
Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 30 Marzo, 2019



Authors/Port authors:

DOSBox è un emulatore che utilizza le librerie SDL ed emula le CPU 286/386 in modalità reale e protetta, directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, schede video Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA e schede sonore SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound per un ottima compatibilità con i vecchi giochi. E' disponibile anche una comoda interfaccia grafica per la configurazione.

DOSBox è un valore aggiunto per OS/2: il sistema operativo infatti supporta già nativamente la virtualizzazione del Sistema Operativo DOS e dell'ambiente grafico Microsoft Windows 3.x e la quasi totalità del software scritto per questi sistemi/ambienti è tranquillamente eseguibile con la tecnologia nativa OS/2, potrebbero fare eccezione una minoranza di programmi che necessitavano di ulteriori sviluppi dell' API Win32 per Win-OS2 e programmi dipendenti da hardware specifico.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Disponibile sia in formato ZIP che WarpIN:

  • scaricare il pacchetto ZIP in una cartella temporanea e scompattarlo nella cartella di destinazione;
  • il pacchetto WarpIN è autoinstallante.

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (24/1/2021, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (24/1/2021, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (4/11/2020, Jochen Schäfer)
Installer for DosBox v. 0.74 (4/11/2020, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (6/6/2020, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (6/6/2020, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (WarpIN installer, 30/3/2019, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (30/3/2019, Jochen Schäfer)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (17/3/2019, Jochen Schäfer) Readme/What's new
Building DOSBOX with OS/2 Required: - GCC 3.x. I used the Innotek GCC 3.3.5 compiler. - Latest SDL development package. Optional: - libncurses. If you want to use the internal DOSBOX debugger, you'll need this lib. The existing pre-built binaries will not work with GCC 3.3.5. You have to do it yourself. It's tough, but doable. To build use the included makefile.os2. The following targets exist. all: Builds dosbox.exe. dosbox*.exe: If you use the name of one of the different binary versions, it's built for you. The names are dosbox.exe, dosboxd.exe, dosboxhd.exe being the non-debugging binaries without and with internal DOSBOX debugger support (dosboxd and dosboxhd). The debugging binaries add a suffix of "_d" to the filename, e.g. dosboxd_d.exe being the debugging version including the normal DOSBOX debugger. package: Builds all versions of the dosbox binary. clean: Removes all binaries and object files. cleanpackage: Removes the object files, but not the binaries. If you have problems with building DOSBOX, please contact me: josch (at)
Dosbox/2 v. 0.74 (WarpIN installer, 17/3/2019, Jochen Schäfer) Readme/What's new
Building DOSBOX with OS/2 Required: - GCC 3.x. I used the Innotek GCC 3.3.5 compiler. - Latest SDL development package. Optional: - libncurses. If you want to use the internal DOSBOX debugger, you'll need this lib. The existing pre-built binaries will not work with GCC 3.3.5. You have to do it yourself. It's tough, but doable. To build use the included makefile.os2. The following targets exist. all: Builds dosbox.exe. dosbox*.exe: If you use the name of one of the different binary versions, it's built for you. The names are dosbox.exe, dosboxd.exe, dosboxhd.exe being the non-debugging binaries without and with internal DOSBOX debugger support (dosboxd and dosboxhd). The debugging binaries add a suffix of "_d" to the filename, e.g. dosboxd_d.exe being the debugging version including the normal DOSBOX debugger. package: Builds all versions of the dosbox binary. clean: Removes all binaries and object files. cleanpackage: Removes the object files, but not the binaries. If you have problems with building DOSBOX, please contact me: josch (at)
Installer for DosBox v. 0.74 (4/7/2017, Jochen Schäfer)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 17/09/2021 - 19:10

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