Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver

1.9.7 & 3.01.02
Data rilascio: 
Martedì, 28 Dicembre, 2004



Uniaudio è il port ad OS/2 ed eComStation del progetto ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture). È supportata un'ampia varietà di dispositivi audio.

È in linea un meccanismo per la segnalazione dei difetti all'indirizzo http://trac.netlabs.org/uniaud/report

Le ultime build test funzionano egregiamente anche in ambienti virtualizzati.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Disponibile sia in formato ZIP che WarpIN:

  • Per il programma distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea, lanciare minstall.exe e riavviare per caricare il driver. Se si sta aggiornando, è sufficiente copiare i due nuovi file .SYS al posto dei vecchi.

    Librerie GCC richieste per vecchie versioni di unimix.exe e per Multichannel Testing tool for Uniaud.

  • il pacchetto WarpIN è autoinstallante.

Driver Command Line Options

  - /A:n - Utilizza l'adattatore audio n dove il primo disponibile è 0.
  - /V - Verbosità durante il caricamento
  - /C:DRIVER - Forza l'hardware audio ad utilizzare *solamente* il driver specificato.
        Dove DRIVER è:
      - SBLIVE      : Sound Blaster Live!
      - CS4281      : Cirrus Logic CS4281
      - ALS4000     : Avance Logic ALS4000
      - CMEDIA      : C-Media CMI8738, CMI8338
      - ICH         : Intel ICHx, NFORCE1/2/3
      - CS46XX      : Cirrus Logic CS4280, CS46XX
      - VIA82XX     : VIA VT82C686A/B/C, VT8233A/C, VT8235
      - ESS1938     : ESS Solo-1 (ESS 1938)
      - MAESTRO     : ESS Maestro1/2/2E, TerraTec DMX
      - MAESTRO3    : ESS Maestro3/Allegro/Canyon3D-2
      - YAMAHA      : Yamaha YMF 724/724F/740/740C/744/754
      - ENSONIQ     : Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1371/73, Creative Labs SB PCI64/128
      - ALI5451     : ALI 5451
      - TRIDENT     : Trident 4D Wave, SI7018
Predefinito: Caricamento ed attivazione completamente automatico. Generalmente l'uso di una opzione non è raccomandato.

  - /V - Verbosità durante il caricamento
  - /C - Abilita l'uscita CD
  - /M - Abilita il microfono
  - /L - Abilita l'uscita Line-In
Predefinito: /C (Verbosità durante il caricamento; Abilita l'uscita CD)

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc libcx libgcc1 libssp libstdc++6 libstdc++ libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd

Documentazione in linea

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20220807b (7/8/2022)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20211029b (29/10/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20211023 (23/10/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210926b (26/9/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210908b (8/9/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210807b (7/8/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210713b (31/7/2021)
Arca Noae Shop v. 3.01.02 (31/7/2021) Readme/What's new
Uniaud for OS/2 Introduction ============= Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio, typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be found in modern systems with integrated audio, built during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older audio hardware. Copyrights and License ====================== Uniaud32 -------- (C) 2000-2002 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH (C) 2000-2001 Sander van Leeuwen (sandervl@xs4all.nl) (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990,2000. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David Azarewicz Uniaud32 is a derivative work of the IBM DDK. Parts of Uniaud32 copied from/inspired by the Linux ALSA project; those parts are (c) Linux ALSA maintainers. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA The source code can be retrieved from http://trac.netlabs.org/uniaud. In compliance to the GNU General Public License, the source code can of course be modified/compiled to run on other products as long as modifications will also be published as outlined in the GNU GPL. Uniaud16 -------- Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1994 - 1997. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David Azarewicz Uniaud16 is a derivative work of the IBM DDK. Uniaud16 is not GPL. Installation ============ The Uniaud distribution comes in a self executing Warpin installer package. Simply execute to install or update. The installer will automatically detect if Uniaud is already installed and will choose to either update the existing installation or create a new installation. Then simply reboot at the end of the installation. Restarting the desktop will not suffice, as the driver needs to be loaded from CONFIG.SYS. WARNING: If you are using ACPI.PSD make sure it is version 3.23.04 or later or kernel traps may occur when running these drivers. Driver Command Line Options =========================== DEVICE=x:\MMOS2\UNIAUD32.SYS /A:0 /V /C:CARDNAME - /A:n - Use audio adapter n where the first adapter is 0. - /V - Verbose DEVICE=x:\MMOS2\UNIAUD16.SYS /V /C /M /L - /V - Verbose - /C - Enable CD output - /M - Enable Microphone output - /L - Enable Line-In output Default: /C ((verbose messages; CD output enabled) Removal ======= To temporarily disable Uniaud, simply comment the following two lines in CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=x:\MMOS2\UNIAUD32.SYS DEVICE=x:\MMOS2\UNIAUD16.SYS To uninstall Uniaud two steps are required. These steps must be performed in the order shown below. 1. To remove the MMPM configuration, change directory to the following directory on your boot drive: \MMOS2\INSTALL\UNIAUD Then run uninstal.exe 2. To remove the files from your disk, run Warpin and uninstall the UNIAUD package. If there is no uninstal.exe program in \MMOS2\INSTALL\UNIAUD, or if there is no \MMOS2\INSTALL\UNIAUD directory on your system, simply re-install the latest official Uniaud Warpin package. This will create the necessary files and then you can use the above procedure to uninstall Uniaud. Getting Support and Reporting Problems ====================================== Known Problems with v3.01.xx versions ------------------------------------- * On a T-60, sound only works from a cold boot from power off. The older v2.02.06 works okay on a T-60, so if this bothers you please use the older version. More information can be found in the the Uniaud support wiki at: https://www.arcanoae.com/wiki/uniaud/ For additional information and to report problems please visit: http://trac.netlabs.org/uniaud Change Log ========== Uniaud32 v.3.01.02 24-Jul-2021 - David Azarewicz Update from Paul Smedley using audio code from Linux v5.10.50 Uniaud32 v.3.01.01 18-Mar-2021 - David Azarewicz Major update from Paul Smedley using audio code from Linux v5.10.20 Uniaud32 v.2.02.06 06-May-2020 - David Azarewicz Some minor mixer updates. Uniaud32 v.2.02.05 01-Sep-2018 - David Azarewicz Removed broken /C switch. Added ens1371 driver. Uniaud32 v.2.02.04 06-Jan-2018 - David Azarewicz Misc minor changes for specific Intel HDA systems (From Andy). Added limited MSI support. Uniaud32 v.2.02.03 08-Jun-2017 - David Azarewicz Modified adapter selection so only one adapter is selected when /A is used.
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210619b (19/6/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210528b (28/5/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 20210414b (14/4/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 21032021 (21/3/2021)
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver (6/5/2020)
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.7 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.05 (27/11/2018) Readme/What's new
Change Log ========== Uniaud32 v.2.02.05 01-Sep-2018 - David Azarewicz Removed broken /C switch. Added ens1371 driver.
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.7 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.04 (18/1/2018) Readme/What's new
================ UNIAUD CHANGELOG ================ ===== Uniaud16 1.9.6 ===== * Updated support for ACPI suspend/resume * All above changes by David Azarewicz ===== Uniaud16 1.9.5 and Uniaud32 1.9.24/2.1.1 : July 31, 2010 ===== * Added code to handle when uniaud32 processed byte counter wraps (uniaud16) * All above changes by David Azarewicz ===== Uniaud16 1.9.4 and Uniaud32 1.9.24/2.1.1 : July 27, 2010 ===== * Driver level underrun detection and attempted recovery removed from Uniaud16. * Xrun restart fixed in Uniaud32. * PCI bus scan now scans all 256 busses rather than just 16. Dynamic allocation of bus structure instead of static. Other PCI bus scan bugs fixed. (uniaud32) * Implemented wild card (PCI_ANY_ID) device matching in PCI bus scan (uniaud32) * Implemented wild card (PCI_ANY_ID) device matching in deregister driver (uniaud32) * Changed flush_workqueue to not hang on shutdown. (uniaud32) * Added mixer quirk for Intel Gateway/eMachines with STAC 922x mixer (uniaud32) * All above changes by David Azarewicz ===== 1.9.3 and 1.9.23 : July 10, 2010 ===== * Malloc fixes * Packages are now labeled with both the uniaud16 and the uniaud32 version numbers. The first is the uniaud16 version and the second is the uniaud32 version. * Improved buffer management (uniaud16) * Bug fixes in pause/resume (uniaud16) * Application level buffer underrun detection and recovery (uniaud16) * Driver level underrun detection and attempted recovery (uniaud32 and uniaud16) * Removed all debug output from release versions (uniaud16 and uniaud32) * Bug fixes for sound capture. * Various trap and hang fixes. * All above changes by David Azarewicz ===== 1.1.4RC7: November 22, 2008 ===== * Improved ACPI support, with better support for high IRQ's, [Pavel Schtemenko] * Improved interrupt handling and fixes for stream processing [Rich Jerant] * No longer leaves devices in "improper state" (ticket #102) [Paul Smedley] * Fixed trap on shutdown with SB Live (ticket #109) [Brendan Oakley] * Simplified, self-contained install, and a new uninstaller [Lars Erdmann] * Revised, and more correct and thorough "README" documentation. [Lewis Rosenthal] * No longer includes support for HDA. Please use Paul's 1.9.x Uniaud32.sys for HDA hardware. ===== 1.1.4RC6: April 6, 2008 ===== * Added ACPI support to Uniaud32. * Fixed default sample rate selection in Uniaud16 (caused silence on NVidia AC'97 and other quirks) ===== 1.1.4RC5: February 19, 2008 ===== Fixed pitch/timing problem with Intel ICH5. Fixed silence in some hardware with AC'97 codec, including: SB Live Crystal Ensoniq 1371 Buffering and sample rate adjustments. Added more files to the installation. Improvements to debug uniaud16 (distributed separately) General fixes and stability improvements ===== 1.1.4RC4: November 21, 2007 ===== Fixed loss of IRQ after suspend/resume. HDA buffering fixes Enhancements to debug logging Fixed debug uniaud16 (distributed separately) General fixes and stability improvements ===== 1.1.4RC3: August 19, 2007 ===== APM improvements HDA updates (still buggy) General fixes and stability improvements ===== 1.1.4RC2: November 26, 2006 ===== 1.Latest code for sblive cards 2.HDA works for DART (still buggy) 3.APM fixes
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.7 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.03 (26/6/2017) Readme/What's new
Change Log ========== Uniaud32 v.2.02.03 08-Jun-2017 - David Azarewicz Modified adapter selection so only one adapter is selected when /A is used.
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.7 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.02 (6/4/2017) Readme/What's new
================ UNIAUD CHANGELOG ================ ===== Uniaud16 1.9.6 ===== * Updated support for ACPI suspend/resume * All above changes by David Azarewicz
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.6 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.01.02 - BETA (23/9/2013) Readme/What's new
================ UNIAUD CHANGELOG ================ ===== Uniaud16 1.9.6 ===== * Updated support for ACPI suspend/resume * All above changes by David Azarewicz
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.6 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.01 - BETA (23/9/2013) Readme/What's new
================ UNIAUD CHANGELOG ================ ===== Uniaud16 1.9.6 ===== * Updated support for ACPI suspend/resume * All above changes by David Azarewicz
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.6 + Uniaud32 ver. 2.02.01 - BETA (23/9/2013) Readme/What's new
================ UNIAUD CHANGELOG ================ ===== Uniaud16 1.9.6 ===== * Updated support for ACPI suspend/resume * All above changes by David Azarewicz
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.5 + Uniaud32 ver. 1.9.26 (20/4/2011) Readme/What's new
Description of This Package --------------------------- This package is intended to aid in the debugging of Uniaud. It includes both the release and the debug versions of the Uniaud audio drivers (uniaud16.sys and uniaud32.sys). The production version in the Release directory is compiled without debug output statements and is intended for production use. The debug version in the Debug directory is compiled with debug output statements enabled, and is intended to be used in situations where there is a problem and additional debug information is requested from a developer. The Debug directory also contains MAP and SYM files for use with a debugger. Installation ------------ You must already have Uniaud installed to use this package. To install the debug version, simply copy the contents of the Debug directory to the \MMOS2 directory on your boot disk and reboot. For example: "copy Debug\* d:\mmos2". To install the production version, simply copy the contents of the Release directory to the \MMOS2 directory on your boot disk and reboot. For example: "copy Release\* d:\mmos2". You may wish to backup your existing uniaud16.sys and uniaud32.sys files in the \MMOS2 directory first. How to use the debug version ---------------------------- To use the debug versions, make a backup copy of your Release uniaud32.sys and uniaud16.sys and copy the debug versions in their place. They debug versions output information to the alsahlp$ log and the release versions do not. To gather all the information needed to report a problem, download UniLog.cmd from the netlabs ftp: ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/uniaud/UniLog.zip To create the log file, simply run UniLog.cmd, type a simple 1 line description of the problem, and include the resulting zip file with your problem report. To only see the alsahlp$ information yourself, you can open an OS/2 command prompt and enter: copy alsahlp$ uniaud.log However this log does not contain enough information to debug a problem, so always use the UniLog.cmd program to produce logs to include with a problem report. The Uniaud project site is http://svn.netlabs.org/uniaud. The user mailing list is uniaud-user@netlabs.org, and the developer's mailing list is uniaud-dev@netlabs.org. To subscribe, append "-subscribe" to the portion of the address before the @. The lists are archived on Gmane.org.
Trac log utility (10/3/2011) Readme/What's new
UniLog.cmd Issue Reporting Package for UNIAUD This package is for users of UNIAUD who wish to report a problem. If UNIAUD does not work correctly for you, please open a ticket at http://svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/report If you don't have a login, use guest/netlabs To create the necessary log for tracking the issue, please unzip all files in this package in a temporary directory and run UniLog.cmd. If you already have PCI.EXE installed on your system, you can copy UniLog.cmd to any directory in your PATH. UniLog.cmd creates a log file which you should attach to your Ticket in the Trac system. The most useful logs are generated with the debug build of uniaud16 and uniaud32, also available from Netlabs ftp. For problems related to specific hardware, if possible, test it under Linux. There are a number of bootable livecd's that can be used without installing anything to your hard drive. A problem which also occurs in Linux is a bug in ALSA, not in Uniaud. TIA The UNIAUD developement Team
Uniaud16 ver. 1.9.5 + Uniaud32 ver. 1.0.17 (16/7/2008)
Multichannel test (3/4/2006) Readme/What's new
Multichannel Testing tool for Uniaud Propose: This tool useful for setting up/testing multichannel environment. It requires UNIAUD audio driver and latest UNIAUD API (uniaud.dll from March 2006 or later). The tool is Presentetion Manager application. Usage: Run MULTTEST.EXE . It will open PM window with an room entire. To test separate channels just click on appropriate speaker. To test Subwoofer click on white screen. If you have multichannel card with number > 0, start the tool with command line parameter -dev<card id>: MULTTEST.EXE -dev1 This will use device number 1 To check if device support 6 channels, use UNIMIX.EXE tool: unimix.exe -pcms and check for PCM PLAY section. If you see something like: PCM dev name: [NVidia CK804] mixer [subdevice #0] PLAY streams: 1 channels: from 2 to 6 rates: from 48000 to 96000 then you lucky sotb! :) Problems: The tool doesnt work (and never will) with MMOS2/DART. The tool works only with 6 channels environment The tool tested only with Nvidia4/Cmedia-MC6/SB Live! If something wrong, run "MULTTEST.EXE > out.log" then send me out.log file Contacts: Vlad Stelmahovsky aka Vladest vladest@netlabs.org Thank you for your cooperation (c) 5th element
Uniaud, Universal Audio Driver v. 1.1.2 (29/12/2004, InnoTek)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 05/02/2025 - 06:23

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