Vacuum Jabber Instant Messanger

Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 26 Gennaio, 2013



Authors/Port authors:

Client IM con supporto per account multipli in un unico profilo ed altre funzioni.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Pacchetto autoinstallante WarpIN. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Vacuum Jabber Instant Messanger v. 1.2.1 (26/1/2013, Andreas Peters) Readme/What's new
LEGEND ------ [!] New plugin [+] New feature [*] Enhancement [-] Bug fix ------ [!] Added new plugin for remote controlling [+] Added shortcuts support [+] Added ability to show tabs at the bottom of the tab windows [+] Added support of XEP-0199 - XMPP Ping [+] Added maintenance history of visited conferences [+] Changes of contact status and entry/exit of participants in conference are stored in the history [+] Added support for arbitrary forms of registration when registering an account on the server [+] Added sticking of some windows to the edges of the screen under Windows. [*} Changed the format of the qoutes design [*] Server side archive preferences support is not longer required for retrieving messages history from server [*] Added ability to switch between tabs by shortkeys Alt+Number [*} Added ability to clear chat window [*] Added ability to optionaly display of status changes and entry/exit of users in conferences [*] Added ability to search for contacts in the roster by the group name [*] Added support for older versions of the message history protocol, when the time of message was stored in seconds from the beginning of the conversation [*] Added ability to disable the establishing of unprotected connection to the server [-] When converting smileys into the text instead of the first key an arbitrary one was inserted [-] Contacts list window could be displayed outside the visible screen area [-] The roster window was closed by clicking on the tray even if it was inactive [-] Application fails when turn on or off the search in roster [-] It was impossible to set the empty status text [-] At an account the following sign to the global status could be lost after reconnection because of breakage of connection with a server [-] Windows with new messages does not always pop up on top of other windows [-] Application may fail on closing options dialog [-] Fixed problems displaying photos in vCard [-] Application may fail on unsuccessful attempt to connect [-] Not all history messages collections with the same start time was displayed in hisroty window [-] Recent messages with specified ThreadId could not be deleted from local archive [-] When closing the connection initiated by the server vacuum does not generate an error and re-reconnection was not started [-] Notification of arrival of the new message would not occur if the chat window was closed by clicking on the Windows taskbar [-] By transfer of the rest of a file after connection breakage already obtained data could be rubbed clean by zero  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 15/04/2019 - 18:16

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