Rxmous è una semplice DLL per mouse disponibile in REXX, con codice sorgente in C, ritorna la posizione del puntatore del mouse in una schermata di testo.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
Rxmous v. Release 2 (23/5/2019, Frank Beythien) | Readme/What's new |
Rxmous is a simple OS/2 DLL for providing screen positions on text screens to
REXX programs.
I created it, as the existing REXXmous.dll did not work as expected.
Probably this was caused by the used programming language VP (Virtual Pascal).
So I took the logic over to C, and it worked without further changes.
The other template was rxdllkit.
Changes: doubleclick detected and reported optionally
call clickpos() no dblclick detected/reported
call clickpos('D') report dblclick
single buttonclick 1 reporting is
delayed for dblclick detection
Return values:
row column button timestamp
0 0 0 0 if no button pressed
6 42 1 1234565 for single button 1 click
6 42 D 1234567 for button 1 double click (if enabled)
6 42 2 1234567 button 2
6 42 3 1234567 button 3
Included files:
Rxmous.rme This file
Rxmous.c source code
Rxmous.obj object code (output from wcc386)
Rxmous.dll DLL (output from wlink)
Rxmous.lnk wlink control file
Rxmous.map wlink map output file
Rxmouscl.cmd batch file for compile and link
Rxmoustd.cmd REXX testfile for Rxmous.dll with doubleclick
Rxmoustt.cmd REXX testfile for Rxmous.dll without doublclick |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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