Rollball è un semplice gioco per OS/2 ver. 2.0 (non per 1.x). L'obiettivo è quello di rotolare una palla per guadagnare punti, senza cadere nei fori.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
RollBall v. 1.00 (23/1/2017, A. Doff) | Readme/What's new |
RollBall Version 1.00, 2017 (25th anniversary)
Silver jubilee edition of RollBall, which required a slow computer to work. The game is changed. Now the speed of the ball increases slowly, to make certain death a more likely event. Source included. Shareware claims removed. RollBall is not the best game ever, but at least it's working again. The goal of the simple game is to roll a ball to earn points, without it falling into one of the holes.
- It's anything but a must-have game, but the original author is responsible for over 99% of the code, and changing 1%
is not a big deal. Nevertheless the changed 1% changed the game.
- Documentation changed, updated and mixed with old documentation.
- Hi-res timer used (may not work with OS/2 2.0 anymore).
- Made certain death more likely ny increasing the ball's speed, based on the number of times of points scored so far.
- "Shareware Game": shared game.
- Build environment IBM VisualAge C++.
- BUILD.CMD instead of ROLLBALL.MAK, it's a simple project.
- lxLite is used too, but not in BUILD.CMD.
- UI improved, updated and repaired.
- Version changed to 1.00.
- The game no longer requires an Intel 80386 CPU with a specific speed. The original DosSleep(0) was far too fast. An
inspiring DosSleep(1) was too slow. Multiplying the speed of the ball by 2 works, after some modifications, works, but
then the certain death is sort of missing.
- Abandoned: error checking. |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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