
2.2.0 & 2.1.15
Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 16 Agosto, 1997



Port del comando "which" per UNIX: riporta il percorso completo del comando/file o l'alias di shell in uso. Port di differenti autori.

Questo software è distribuito con due modalità:
  • come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente;
  • come pacchetto RPM, installabile tramite il gestore pacchetti rpm preferito, che provvederà a scaricare e installare sia il software che gli eventuali prerequisiti.
Scegli la modalità di installazione che preferisci, tenendo conto del fatto che non tutte le versioni del software sono disponibili per entrambe le modalità.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

which-1.0-2.oc00 (08/02/2017)
Repository: Netlabs stable(link is external)

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc emxrt

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Which (17/9/2024, Anton Monroe) Readme/What's new
which.btm is a "which" utility for 4OS2. An improved version of the which.btm written by Mike Bessy. It will evaluate a command and tell if it is an alias, 4OS2 batchfile, internal command, external command, Rexx script, etc. Also resolves symbolic links. Includes an experimental UNKNOWN_CMD alias that can let 4OS2 resolve and run symlinks. ------------------------------------------------------------- which.btm resolves a given command and tells you if it is an 4OS2 alias, internal command, external command, or directory and shows its full path. It also resolves symbolic links. Usage: which.btm <command> [-debug] unknown_cmd.btm is something I have been experimenting with. It may or may not turn out to be useful. It will resolve a symlink and run the file that the link points to. To use it you must define the UNKNOWN_CMD alias, as in alias unknown_cmd=F:\sys\apps\4OS2\unknown_cmd.btm Then if you type awk 4OS2 will not find a command called awk.exe, so it will pass "awk" to unknown_cmd.btm, which resolves the symlink and calls gawk.exe. 'date' is an internal 4OS2 command. But if you quote it "date" 4OS2 will bypass the internal command and look for an external command called 'date.exe'. If 4OS2 doesn't find date.exe in the %path, it passes it on to unknown_cmd.btm, which resolves the symlink \usr\bin\date to its target, \usr\libexec\bin\date.exe, and runs it. It also works for Unix-style shell scripts, so if the script /usr/bin/foo starts with "#!/bin/sh", you can run it by typing "foo". It is not perfect. If you want to tinker with it, you should read the comments at the beginning of unknown_cmd.btm to understand its limitations. realname.btm is needed by unknown_cmd.btm. It must be somewhere in your %path. Anton Monroe Suggestions and bug reports are welcome
 www.hobbesarchive.com/Hobbes/pub/os2/util/shell/Which_Btm.zip(link is external)  local copy
Which v. 2.1.5 (5/2/2016, KO Myung-Hun)
 hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/util/disk/which215.zip(link is external)
Which v. 2.20 (12/2/2012, Mentore Siesto)
 hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/util/disk/which-2_20_os2.zip(link is external)
Which v. 16081997 (16/8/1997, Brian Havard) Readme/What's new
An implementation of the classic which command. Tells you the full path of the program that will be run if you enter a certain command. OS/2, DOS and Win32 executables are all included.
 silk.apana.org.au/download/which.zip(link is external)  local copy
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 24/09/2024 - 20:12

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