Simple DirectMedia Layer

2.28.1 & 1.2.15
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 4 Agosto, 2008



Simple DirectMedia Layer è una libreria multimediale cross-platform disegnata per fornire accesso a basso livello ad audio, tastiera, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, e 2D video framebuffer. E' utilizzata da software di riproduzione MPEG, emulatori, e molti altri giochi popolari come ad esempio il port Linux di "Civilization: Call To Power".

Questo software è distribuito con due modalità:
  • come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente;
  • come pacchetto RPM, installabile tramite il gestore pacchetti rpm preferito, che provvederà a scaricare e installare sia il software che gli eventuali prerequisiti.
Scegli la modalità di installazione che preferisci, tenendo conto del fatto che non tutte le versioni del software sono disponibili per entrambe le modalità.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

SDL2-2.28.1-1.oc00 (09/08/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
This is a list of major changes in SDL's version history. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.28.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General: * Added SDL_HasWindowSurface() and SDL_DestroyWindowSurface() to switch between the window surface and rendering APIs * Added a display event SDL_DISPLAYEVENT_MOVED which is sent when the primary monitor changes or displays change position relative to each other * Added the hint SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD to control whether the on-screen keyboard should be shown when text input is active --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please distribute this file with the SDL runtime environment: The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL for short) is a cross-platform library designed to make it easy to write multi-media software, such as games and emulators. The Simple DirectMedia Layer library source code is available from: This library is distributed under the terms of the zlib license:
SDL2-debuginfo-2.28.1-1.oc00 (09/08/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2-devel-2.28.1-1.oc00 (09/08/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL2-static-2.28.1-1.oc00 (09/08/2023)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_mixer-2.0.4-3.oc00 (11/06/2021)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_mixer-devel-2.0.4-3.oc00 (11/06/2021)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL2_mixer-debuginfo-2.0.4-3.oc00 (11/06/2021)
SDL2_net-debuginfo-2.0.1-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_ttf-2.0.15-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
This library is a wrapper around the excellent FreeType 2.0 library, available at: This library allows you to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. To make the library, first install the FreeType library, then type './configure' then 'make' to build the SDL truetype library and the showfont and glfont example applications. Be careful when including fonts with your application, as many of them are copyrighted. The Microsoft fonts, for example, are not freely redistributable and even the free "web" fonts they provide are only redistributable in their special executable installer form (May 1998). There are plenty of freeware and shareware fonts available on the Internet though, and may suit your purposes. This library is under the zlib license, see the file "COPYING.txt" for details. Portions of this software are copyright © 2013 The FreeType Project ( All rights reserved. Enjoy! -Sam Lantinga <> (6/20/2001) 2.0.15: Sam Lantinga - Fri Oct 26 13:26:54 PDT 2018 * Updated to FreeType version 2.9.1 Sam Lantinga - Sun Sep 10 00:18:45 PDT 2017 * Text rendering functions now use the alpha component of the text colors Sam Lantinga - Sat Sep 9 22:21:55 PDT 2017 * Added support for characters greater than 0xFFFF (e.g. emoji) in the UTF-8 APIs
SDL2_ttf-devel-2.0.15-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL2_ttf-debuginfo-2.0.15-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_gfx-docs-1.0.4-1.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_gfx-1.0.4-1.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_gfx-devel-1.0.4-1.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL2_gfx-debuginfo-1.0.4-1.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_net-2.0.1-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL_net 2.0 The latest version of this library is available from: This is an example portable network library for use with SDL. It is available under the zlib license, found in the file COPYING.txt. The API can be found in the file SDL_net.h This library supports UNIX, Windows, MacOS Classic, MacOS X, BeOS and QNX. The demo program is a chat client and server. The chat client requires the sample GUI library available at: The chat client connects to the server via TCP, registering itself. The server sends back a list of connected clients, and keeps the client updated with the status of other clients. Every line of text from a client is sent via UDP to every other client. Note that this isn't necessarily how you would want to write a chat program, but it demonstrates how to use the basic features of the network library. Enjoy! -Sam Lantinga and Roy Wood 2.0.1: Mārtiņš Možeiko - Fri Sep 27 23:26:33 2013 * Fixed returning all IP addresses from SDLNet_GetLocalAddresses() on Windows
SDL2_net-devel-2.0.1-2.oc00 (20/10/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL2_image-2.0.5-5.oc00 (04/09/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_image-debuginfo-2.0.5-5.oc00 (04/09/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL2_image-devel-2.0.5-5.oc00 (04/09/2020)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL-1.2.15-5.oc00 (30/06/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL-debuginfo-1.2.15-5.oc00 (30/06/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL-devel-1.2.15-5.oc00 (30/06/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL_ttf-devel-2.0.11-2.oc00 (14/04/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable (note: development files, not needed by the end user)
SDL_ttf-2.0.11-2.oc00 (14/04/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable
SDL_ttf-debuginfo-2.0.11-2.oc00 (14/04/2016)
Repository: Netlabs stable

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP : scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc libgcc1 libssp libstdc++6 libstdc++ libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.15 (5/10/2020, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.15 (Source code, 5/10/2020, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 2.0.4 (7/9/2020, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 2.0.4 (7/9/2020, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 2.0.4 (Source code, 7/9/2020, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.15 (3/3/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 2.0.4 (25/2/2016, Andrey Vasilkin)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.14 (17/3/2010, Doodle)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.14 (6/11/2009, Doodle)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.14 (6/11/2009, T. Ebisawa)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.13 (6/5/2009, Doodle)
Simple DirectMedia Layer v. 1.2.10 (4/8/2008, Doodle)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 01/03/2025 - 21:56

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