HIM* know about it. If you think this is an os/2-specific problem, please mail a copy to me. I don't do any feature-changes to the source on my own. So please don't send any feature-requests or modifications to my address ! Contact for webalizer is brad@mrunix.net. Contact for OS/2-Compiled versions is alex@agro2.dp.ua,julay123@mail.ru Check out the faq and stuff on the homepage: www.mrunix.net/webalizer The latest OS/2-Version should always be available at this homepage. I do upload major releases to hobbes, too. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.01-xx changes from 1.30-04 (brad@mrunix.net) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes: o Fix posible obscure buffer overflow bug in DNS resolver code o Added additional extended character fixes o Let code accept partial content response codes along with 200's o Added code to catch blank hostnames (yes, they have been found!) Will convert them into 'Unknown' o Security fix for cross-site scripting vulnerability found by Flavio Veloso (www.magnux.com). o Fixed a TOTAL_RC off by one error, which would prevent the last response code from being saved when using incremental mode. o Fixed possible segfault condition in MangleAgent code on some malformed user agent names. o Fixed DNS to prevent hangs on blank and malformed hostnames. o Fixed problem calculating visits. Changed timestamps to use seconds since epoch (1/1/1970) which results in more accurate analysis. Also changed normal out of sequence code to handle up to 1 hour of 'slop' in the timestamps. This changed the semantics of the VisitTimeout and -m configuration options, as the values are now specified in number of seconds. o Fixed hostname lowercase problem (wasn't) when using DNS lookups. o Fixed problem with incremental datafile which could cause a read error under certain circumstances (removes control characters). Also changed code to now abort on a read error. o Fixed problem with hash table node creation where objects that were exactly the maximum length would wind up leaving a garbage byte at the end of the memory space allocated. This was causing some very infrequent and widely different problems. o Fixed problem where country graph could be produced incorrectly if using a non-english language and the country name overlapped the pie chart. o Found and fixed a problem with a possible 32-bit wrap around problem using incremental mode on large sites. The problem would cause the KBytes data on large groups to become inaccuate. Changes/Additions: o Modified configure to allow specification of the default config directory. If not given, will use /etc (/etc/webalizer.conf). o Added DailyGraph and DailyStats configuration options to enable or disable the Daily usage graph and stats table from output. o Improved visit calculation logic to reduce 'false' counts generated by external image referrals. o Added reverse DNS lookup capability. This adds the command line switchs -D and -N, and configuration keywords "DNSCache" and "DNSChildren". See the DNS.README for additional info. Based in part on code submitted by Henning P. Schmiedehausen (hps@tanstaafl.de). o Added ability to dump Sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents, Usernames and Search Strings to tab delimited files, suitable for import into most database and spreadsheet programs. The location of this file may be specified using the "DumpPath" configuration keyword, allowing the data to be kept someplace outside the web servers document tree. The configuration keywords "DumpSites", "DumpURLs", "DumpReferrers", "DumpAgents", "DumpUsers" and "DumpSearchStr" have been added to control the file dumps. Column headers can be included in the file with the "DumpHeader" keyword. Dump filename extensions may be specified using the "DumpExtension" keyword (default is .tab). o Added username analysis, based on usernames found in the log, and only available if username information is present in the log (ie: http authentication or wu-ftpd xferlog). The keywords 'GroupUser', 'HideUser', 'IgnoreUser', 'IncludeUser', 'AllUsers', and 'TopUsers' have been added to the configuration file code. This change also modified the format of the incremental data file. o Added the ability to display ALL sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents and Search Strings on a seperate HTML page from the normal statistics page. This adds the configuration keywords 'AllSites', 'AllURLs', 'AllReferrers', 'AllAgents' and 'AllSearchStr', which can have either a "yes" or "no" value (default is "no"). Will add a "View All..." link to the bottom of the appropriate "Top" table if enabled. o Added support for squid proxy logs, thanks to code submitted by Steinar H. Gunderson (sgunderson@bigfoot.com). To use squid logs, specify a LogType of 'squid' in the configuration file. This also changed the behaviour of the '-F' command line switch, which now requires a second argument of either 'clf', 'ftp' or 'squid'. o Completely modified the way the various TOP tables are handled and sorted, which now allows extremely large top tables without any performance degredation. Previously, tables greater than a few hundred elements produced a noticable perfomance penalty during processing. o Added the ability to group domains automatically and to hide individual host names from the report, using the 'GroupDomains' and 'HideAllSites' configuration keywords (-g and -X command line options). Domain Grouping is configurable as to the level of grouping (second level domain, third, etc...). HideAllSites forces only grouped site records to be displayed if any. Based on ideas/code by Michael Klemme (mklemme@gmx.de). This changes the behaviour of the '-g' switch, which previously was used to force the use of GMT time for reports. o Added user configurable search engine specification, used for search string analysis. This adds the 'SearchEngine' keyword in configuration files. Based on idea/code by Alexey Kizilov. o Changed code to use the latest version of GD which supports PNG images instead of GIF images. Also included changes in configure script to ensure the presence of the libpng and libz libraries. o Added ability to override log file to STDIN by use of '-' on the command line. o Added gzipped logfile support. The program will automatically detect logfiles with a '.gz' extension and uncompress on the fly. Uses gz file support of zlib, since it's required for our gd/png stuff anyway. Please note that using gzipped logs will incur a small performance penality. o Minor changes to search string code to increase accuracy. This also removes a previous condition that would occasionally cause search strings to incorrectly be counted twice or to be counted as different search strings when only differing by a space. o Minor changes to URL parse code to allow additional characters. Also changed unescape code to properly handle extended chars. o Major changes to hash table node format for reduced memory usage. Instead of fixed size strings, the new format will dynamically allocate string memory and use pointers to existing table data under certain circumstances. The memory savings is significant and will be greatly noticed with large sites. Because of these changes, the formatting of the incremental data file had to be changed, therefore it is incompatable with previous versions. o Major code reorganization and cleanup. This was to facilitate future developent and make things more managable. o Usual documentation updates for new features/functions.
 www.os2site.com/sw/internet/stats/webalizer-2.01-10-os2-bin.zip  local copy
WebAlizer v. 1.22-03 (25/5/1999, ABlankert) Readme/What's new
[ Deutsche Beschreibung am ENDE ] Webalizer 1.22-03 - OS/2-binary compiled for OS/2 by ABlankerts@freepoint.de YOU NEED EMX 0.9d FOR THIS BINARY TO WORK To recompile your own exe use the src-tree or get your own copy from Webalizer: http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/ GD Lib: http://www.boutell.com/gd/ I had to add "include </sys/types.h> into webalizer.c since the compiler didn't manage to find it for some reason.. FILES: 230.286 webalizer.exe.DE The german-version of Webalizer 1.22-03 Rename it to webalizer.exe if you want to use it. 230.286 webalizer.exe.EN The english-version of Webalizer 1.22-03 Rename it to webalizer.exe if you want to use it. DOC: check /SRC/README for details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEUTSCH] Webalizer 1.22-03 - OS/2-binary compiliert fr OS/2 von ABlankerts@freepoint.de DIE EMX 0.9d LAUFZEITUMGEBUNG WIRD VORAUSGESETZT ! Zum Compilieren kann der source-code in /src verwendet werden. Er enth„lt den Ccode folgender Produkte: Webalizer: http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/ GD Lib: http://www.boutell.com/gd/ Auf meinem System musste "include </sys/types.h>" in webalizer.c eingebunden werden. Weitere Modifikationen waren nicht notwendig. 24.5.99/HAMBURG/GERMANY -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.22-xx changes from 1.20-11 (brad@mrunix.net) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes: o Changed/fixed incremental data I/O routines to better detect and handle error conditions. This involved some minor incremental data file format changes as well. Fixes problem large sites were having where random tables were getting munged. o Fixed record parse code to better detect and strip query portion from URL's and Referrer strings. o Fixed segfault condition when more than MAX_CTRY entries were specified for the "Top Countries" table. Changes/Additions: o Added Include* keywords. Allows forcing the inclusion of specified log records. Takes precedence over counterpart Ignore* keywords. o Added HTMLPre, HTMLBody, HTMLEnd and HTMLExtension keywords, and changed behaviour of HTMLHead keyword. Previous versions need only change the 'HTMLHead' keword in existing files to 'HTMLBody' to upgrade. Thanks to Colin Viebrock <cmv@privateworld.com> for the idea and code examples. o Changed mangle agent code to support Opera and other browsers. Also updated response codes to IETF HTTP/1.1 Rev 6 draft. Thanks to Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org> for this these. o Added HistoryName and IncrementalName keywords, which allow the specification of the history and incremental data filenames. o Added UseHTTPS keyword, which allows using 'https://' instead of 'http://' for links to URLS in the 'Top URL's' table. Also added check for URL's that already have the protocol specified (such as on virtual web and proxy servers), and to use unmodified if found (will only force to lowercase for matching). o Added code to ignore out-of-sequence log records. o Added code to force hostnames to lowercase (was causing country skew). o Disabled display of blank (zero hit) days at start of daily stat table. o Added records per second calculation to timing totals. o ALT= tags now use translated strings instead of forcing english. o Updated documentation for new functions/features.
 www.os2site.com/sw/internet/stats/weba-122.zip  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 20/06/2023 - 09:43

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